February 1, 2022

World Wide Group Review: 2022 Scam Pyramid Scheme or Legit MLM?

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So you've probably been introduced to the World Wide Group as a great way to "be your own boss".

However you're probably wondering... is World Wide Group a pyramid scheme scam?

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First of all, I want to congratulate you on taking some time to research the company. 

So many people jump blindly into a MLM companies, which is why 99% of MLM members lose money.

This honest World Wide Group review, with videos, will expose the true pros and cons of joining the MLM so you can make an informed decision if it's for you or not.

World Wide Group Review

The overview and rankings

Name: World Wide Group/ World Wide Dream Builders

Founder: Ron Puryear & Georgia Lee in 1978

Type: Amway MLM support

Products (Including Pricing): 50 out of 100

Success Stories: 1 out of 100

Price To Join MLM: $54.95 per month

+ CommuniKate for $38.99 per month +$25 per month digital download = $119 per month

+ additional costs for Amway IBOs + seminars and major functions (20 out of 100)

What to look for in a MLM:

  • Low start-up fee & maintenance cost
  • High-quality affordable products
  • You don’t have to carry inventory
  • An affiliate-like system 
  • Generous compensation plan
  • Company is in the early momentum phase

World Wide Group Pros

  • Helps Amway distributors
  • Proven track record
  • Training and online education

World Wide Group Cons

  • Amway has expensive products
  • Hidden monthly expenses
  • Pyramid scheme in disguise?
  • Hard to make money
  • Downward trend

Summary: World Wide Group is the rebranded name for World Wide Dream Builders since 2020. It's basically a company that will help Amway distributors make more money from their "Amway business". 

It provides training and support to help distributors sell more products and recruit more people. However, it comes with an additional tasty $119 a month price tag plus the live trainings cost extra. 

The truth still remains that unless you recruit people into your downline, you won't make good money. And the vast majority of people in MLMs lose money. 

Make Time Online Rating: 23 out of 100 

Recommended: No

What is World Wide Group?

The former name of World Wide Group is "World Wide Dream Builders." In fact, it has gone through a number of previous name changes. In 1978, two people who were already involved in the Amway business started the company.

It's a business that assists Amway IBOs (Independent Business Owners) in making a living through the Amway Multi-Level-Marketing They provide distributors with the necessary resources to succeed in their product sales and recruitment efforts.

Hence, unless you're interested in becoming an Independent Business Owner with Amway, World Wide Group is something other than what you need.

If you have no interest in becoming an Amway IBO, then World Wide Group is not for you! Now, you may already have your own opinions about Amway, but you can learn the truth about the company in my Amway review here. 

World Wide Group was founded by 2 successful Amway IBO's in 1978 and has used tons of different names in the past such as:

  • World Wide Dream Builders
  • WWG
  • WWDB
  • World Wide
  • World Wide Group LLC

But they are now officially called:

  • World Wide Group (WWG)

The 4 minute video below explains more about what the company offers...

Some people will watch that and think that WWG sounds like a pretty great place to be!

However, you're smart enough to know that this is just a promotional video created by WWG. 

So you're probably still wondering...

Is World Wide Group a pyramid scheme?

Technically no, World Wide Group is not a pyramid scheme. 

Amway IBO's can make money just by selling the Amway products. However, Amway and World Wide Group operate like a "pyramid scheme in disguise". 

Let me explain what I mean by that...

What is a pyramid scheme?

A company that promises payment to their members for recruiting more people rather than selling a product or service.

Pyramid schemes are illegal in the majority of countries because they are unsustainable. 

You can see it's impossible for everyone to make money in the Wikipedia diagram below...

Amway, like most MLMs, does offer legit products.

However, it's actually very hard for IBOs to hit their monthly sales quotas unless they recruit people into their "downline". This makes Amway and World Wide Group similar to a "pyramid scheme in disguise" where they "hide" behind their products. 

Just watch the 5 minute video below to understand this...

Success is rare with World Wide Group

The truth is, success is hard to find in any MLM.

Did you know that between 73% and 99.9% of all MLM representatives lose money?

MLM FTC Fact Stat

World Wide Group does not release any income disclosures so it's hard to tell how many IBOs do make money by joining WWG. 

It's important to note that WWG does have general employees as you saw in the first video.

But most people that join World Wide Group are NOT employees. They pay monthly fees to get access to training that can help them do better as an Amway IBO.

And like most MLMs the majority of people that join will lose money. 

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Hey, I'm Mike.

I created a passive income online within a year. I had no marketing skills or online experience when I started. 

Mike Beatty

How does World Wide Group Work?

Ron Puryear & Georgia Lee reached Amway IBO's "diamond" rank in 1978. But they didn't want to just achieve that rank and rest on their laurels.

They claim to assist individuals to increase their sales in Amway's MLM. You can access training and resources within World Wide Group for selling and recruiting additional individuals to increase your income.

Here are the two ways you can profit from it:

First, you can sell Amway products for a commission.

Second, you can increase the size of your downline to earn commissions on their sales.

Please note that you are not compensated for recruiting individuals but only when your referrals generate revenue.

Below are the items that WWDB provides to Amway distributors.

Membership with the DreamBuilders

If you are an Amway distributor who has purchased one of their packages, you can access all the content in this system.

Members of dream builders receive access to all of their CDs, DVDs, and other promotional materials.

They will also provide you with a website.


This is a novel notion in multilevel marketing organizations.

They will assign a personal assistant to assist you with emails, phone calls, and appointments.

Moreover, their accessible website Simply types Amway into the search bar, and the top result will be the AmwayMLM website. Nevertheless, more than typing World wide dream builders will be required.

This will only display reviews similar to mine, and you likely searched Google for "global dream builders."

If you wish to access their official website, enter "WWDB."

In Amway, enormous support is provided through global dream builders.

Amway is a multi-level marketing company and made my top 10 list after examining hundreds of multi-level marketing businesses.

World wide dream builders or worldwide group LLC is a company founded on the success of the MLM titan Amway.

They were determined to help other people move up the ranks inside Amway's MLM and make more money for themselves and their "team".

Is World Wide Group a scam- founders-min

World Wide Group provides a range of additional training and tools to help Amway IBOs sell more and recruit more people. 

Ron passed away in 2016 but the World Wide Group continues to carry out what he started. 

Amway products

If you are serious about joining WWG then you will need to understand more about Amway's products, as these are what you are going to be selling mainly.

There are hundreds of products on offer at Amway under the following main categories:

  • Nutrition
  • Beauty
  • Personal care
  • Home living

Basically if you can think of a product that you buy for personal use or to clean your house, Amway probably has it!

Can you really make money with Amway

But it is important to be aware there are thousands of brands offering the same types of products. And there are even hundreds of MLMs that offer a similar product range such as:

You can learn more about what makes Amway's products stand out here.

Can you make money with World Wide Group?

It is possible to make money as an "Ambot" (a term that people use to describe Amway IBOs).

However, it does come with a LOT of commitment, hard work and dedication to Amway and World Wide Group. 

You can see what this person's experience with being married to an Ambot was like. Here is an example of some of the requirements and commitment needed to make money from WWG...

The truth is that people that treat this like a full time business and become more like a "sales manager" are the few people that do make money.

And anyone that wants to make a bit of income from part time effort ends up losing money. 

How to make money with World Wide Group

There are 2 ways to make money as an Amway IBO and World Wide Group:

  1. Sell Amway products for a commission
  2. Recruit people into your downline as an Amway IBO to earn bonuses from their sales

The 3 minute video below explains this...

Many people get this confused:

You do not get bonuses for recruiting people. You can only earn bonuses from the sales your recruits make.

This is how Amway avoided being shut down by the FTC for being an outright pyramid scheme. 

How much does it cost to join World Wide Group?

This is really hard to find out!

There are some outdated figures online...

But from some digging I found that it now costs $54.95 per month for the World Wide Group membership as it was explained on the BBB...

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But there are some recommended additional things to purchase to help your "business" such as:

  • CommuniKate voicemail system ($38.99 per month)
  • Digital downloads with CDs, podcasts, book recommendations ($25 per month)
  • Major functions ($75-$250 per event + travel and accommodation)
  • Amway membership costs ($168 to start + sales quotas)

So let's dig more into the...

World Wide Group monthly cost

So the costs to join do not stop at $55 a month!...

First of all you need to join Amway, which will cost you:

  • $69 (Amway registration)
  • $99 (starter kit)
  • $20 x 12 (marketing costs)
  • $75 x 12 (product costs to stay active)

Total minimum expenses year 1 = $1,228

Then to join World Wide Group and access all the tools and training you will need to spend:

  • $54.95 x 12 (WWG membership)
  • $38.99 x 12 (CommuniKate membership)
  • 25 x 12 (Digital downloads)

Total minimum expenses year 1 = $1,422.78

Overall total minimum expenses year 1 = $2,650.78

And this is before you even account for the additional live training, travel expenses and postage and packaging costs. 

It's nothing compared to starting a bricks and mortar business like a restaurant, but it's certainly more than $55 a month! 

World Wide Group compensation plan

So many people get hung up on MLMs compensation plans before they join. However, most MLMs (like Amway) use confusing terminology and acronyms to make it seem like there are tons of ways to get paid.

So I will do my best to keep this simple...

There are only 2 ways you can get paid from Amway:

  1. Immediate income (15-25% commission... retail - wholesale price)
  2. Performance bonus (3-25% bonuses from your teams sales)
Amway compensation plan

You see that table above?

Yeah, it's harder to understand than solving a Rubik's cube blindfolded, right? Do not worry about it!

You don't need to know this stuff when you join. All you need to know is that to make money you have to sell and recruit (but mainly recruit and encourage your team to sell).

Or you can see the full 90 page Amway compensation plan here. 

Is World Wide Group a scam?

Technically no, World WIde Group is not a scam. 

They provide legitimate training to help people improve their Amway IBO business. 

However, the way many people get recruited to join the company can cause people to get annoyed and call the company a scam, which is why you will probably see it online if you look around!

But the rest of this World Wide Group review will expose the hidden truths so you can make an informed decision.

Just to be fully transparent with you, I am not a distributor myself and I do not endorse World Wide Group in any way.

I have researched the website, testimonials and information on the Internet to get to the bottom of what this program genuinely does. This is because I have been burnt from programs just like this in the past and I want to prevent others from making the same mistakes. If you’d like to learn how to “Spot an Online Marketing Scam” then click the highlighted text.

Common positive reviews

Here are some of the positive reviews we had from High Income Source about the job opportunity...

  • "My home in France has been sold on to a buyer from Denmark I will now be listing a second property I own in Portugal after the success of the sale through this marketing."
  • "Very happy with the service provided after the marketing produced an overseas investor for my apartment in Spain within."

Common negative reviews

And here are the common negative reviews...

  • "However, I personally don’t recommend Word Wide Group and becoming an IBO of Amway. The reason is that very few people can earn real money with it. Most people lose money and waste time in this MLM company."
  • "There is a monthly sales quota to meet in order to get your bonuses, so sometimes, Amway IBOs have to buy Amway products themselves."

Tired of MLMs? Check out how I make money online here!

What I like about World Wide Group

There are a few things that I genuinely like about WWG...

Key Terms:

  • Pyramid Scheme – recruits members via a promise for payment from referring others to the service rather than providing a product
  • Affiliate Marketing- Connecting a customer to a product they are looking for and receiving a commission for doing so
  • Red Flag - A warning sign

#1 Helps people do better in Amway

Supposedly, WWG has helped more than 500 people reach diamond level!

It's at the diamond level where IBOs can make the most of all the benefits of the compensation plan and it requires building a pretty large team that sells a lot. 

If you are already an Amway IBO, then WWG will certainly not make you any worse within the business!

But it is important to be aware that a lot more than 500 people have joined WWG in the past!

#2 Proven track record

1 in 3 MLMs disappear within 10 years. 

At least you know Amway shouldn't just disappear tomorrow and WWG has been improving their training since 1978!

Is World Wide Group a scam- history-min

This is a great sign that World WIde Group is not a scam. 

#3 Training and online education

So many MLMs lack the training required to actually succeed inside MLMs. 

Most of the time you are solely reliant on your "upline" and if you join a good team who knows what they're doing your chances to succeed improves. 

However WWG offers:

  • Podcasts
  • In person live events (at an additional cost)
  • Online training courses- business essentials, product knowledge, making money and selling

If you commit 100% to this business you will be much more likely to succeed with WWG. 

However, is it really an ethical business model?...

What I don't like about World Wide Group

These are some of the hidden truths that you won't find on the WWG website...

#1 Expensive Amway products

Amway sells some overpriced products. This is always a sign that a MLM actually operates like a pyramid scheme in disguise. 

I'll show you why...

Is Amway a pyramid scheme
Amazon Protein Shake
  • Amway protein shake = $3.60 per 20g protein
  • Highly rated Amazon protein shake = $1.25 per 20g protein

Seriously just ask yourself this...

Why would anyone choose to pay 3 times more for a product that does pretty much the same thing? (that shake on Amazon is actually better than Amway's!)

The answer to this question is found in the...

#2 Hidden monthly expenses

Amway has this monthly sales quota where IBOs need to sell around $150 a month to get all the bonuses. 

When IBOs fail to hit this quota, they will usually buy Amway's products themselves... because they have to!

Therefore, Amway's IBOs become the company's BIGGEST customers!

There are also some sneaky monthly costs to join WWG, which the website does not make clear at all...

World Wide Group review- hidden costs-min

This person actually had 5 meetings before she was shown the costs expected to join WWG. You can read about her experience with World Wide Group here

#3 World Wide Group acts like a pyramid scheme in disguise

When you combine the above two hidden truths you can see that World Wide Group/ World Wide Dream Builders is a pyramid scheme in disguise.  

The focus is NOT on selling Amway's products, but on recruiting more people into the company. 

When a MLM focuses on recruiting it always ends up looking like this...

MLM pyramid scheme

Basically, you need to be OK with making money by recruiting people into a system where they will probably lose money!

#4 You need to become a sales manager to make good money

The only successful people at World Wide Group become a full time "sales manager". 

To make money you will need to recruit people (mainly using social media), then hold regular "Zoom meetings" with your "team" and encourage them to sell and recruit.

Dave Ramsey does a great job of explaining this...

If you are happy to be a sales manager then great! If you are an introverted person, this job (it is more like a job than a business, as you are still solely reliant on Amway paying you) probably won't work for you!

Just be aware of the truth before diving in!

#5 Downward trend

The final nail in the coffin is found on Google Trends...

World Wide Group review- trends-min

The company has been searched for less and less since 2004!

More and more people are becoming aware of how Amway works and are being put off. 

It's far easier to sell products or recruit people into a company that people are actively looking for rather than trying to flog a dead horse.

Ready to make passive income online?

I've created a growing passive income online with no previous marketing skills or online experience... 

I've made a special video for you to explain exactly how I did this. 

MTO Income

My opinion - World Wide Group

If you want to be an Amway IBO then WWG does provide some decent training to do better. 

But what do I think of the whole opportunity to make money?

Let's face it...

the only way you can make money is by pretending to people that this is a great way to make money. The truth is that most people will lose money working as an Amway IBO.

That's not really my idea of an ethical business model to make money!

How I make passive income online

MLMs are not all scams or illegal. However, I'm not a fan of them because of the restrictions to the expensive products you have to promote.

Once I learnt about affiliate marketing, I realised it's a far superior business model because:

  • You can promote anything you want and truly own the business
  • You never need to sell to friends and family
  • It's completely free to start

In 2018 I had no idea what affiliate marketing was.

But I went from a full time PE teacher to making a passive income online within one year...

Mike PE teacher to Passive Income Online

If you want to discover how I did it then check out this special video I created which explains exactly how. 

Ready to make passive income online?

In 2018 I had no idea how to make money online. I was a full time PE teacher with no marketing skills or online experience.

I fell for scams along the way but I've managed to create a growing passive income online. 

And I've made a special video for you to explain exactly how I did this. 

Mike Beatty

About the Author

Mike Beatty has built a passive income online whilst working as a full-time PE teacher without any marketing or technical experience. Learn more about how he's done it here.

Mike Beatty

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  1. Thanks a lot for sharing with us this amazing World Wide Group review.
    I searched on the internet many information’s but I can admit that here I found the best and useful explanations offered. Reading your article and your recommendations, I think I’m not made to become an Amway IBO. Honestly, I prefer your recommendation number 1, where I already have almost 1 year experience.
    Wealthy Affiliate is the affiliate marketing platform that has given me real success. Now I have my own website and my own business with which I earn some passive income every month. I recommend this platform to everyone!

    1. I’m glad you’re enjoying WA and making the most of the training and support! It’s always great to meet other people enjoying the platform 🙂

  2. Hi! I have my own opinion about Amway but learning about World Wide Group was interesting. I didn’t know that WWG helped those that worked in Amway to scale their business.

    In my opinion MLM models don’t work, sorry that’s just my opinion. But I commend the efforts that WWG does to try to make it work.

    Thanks for this review.

    1. Thanks for your opinion, but yes they are typically quite unsustainable for most members. There are some that don’t require a monthly sales quota and have affordable products, but they are very hard to find! Unfortunately, Amway is not one of these MLMs

  3. Thanks for sharing this precise review on World wide group. It is very essential to most of us who are into online marketing. Sometimes people just get into some of these marketing businesses with high expectations but because of little information of what they are going into, they end up being frustrated along the way. But with this your article we can discern what truely world wide group is. the true pros and cons of joining the MLM so we can make an informed decision if it’s for us or not is well explained in this review. Thanks for sharing. 

  4. Thank you for the candid information on WWG. Made my choice after reading a few other reviews and especially yours. It pays to do the research. Not born yesterday!!

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