May 27, 2020

Why and How to Start a Podcast [+6 Mind Blowing Stats]

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Ever considered starting a podcast?

As you're about to find out there is a potential huge opportunity in the podcasting world that exists right now... and it really has never been easier to start a podcast.

Listen in to find out:

  • Why the opportunity for podcasting is so good right now
  • Some of the best benefits of starting a podcast today
  • How to actually start a podcast (and without spending a penny!)

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Mind Blowing Podcast Stats

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Here are the stats about what exists:

  1. 1.7 billion websites (in Oct 2019)
  2. Over 600 million blogs (in January 2019- over 31 million active bloggers in the USA alone!)
  3. Over 31 million YouTube channels (in January 2019)
  4. 1 million Podcasts (in April 2020)

It doesn't end there either...

5. In 2014 - only 15% of US citizens listened to podcasts every month (41 million people)

6. In 2020 - 37% of US citizens listen to podcasts every month (104 million people)

Just see the rise of podcasts from Statista below...

Steady Rise of Podcasts-min

Benefits and How to start a Podcast

I've written a whole article on this at Breaking The One Percent. So I'm not going to write it out again here for 2 reasons:

1. It's all there 

2. I'm feeling lazy

But what I will do is leave you 2 really great videos that walk you through exactly what tools and hosting you can use to set up your podcast below (hint they are free)...

Pete really knows his stuff about podcasting and he's actually a guest on my podcast next week. Check it out here (this link will only be active by next week in case you read this before). 

Podcast Summary

So have you started your podcast yet?

If not, why not? Are you tempted, then what's holding you back? Seriously drop a comment below I want to know!

P.S. Feel free to share your podcast below if you've gone for it already!

Want to start a podcast?

Use this FREE cheatsheet to find out exactly what tools I use for my podcast. 

It has everything you need from:

  • Microphones/ recording gear
  • Hosting platforms
  • Editing software
  • My secret way I make podcasts sound like a pro in just 5 minutes!
Start a podcast cheatsheet

About the Author

Mike Beatty has built a passive income online whilst working as a full-time PE teacher without any marketing or technical experience. Learn more about how he's done it here.

Mike Beatty

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  1. Hi Mike, I enjoyed your article and have bookmarked it for future reference. My site is new and I’m still learning social media in the Bootcamp Training. I need to do a Podcast and a YouTube video which is all new to me. Although YouTube videos seem popular, I derived from your article that podcasts can actually be an effective marketing tool. The audience can be reached better on a more personal level and they can take the podcast with them on the road.  I can’t wait to try one.


    1. Exactly that Larry, they are much more “intimate” than any other form of content you can produce for sure

  2. hello dear, wow what amazing content you have here,i was actually doing some research online when i saw your post on how to start a podcast, i really do fancy these post alot, your review was mind blowing, thanksalot i believe tese is exactly what i need to take my business to the next level, thanks alot for the info, ill srely do some recommendations

  3. I have definitely been considering a podcast, so this article was helpful. I do a lot of video content on social media and I have been reconsidering a way to multipurpose the content. Podcast keeps arising for me. Only 1 million podcasts?? That gives real context. To me that means there’s real opportunity here for content creators. I will bookmark this so I can use it for future reference. 

    1. There certainly is a big opportunity right now for podcasters! Let me know if you have any more questions once you start, always happy to help 

  4. Hello there! Thanks for sharing this beautiful piece of information with us. wow, what an amazing content you have here,i was actually doing some research online when i saw your post on how to start a podcast, i really do fancy this post a lot, your review was mind blowing and it really helped me. Of course, this is on my recommendation list now. thanks a lot

    1. Let me know if you have any other questions or need help with anything 

  5. Hello, I must say a big thanks to you for sharing this insightful and amazing piece on why and how to start a podcast, it’s indeed information filled. Anyways this is exactly what my friend need, that is how to start a podcast, I really think seeing this article will help him a lot. I willl forward this article to him immediately. Thanks

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