April 30, 2020

Overcoming Challenges to Build a Multi 6 Figure Blog w/ Tracie Fobes

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If you have a blog, then chances are you probably have used or currently use the Amazon Associates program. And in case you didn't know they have just slashed their affiliates pay (find out all the details about this here).

Well, Tracie Fobes has personally been through this already. Back in 2013 she received a message from Amazon that she was making too much money from them!! 

The bottom line was that her income went down by 75% overnight!

It didn't just affect her but it meant she had to let go of 5 out of 6 members of staff that she had employed... eurgh!!

But it wasn't all doom and gloom as she explains...

Overcoming Challenges to Build a Multi 6 Figure Blog

With Tracie Fobes


Overcoming Challenges to Build a Multi 6 Figure Blog w/ Tracie Fobes

Make Time Online Podcast on iTunes - Live life on your own terms

We chat about:

  • Why Tracie is now grateful (sort of) that Amazon slashed her income
  • How to employ great people to help with your blog and when to do this
  • The power of having a network and other bloggers that you can get help from
  • Why Tracie decided to sell her baby (not literally... it was her blog) in 2019 & how she did it

Listen to the full Tracie Fobes podcast episode

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Best tips and tools from the podcast

Here are some of the best tips, tools and training mentioned in the chat:

  • Diversifying income so she wasn't reliant on one affiliate
  • Creating her own products provided a lot more control over the online business
  • Sponsored posts can pay you in more ways than one (affiliate links in the post, ad income from traffic and the immediate income from publishing the content for the sponsor)
  • Using Trello to list tasks to help with outsourcing work
  • Connect with other bloggers on FB groups like Blogger Education Network 
  • It's possible to sell a blog for 2x annual revenue
  • Stupid Simple SEO- Mike Pearson's course (this is about the 8th time someone has recommended this so I think it's about time I do this too!)
  • Follow big bloggers i.e. Amy Porterfield, Pat Flynn, Neil Patel etc. to get new ideas and trends and see what's working for them
  • Seek legal advice for incorporating your blog (i is a business when it's making money!) from a CPA and attorney 

There's tons more in the chat and I'd love to hear the best takeaways you took from it too!

Full Tracie Fobes Podcast Transcript

Contact Tracie

You can reach out to Tracie on her website traciefobes.com or you can join her amazing and super supportive blogging Facebook group Blogger Education Network.

What were your takeaways from the podcast? Is there anything you still want to know? Drop a comment below!

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About the Author

Mike Beatty has built a passive income online whilst working as a full-time PE teacher without any marketing or technical experience. Learn more about how he's done it here.

Mike Beatty

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  1. I know it hurts so much when Jeff slashed it down to 3% He is such a greedy man, I mean Amazon has beein selling like crazy during this global pandemic and he has to do this to his affiliates, just not fair.

    Anyways, I never heard such a thing before that Amazon can do that to you, I mean if you are making too much money form Amazon then Amazon is making “Too much money as well”, isn’t that a good thing? 

    I will definitely listen to Tracie Forbes, thanks for sharing the podcast! 

    1. Yeah, that’s what I thought too! I think as Tracie said it’s because of the low margins on certain products. No probs enjoy the podcast 

  2. Most anyone who has been around the internet much has heard of the way she survived Amazon’s adverse actions.  Most of would still be crying in our Post Toasties. Her story is very inspirational and makes readers know that we can come back, even from the attention of the big boys and their power to cut your income for no reason.  (This is a good example of too much power, in my eyes.)

    You can regroup, go another direction, as many are doing after the recent actions taken by Amazon regarding their affiliate program   Her story can also be important for those who are trying to regain their enthusiasm after the pandemic and closing so much of our income-producing country.  The life lessons are here, and I thank you for sharing with me, Sami

  3. Thank you for writing this post and sharing your interview with Tracie Fobes. I found this to be so informative and interesting to listen too. She is certainly a wealth of information and you asked a lot of great questions. I have now bookmarked her sight as well as yours. I can’t wait to dive deeper into all the great content.

    1. Awesome, I’m glad it helped! Yeah, she really does have a wealth of information and experience. It was great to chat to her

  4. Hello Tracy, thank you for this very detailed and informative post, I understand that you put a post as this together, alot of conscious, calculated and deliberate effort have been put in, in bringing such together, I must say I was really inspired by your story and the insight you shared in this post have given me more motivation, this post indeed met me well.

  5. Hello there! Sincerely, I cannot appreciate you enough for sharing this with me. For me, this podcast is a life changing one for bloggers especially for newbies like me whose desire is to make success in blogging. I have already downloaded the podcast so I can over it again.
    Thanks for sharing with me, its helpful.

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