January 23, 2020

Killer SEO Tips to Get 500k+ Page Views a Month w/ Debbie Gartner

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Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is one of those topics that most bloggers cringe at. 

Click anywhere in this box to get $20 off Debbie's incredibly popular SEO books. You can learn everything you need to know about SEO for a ludicrously low price. 

- Debbie Gartner

It can oftentimes feel like this huge burden with algorithm changes to keep up with and such a complicated sounding traffic strategy. 

However, it doesn't need to be like this. 

There are things that anybody with a website can do to see quick results from SEO that can help them get free monthly long term traffic. 

And this helps to create that mysterious passive income that online business owners seem to crave!

Debbie Gartner from The Flooring Girl joins the Make Time Online podcast to explain exactly what you can do to quickly up your SEO game. 

Killer SEO Tips to get Over 500k Page Views a Month


From The Flooring Girl

Debbie Gartner podcast- From The Flooring Girl

Make Time Online Podcast on iTunes - Live life on your own terms

We chat about:

  • How she went from no income and $238k in debt to making over $20k a month from her website
  • How she gets more than 500,000 pageviews a month to her website
  • The top tips for any blogger to improve their "off-page" (backlinks) and "on-page" (on your site) SEO
  • The importance of diversifying traffic sources (eventually)

Listen to the full Debbie Gartner podcast episode

Useful tips and tools mentioned in the podcast 

There really was so much to take in from this podcast. 

To get ALL of the wisdom and value you will have to listen to the chat. But here are some of the key tools & tricks mentioned by Debbie in the podcast...

On page SEO tips:

  • Improve your website SPEED! The best way to do that is to improve your hosting - Debbie recommends BigScoots for bigger blogs. But she also recommends Siteground or Namehero as better alternatives to Bluehost. 
  • Learn more about how to improve your site speed on Debbie's new website Healthy Savvy and Wise
  • Focus on 1 or maybe 2 areas and write a lot of content for that (as in 50+ posts) i.e. Debbie focuses on writing about flooring
  • Check your old content. Does it help Google understand your main topic? Consider "de-indexing" it using the Yoast plugin. Check out this post to help with that.

Off page SEO tips:

  • Use Help a Reporter to get good backlinks. You may need to respond to a lot to get any good backlinks but it's an easy way for anyone to get links with a bit of "elbow grease".
  • Guest post on other bloggers sites to get backlinks. Join great blogging FB groups like Tracey Fobes one here to connect with other bloggers.

These tips will help you sell more online from SEO

Other tips or tools:

As you can see Debbie has a lot of wisdom when it comes to SEO.

She even has 2 books to help beginners or anyone looking to up their SEO game:

  • Easy on page SEO ($37)
  • Easy backlinks for SEO ($67)

If you want to learn more about SEO I would highly recommend taking her free SEO course and checking out this wealth of knowledge here

*Note these are not affiliate links, just helpful tips from someone who clearly knows what she's talking about!*

Full Debbie Gartner Podcast Transcript

Debbie Gartner Podcast Summary

So if you want to get in touch with Debbie I would recommend taking her free SEO course here (and then you'll be able to email her).

These are my 5 key takeaways from this chat:

  1. Keep learning
  2. Improve your site speed... now 
  3. Focus on ONLY 1 or maybe 2 topics to write about
  4. Get backlinks from Help a Reporter
  5. Guest post and connect with other bloggers to get backlinks

But I'd love to know what were yours?

What were your main takeaways from this podcast? Any Questions? Drop a comment below

Click anywhere in this box to get $20 off Debbie's incredibly popular SEO books. You can learn everything you need to know about SEO for a ludicrously low price. 

- Debbie Gartner

About the Author

Mike Beatty has built a passive income online whilst working as a full-time PE teacher without any marketing or technical experience. Learn more about how he's done it here.

Mike Beatty

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  1. Thanks a lot for such an amazing review about Tips to Get 500k+ Page Views a Month and explanations are given.

    I also have a blog page and I’m still trying to get as much traffic on it, but it’s hard for me. I have read many articles about how I could do this, but this is the best I have found. I will definitely try these tips.

    Thanks again for this post. If you don’t mind, I will share this article on my social media account. Good luck!

    1. Of course any time! And please do feel free to share with anyone that you think it may help. Do let us know if there’s anything in particular that you are struggling with  

  2. Hey Debbie, search engine optimization I must say is one thing one cannot brush aside in the blog world as it is one of the most important mechanisms for acquiring huge number of page likes on a blog.

    The problem is just that a lot of people don’t know how to go about it.

    ibreally appreciate this post though, it has really helped me to discover some strange ideas and effect to use to improve my blog and get enough traffic to operate effectively.

    1. Hey Carol, thanks for stopping by! I’m glad it could help and Debbie really knows her stuff on SEO. Drop any questions you have here and I’ll let Debbie know about them

  3. Thank you so much for giving us such a wonderful article and I have come to know about both on-page SEO and off-page SEO through you. I have some websites and I do on-page SEO off-page SEO to bring these websites to a good level of search ranking in SEO and for this task I was looking for some paid tools that I got through your article. And I want to buy these tools without delay and will share my experience with you very soon

  4. To some of us, SEO is usually the big elephant in the room that needs to be addressed. This is especially true if you’re putting the necessary efforts on your part but getting very little in the way of rewards (rankings). Debbie clearly has a good reputation as far as SEO goes, though I’ve never had the pleasure of studying her work. This could be a good time to do so. 

    Thanks for sharing 

    1. She certainly has an abundance of knowledge! I love her down to earth and honest approach about it all too, there’s not a salesy bone in her body she just tries to help

  5. Many thanks to you for sharing such a beautiful article with us and through your article. In your article I have found some of the tools and its need for my website. I was looking for some paid tools to work my website on-page and off-page SEO that I found within your article. And I want to buy these tools sooner and use them on my website and will share my experience with you very soon. 

  6. Wow, this episode was exactly what I needed! I started to get discouraged by not seeing any traffic to my website… My problem is that I am quite shy, so connecting with other bloggers is harder for me. But I guess it is time for me to jump out of comfort zone and put myself on the radar. Or stop complaining about traffic… Thank you for giving me the boost of motivation!

    1. Haha, yeah I know exactly how you feel Katja! It’s not easy to put yourself out there (and it can feel time-consuming) but it really helps and it always gives me a hit of motivation after chatting with someone. Keep in touch and let me know if there’s anything I can do to help

  7. Debbie has some great advice. I’ve read several of her books and I really enjoy her quick and to the point style. The books are easy to read quickly and start implementing strategies right away.

  8. Listened and loved. Thank you for doing this. I have Debbie’s book and I learned sooo much from it. Keep up the great work.

  9. Very helpful tips! I have signed up for the Debbie's SEO course and I'm sure I'll find great value there too.

    Thanks for sharing these tips.

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