May 14, 2020

Lessons from a Successful 20+ Year Blogger w/ Rachel Paxton

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​How long have you been blogging for now?

  • 6 months?
  • 18 months?
  • 3 years+?

Well, ​the ​Rachel Paxton from Creative Home Making has been blogging since 1996!! ​

She has literally ​seen Google being built, let alone been through all of the algorithm changes...

Blogging Lessons From an Experienced Full Time Blogger

​Rachel Paxton

From Creative Home Making

Rachel Paxton Podcast

Make Time Online Podcast on iTunes - Live life on your own terms

​We chat about:

  • What to do when your business gets destroyed by a big change ​out of your control
  • How to stay passionate and focused for so long
  • Some of her favourite up to date tools and resources
  • The one thing that Rachel would tell herself if she could go back in time to before she started

Listen to the full ​Rachel Paxton podcast episode

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​Best tools and tips mentioned in the podcast

​There are so many value bombs in this podcast so I've just summarised some of the main ones below...

But there is so much more you will learn just by listening to Rachel's amazing story. She actually only started her blog before Google even existed so she has seen it all quite literally!

Rachel Paxton Podcast Summary

​So here are my 3 main takeaways from this chat:

  1. Consistency is key- too many people do it for 3 months then give up because the haven't made any money!
  2. Choosing a passionor interest is so important if you want to do this for a long time
  3. ​If you keep learning there is no way you can fail with blogging

If you want to contact Rachel then you can email her at​ or find her main ​blog at Creative Home Making.

So over to you... what were your main lessons from this podcast? Is there anything you want to know more about? Drop a comment below!

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About the Author

Mike Beatty has built a passive income online whilst working as a full-time PE teacher without any marketing or technical experience. Learn more about how he's done it here.

Mike Beatty

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