September 7, 2019

Gold Opinions Insider Review- Legit Money Opportunity or Scam?

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In the spirit of full transparency, know that this Gold Opinions review contains affiliate links. This means if you make a purchase through these links, I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. In fact, you will often receive a discount or bonus signing up fee! Click here to read my full disclosure policy.

Gold Opinions review

You probably agree that you have some spare moments each month where you could earn some extra pocket money if you used your time more wisely.

Most people think that’s really hard and can only be accomplished through extra jobs or side hustles. However, survey sites have changed the game for those of us looking to make a few extra dollars each day.

This Gold Opinions review will expose the truth behind the website, explaining our own personal story about using the company. It will also provide some of our own recommendations that we have since discovered (but wish we found sooner!)

Gold Opinions Review- The Overview and Rankings

  • Name: Gold Opinions
  • Owners: Paul Parker (Not really though- 0 out of 100)
  • Website URL:
  • Type: Survey Site Intermediary
  • Success Stories: 0 out of 100
  • Price: Free $1 7 Day Trial & $27/ month
  • Rating: 0 out of 100

Pros and Cons


  • 60-Day money-back guarantee (but not really…)


  • Unrealistic promises
  • The owner is unknown
  • Absolutely no legit surveys sent through
  • Same website as other online scams

My Story With Gold Opinions

So back in 2018 my wife Sarah and I were trying out some online survey companies.

Because we were living in Qatar, we were finding it pretty hard to find any that could work there or that actually paid any money.

So we did what anyone would do…

Googled loads of different survey sites…

Enter Gold Opinions.

Gold Opinions review

Well, that sounded pretty promising!

And the thing that made it seem like it may suit us was that it was a “paid to play” survey site.

Surely that means premium?

Gold Opinions review

Boy, were we wrong!

As you read the rest of this Gold Opinions review, you will find out the truth behind the website and some alternative recommendations we have since found.

What Does Gold Opinions Do?

Supposedly Gold Opinions sends you paid survey opportunities.

It seems like a great way to make sure that you can make some dollars for sharing your opinions whenever you have a few spare moments i.e. lunch break, travelling, watching TV, waiting in a queue etc.

Gold Opinions review

What you are promised and what you actually get are two completely separate things though!

What do You Get With Gold Opinions?


Here is what you are promised though…

Gold Opinions review

Whilst it may seem like a great idea to get paid for sharing your opinions, Gold Opinions does not help you do this in any way!

Is Gold Opinions a Scam?

The short answer is yes.

The long answer is below…

There are two main ways an online course can be a scam:

  1. Take your money and run off into the sunset, never to be heard from again
  2. Provide some information but it doesn’t live up to their promises

To be honest this scam pretty much covers both of these options.


If you’d like to learn more “Ways to Spot an Online Marketing Scam” then click the highlighted text.

Related content:

Gold Opinions Red Flags

As you continue to read this Gold Opinions review, you will learn exactly why it is a scam.

Key Terms:

  • Black Hat Methods – Using lies and unethical methods to make someone buy something
  • White Hat Methods – Being honest and genuine to help people make informed decisions about purchases
  • Red Flag – A warning sign

#1 Gold Opinions is Not a Paid Survey Site

It’s really just a middle man.

All Gold Opinions does is recommend you sign up to other survey sites.


I’m still not sure how they can justify the $27 a month price tag!

#2 Clickbank Product… But Really Hard to Claim Your Money Back

So we knew it came with a 60-day money-back guarantee, which is actually why we genuinely considered it in the first place.


We decided not to join the program.

It just seemed a bit fishy to use… but…

Somehow we got signed up under Sarah’s name and neither of us realised for 40 days.

Sarah got in touch with the website straight away when she saw the charge on her bank card.

We heard nothing back, life got in the way & we forgot for a while (I’m fairly sure this is how they make a lot of their money!)

But this was the response…

Gold Opinions review
Basically they couldn’t do anything because it didn’t show on their system.

It was such a pain to cancel, let alone get any refund.

It took a total of 5 emails over the space of 3 months (there is no phone number to call) to just stop more money coming out of our account.

If you do need to cancel go straight to Clickbank. Gold Opinions don’t seem to have customer service at all.

Money-back guarantee?…

Not so much!

#3 It Doesn’t Do ANYTHING!

So whilst we were struggling to get any contact from Gold Opinions we figured we may as well try and use the service that we were now paying for

However, they didn’t send ANY surveys through.

As you can see from above the only contact we had from Gold Opinion was an email once a month to tell us we were charged.

#4 Duplicated Website Sales Page

The funny thing was I felt like I had seen this website before.

It wasn’t until researching more about the company for this review did I realise why…

Gold Opinions review

The sales page is almost identical to other online scams such as:

Tutor Jobs Online and Gaming Jobs Online.

Do you notice the similarities?

  • The layout with a video in the corner,
  • the “as seen on” section
  • “$8,000,000 is the amount our happy members have been paid to date…”

If this isn’t suspicious then I’m not sure what is.

#5 Unknown Founder

Paul Parker is the supposed CEO.

There is no information on Paul Parker, but is there any wonder if they have different names on every product?

Gold Opinions review

But all of that on top of the fact that…

#6 No Genuine Reviews With any Proof

Have you ever found a legitimate online company?

Any good company or online training program will have loads of reviews online with people showing the proof of the product.

In fact, bad companies will often have this (without the proof).

Grace $40k
This is a review from a legit online program

One of the big red flags is that there are no legit reviews providing any more proof that Gold Opinions works.

Related content:

My Opinion of Gold Opinions

It’s not worth your time, money or anything else you can give it.

I’ve been there got the T-shirt, simply don’t do it.

Since this disaster, we have found out that it genuinely is possible to make money on survey sites by giving your opinion.

You just need to be aware of some things…

Legit Survey Recommendations

We have since discovered some legit survey sites that do pay you money (although they do not work in every country… the review below includes a list of countries you can use them in).

Here are Make Time Online’s top 5 survey site recommendations:

It’s the easiest and quickest way to make a bit of cash online and you can save loads of time by doing these 3 things:

  1. Set up a separate email address for emails
  2. Join as many good sites as possible
  3. Cash-out as soon as possible

And remember… avoid PAYING for ANY survey site EVER!!

Find out more in the best 15 survey sites to get paid real money here.

Definitely check out Rakuten, which gives you cash back just for shopping online and a $10 bonus…

Rakuten Proof

But here’s the truth.

You will only make $100-$200 per month MAX by filling out surveys (and that’s with a good system).

If you are looking at creating a passive income stream online to free up your time then maybe this will interest you…

An Evergreen Strategy That Brings You The Money

It wasn’t that long ago that I was still trying to figure out how it’s possible for people to make money online.

I also had some pretty important kickers in what I was looking for:

  1. Something I could work on part-time (I was still in a full-time job)
  2. Didn’t cost a fortune to start and maintain
  3. Didn’t need me to sell stuff to my friends and family

It was in September 2018 that I found the system that I still use today to make a passive income stream. In September 2019 I quit my $45,000 a year job to “double down” my efforts.

The best thing about it is:

  • It’s free to start
  • Customers are brought to you that are already interested (just think about how you found this review… there was no money or time spent from me promoting this!)
  • You get access to 1.5 million like-minded people in the community… and me as a personal coach to help you on your journey

When you try out this program you will see why so many people recommend it.

No credit card details required

Gold Opinions Review: The “MakeTimeOnline” Final Word

Just to summarise this Gold Opinions review…

Don’t get it!

Congratulations on taking the time to research it before diving in… I wish we did!

Oh, and if you have got it… contact Clickbank to un-get (I don’t think that’s a real word) it ASAP!

Keep changing for the better,


P.S. Since you’re still here, I’m going to assume that you are interested in making money online to free up your time. So check out my review of my #1 recommended program to help you do just that…

About the Author

Mike Beatty has built a passive income online whilst working as a full-time PE teacher without any marketing or technical experience. Learn more about how he's done it here.

Mike Beatty

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  1. Thank you for the review and keeping others of us away from something that isn’t likely to work. 

    What has been your experience with Wealthy Affiliate? Was it easy for you to learn the process and was the support good there? 

    I have seen many different affiliate sites and some of them don’t do anything other than collect your money. What is the biggest difference you see with Wealthy Affiliate?

    1. Hey Rick, 

      You are so right about so many different affiliate sites out there. The biggest difference in WA is that there is no hard sell… ever. 

      It’s basically just saying “hey this is a free account to set up free websites, if you like the training stick around… if not no hard feelings”. 

      It’s honest and so simple for anyone to follow and learn how to set up a profitable website from scratch. I could go into all the benefits but I’d recommend just reading my review or checking it out for free yourself (100% the best way to learn about it).

      I hope that helps

  2. First off, I do not like survey sites generally because it takes a very long time to make money from them and some surveys never match so now seeing that gold opinion Isa not only a survey site but a total scam is the real height of it. The owner is not transparent and they make very unrealistic claims that they never meet. Wow, people really need to know that making money online takes time and a lot of hard work. This is a very good review on gold opinions here. Nicely written.

    1. I totally agree. 

      What I have realised is that legit survey sites do offer some quick cash to people that need something in the bank by the end of the week, without any need to create a website/ learn anything too crazy etc. 

      But scams like this are just so frustrating. 

  3. Wow! These is very bad. There are a lot of scam platforms in the internet lately and i have also had a lot of bad experiences with them. Unfortunately, this Gold opinion platform is the worse I have heard of and its really disturbing to known that there is no online regulatory board that can screen this scam platforms out of the internet. Thanks for sharing your experience and I really feel sorry for that. Thanks for sharing this helpful review….I’m grateful.

    1. Hi Willy, 

      Thanks for that. 

      Yeah it is a shame these kinds of companies still exist. I just can’t believe how much money they managed to keep from us in the end for doing nothing. It’s mad!

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