August 10, 2019

7 Easy Ways to Make Money at Home

If you're new here, take this quick make money online quiz to discover what route is the best one for you

In the spirit of full transparency, know that this post on how to make money at home contains affiliate links. This means if you make a purchase through these links, I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. In fact, you may receive a discount or some money for free! Click here to read my full disclosure policy.

You don't know it but, by the end of this page, you will have learned how to make money at home.

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Imagine what it would be like if you could spend each day deciding how to spend your time. 

Just picture waking up in the morning without the alarm going off to the smell of a freshly brewed coffee. 

Visualise yourself having a leisurely breakfast with your family knowing that you control what time you need to work and IF you need to work that day. 

And as you read this web page, remind yourself of what this would feel like. 

Why Bother to Make Money at Home? 

If you're like me then you don't wont to work in a job until you're 75 years old. 

In fact, you probably would quite like to have more time to do the things you love whilst you're still young and energetic!

Well here's a fact for you:

Being in control of your schedule has the biggest impact on your happiness. 

Most of us know some people who work from home or don't have a "typical job". 

Now, let me ask you this...

Do you think these people dread Monday mornings?

Here are 6 reasons why everyone should find out how to make money at home:

  1. It increases your chance to reach financial independence and retire early (FIRE)
  2. It can provide you with additional income to spend on treating yourself and loved ones
  3. Making money at home can be done part-time with as much time as you want to put in
  4. There are soooo many ways to make money at home that there is something to suit you
  5. You can spend more time doing something that you are passionate about
  6. You spend less time "doing stuff" and therefore spend less money on things that don't make you happy

Try it out yourself and tell me if this is wrong!

How to Make Money at Home on the Computer 

If you're thinking "but I don't even know where to start!" then you are not alone amigo!

Most people would jump on the opportunity if they knew how to make money at home. You can find out more ways to make money from home on Single Moms Income.

Now I would like to help you experience what it's like to actually do this!

#1 Start a Blog or Online Business

This is without a doubt the best way to make money at home on the computer to earn passive income. 

Really think about it... 

Do you want to HAVE to work for the rest of your life?

Would you like the option to be able to pick and choose days and times when to work?

If you would then earning passive income is a must!

A couple of years ago I genuinely didn't know it was possible to earn money through a blog...

But it is!

Here's how:

  • Adverts/ Sponsors
  • Affiliate marketing
  • Selling your own content

I've put a lot more information about these types of income in other posts which you can find below. 

For now, you just need to know that it's not super hard to start a blog. 

However, it can be harder to set up a blog that suits monetisation (which is how to make money at home).

But not to worry!! You could have a blog set up in a great way for monetisation within the next 30 seconds after you read this article:

Related articles:

#2 Use Online Surveys to Make an Extra $200+ a Month

The easiest way that ANYONE can make money at home is without a doubt filling out surveys...

The issue with most survey companies (and there are loads of them!) is that they will only send you the odd survey depending on your background information (age, gender, nationality, religion etc.)

So it's important that you find legit survey sites and ideally sites that pay in cash rather than vouchers.

Here are the top 5 recommended survey sites by Make Time Online:

  1. Paidviewpoint
  2. Swagbucks
  3. Inbox Dollars
  4. Prize Rebel
  5. Vindale Research

There are some important tips to be aware of to make good money from surveys too:

  • Join as many as you can that you find are legit (they won't send surveys to you all the time)
  • Create a separate email address just for surveys (you can receive a lot and it will get confusing in between your normal emails)
  • Cash out as soon as possible- there's rarely any advantage for not doing this!
  • Use your spare time wisely (lunch breaks/ waiting in a line/ watching TV during adverts etc.)

You won't become rich or be able to quit your job from this but it is realistic to make a few hundred dollars a month by giving your opinion in your spare time.

You can read more about what each of these sites does and find a total of 15 legit survey sites that pay you money here.

#3 Start a Podcast

It's one of the best ways to connect with other people.

Not only can you interview people you admire and would like to learn from, but you connect with the people that listen much more than you can from a blog.

Some people think it's really hard to start but if you have a laptop and internet chances are you could start one by the end of the day!

Many podcasts use advertising as a form of income but it's often the relationships that you build that can help to monetise a podcast.

Check out the chat I had with Jeff and Ben from Dollarsprout who earn $240k/ month from their online business.

How to Make Money at Home for Free

As you absorb this information, you'll start to realise that anyone can make money from home. 

And you will start to feel better about the options you have for the future. 

Just picture this for a moment...

You are making an extra few hundred extra dollars every month just by doing things that you are interested in or by using skills you already have. 

Now, let me ask you this...

If you could make money at home for free, would you want to?

Since you're still here, I'm going to assume you're interested. 

So here's how to make money at home for free:

#4 Become a Freelancer- Earn $50,000+ per year by Proofreading!

You're probably wondering how you can become a freelancer. 

Well, do you speak English?

Do you know how to read and write?

There are so many opportunities to get freelance work on editing or writing for all kinds of businesses.

Are you interested to find out more about how Caitlin earns over $50,000 per year? 

She earns this simply by proofreading and enjoying her holidays!

Check out her FREE 45-minute workshop to see how to make money at home:

Click here to get instant access to Caitlin's workshop 

#5 Become a Virtual Assistant

If you have a specific skill or you can help someone else out that is extremely busy... then people will pay you for it!

Maybe you can:

  • Book someone a holiday
  • Check emails for someone (believe me people in the online world really want help with this!)
  • Do graphic design 
  • Automate someone's social media account
  • Web programming
  • Help with marketing

Check out some of these reputable sites to see how to make money at home... right now!

It's very possible to earn $50-$100 PER HOUR!

#6 Become a Tutor

And as you think about how to make money at home, you become really interested in these free ways to make money. 

Tutoring online is one of the best ones particularly for those wanting to get started soon!

Using Chegg you will start earning from $20 per hour!! 

So this can easily add up to over $1,000 per month extra cash tutoring part-time from the comfort of your own home.

Click here to sign up.

#7 Teachers!! Sell Your Lesson Plans

Here's one for all my teaching friends...

You can literally sell your lesson plans.

Do you remember a time when you just started teaching? The amount of time and energy it would take to plan ONE lesson!

New teachers will gladly pay for some of these lesson plans that you have sitting on your hard drive (if you did a PGCE in England you know what I mean!)

Check out this website:

Teachers Pay Teachers

Related Articles:

Is it Possible to Make Money Online Fast? 

The closer and closer you get to the end of this page, the further and further your problem of how to make money at home goes.

Little by little you begin to notice that it is possible to make money at home.

Now, I can almost hear your mind saying...

Is it possible to make money online FAST?

Hopefully, by now you can see that it is!

Within a few minutes you could: 

  • Have a survey in your inbox ready to make $5 or more.
  • You could sign up to tutor online and have your first student within 24 hours. 
  • Sign up to a freelancing website and start connecting with people that could really use your services!
  • Build a website that is designed to be monetised in 30 seconds (click here to do that now!)

Do you realise what you will get from doing any of these things?

... yes apart from money!

You will learn a new skill. 

And only rare thinking people like you already know that skills are what the new currency is in today's information age. 

The more skills you develop and improve the more people will want to pay you!

But I Just Don't Have the Time 

Ah how did I know you'd say this!

Really think about this...

Like really, really...

Do you have a spare hour this week?

In fact, do you have a spare hour RIGHT NOW?

Because if you do, you can literally set your life path on a new course.

Learning how to make money at home is like what spinach is to Popeye.

It WILL give you a buzz knowing it's possible to make a new stream of income from the comfort of your home. 

Before long you will be creating time to spend on making money at home.

You will never find time for anything. If you want time, you must make it.

Charles Burton

Pin this page to come back to it later...

How to Make Money at Home Summary

Just imagine days from now waking up to see additional money in your bank account. 

This doesn't have to be a distant dream. 

All it takes is a bit of action from you and you can start trying different methods for how to make money at home...


Get on it like a fat kid on cake.

Keep changing for the better,


P.S. If you are interested in making money online to free up your time, have a look at my #1 recommended program here, which I am currently using.

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