February 16, 2019

Discover the Best Niche to Make Money Online

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There may be affiliate links in this article on the best niche to make money online, read the full disclaimer here.


Imagine what it would be like if you knew what was the best niche to make money online.




Now let me ask you this…

“What are you passionate about?”

If you’re like me then this is a question that you have often asked yourself.

But there is a slight issue to this question with making money online…


The playing field is not always equal depending on what niche you choose.

As you absorb this information, you’ll realise these differences and find out what the best niche to make money online is.

If you are wondering whether your niche is profitable, about to start a blog or thinking of starting within a new niche, then read on to see these findings…


But I’m Not Interested in Just Making Money I Want to Enjoy What I do!


That’s the response I was hoping for!


So it’s important that I start with this disclaimer:

Any online niche can make money. And they have a much greater chance of succeeding if you are passionate about what you do! Passion will show in every blog post that you write and it will never feel like work. This will allow you to reach higher levels of income than you could in a niche that you weren’t interested in.


However, this article is using facts from a study by the Millionaire Blogger to help you see the best niche to make money online.

Read the Blog Income Report Research Study


What are the BIG 6 Niches? 

Brandon Gaille found that the most profitable blogs that he studied fell into 6 niches:

  1. Food
  2. Personal Finance
  3. Mommy
  4. Travel
  5. Marketing
  6. Lifestyle

The lifestyle niche included a variety of interests that made up their everyday lives such as fitness, fashion, journaling and sewing.

The Mommy blogs could have fallen into this niche. But he found there were enough that had a clear focus on motherhood and used the word “mommy” or “mom within the title.

If the blogger wrote about SEO, blogging, social media marketing and small business then they fell into the marketing niche.

Personal finance, food and travel are pretty self-explanatory!


This study uncovered 2 main findings:

  1. Which niche had the most bloggers making $2k+ per month?
  2. Which niche had the highest median monthly income?


This then resulted in the best niche to make money online. 


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#1 How Many Bloggers Make $2,000+ Per Month? 

There seems to be a pretty clear cut off point from blogging being a hobby to becoming a more serious business.

What is that cut off point?

When it starts earning more than $2,000 per month!

So Brandon worked out the percentage of bloggers earning more than $2k per month for each niche.

Here are his findings…


the best niche to make money online


As you can see the top three niches make up 62% of the bloggers in this study who were making $2k+ each month:

  1. Personal finance- 24%
  2. Marketing- 21%
  3. Food- 17%


#2 Which Niche had the Highest Median Monthly Income? 

Wow, these findings are eye-opening!


the best niche to make money online

As you can see the personal finance and food niches stand out like Vince Vaughn at a midgets convention.



The BIG 3 Findings

Now, there are 3 huge takeaways from the study. 


#1 Personal finance is the best niche to make money online. The food niche is not too far behind.

Brandon even made an equation to leave him with a score out of 100 to answer this question…

What is the best niche to make money online?

The closer the score to 100, the easier it is to make money in this niche:


the best niche to make money online


#2 The marketing niche has an easy path to reach $2k per month

Even though the marketing niche has the lowest median income out of the 6 niches it still ranked 3rd overall.

This is because it seems like it’s much easier to reach $2k per month.

It’s possible to sell online courses that people would pay a high price tag for (unlike in the food niche) and there are heaps of affiliate marketing opportunities.

However, the marketing niche is much more saturated than other niches such as personal finance. This competition makes it hard to really grow your traffic or build your email list.



As you can see there is over 3.5 times the number of marketing blogs that appear on a Google search compared to personal finance blogs. 


#3 The food blogging niche has a different income distribution to most. 42% of their income comes from ads!

Food blogs tend to get higher monthly engagement than other blogs… This is because people eat every day! So they will often click onto a recipe that they are looking for that night.

Look at it this way… It’s not every day you are looking for a new credit card of a budget sheet!



This means food blogs tend to make higher monthly impressions and AdThrive (the highest paying ad network) is specifically targeted for food bloggers. AdThrive provides great ads for food blogs, which means visitors will be more likely to click on an ad as it is relevant for why they are on that website anyway!


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Further Questions That Need Answering

Now, there are some clear results from these findings but it does leave us needing some more information to determine how conclusive the research is.


Here are some questions that would be great if Brandon could answer:

  1. How were these blogs selected for this study?
  2. How many blogs were in each niche? (there are a lot more marketing blogs that exist compared to something like the personal finance niche)
  3. Does this mean there are some biases to finding better know blogs in certain niches?
  4. What are the personal finance and marketing distribution of income?


The Best Niche to Make Money Online Summary

Unlike most articles you may find about what the best niche to make money online say, this shows a clear winner!


So the personal finance and food niches stand out as the most lucrative of the blogging niches. However, do you remember reading the disclaimer earlier?…

Any online niche can make money. And they have a much greater chance of succeeding if you are passionate about what you do! Passion will show in every blog post that you write and it will never feel like work. This will allow you to reach higher levels of income than you could in a niche that you weren’t interested in.


Now read that again.


On the other hand, you may be interested in 2 niches i.e. Travel or food. Now you have a clear road map about which one will be more lucrative and it would be worth pursuing your interest in food if you were on the fence!

The more you keep reading this article, the more you will understand what the best niche to make money online is.


Keep changing for the better




P.S. If you are interested in making money online to free up your time, have a look at my #1 recommended program here, which I am currently using.


P.P.S. Remember to pin this post and if you have any questions or thoughts please feel free to drop a comment below… or send me a message on WA here



the best niche to make money online
the best niche to make money online

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