April 13, 2021

Bryan Guerra Email and Affiliate Marketing Mastermind Review: Can This Online Course Be Your Road to Millions

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Thousands of online job seekers have already found their way into the world of affiliate marketing. And this is thanks to the many educational platforms available online.

And nowadays, some courses teach you not just affiliate marketing but also the other forms of internet marketing such as email marketing.

And yes, such a course exists. It’s called Bryan Guerra's Email and Affiliate Marketing Mastermind.

But you might have thought...

Is Bryan Guerra Email and Affiliate Marketing Mastermind a Scam?

No, it is not. It is a legit online course that teaches you how to monetize affiliate marketing.

But is it a course that can really help you gain the knowledge you need?

Read on to know its inner workings, what its content are, and know its pros and cons so you'll know if it's really a legit way to make money online.

This Bryan Guerra Email and Affiliate Marketing Mastermind review has been thoroughly researched with information and testimonials that are available online to anyone in the public. Any conclusions drawn by myself are opinions.

Bryan Guerra Email and Affiliate Marketing Mastermind

The overview and rankings

Name: Bryan Guerra Email and Affiliate Marketing Mastermind

Founder: Bryan Guerra

Type: Affiliate marketing course

Price: $12

Best for: Anyone who wants to make money online, newbie entrepreneurs

Bryan Guerra Email and Affiliate Marketing Mastermind Review: Logo

Bryan Guerra Email and Affiliate Marketing Mastermind Pros

  • Good quality content
  • High instructor rating
  • Accessible resources

Bryan Guerra Email and Affiliate Marketing Mastermind Cons

  • Few outdated instructions

Summary: Bryan Guerra Email and Affiliate Marketing Mastermind is an online course that teaches how you can monetize affiliate marketing.

Make Time Online Rating: 60 out of 100 

Recommended: Yes

What is Bryan Guerra Email and Affiliate Marketing Mastermind about?

Email & Affiliate Marketing Mastermind is a course offered by Udemy, a legit online learning platform.

Bryan Guerra Email and Affiliate Marketing Mastermind Review: Intro

If you visit the official website of this course, you will see the following in its description:

  • How to build an email list from scratch in no more than a day
  • How to use an email list to make money
  • How to remarket back to profitable leads
  • How to find profitable Affiliate Marketing products
  • The ins and outs of making money with Email Marketing and Affiliate Marketing

As you can see, this course will teach you the different aspects of email marketing and affiliate marketing. 

There is basically a revolutionary spin  on this course as you will both learn these forms of marketing not individually but as a combined business model.

Also, you will be taught how to pick the niche that best fits you and the products that can earn you your commission. And while you’re at it, you will also learn how to monetize emails through a targeted email list.

So, if you are someone who wants to generate passive income with email & affiliate marketing and is keen on building a profitable online business, then this course might be of help to you.

But note that there are many other similar courses to this, such as:

Check out this 15-minute video to learn more about Bryan Guerra's ideas about making money online...

And who is this guy?...

Who is Bryan Guerra?

The creator of Email & Affiliate Marketing Mastermind is a man named Bryan Guerra.

He is the founder of Invert Media, an online education company and a creative company that creates information products that will be of help to entrepreneurs.

Bryan Guerra has over 375,000 students in Udemy and has received over  15,000 reviews. He also teaches 57 other courses in the said learning platform...

Bryan Guerra Email and Affiliate Marketing Mastermind Review: Creators

Another thing about this man is he has a Youtube Channel that aims to make entrepreneurship easy for everyone. It has more than 27k subscribers.

And when it comes to Facebook, Bryan Guerra has garnered over 21k followers and likes on his page.

To sum it up, this many is pretty much a known figure among affiliate marketing students, especially in Udemy.

But, does it mean his course is legit? Read on to know more...

Ready to make passive income online?

Hey, I'm Mike.

I created a passive income online within a year. I had no marketing skills or online experience when I started. 

Mike Beatty

How does Bryan Guerra Email and Affiliate Marketing Mastermind Work?

If you find the course interesting and you want to know more about it, then this subsection might give you more information as to how it works.

When you visit Udemy’s website, you’ll be asked to sign up. That is a very common requirement among online sites.

Once you’ve signed up, you can start looking for Email & Affiliate Marketing Mastermind among the thousands of courses in Udemy.

After that, you can add it to your cart and proceed to check out. That’s just the initial process.

Now, if we get to the how’s of this course, one thing you should know is that you’ll be learning through videos and PDF’s.

There is no one-on-one coaching available but you can still have a one-on-one conversation with your instructor, Bryan Guerra.

When you are done with all of the learning materials, you can try implementing what you have learned from it. Also, you can go back to Lesson 1 again if you ever feel lost as you will be given lifetime access to this course.

Also, you should keep in mind that you will not be earning directly from this course. Again, you’ll be taught what you need to know about email marketing and affiliate marketing.

Inside Bryan Guerra Email and Affiliate Marketing Mastermind

This course consists of 4 hours on-demand video, 1 article, 7 downloadable resources, full lifetime access on both mobile and TV,  and a certificate of completion.

To further give you an idea as to what this course can offer to you, let us have a look at its inside overview.

This course has a total of 32 lectures divided into 6 sections:

Section 1: Introduction and Overview

This section is just an initial overview of the course that includes an email blasting disclaimer and the things you can expect from it like how much it is you can make after taking the course.

It contains 3 lectures and lasts for 12 minutes only.

Section 2: Identifying a Profitable Niche to Market 

This section contains 1 lecture and lasts for about 9 minutes. And as the title says, it will teach you how to find and choose the niche that best fits you and that can guarantee you a fair amount of profit.

Bryan Guerra Email and Affiliate Marketing Mastermind Review: Inside

Section 3: The Process of Building Unlimited Targeted Email Lists Over and Over Again

This section consists of 4 lectures and will only take 34 minutes of your time. In here, you will be learning about the software you'll be needing to get targeted Facebook emails, about the ways on how to automate web-based email hunting, how to acquire email leads, and how to extract and edit your emails.

Section 4: Writing your Email Copy, Sending Mass Emails, and Targeted Remarketing

In this section, you’ll be taught how to write your email copy and how to send mass emails. There are also remarketing and bonus tips included in the 2 lectures in this section.

Section 5: Additional Lectures

This is the longest section so far as it has 21 lectures in total and lasts for 2 hours and 33 minutes.

Some of the things you’ll learn include feedback and Facebook crawling technique, how to extract emails from search engines, how to save money on GSuite, and many more.

Section 6: Course Wrap up

As the name suggests, this section concludes the whole course. Also, there is a quiz consisting of 5 questions included at the end.

Check out this 5-minute video showing Bryan Guerra's strategies on how to make money online...

And what about the costs?...

Bryan Guerra Email and Affiliate Marketing Mastermind cost to join

This course costs $11.99. Initially, you can purchase it at $129.99 but as of the moment, it is on sale. 

And if you calculate it, you can actually save $100 if you make a purchase before the sale ends.

What you have to decide on is if the course is worth your money. And the answer to that is just a few subsections away...

Bryan Guerra Email and Affiliate Marketing Mastermind monthly cost

You only have to pay for this one-time payment...

Bryan Guerra Email and Affiliate Marketing Mastermind Review: Costs

So, what do others have to say?...

Bryan Guerra Email and Affiliate Marketing Mastermind reviews online

Bryan Guerra Email and Affiliate Marketing Mastermind is an online course that teaches anyone how to monetize online affiliate marketing.

But what you really want to know is if it works or not.

To answer this, I have checked multiple videos from YouTube and a bunch of reviews from its students...

Common positive Bryan Guerra Email and Affiliate Marketing Mastermind reviews

The following reviews are taken from the official website of Udemy.

These are given by Bryan Guerra’s students:

“This course has completely skyrocketed my understanding of email based affiliate marketing and given me confidence!”

“I'm learning totally brand new ways about email and affiliate marketing, and getting a lot of additional tips. So happy I signed up for this course.”

“This is one of the most practical courses that I've come across in a while. This guy is amazing. These are the type of secrets people keep to themselves in fear that the market may become saturated. The course if fast paced, but the information is simple and easy to follow. All I have to say is.... thank you and good job Bryan.”

Common negative Bryan Guerra Email and Affiliate Marketing Mastermind reviews

Along with the positive reviews, a few negative reviews can also be found in the review section of this course and most of them pointed out some of the obsolete information found in the course:

“The course is a little outdated and xtra pro isn't working the way it's supposed to.”

“Class need to be updated 2020 techniques.”

Is Bryan Guerra Email and Affiliate Marketing Mastermind a scam?

Bryan Guerra Email and Affiliate Marketing Mastermind is not a scam.

This course is legit and really lives up to its claim which is to help you acquire knowledge about email and affiliate marketing.

The lectures are comprehensive and many students of Bryan Guerra attested that they have learned strategies, techniques, and concepts that they can definitely use in their internet business.

There might be some shortcomings you can point out but this does not mean that it is not legit. It is, especially that Udemy offers it...

Ready to make passive income online?

Hey, I'm Mike.

I created a passive income online within a year. I had no marketing skills or online experience when I started. 

Mike Beatty

Bryan Guerra Email and Affiliate Marketing Mastermind Pros

#1 Good quality content

One thing that might push you into giving this course a shot is that its content really gives you what you need.

The lectures contain lessons that cover the essential what’s and how’s of email and affiliate marketing.

And those would be of big help to you especially if you really want to earn money out of affiliate marketing.

#2 High instructor rating

Another thing is, Bryan Guerra is a legit instructor and he has received many positive reviews especially from his students.

Bryan Guerra Email and Affiliate Marketing Mastermind Review: Pros

This gives you the guarantee that he knows what he is doing and what he is teaching to you and that's why most students really learned from him...

#3 Accessible resources

After paying for this course, you will then be given access to its contents. And these are composed of videos and PDFs that are very much accessible.

Bryan Guerra Email and Affiliate Marketing Mastermind Review: Pros 2

And even if you’re done with the course, you can still view the lessons because Udemy guarantees lifetime access to the courses their students will purchase.

Bryan Guerra Email and Affiliate Marketing Mastermind cons

#1 Few outdated instructions

As you might have noticed in the negative reviews presented above, there are some problems encountered by the students regarding the content included in the course.

An example of this are outdated pieces of information...

Bryan Guerra Email and Affiliate Marketing Mastermind Review: Cons

And this might stop you from enrolling yourself.

But if you try to weigh it down, there is much useful information that you can learn from Bryan Guerra’s course.

Ready to make passive income online?

I've created a growing passive income online with no marketing skills or online experience... 

I've made a special video for you to explain exactly how I did this.

Make Time Online Income

My opinion - Bryan Guerra Email and Affiliate Marketing Mastermind

To conclude this review, I would reiterate that Email & Affiliate Marketing Mastermind is a legit course.

And here is what I can say about this affiliate marketing course...

If you are someone who wants to know how to build your own targeted emails and make use of the concepts of affiliate marketing at the same time, then this course might be the one for you.

And if you are aiming to have knowledge that you can use to help build yourself a profitable business, this course will fit you best...

How I make passive income online

In 2018 I had no idea what affiliate marketing was. 

Once I learnt about it, it just seemed like a great business model that can grow over time using the power of the internet. 

So I tried to figure it out by myself... that got me nowhere fast.

Then I fell for some terrible online scams. 

But eventually, I found Wealthy Affiliate. It teaches long-term proven strategies to build an online business with all the tools & support needed. 

And this happened...

Make Time Online Income

Once you learn the process of getting thousands of people to find your website every month (for free) there really is not limit to what you can achieve online. 

I've reviewed hundreds of courses or programs that claim to help people make money online. And I've spoken to dozens of 6-7 figure online entrepreneurs on my podcast.

This is by far the best place I've seen to help beginners get set up on the right foot. You can read my full Wealthy Affiliate review here (including the pros and cons!) 

Or you can watch an insiders video I made that explains exactly how it works here.  

Mike PE teacher to Passive Income Online

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