June 11, 2020

How to Start a Podcast Today… and Make Money w/ Pete McPherson

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Have you ever considered starting a podcast?

Well if you're like me you're probably worried about 3 things before starting:

  1. It takes too much time
  2. What's the ROI & can it help me make money?
  3. I don't have any special podcast skills

Today Pete McPherson from Do You Even Blog explains exactly why people don't need to worry about these 3 things.

How Pete Made Money From His Podcast... in Month One


From Do You Even Blog

Pete McPherson from Do You Even Blog

Make Time Online Podcast on iTunes - Live life on your own terms

We chat about:

  • How Pete made money from his podcast in his first month 
  • Why you don't need any special skills or tools to start
  • The main mistake people make when starting a podcast

Listen to the full Pete McPherson podcast episode

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Tools and tips mentioned in the podcast

Podcasting mind blowing stats:

Benefits Pete's had from a podcast:

  • Connections!
  • Thousands of dollars from freelance work he's nailed from relationships
  • No issue getting backlinks
  • Building trust and authority
  • Making sponsorship money... even in his first month!

The three broad steps to starting:

  1. Think about who your audience is... and how  you can serve them
  2. Create podcast content
  3. Launch!

We also chatted about tons of tools and resources people can use (most of  them are free). You can grab this list at the bottom of this page. 

Podcast Summary

Pete really does do honest marketing. 

He's totally upfront that the reason he came on the podcast was to help promote his new podcasting course... Podcourse!

I've personally been through the whole course and I just wish this existed before I started my podcast. Not only would it have saved hours of time figuring this all out for myself but I would have actually saved money... yeah, I spent money on things I didn't need!

Pete only shares what he personally uses and always provides free alternatives for people to use on any budget. You can get a podcast up a running like a pro without spending a penny more (after purchasing Podcourse of course!)

See my full Podcourse review here (and inside look).

Jump straight to the sales page (get 25% off if you use this link and code "MAKETIME" before 18th June 2020).

So there's only one question left...

What's stopping you from starting a podcast? If you're considering starting one or if you have started, let us know in the comments below.

P.S. If you want to just get a list of the tools that I use and that were mentioned on the podcast then you can grab it below...

Get all the tools you need to produce a podcast

Grab your "Start a Podcast" cheatsheet, absolutely FREE.  

I will send you all of the tools that I personally use and recommend. 

If the tool I use is not free then I also show you a free alternative.

Start a podcast cheatsheet

About the Author

Mike Beatty has built a passive income online whilst working as a full-time PE teacher without any marketing or technical experience. Learn more about how he's done it here.

Mike Beatty

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