April 15, 2021

CB Passive Income Review: Scam or Easy Money Opportunity?

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In the spirit of full transparency, know that this CB Passive Income review contains affiliate links. This means if you make a purchase through these links, I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. In fact, you will often receive a discount or bonus signing up fee! Click here to read my full disclosure policy.

CB Passive Income Review

You probably agree that making passive income online is what many people dream about.

But knowing where to start and who to trust online can be a big challenge in itself. Patric Chan promises you this is the system you have been looking for.

In this CB Passive Income review, you will learn the truth about the program to help you decide if it is right for you.

CB Passive Income Review- The Overview and Rankings

  • Name: CB Passive Income
  • Owners: Patric Chan (92 out of 100)
  • Website URL: cbpassiveincome.com
  • Type: Affiliate Marketing on ClickBank
  • Training: 65 out of 100
  • Success Stories: 70 out of 100
  • Price: $497 + Upsells
  • Maketimeonline.com Rating: 76 out of 100

CB Passive Income Pros and Cons


  • Automated sales funnel that has been proven to work
  • Patric Chan is legit and very honest about the program’s flaws
  • Detailed webinar to learn what you will do with the system
  • You can see the behind the scenes of a successful marketing funnel
  • 30-day Money-back guarantee
  • Email marketing is how most online marketers make most of their money


  • You need to send all the traffic to the sales landing page yourself
  • You WILL have to spend more money to get traffic
  • Restricted for ClickBank products (online marketing products on here don’t have a good reputation)
  • You cannot change the funnel or emails
  • Emails are sent from Patric Chan, so you can’t build a brand from it
  • You are completely reliant on the system provided

What does CB Passive Income do?


Apart from getting the traffic to the landing page.

If you can get people that are interested in making money online to visit the landing pages that Mr Chan has made for you, then he promises to take care of the rest.

CB Passive Income Review
Patric Chan in the Webinar

Boasting a 40% conversion rate on the landing page, Patric then has the whole email system automated to send out for you… with your affiliate links in.

This means that if someone buys a product through one of these links, you receive a commission.

Ready to make passive income online?

Hey, I’m Mike.

I created a passive income online within a year. I had no marketing skills or online experience when I started. 

Mike Beatty

Hold Up What is Affiliate Marketing

This is a great question and one you need to understand before diving into CB Passive Income.

Simply put affiliate marketing is:

Connecting a customer to a product they are looking for and receiving a commission for doing so.

This diagram may help…

WA Affiliate Marketing 4 step Process

It’s starting to sound pretty good but let’s dive in a bit deeper…

Secret #1 Use the Ready-Made 4 Step System

Patric has a proven 4 step system that he’s been using to make sales on ClickBank (a website that you can find affiliate marketing products to promote)

  1. Landing page
  2. Offer product
  3. Email sequence 1- promote the product more
  4. Email sequence 2- promote other products and add value
CB Passive Income Review

Patric has been through all the mistakes so that you don’t have to.

He has the numbers that prove it will work and is willing to share it with you when you purchase CB Passive Income.

Secret #2 Email Marketing

A massive part of this 4 step system is email marketing.

Email is still where online marketers make the majority of their profit from and Patric has supposedly figured out the perfect funnel to make affiliate sales.

Secret #3 Produce Content for the Leads

Patric says your email is your golden goose… and you must take care of it.

He has PDF reports and mini-eBooks that will then be sent out after the first email sequence.

This can then generate even more sales because not only does it have good content but the reports also have affiliate links to promotions within them.

Balance is key between the amount of promotion and content that gets sent out.

But note that there are loads of other similar courses out there such as:

Now I can almost hear your mind asking…

Is CB Affiliate Marketing a Scam?

There are two main ways an online course can be a scam:

  1. Take your money and run off into the sunset, never to be heard from again
  2. Provide some information but it doesn’t live up to their promises

It’s pretty clear that CB Passive Income is not a scam and does provide the content that Patric claims to.

However, there are some hidden truths that you need to know before making up your mind.

Just to be fully transparent with you, I have not purchased this program myself.

I have researched the website, testimonials and information on the Internet to get to the bottom of what this program genuinely does. This is because I have been burnt from similar programs in the past and I want to prevent others from making the same mistakes. If you’d like to learn more “Ways to Spot an Online Marketing Scam” then click the highlighted text.

Tired of expensive crappy Affiliate Marketing courses? Check out how I make money online here!

CB Passive Income: The Good

Here are some of the things I like about CB Passive Income…

Key Terms:

  • Black Hat Methods – Using lies and unethical methods to make someone buy something
  • White Hat Methods – Being honest and genuine to help people make informed decisions about purchases
  • Affiliate Marketing- Connecting a customer to a product they are looking for and receiving a commission for doing so
  • Red Flag – A warning sign

#1 Honest About the Flaws

Patric is upfront with you about the flaws of the program.

This shows that he is not trying to pull the wool over your eyes and trick you into buying the program.

We’ll cover these flaws later in this CB Passive Income review in more detail…

#2 Detailed Webinar

This gives you an insight into what you actually need to do when you purchase the program.

CB Passive Income Review

Patric makes it very clear that you will get all of the systems to make sales.

You will earn affiliate marketing commission using ClickBank Internet Marketing products.

But it’s up to you to get people to look at the landing pages that Patric provides.

You will need to put in time and effort (again we’ll cover this later).

#3 Mentions Secret Traffic System

Bing ads apparently have fewer compliance rules than other advertising platforms such as Google or Facebook.

This is good that Patric acknowledges the challenge of getting traffic to the landing pages.

Also, the challenge of avoiding being seen as spam to certain platforms algorithms i.e. writing “make money online” or the equivalent in ads are often blocked due to the number of scam products that exist.

#4 Use the Training in Any Online Business

The great thing about it is that you will receive email templates and all the “behind the scenes” working of many successful online businesses.

He even says it himself…

Feel free to use the templates and re-word them anywhere else.

#5 Focus on Email Marketing

So much of online business is done through email.

If you speak to any successful blogger or read about what they wish they started sooner it is nearly always focussing on their email list.

For example, Michelle Schroeder Gardner makes over $1 million a year and still says…

Michelle wishes she started her email marketing years ago.

I’ve also had some great chats with people crushing it with an online business on my podcast. Check out my chat with Jeff and Ben in How to Make a $240k/ Month Online Business Using Pinterest.

#6 Automated Sales Process & Insider Opinions

This should probably be number 1 on the list!

CB Passive Income Review
Insider review without affiliate link

It is a testament to how good the program is if people have used it for any length of time.

Plus to write comments about it without any self-promotion/ affiliate links themselves shows what people who have tried it think.

#7 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee

This is in itself a ClickBank product.

All ClickBank products come with at least a 30-day money-back guarantee (many have 60 days, but not CB Passive Income).

30 day guarantee

This is another thing that makes it seem more legit is that you basically get a risk free trial if it is something you’re interested in.

Saying that there are definitely some honest truths to be aware of before diving in…

CB Passive Income Red Flags

If you’re like me you just skipped straight to this part. It’s really important to be aware of these before you start…

#1 You Cannot Build Your Own Brand

He even admits this flaw to be fair to him

Emails are sent from Patric Chan… not you.

He claims it has to be sent in his name because technically he has written them.

All emails are from Patric Chan

This may or may not be the truth but either way, your subscribers will receive their emails from Patric Chan… not you.

This means they won’t be building trust with you, but him.

#2 Restricted to Only ClickBank Products

ClickBank has a bad name for itself within the Internet Marketing world.


There are many outright scams that I have reviewed before from there such as:

The thing that does make this stand out quite a bit from them (apart from the long webinar and honest approach upfront) is the price tag.

The other courses are under $50 each and more likely to get people to buy them on a whim and forget to ask for their money back.

This leads on nicely to…

#3 ClickBank Internet Marketing Products Suck

Seriously just check out the selection of ClickBank Internet marketing products.

On the whole, they are terrible (check out any of the reviews above if you don’t believe me).

Gold Opinions review
ClickBank scam!

This brings a question of ethics into play.

Are you happy to make money knowing that the products you are likely going to be recommending suck?

Remember, you’ll recommend them through the email funnel Patric provides.

#4 The Price Tag

To be fair to him, it does sound like he’s giving quite a lot away.

If you can get traffic there then you could be onto a winner.

But not only will you spend $497 on CB Passive Income…

#5 Encourages Using Paid Traffic Methods

You will end up spending much more money than you first thought.

Just in the webinar alone, Patric talks about…

  • Bing ads
  • Solo ads
  • Facebook ads
Udemi is a site to buy solo ads (pay people with an email list to send out an email for you)

Let me tell you from experience…

They all eat money.

Literally eat it up and often without seeing ANY results.

If you’re thinking “that’s cool I can spend another $500 on ads to figure it out”… think about adding some 0’s on the end of that if you don’t have any guidance.

Chances are you will have to invest in some other training to learn how to create ads that get clicked before you can get anyone to look at the landing page that Patric gives you.

This leads us onto…

#6 Upsells

If you’ve never tried any form of internet marketing before, you may be surprised how hard it is to get people to view a landing page.

Without leads to that landing page, the whole system is useless.

After flailing around trying to get anyone to look at this landing page you will be left frustrated and will need to invest in more training.

#7 Funnels Cannot Be Customized

You have no control over what you are sending out.

CB Passive Income Review
Behind the scenes at CB Passive Income

Again if you are new, that may actually be a good thing.

But you can’t build a relationship with your readers by adding your own twist or stories.

#8 No Coaching

There is support from the other members on the inside, but you won’t receive any formal coaching.

You may be able to get support from these but there is no official coaching

An online business can be lonely at the best of times, so finding someone you can trust before jumping in is very important.

#9 Black Hat Marketing Tactics

Technically there is nothing wrong with this.

And to be honest, people need a bit of a kick to make good decisions sometimes.

CB Passive Income Review
CB Passive Income Review

But let’s face the facts here.

The course is not on discount from $1,500.

And it won’t run out in 27 minutes.

Take your time, speak to your other half and make an informed decision.

Trust me, you can log back in next month and it will still be there.

I guess it shows he’s pretty good at marketing though, and you definitely want him on your team, because that stuff works!

Ready to make passive income online?

I’ve created a growing passive income online with no marketing skills or online experience… 

I’ve made a special video for you to explain exactly how I did this.

Make Time Online Income

My Opinion – CB Passive Income

It’s legit.

You can make money from it.

You can even learn a thing or two about how to use email marketing.


(how did you know there was a but?)

Getting traffic to those landing pages WILL be hard.

You will need to spend WAY more than $500 to see any results

And you will get so annoyed nothing is working that you’ll want to throw your laptop out of the window (bad idea, trust me).

But if you can start to get people looking at the landing page, you may just be able to make a success out of it.

If you do not have $1000+ to spend on what you will need, then there may be a solution for you with everything you need in one place to learn about Internet marketing… and you can try it out for free, no strings attached…

An Evergreen Strategy That Brings You The Money

It wasn’t that long ago that I was still trying to figure out how it’s possible for people to make money online.

The biggest issue for me was that I needed 3 boxes ticked:

  1. I could work on when I wanted (I was still in a full-time job)
  2. Didn’t cost a fortune to start and maintain (my wife would have killed me if I threw money away)
  3. Didn’t need me to sell stuff to my friends and family

In 2018 I had no idea what affiliate marketing was. 

Once I learnt about it, it just seemed like a great business model that can grow over time using the power of the internet. 

So I tried to figure it out by myself… that got me nowhere fast.

Then I fell for some terrible online scams. 

But eventually, I found Wealthy Affiliate. It teaches long-term proven strategies to build an online business with all the tools & support needed. 

And this happened…

Make Time Online Income

Once you learn the process of getting thousands of people to find your website every month (for free) there really is not limit to what you can achieve online. 

I’ve reviewed hundreds of courses or programs that claim to help people make money online. And I’ve spoken to dozens of 6-7 figure online entrepreneurs on my podcast.

This is by far the best place I’ve seen to help beginners get set up on the right foot. You can read my full Wealthy Affiliate review here (including the pros and cons!) 

Or you can watch an insiders video I made that explains exactly how it works here.  

Mike PE teacher to Passive Income Online

About the Author

Mike Beatty has built a passive income online whilst working as a full-time PE teacher without any marketing or technical experience. Learn more about how he's done it here.

Mike Beatty

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  1. Hello Mike. I love the detailed review and CB seems legit according to what you say and even if it seems expensive, like you said, Mr. Chan practically does everything for you and that’s better. It could be a great side hustle in the long run. I hate Click bank for its scams but if CB is legit then it’s a good risk to take. Either way we live in a world of risks. Am willing to check it out.
    Thank you for the details.

    1. Hey Brendah,

      Yeah it’s defo legit.

      The big issue is getting traffic though. If you are prepared to spend a fair bit more money to get the traffic testing out what works then it may be a great gig for you.

      If you don’t have the money then I certainly wouldn’t recommend it.

      Hope that helps

  2. I must establish that I really hate clickbank products because of their schemes but then, it seems this CBPASSIVE INCOME is very legit and that to me is a very good thing to hear about a program that can actually be of very great help in the long run. I like that they offer webinar and teach extensively which will make the learning much more easier to comprehend. Mr chan also seem to be the one to help with the set up. Though it dies have all these good, it however has the flaw in cost. But, it is still worth given a trial to.

    1. I totally agree!

      Clickbank’s online marketing products are terrible in general, but some of the other niches are pretty impressive. 

      The big thing for me is not necessarily the cost, but the cost of paying for traffic in addition to the cost. You will basically just have to really hope that Patric’s funnel works wonders for you to make the paid traffic worthwhile. 

      He certainly does know his stuff though!

  3. Hello Mike, this really is a very detailed, thorough and in-depth CB passive income review, you have certainly explained everything anyone would need to know, I also like the way Mr Chan does most of the work himself, in fact I could run this at the same time as my affiliate marketing business which I am in the process of building right now, I like what you said about clickbank, actually, I’ve stopped using them because their products and their promotions really do leave a lot to be desired, thank you for sharing this post.

    1. Hey Russ. 

      Yes it certainly is a legit program and Patric Chan certainly knows his stuff. The one big area to be aware of is that Clickbank tends to have some very poor online marketing products. However, they have some good products in other niches. 

      Hope that helps

  4. Thank you for this review. It sounds like a legitimate system. I have heard good things about Patrick Chan. Right now I am doing Wealthy Affiliate, so that is enough for me. When you do Wealthy Affiliate, you have pretty much full control of your website, so you can fully design your own sales funnels, control all the emails that get sent and create your own brand. It involves more learning since you have to get good at all aspects of web marketing, but in the end it probably helps you more. 

    Thanks for the graphic, about Michelle wishing she started her email list earlier. I’m just about a few months into my site and I will keep that in mind. Right now there’s hardly any traffic but I will make sure to get my email list up there before it really takes off. Good advice!


    1. Hey Edward, thanks for your views. Yes, Wealthy Affiliate is a great place to learn about online marketing for sure. 

      As you say you have much more control, which may mean it takes more time to get automations set up right, but at least you’ll know exactly how to do it!

      I would say really focus on getting that traffic first before splitting your energy into learning email marketing too soon. It is the way you will make most of your money eventually though

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