May 7, 2020

The Power of Manual Pinning Today w/ Carly Campbell

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If you have been blogging for more than a week then you've probably heard that you can get a LOT of traffic from Pinterest. 

The most exciting thing about Pinterest traffic is that you can get it quite quickly with a relatively new blog (unlike traffic from Google and search engines). 

But there has long been this debate about the best way to pin to get this traffic...

​Manually pin?

Or use a scheduler?

Carly Campbell from Blogging Like You Mean It is the Queen of pinning manually and explains why it can work even better in 2020 than ever before. Although the strategy you use to pin is only one aspect of getting traffic from Pinterest. 

The Power of Manual Pinning Today 

With Carly Campbell

From Blogging Like You Mean It

Carly Campbell Podcast

Make Time Online Podcast on iTunes - Live life on your own terms

We chat about:

  • How there is a relationship between your pins and what this means
  • Why you shouldn't rely ONLY on Pinterest traffic 
  • Why Pinterest prefers "pins" over "clicks"
  • The reason Carly actually made her Pinterest course... and why she didn't really want to!

Listen to the full Carly Campbell podcast episode

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Best tips, tools and training from the podcast

​Here are some the best tips and tools mentioned by Carly in the podcast...

  • ​Session and board "co-occurence"- Pinterest recognises pins pinned on the same board/ at the same time as having a "relationship" aka if you pin good pins to strong boards they can get a boost!
  • ​Pinterest also ​finds relationships in what gets pinned during a "session" by one user, ​this can only be done with manual pinning (you can't use a scheduler to replicate this)
  • Pinterest favours "saves" (people pinning your pins) over "clicks" (people clicking on your pins... which is traffic)
  • You need to build a ​business outside of Pinterest traffic
  • Lifespan of pins
  • ​Pinterest loves "fresh pins"- Pinterest counts a fresh image as a totally new image and text overlay... however Pinterest still sees "slight changes" as a fresh pin
  • Pinteresting Strategies*- Carly's "productocracy" (you'll understand this if you listen to the podcast above) Pinterest course
  • ​Mike Pearson's Stupid Simple SEO*
  • L​ena Gott- SEO and Pinterest course*
  • Monica ​Froese Promoted Pins course*

*None of these are affiliate links as I have not personally taken the course and ​I personally don't like promoting something I haven't taken

But I know you're probably wondering...

​What is Carly​'s Pinterest strategy right now? (29 mins 30 secs)

​Disclaimer- Carly says this herself... 

​"Is this the best way to pin right now? I don't know yet!"

It's also important to recognise that what works for Carly (with over 40,000 Pinterest followers) may not work the best way for a brand new account. But either way, this is what the Pinterest Queen is doing...

  • Pins 2 new pins per day
  • ​Pin once to her strongest boards
  • Let them sit
  • Re-asses about 2 weeks later
  • If it's done really well ​only then will she pin it out again (NOT ​by re-pinning her own pin)
  • She will either pin it from her blog as a new pin OR repin from someone elses ​copy from their well keyworded board
  • ​She pins to her most relevant keyworded boards

If the pin didn't do much and bring in a significant amont of clicks she will just let it die.

That way she's only pinning great content that Pinterest loves. This improves her accounts authority and the relationship between all of her pins!

​Now, I can almost hear your mind screaming...

​How does Carly track her pins in 2020?

​She uses Google Analytics!

That's it!

That's her secret!

No fancy spreadsheets or tracking devices. All she does is go into GA and click on:

  • Social
  • Overview
  • Pinterest
  • Click an article
  • Copy and paste the pin URL into a new browser

This then shows you who pinned the pin and what board it was pinned to! Simple, right?

I know it's kind of hard for me to explain this with writing or for you to listen to it. So I made a quick video to explain it better...

Full Carly Campbell Podcast Transcript

Contact Carly

​As you can probably tell, Carly really knows her Pinterest stuff!

Like more than I will ever understand how anything works online!

​So if you want to get in contact with her or see what she has to offer you can find her at Blogging Like ​You Mean It or Mommy on Purpose.

Also she is ​offering people 10 Canva pin templates each month. This is a huge time saver and can mean all you need to do is change the text, switch the image if you want and you will have enough pins to last you a month easily! ​Grab her Pin Templates here.

P.S. Don't forget to get your free course below and pin this if you found it useful 😉

P.P.S ​That is the first pin I've designed for MTO for a long time!

Master Pinterest to get Free Blog Traffic

Get access to this exclusive 7 day Pinterest course to make the most of this FREE traffic source. 

 It includes: 

  • 5 graphic design hacks
  • Pinterest SEO tips  
  • Email template to join group boards
Pinterest growth

We won't send you spam. Unsubscribe at any time

How to use Pinterest Marketing 2020- Carly Campbell Podcast

About the Author

Mike Beatty has built a passive income online whilst working as a full-time PE teacher without any marketing or technical experience. Learn more about how he's done it here.

Mike Beatty

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  1. Having just started my journey to create an income source online, there’s certainly been a lot of buzz as to how effective the use of Pinterest can actually help my endeavors. I am looking forward to learning as much as I can to ensure that I can leverage the power of Pinterest. 

    Like you said, your strategy might not exactly work for a newbie based on some variables. But I believe that with constant practice and testing, one can find the right combo. 


    1. That’s exactly it Rhain! Finding your own system is so important for the long run… but it’s certainly wise to take advice from people who are getting success 😉

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