So someone has probably introduced you to Vyvo as a great way to use smart technology to help you get into shape. Plus you can also "be your own boss" by joining the MLM. However, you're probably still wondering... is Vyvo a scam?
First of all I want to congratulate you on spending some time researching the company.
So many people lose money with MLMs because too many people join them without knowing what they entail.
This honest Vyvo review, with videos, will expose the truth about the company. That way you can make an informed decision if it's right for you or not.
Vyvo Review
The overview and rankings
Name: Vyvo
Founder: Fabio Galdi in 2019 (but it really started in 2011)
Type: Health and wellness MLM

Products (Including Pricing): 30 out of 100
Success Stories: 1 out of 100
Price To Join MLM: $150-$1,215 + $60-$100 monthly subscription (30 out of 100)
What to look for in a MLM:
Summary: Vyvo is a health and wellness MLM that sells a range of smart devices and technology to help you maintain better health. There are a lot of complaints over customer service and people losing money.
In fact, I will prove to you that at least 97.26% of all members lose money in this Vyvo MLM review.
Make Time Online Rating: 20 out of 100
Recommended: No
What is Vyvo?
Vyvo is a health and wellness Multi-Level-Marketing company that sells a range of smart technology devices and AI analysis software to help people maintain better health. This technology can then advise you what "NutraPak" you should have to get the nutrition you need.
It also provides an opportunity for everyday people to "work from home" by selling these products and recruiting more people into the MLM.
It was originally founded and called the World Mobile Network in 2011 by Fabio Galdi. In 2016, Galdi rebooted it as Wor(l)d International and later again renamed to World Global Network.
Since mid-2019 it's just called Vyvo!
Did you follow all of that?!
Anyway the 5 minute video below shows you what to expect from Vyvo...
Many people watch this and get pretty excited by the claims such as...
"Reach economic independence that you dreamt of for years"
But you're smart enough to realise this is just a promotional video by Vyvo. So you're probably still wondering...
Is Vyvo a pyramid scheme?
Technically no, Vyvo is not a pyramid scheme.
It's possible for distributors to earn money just by selling Vyvos products to receive a commission. However Vyvo does have signs of being a "pyramid scheme in disguise".
Let me explain what I mean by that...
What is a pyramid scheme?
A company that promises payment to its members when they recruit more people into the company rather than selling a product or service.
Pyramid schemes are illegal in most countries because it is impossible for everyone to make money inside a structure like this.
Just see the Wikipedia diagram below to see why...

Vyvo does offer some legit products, just like most MLM companies.
However, it's very hard for members to avoid losing money at the company due to the monthly sales quotas and membership fees. This means that most members are encouraged to "pass the buck" onto someone else by recruiting them into the company.
Hence, Vyvo is more like a "pyramid scheme in disguise" as you can see in the 5 minute video below...
Success is rare with Vyvo
In fact, success is hard to find inside any MLM company.
It's been proven that between 73% and 99% of all MLM representatives lose money.

Just by looking at Vyvo's income disclaimers you can see that 97.26% of distributors earnt less than $2k in 2017.
When you work out that the minimum cost to join the company for a year costs between $868.80- $2,413.80, it's safe to assume that at least 97% of all distributors lose money at the company.
These are stats that are hidden in plain sight but you won't hear from any Vyvo MLM members.
How does Vyvo Work?
Vyvo sells a range of smart technology devices and some powdered supplements.
Instead of spending tons of money on advertising and marketing, they get everyday people to help sell the products and promote the company for them.
In return, these "distributors" can earn money by working from home.
So it's kind of like a win-win!
Vyvo products
If you are serious about joining any MLM then it's crucial to understand the products that they promote as this is what you will be spending your time selling.
Vyvo has a range of products such as:
- Smart watch
- Smartscale
- Smart portal (AI analysis)
- NutraPak- powdered supplements
Find all the products in the Vyvo store.

There are hundreds of MLM's that offer some health and wellness products such as:
- Max International
- Arbonne
- Beachbody
- Univera
- Reliv International
- Genesis Pure
- American Dream Nutrition
- Trivita
- Yoli
But there are very few that offer smart technology to support peoples health. This really does make Vyvo stand out, but do the products really work and are they any good?
I'll dig into what people think about them later in this review.
For now you can watch the 4 minute video below to learn more about the products...
Can you make money with Vyvo?
It is very hard to make any money from Vyvo.
The few people who do make a full time income will treat the "business" more like a full time sales manager position.
They will spend most of their time selling the dream of "becoming your own boss" to people and then spend the rest of their time on Zoom meetings with their downline encouraging them to sell and recruit more.
If this sounds like something you may quite enjoy then it could work for you.
But the truth is that most people you recruit will end up pretty annoyed at you as they will continue to lose money month after month. It's just something to be aware of before joining.
How to make money with Vyvo
There are 2 ways you can make money from Vyvo:
- Sell products
- Recruit people to sell products
You will only receive bonuses from the sales that your downline makes. You aren't given direct compensation for recruiting people, which is how Vyvo avoids being shut down by the FTC.
How much does it cost to join Vyvo?
It costs between $150-$1,215 to join Vyvo...

Once you have purchased a product pack you are eligible to start selling Vyvos products and earning a commission.
But the costs do not stop there amigo...
Vyvo monthly cost
It will cost you either $59.90 to $99.90 per month to "remain active" as you can see in the Vyvo "newsletter"...

If you can recruit someone else that has an active membership then you don't have to pay for it yourself. But at the start you will certainly need to pay for your membership yourself so you can at least test out the products.
So the expenses you need to allow for in year 1 are:
- $150-$1,215
- $59.90-$99.90 x 12
Total cost for year 1 = $868.80- $2,413.80
This is before you even consider any costs such as marketing, postage and packaging and additional training you need to sell the products.
Vyvo compensation plan
For some reason MLMs like to make their compensation plan harder to understand than an Irishman on St Paddy's day. Vyvo is no different.
So I will do my best to keep this simple. There are 8 ways you can get paid from Vyvo:
- Fast retail bonus (10% sales commission)
- Cash back bonus (10% cashback of your own purchases)
- Team volume commission (10-20% of your Sales Volume)
- Money box commission (1% of your Teams volume for team builder ranks and above)
- Builder brick bonus ($20-$100 when your downline reaches Team Builder)
- Generation matching bonus (1-10% commission for 10 levels deep)
- Business development bonus ($500 or $1,000 bonus when you maintain diamond cycle rank for 2-4 commission periods)
- Recognition rewards (lifestyle rewards such as trips when you reach a certain rank)

Do not worry if you are still confused by all of this! MLMs like to use weird acronyms and confusing terms to make it seem like there's tons of ways for you to make money.
The truth is that there's still only 2 things you can do:
- Sell products
- Recruit people
And do you notice that 6 out of 8 ways to get paid require you to recruit?
Anyway you can learn more about this confusing plan in the 15 minute video below if you like...
Or you can find the full 22 page Vyvo compensation plan here.
Is Vyvo a scam?
Vyvo is not a scam.
They sell legit products and pay people exactly like they claim they will.
The reason there are so many claims that Vyvo is a scam online is that many people join the company without understanding what they need to do to make money. They don't realise there is a monthly cost and therefore call Vyvo a scam when they lose money.
But the rest of this Vyvo review will help you to understand the hidden truths about the company so you can make an informed decision if it's for you or not.
Just to be fully transparent with you, I am not a distributor myself and I do not endorse Vyvo in any way.
I have researched the website, testimonials and information on the Internet to get to the bottom of what this program genuinely does. This is because I have been burnt from programs just like this in the past and I want to prevent others from making the same mistakes. If you’d like to learn how to “Spot an Online Marketing Scam” then click the highlighted text.
Tired of MLMs? Check out how I make money online here!
What I like about Vyvo
There's really only 1 thing I like about Vyvo compared to other MLMs...
Key Terms:
- Pyramid Scheme – recruits members via a promise for payment from referring others to the service rather than providing a product
- Affiliate Marketing- Connecting a customer to a product they are looking for and receiving a commission for doing so
- Red Flag - A warning sign
#1 Unique selling products
The products are pretty unique.
If people start to really like the idea of using smart products to monitor their health and find out what supplements they need then Vyvo is set to do well.
That's a pretty big "if" though...
What I don't like about Vyvo
There are some hidden truths that you won't find advertised on their website directly.
It's all stuff that's kind of hidden in plain sight by using weird acronyms and confusing terminology...
#1 Expensive products
If a MLM has overpriced products it a huge red flag that the company acts like a "pyramid scheme in disguise".
The focus is on recruiting rather than selling products...

You can find smartwatches for a fraction of the price elsewhere. Technology improves so rapidly that Vyvo's products have become outdated and can easily be beaten by many other companies.
So who is buying this expensive stuff?
#2 Hidden monthly expenses
Ah yeah...
Vyvo's distributors are the people who keep buying this expensive crap...

They have to keep buying things or their account gets suspended and any sales they might make in the future won't count.
When you combine these 2 truths you can realise why...
#3 Vyvo is a pyramid scheme in disguise
The only way distributors can stop paying for the monthly subscription is if they recruit someone else that pays for the subscription.
And any company that focuses on recruiting always ends up looking like this...

If you still don't believe me that most people lose money, then check out this...
#4 Only 1 out of 196 make more than $15k a year
Only 0.51% of distributors made over $15k in 2017...

In simple English that means only 1 out of 196 distributors earns more than $15k in a year from Vyvo.
Is that even enough money for you and your family to live off? Do you remember this from the first video?...
"Reach economic independence that you dreamt of for years"
I'm not so sure these claims are very accurate...
#5 Terrible Vyvo reviews online
The final nail in the coffin for Vyvo is found on the Better Business Bureau. There are so many terrible Vyvo reviews like this one...

I'm honestly not even cherry picking a bad review here. I actually tried to find some positive Vyvo reviews and I found this...

I thought... "5 stars, oh this person must be happy".
But no, it seems like this person used 5 stars so the review wouldn't get deleted. It's quite common for companies to remove negative reviews on certain places online, but they shouldn't be able to do that on the BBB.
My opinion - Vyvo
Vyvo has some interesting products compared to most MLMs.
However, what do I think about the business opportunity?...
The only way to make any decent money is by recruiting tons of people and encouraging them to sell and remain active. The truth is that the majority of these people will end up losing money from Vyvo.
Is that really an ethical business model that you want to be involved with?
How I make passive income online
MLMs are not scams or illegal. However, I'm not a fan of them because of the restrictions to the expensive products you have to promote.
Once I learnt about affiliate marketing, I realised it's a far superior business model because:
- You can promote anything you want and truly own the business
- You never need to sell to friends and family
- It's completely free to start
In 2018 I had no idea what affiliate marketing was.
But I went from a full time PE teacher to making a passive income online within one year...

If you want to discover how I did it then check out this special video I created which explains exactly how. You can also get your free 7-day bootcamp to get started.