October 10, 2019

3 Worst Mistakes Bloggers Make & How to Fix Them- Alex Nerney From Create & Go [Part 2]

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In the spirit of full transparency, know that this podcast show notes with Alex Nerney from Create and Go contains affiliate links. This means if you make a purchase through these links, I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. Click here to read the full disclosure policy.

Alex Nerney Create and Go podcast

You probably agree that creating a blog is really creating an online business.

Some people don’t look at it this way as it seems too daunting.

Alex Nerney from Create and Go is on the podcast today to chat about:

  • The worst mistakes bloggers make
  • How Alex chipped his tooth by travelling at over 75 kph on a volcano
  • How he always knows exactly what the right thing to do for his business is
  • The pieces of advice he would give himself if he could go back in time

This is part 2 of the chat. If you’d like to hear how he created a 6 figure blog within one year then check out part 1 here.

#1 Fall for The Shiny Object Syndrome!

If you are like me, then you certainly know how this shiny object syndrome may feel!

There is so much on the Internet that it’s impossible to avoid the next best thing since sliced bread.

But there is a solution!

Alex read a book explaining how Warren Buffet and Bill Gates were in an interview.

They were asked a simple question…

“What is the number one reason that you had success?”

After 3 they both had to answer.

They hadn’t discussed it.

And do you know what they said?


It’s easy to dip in a take a bit of information from a lot of people.


But few people focus.

Few people become a “disciple” to one person (or a team). If you can do this you increase your chances of success tremendously!

#2 Not Becoming an Expert in One Thing

It’s very easy to want to talk about everything that you are interested in.

The issue with this online is that you confuse… everyone!

Including Google and all the fancy algorithms.

The way blogging is moving is for people to become an expert in one singular thing.

A simple statement you can answer to work this out is…

I help “BLANK” to “BLANK”.

i.e. I help women to lose weight by using the Keto diet.

#3 The Wrong Mindset

“Here’s what to do” is important.

But so is the mindset.

In fact, it’s probably more important.


You can get the “what to do” from so many different people (remember it’s better to just pick one though). Implementing it day in day out is much harder.

Make sure you feed positive thoughts into your mind each day.

Related content:

Top 3 Tips For Himself If Alex Could Go Back in Time

The answer to this question always amazes me.

You can get some real pieces of wisdom and Alex did not fail to deliver.

  1. Narrow in on your target audience (solve one problem in other people’s lives)
  2. Trust yourself
  3. You’re going to make it

Imagine your future successful self speaking to you right now.

How reassuring would it be if they could tell you these 3 things?

Best Experiences Since Blogging

Alex and Lauren have had some great experiences since they started.

This is often the big “why” for many people starting in the online world.

Here are some of Alex’s favourites:

  1. Waking up when he wants and drinking his coffee in peace
  2. Buying organic food!
  3. Travelling at 75 kph volcano-boarding in Nicaragua
  4. Machu Pichu in Peru
  5. Authentic experiences in unique cultures (Portugal, Cusco in Peru etc.)

Do you see how living life on his own terms is far more important than living a fancy flashy life?

Create and Go’s Mission

To provide all the steps to help people make money online.

Alex wants to help people live their life on their own terms. He’s not so fussed about making people millionaires.

If you have a blog that is already generating traffic and you’re making some money from it then you may be interested in checking out Create and Go’s “Six-Figure Blogger” course.

This course is perfect if you’re looking to create your first product and automating the sales process.

There are 8 people that are now 6 figure bloggers that have taken this course!

Podcast Transcript


Here are some ways to get in contact with Alex or see more about his online businesses:

The website Create and Go (how to start a blog & make money blogging)

Create and Go Facebook Group

Create and Go YouTube

If you’d like to see all of Create and Go’s courses available then click here.

As Alex says it’s best to choose one person to learn from and stick with it. If you feel like you could learn to create the online business you want from Alex & Lauren then definitely check out their courses.

Alex Nerney From Create and Go- 6 Figure Bloggers Summary

Here are my 5 takeaways from this chat with Alex:

  1. No one cares about your fancy ideas (find what people are looking for already)
  2. Solve one problem… really well
  3. Focus. Use one training program from one “guru” until you achieve what you want
  4. Pinterest is just a tool to get traffic. If it disappears there’s always another one
  5. Track data (what posts get the most traffic, what opt-ins get the highest conversions, what emails get read the most?)

What was your main takeaway from this chat? Drop a comment below!

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About the Author

Mike Beatty has built a passive income online whilst working as a full-time PE teacher without any marketing or technical experience. Learn more about how he's done it here.

Mike Beatty

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  1. Thanks for the insightful information! I’m a student from Lauren & Alex’s 6-Figure Blogger Course. To be honest, they did solve a problem well – show the newbie the formula to get 6 – figure income from blogging. Now it’s our turn: execution. This article help me in executing their 6-figure income strategy better!

    1. Thanks for stopping by Sky! You’re spot on there, it certainly is all about execution. Keep avoiding those shiny objects and focus on what you need to do 😉

  2. Mindset is actually the part where I lost it all because when i first started with the making money online world, it was very difficult to just get it right. I thought I would ave it easier but it was not easy at all. But with dedication and commitment, I was able to scale to the top and I can develop myself more. Also, falling for shinny object is almost unavoidable for anyone but the only way to get away from this is to always keep the emotion in check.

    1. Great points made there Rodarrick!

      Mindset is possibly the most important factor in any business. Spending the time to work on that and get it right every day is more important than anything else! I really liked that Alex mentioned going for walks without listening to anything. I find that really helps me too

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