December 19, 2019

How Brie Uses Pinterest to Work From Home w/ Brie Dietrich

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How Brie Uses Pinterest to Work From Home

You probably know that it’s possible to use Pinterest to get blog traffic.

But did you know it’s actually possible to make money just by using Pinterest?

By learning some of the basic principles of Pinterest it’s possible to provide a service that so many bloggers are looking for…

Helping them get more traffic!

That’s exactly what 22-year-old Brie has managed to do to quit her full-time job and use Pinterest to work from home.

In this podcast we chat about:

  • How to set up your Pinterest account as a blogger
  • What makes some pins go viral and others flop
  • Some of the sneaky Pinterest tactics that Brie uses
  • The services Brie offers to work from home on Pinterest

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This is part of the Pinterest podcast series:

  1. Using Pinterest SEO to drive 150,000+ page views a month
  2. How to design Pinterest Pretty pins that go viral
  3. Setting up your account and your Pinterest strategy
  4. How to use Pinterest for Bloggers: Ultimate Pinterest Traffic Guide

How to use Pinterest for Bloggers to get traffic

There are some key aspects of using Pinterest for bloggers that are covered in this podcast.

It includes:

  • How to set up your Pinterest account
  • Using keywords in your bio and group board descriptions
  • Finding great pins that you can share for a new account to attract the right audience
  • How to create beautiful pins that people want to click
  • Some amazing Pinterest marketing strategies

There is so much value packed into one chat from lessons learned from hundreds of dollars worth of Pinterest courses.

Popular related content:

Podcast Transcript: How to use Pinterest to work from home

Get in contact with Brie

You can find all of the contact information for Brie at

You can see her pin portfolio so you can get a feel for the exact service she could also provide you if you are looking to outsource your Pinterest marketing.

Here are some examples of her “beyond pretty” pins!

How Brie Uses Pinterest to Work From Home

What did you learn from this chat? Have you got any Pinterest marketing tips for bloggers that have worked for you?

Be sure to check out the ultimate guide to using Pinterest for bloggers to find out how you can skyrocket your blog traffic.

Oh hey! Pin this before you leave
How Brie Uses Pinterest to Work From Home

About the Author

Mike Beatty has built a passive income online whilst working as a full-time PE teacher without any marketing or technical experience. Learn more about how he's done it here.

Mike Beatty

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  1. Hi there,

    I have often read about the ability to use Pinterest as a passive income source. I have yet to master this. I am on Pinterest to promote my website and brand. However, I am experiencing very little traffic, despite a decent amount of views on my pins. Would you have any idea or tips to effectively promote something through Pinterest? 

    Thanks and have a great day! 

    1. Hey Kevin, I’ve been there!

      Without a doubt, the main factor will be the design of your pins. You don’t have to be a professional graphic designer to make great pins, but understanding the basic is so important!

      Check out how to design beautiful pins for more information on that.

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