June 20, 2019

Mike’s Values Rant… Plus, Find Out the Future of Make Time Online

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MTO20- Mike’s values rant show notes and the future of Make Time Online. 

You probably already know that recognising your most important values is crucial to living a life that you love. 

However, most people aren’t really sure what their main values are. By watching the short Tony Robbins YouTube video, you can see what 6 main values drive human beings. 

This podcast discusses why so many people may not realise what they place importance on. Plus it will share the future of the show with you. SPOILER ALERT… I need your help!

The 6 Values

As you listen to this podcast you will realise the 6 main values that most humans will have:

  1. Certainty 
  2. Uncertainty
  3. Significance
  4. Love
  5. Growth
  6. Contribution

However, it may be a surprise what most of us rank as the most important.

Listen in to find out: 

  • What most people value the most 
  • What to do to realign your values 

If you’d like more information on how to create your own personal mission statement using your values then check out “How to Write a Personal Mission Statement in 3 Steps”

The Video

Here is the video by Tony Robbins that is talked about in the podcast. 

It will certainly make you think and question what is most important to you.

The Future of Make Time Online

So I am taking a year off work next year to concentrate fully on growing this online business. The whole point of this website and podcast is to help you live life on your own terms and make money online to free up your time. 

However, for it to be successful I need to hear from you.

I want to create content that helps you the most. 


Here are some questions that may help you answer this:

  1. Are you finding it hard to increase your blog traffic? Check out my chat with Ben and Jeff for more info on “How They Used Pinterest to Create a 240k/ Month Online Business
  2. Would you like short specific tips on the podcast i.e. email marketing, blog traffic, affiliate marketing tips etc. Check out “How to Invest in Index Funds” and “Affiliate Marketing Online: The Secrets Revealed
  3. Do you get more value from the longer format interviews diving in deeper into people’s lives who are living life on their own terms? Check out my chat with Grant Sabatier about “How to Earn $50,000 in 4 Days“. 
  4. Would you like to hear more about investing in UK property and how it’s possible to do from outside the UK? Check out my chat with “Tej from Tej Talks” 
  5. Do you want to hear other ways to make money online to free up your time? Check out “How Rob from Flea Market Flippers has Over $100k of Inventory from a Chair Found in the Trash“.

I can be your own guinea pig to work these things out for you, share my own personal experience and find people that know the answers to your questions. 

So feel free to use me and drop a comment below to let me know what you want to know more about. 


Rank your values in order:

  1. Certainty 
  2. Uncertainty
  3. Significance
  4. Love
  5. Growth
  6. Contribution

Really think about what it has been in the past and what you want your top two values to be and why.

Future of Make Time Online- Summary

Give me your honest opinion about the podcast, do you prefer the longer in-depth chats or do you get more from the specific topics covered?

Don’t forget to drop me a comment with anything you want to learn more about or what you are currently trying out.

Keep changing for the better,


P.S. If you are interested in making money online to free up your time, check out this 1-minute video to see more information about my #1 recommended program

Wealthy Affiliate Short Video

About the Author

Mike Beatty has built a passive income online whilst working as a full-time PE teacher without any marketing or technical experience. Learn more about how he's done it here.

Mike Beatty

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  1. Hello, thank you for giving us the opportunity to ask an open question through this comment section on what we are having problems with and what I personally want you to talk about. Please, I have been ranking well on google before but all of a sudden, I stopped getting ranked at all. Please can you talk more on Google’s ranking algorithm and how frequently it changes and the things I can do to get me to be ranked on google. Thanks

    1. No problem at all. 

      I will certainly look into these changes. From what I understand about Google is that they are constantly trying to make their algorithm suit human interactions (rather than robots). 

      Years ago people used to easily “keyword stuff” (chuck a load of words that people search for on Google) and still get ranked on page one. 

      People also used to create multiple websites and have them all linking back to each other to increase their backlinks. 

      Google has become much smarter and websites that do this get penalised. 

      Moving forward it’s all about great content. If you continually write great posts that people read, share and interact with (comment) then Google will reward these sites with page 1 rankings. 

      A podcast on this is certainly not a bad idea, so thanks for asking.


  2. This really is a fantastic post, I am in the process of building my own online affiliate marketing business, I am having trouble getting traffic to my website, so I will be checking out your chat with Ben and Jeff, I do have a Pinterest account but I feel absolutely sure I’m not getting the best out of it, I really do need some tips and ideas, I have bookmarked your website so I can keep coming back for more helpful information, thank you for sharing, I feel sure I will be successful eventually.

    1. Hey Russ, thanks for stopping by.

      Pinterest really is one of the fastest (and free) ways of getting traffic. There certainly is a learning curve to it though, it’s not quite as easy as it once was. I hope the free Pinterest course can help 

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