September 21, 2019

SaleHoo Review- Dropshipping Legit Store or Scam?

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In the spirit of full transparency, know that this SaleHoo review contains affiliate links. This means if you make a purchase through these links, I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. In fact, you will often receive a discount or bonus signing up fee! Click here to read my full disclosure policy.

SaleHoo Review

You may agree that creating an online business is vital to support yourself in uncertain times and ensure you and your family are set for retirement.

Most people think it’s really hard to do and you’d need a lot of money to get started. SaleHoo promises to be a place where you can learn all you need to know about dropshipping.

This SaleHoo review, with video, will make sure you understand the pros and cons of starting a dropshipping business with SaleHoo, whilst offering my own opinion about it.

SaleHoo Review- The Overview and Rankings

  • Name: Salehoo
  • Owners: Simon Slade (90 out of 100)
  • Website URL:
  • Type: Dropshipping Training and Supplier Directory
  • Training: 88 out of 100
  • Success Stories: 85 out of 100
  • Price: $67 for the year or $127 Lifetime access
  • Rating: 88 out of 100

SaleHoo Pros and Cons


  • Well known and vetted suppliers provided
  • Good training to help your dropshipping business
  • Low minimum orders (don’t need to buy in bulk like usual for wholesale prices)
  • No hidden fees
  • Good for finding trending products


  • Training upsell
  • Live support not great on weekends
  • Low margins due to normally selling on another marketplace i.e. Amazon/ eBay
  • Only 1.6 million products compared to 16 million by Worldwide Brands.

What is SaleHoo… What Does Salehoo Do?

SaleHoo is a supplier directory for dropshipping businesses, wholesalers and online retailers.

They also provide training and community support and product research tools.

Simon Slade Founder of SaleHoo
Simon Slade the founder

It was founded in 2005 by Simon Slade in New Zealand and has over 130,000 members.

First Things First… What is Dropshipping?

In a nutshell, it is selling products from cheaper wholesalers (i.e. China) to people paying the retail price (i.e. USA) without ever touching the products yourself.


There are really 4 main areas that you can use SaleHoo for:

  1. Wholesale Supplier & Product Directory
  2. Salehoo Labs for Product Research
  3. SaleHoo Training Guides
  4. The SaleHoo Community

Let’s dig in a bit deeper shall we?

SaleHoo Product and Supplier Directory

Simply put you can use SaleHoo in one of two main ways:

  1. Look for a product supplier to purchase from
  2. Source a certain product

If you don’t want to buy any products at a wholesale price or sell any products, there is no point in using SaleHoo

You can find 1.6 million products on SaleHoo as of September 2019.

You can search by supplier type:

  • Dropshippers
  • Wholesalers
  • Liquidators
  • Manufacturers

…or by:

  • Location
  • Min order
  • Worldwide shipping
  • Tax ID requirement
  • Categories

You can then click on the supplier’s profile and contact them through the inbuilt messaging service.

SaleHoo Review
Messaging service inside SaleHoo

It even has email templates to choose from.

SaleHoo Labs- Product Research

The product research helps you to find products that suit your “niche”.

You can filter this with four options:

  • Product type
  • Sell rate
  • Average price
  • Competition

You can make this as specific as you want or use this platform to produce your own research…

SaleHoo Review

Once you find a product you like it’s up to you to sell them i.e. using eBay, your own online store or Amazon etc.

SaleHoo Training Guides

There are 9 full training guides with a bonus guides section.

SaleHoo Review- Training

As you can see it covers pretty much everything that you need to get a dropshipping business up and running through SaleHoo.

It includes registering a business and guides to tax laws, importing in different countries (UK, USA, Canada, Australia) and much more.

The bonus guides section includes some eBooks and guides to selling different products i.e. games, DVDs, fashion, electronics etc.

SaleHoo Community

SaleHoo has its own forum where you can get help for pretty much anything you need with your online business.

It’s a really engaged community and has thousands of topics and posts…

One of the big advantages of using SaleHoo for your online business is this community as you will learn in this SaleHoo review.

Now I can almost hear your mind saying…

Is SaleHoo a Scam?

Absolutely not.

There are two main ways an online course can be a scam:

  1. Take your money and run off into the sunset, never to be heard from again
  2. Provide some information but it doesn’t live up to their promises

As you continue to read this SaleHoo review you will find out more about some of the good parts and bad parts about the program.


Just to be fully transparent with you, I have not purchased this program myself.

I have researched the website, testimonials and information on the Internet to get to the bottom of what this program genuinely does. This is because I have been burnt from programs similar to this in the past and I want to prevent others from making the same mistakes. If you’d like to learn more “Ways to Spot an Online Marketing Scam” then click the highlighted text.

Related content:

SaleHoo: The Good

Here are some of the things I like about SaleHoo

Key Terms:

  • Black Hat Methods – Using lies and unethical methods to make someone buy something
  • White Hat Methods – Being honest and genuine to help people make informed decisions about purchases
  • Affiliate Marketing- Connecting a customer to a product they are looking for and receiving a commission for doing so

#1 Good Well Know Brands Available

This separates it from other online suppliers such as AliExpress.

SaleHoo Review

This means you can find products easier that actually sell!

#2 Suppliers Have Been Vetted

You will find it hard to find any cowboy suppliers here that just take your money and run.

SaleHoo Review

All suppliers have been vetted to make sure they are legit.

#3 Good Training & Community

The community of over 137,000 members is a testament to the great service that SaleHoo provides.

You can also contact SaleHoo directly, but we’ll touch on this later in the SaleHoo review.

#4 No Hidden Fees

The price you see is what you pay.

SaleHoo Review Price

Lifetime means lifetime and there are no additional fees to pay later down the line.

#5 Market Research & Trending Products

You can easily find what products are trending and being sold easily.

This can be a quick way to see if the product is something that people want, but you will need to do your own research.

#6 Low Minimum Orders

Possibly the biggest advantage compared to buying wholesale prices normally.

It’s possible to place an order of 1 item if you have sold one item on eBay so you never need to store stock and still get the best available prices.

#7 60 Day Money Back Guarantee

Just for peace of mind.


This is a Clickbank product so if you do have any trouble getting your money back from SaleHoo, contact ClickBank and they will be able to help.

SaleHoo Honest Truths

There are some things that everyone should know before diving into using SaleHoo…

#1 Marketplace Fees- Lower Profits

You may see great mark up prices on many products. For example:

The issue here is that you are likely going to be using another network to sell these products i.e. eBay or Amazon.

This means you will have to pay more fees to these networks and it eats into your profit margin.

Also, the example you see above is from the websites sales page so is clearly one of the best examples you can find!

#2 Hard to Create a Brand

If you are selling products through another network using other people’s products you are not going to be able to create a brand for yourself.

People tend to buy things from people (or brands) they trust so you will be missing out from a key component of business.

#3 Amount of Products

There are 1.6 million products on SaleHoo, which sounds pretty impressive.

But when you compare it to other networks such as Worldwide Brands, who have 16 million, it’s actually hardly any!

#4 Live Chat & Customer Support at Peak Times

Peak times= Weekends.

For many people, this will be a side hustle in addition to their usual 9-5. That means the times when you want the help (weekends) is actually very hard to get the support you need.

#5 Upsell

Whilst there are no extra fees there is another surprise that may come to you when you’re on the inside.

The extra “Online Selling Tactics” training costs $247 one time payment or $97 a month.

SaleHoo Review upsell

It doesn’t seem like it’s necessary, as it’s additional training.

But it’s never nice to think you are paying a certain amount only to find it may not have all the information you first thought.

#6 You Can Often Find These Suppliers Yourself for a BETTER Price

There are ways for you to find a lot of these suppliers for free e.g. has many of the same suppliers completely for free.

Or just search wholesale suppliers on Google.

Many of the good suppliers won’t run ads so they will be further down the list. Check out the video above for more information on this (take this with a pinch of salt though)…

Related content:

My Opinion – SaleHoo

It’s a great way to start an online dropshipping business.

Yes, you can find suppliers yourself, but for many people using SaleHoo, they won’t know where to start.

It includes the training and more importantly a community so you can get all of your questions answered as you are learning.

If you are already experienced in Dropshipping, then it’s probably not worth your time.

If you want to check out more about SaleHoo or give it a go, click here.

But personally, I think there are better ways to make passive income online than dropshipping.

It has a lot of moving parts that you need to keep on top of in order to do it successfully i.e. find a supplier, sell it for a markup, customer support for your customers, manage different platforms i.e. SaleHoo, the supplier, eBay, Amazon, Shopify etc.

This prevents it from being a passive income unless you outsource the tasks aka hire a virtual assistant (which again need managing).

This is why I found another way to make money online…

An Evergreen Strategy That Brings You The Money

It wasn’t that long ago that I was still trying to figure out how it’s possible for people to make money online.

The problem I had was that it needed to have 3 things:

  1. I was still in a full-time job so it needed to be part-time efforts
  2. Low cost to start and maintain
  3. No selling needed to my friends and family

It was in September 2018 that I found the system that I still use today to make a passive income stream. And in September 2019 I quit my $45,000 a year full-time job (don’t be fooled here I had other income streams i.e. property and my wife!!)

The best thing about it is:

  • It’s free to start
  • Customers are brought to you that are already interested (just think about how you found this review… there was no money or time spent from me promoting this!)
  • You get access to the community of over 1.5 million entrepreneurs (including me as a personal coach to help you on your journey)

When you try out this program you will see why so many people recommend it.

No credit card details required

SaleHoo Review: The “MakeTimeOnline” Final Word

So to sum up this SaleHoo review…

It’s a legit way to start a dropshipping business, with training, support and a list of suppliers and products you can sell.

Just be prepared to work and learn and engage in your online business.

It won’t happen overnight, nothing good ever does.

Keep changing for the better,


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    P.S. Since you’re still here, I’m going to assume that you are interested in making money online to free up your time. So check out my review of my #1 recommended program to help you do just that…

    About the Author

    Mike Beatty has built a passive income online whilst working as a full-time PE teacher without any marketing or technical experience. Learn more about how he's done it here.

    Mike Beatty

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    1. Thanks for such a detailed and honest review about this company. Dropshipping is something we have been considering but as yet we have decided that it isn’t quite how we want to be generating an income. However, I’m always on the lookout for new ideas so this review is a welcome addition to my knowledge base about passive income strategies. Thanks again.

      1. Yep, I’d agree there. Dropshipping is quite an active income online, so I certainly look for the more passive ways too. Glad it could help

    2. I’ve heard a few things about drop-shipping and have been considering getting into it, so your review on SaleHoo is really helpful. I guess a directory would be valuable information to have for someone who is starting out with drop-shipping, and that there is a lot of training provided with the program is great. I’m glad to hear that SaleHoo’s community is engaging. One thing I dislike about the product is the upsell. It does, though, look like a pretty decent product, one that warrants a further look for sure, and I will do so through your link here, thank you for a great recommendation!

      1. Yeah, I have heard from some people that have used SaleHoo successfully so it’s definitely legit. And obviously dropshipping is a legit opportunity. You do have to be pretty active with dropshipping though… i.e. if you stop working the money stops coming in. I quite like the more passive approach of affiliate marketing & blogging.

        Glad the review helped

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