October 31, 2019

Make Money Blogging Podcast Series Summary [October]

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The best time to start a blog was 15 years ago… the second-best time is right now.

If you’ve followed Make Time Online for any length of time, you’ve probably heard me shout the benefits of starting a blog before…

  • It’s possible to create passive income (do work once and get paid over and over again… there are loads of ways to monetise a blog)
  • You can promote any business you currently have (see my chat with Riaz for more on this)
  • It’s possible to create a business around something you enjoy doing
  • Start making money in a way that suits the life you want to live, rather than the other way around
  • There’s no limit to the income you can achieve (check out my chat with Jeff and Ben from Dollarsprout… they make $240k a month!)
  • It’s fun!

This podcast sums up the “make money blogging” podcast series. Particularly, my chats with Alex from Create and Go (Part 1, Part 2) and Paul “Scrivs” Scrivens from Dare to Conquer (Part 1, Part 2).

In case you don’t know these guys, they make over $1 million a year from their blogs! And they help others learn how to make money blogging with courses like Create and Go’s Launch Your Blog Biz.. #theyknowwhattheyaredoing

Listen on Apple Podcasts/ Google Podcasts

Make Money Blogging Podcast Series Summary

You can get the nitty-gritty by clicking the links to the chats with these guys at the top of these show notes.

But to sum up the main 5 takeaways from this make money blogging podcast series:

  1. Find what people are already searching for online (and write about that)
  2. Solve one problem for your audience. Can you help take them on a transformation i.e. lose 10 pounds in 21 days
  3. FOCUS! Learn one thing at a time and avoid those shiny objects.
  4. Get traffic to your blog. Use one tool to help and do it better than others
  5. Track key data once you have traffic (what do people look at most)

But remember, don’t overcomplicate things!

Get started & take small actions every day.

What Was Your Main Takeaway From the Make Money Blogging Podcast Series?

Drop a comment below with your main takeaway from the chats with Alex or Scrivs. Was there something else you picked up on? Is there something you’d like to know more about? Have you started a blog?

Feel free to drop a link below and share your own blog!

Keep changing for the better


P.S. Check out the Blog Income Reports Study- How the 7 Best Niches Make Money. Some of the stats in there will blow your mind!

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About the Author

Mike Beatty has built a passive income online whilst working as a full-time PE teacher without any marketing or technical experience. Learn more about how he's done it here.

Mike Beatty

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  1. Well! since podcasting is becoming very popular and almost getting the fame of blogging normally, I figure that it could be an effective way to single out my blog by majoring my focus on podcating. Most people are getting it wrong because they lack all these simple steps that you have listed here and i can surely say that this is worthy. Thanks for sharing

    1. Very true Rodarrick. It is amazing how a podcast can help your blog simultaneously too! The tips Alex and Paul share are mainly for bloggers but can be applied to any online marketer really, you make a good point!

  2. My main takeaway from this list is to focus and to learn one thing at a time while trying to avoid shiny objects. In truth, focus is needed to ensure that the determination is unshakable but then, without properly learning and knowing what works well and how to go about what works, it might be hard to keep being focused because all these shinny objects can really make one try various things and end up being scammed. So, I learnt that I should give my attention to training and learn the vital things. with time, everything else would fall in place.

    1. Awesome Ramos!

      I couldn’t agree more. Focus is so key for success online as there are so many shiny objects out there (often scams too!)

      Follow One Course Until Successful 

      (Then you can do something else!)

  3. Great post you have here and I truly fancy it. Indeed, your conversation shared a lot of information because of your experts opinions on the places that you work as an expert. While following the ideas shared in the podcast, I realized that it is much advantageous to focus on solving one problem for the audience at a time. Identify there biggest issues, and take them on a journey to solving it. Wow! that would literally create a sort of bond between you too.

    1. Thanks, Bella, yep I completely agree. That is probably the biggest takeaway. 

      Solve one problem for your audience and you’ll do well from a blog

  4. Thanks Mike! You always provide so much valuable information. I have to admit – I chase too many shiny things. My new goal is to focus on one thing at a time until I master that, then go to the next one thing. Multitasking and chasing new things is a hard addiction to break.

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