April 28, 2021

Sqribble Review: Honest Insight Reveals if This is Legit or a Scam

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In the spirit of full transparency, know that this Sqribble review contains affiliate links. This means if you make a purchase through these links, I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. In fact, you will often receive a discount or bonus signing up fee! Click here to read my full disclosure policy.

Sqribble Review

You probably agree that it would be great to be able to create professional-looking eBooks, quickly and simply.

Most people believe it takes a designer or a long time to be able to create these. Sqribble promises to be the solution, creating an eBook in seconds, even if you don’t have any of your own content.

This honest Sqribble review, with video, will reveal the truth behind the scenes and recommend who it is for.

Sqribble Review- The Overview and Rankings

  • Name: Sqribble
  • Owners: Adeel Chowdry (& Ali Chowdry) (85 out of 100)
  • Website URL: sqribble.com
  • Type: eBook Creator
  • Training: 85 out of 100
  • Success Stories: 65 out of 100
  • Price: $67 $46.90 (with discount) + $418 Upsells
  • Maketimeonline.com Rating: 78 out of 100

Sqribble Pros and Cons


  • Legit way to create professional-looking eBooks in minutes
  • Customize the layout of the books easily
  • A website comes in the package to advertise your own services


  • Upsells to access all services
  • Most people looking for someone to design their eBook will want their work edited or proofread
  • No training in how to sell your eBooks
  • eBooks are going out of trend

What does Sqribble do?

Simply put… Sqribble creates professional looking eBooks in seconds.

Check out the video below at 15 mins 20 seconds to 22 minutes (ignore the salesy part in the video… it’s just to take an inside look at Sqribble.)

It’s possible to customise the theme design and change the content of the book easily.

As you can see, Sqribble could offer a great service to people looking to create professional eBooks.

Who is the Owner?

Adeel Chowdry is a legitimate online marketer.

He has created numerous eBooks himself and does very well using affiliate marketing. You can learn more about this in “Does Affiliate Marketing Still Work in 2019?

The video probably doesn’t do him any favours but you can tell he is a real person (unlike some online scams) and just a simple Google search shows he knows a thing or two about online marketing.

How Does Sqribble Work?

There are 50 templates that you can use to design your book.

It is possible to change these around with the colours and design as you want it with drag and drop technology (see above video around 15 minutes and 20 seconds in).

But how do you actually get the content to put in the book?

There are a few ways to do this:

  • Grab from a URL
  • Start from scratch
  • Copy and paste manually
  • Upload Word File
  • Start from Article Collection

So let’s go into a bit more detail about these options…

Sqribble Review

Grab from a URL

You simply find a URL and copy and paste it in. This is perfect if you are a blogger or have a website and would love to turn some of your content into an eBook.

It takes out the HTML coding and only takes the content from the website and includes the images.

You must give credit to the source of course, but I wouldn’t recommend stealing someone elses work to put into a book.

Start from scratch

Just write away on a blank template.

Copy and paste manually

Again it does what it says…

Upload Word File

If you already have the content in a word document you can upload this file and Sqribble puts it into a professionally designed book.

This is a great option if you are getting paid by someone to design a book for them.

Start from Article Collection

Sqribble has eBook Templates that you can choose from.

I would really consider how valuable these will be, but it can be a great way to play around with the features that Sqribble offers.

Who is Sqribble For?

As you can probably tell there are numerous people that may benefit from using Sqribble:

  • Anyone wanting to create a professional-looking eBook
  • Authors
  • Bloggers who want to create an eBook
  • Someone wanting to create an eBook from content on their website
  • Side hustlers looking to make money with a freelance service
  • Someone with great proofreading skills to turn this into full service for people creating eBooks.

Personally, I would say this is best for someone looking for an extra side hustle and income stream.

Using Sqribble’s features you could take on job opportunities to design eBooks for people that don’t want the hassle but are willing to pay someone else to do it.

Also take note that there are many other similar courses out there just like:


How Much Does Sqribble Cost?

The sales page says $67 reduced from $197…

But if you look at the bottom of the page, it should give you a promo coupon code, which makes the grand total $46.90

Sqribble Review

My code was TOYSTORY4, but I’m guessing this changes over time so check it out before you pay $67.

Ready to make passive income online?

Hey, I’m Mike.

I created a passive income online within a year. I had no marketing skills or online experience when I started. 

Mike Beatty

Is Sqribble a Scam?


It is a legit way to create eBooks.

There are two main ways an online course can be a scam:

  1. Take your money and run off into the sunset, never to be heard from again
  2. Provide some information but it doesn’t live up to their promises

It definitely makes it possible to create professional eBooks quickly but as you continue to read this Sqribble review you will learn about some things you need to consider…

Just to be fully transparent with you, I have not purchased this program myself.

I have researched the website, testimonials and information on the Internet to get to the bottom of what this program genuinely does. This is because I have been burnt from scam programs similar to this in the past and I want to prevent others from making the same mistakes. If you’d like to learn more “Ways to Spot an Online Marketing Scam” then click the highlighted text.

Tired of expensive crappy Affiliate Marketing courses? Check out how I make money online here!

Sqribble: The Good

Here are some of the things I like about Sqribble.

Key Terms:

  • Black Hat Methods – Using lies and unethical methods to make someone buy something
  • White Hat Methods – Being honest and genuine to help people make informed decisions about purchases
  • Red Flag – A warning sign

#1 Create a Professional eBook in Minutes

100% the best benefit of using Sqribble.

If you already have some content that you’d want to put in a book then spending $47 may just be the best way to get a professionally-looking eBook in no time at all.

#2 You Can Sell eBooks to Clients

Loads of people are looking to create professional eBooks.

You can use Sqribble to offer your services to create the eBook for these people.

Some ideas of places where you can find these opportunities:

You could find an opportunity in the next few minutes.

#3 Comes With a Website For You to Offer Your Services

A lot of people looking to hire someone to design their eBook will like to see previous work you have done.

Sqribble Review

Whilst, I would not suggest lying about your experience you can use this website to put some eBook designs on there (potentially using the ready-made content in Sqribble as an example).

#4 eBooks Are Readable on All Devices (Optimized for Mobile)

Nowadays, more and more people access EVERYTHING on their mobile.

Ensuring your eBooks can be read on all devices is a must.

Sqribble Review

You don’t need to worry about changing the format, Sqribble does it for you.

#5 Instant Feedback from Clients + Track Clients

Now, as you have already seen, I would recommend using Sqribble to offer eBook design services.

This means if you want to make some good money from it, you will need multiple clients at one time.

This can become really confusing and hard to keep track of what each client wants, with deadlines and editing etc.

Sqribble Review
Sqribble Review

Sqribble has your own platform so you can keep track of clients and they can message you directly on the eBook with any slight changes they want to make.

This is a huge time saver compared to sending them the finished product, then waiting for them to email you back with confusing instructions about what to change.

Now, there certainly are some things to be aware of before you dive in.

Sqribble Red Flags

These are some things that everyone should be aware of before jumping in and buying Sqribble…

#1 Upsells

There are 4 upsells totalling $418.

You don’t them all (or any of them) but it is likely you may need some at certain points.

  • Front-end: Sqribble Software ($46.90)

We’ve covered this above.

  • Upgrade 1: Sqribble professional. ($97)

Unlock 150 more professional eBook templates, graphics and even more ready-made content for all kinds of niches.

It’s important to be aware that the better templates and designs will be in this upgrade. If you are happy to manually change things to the eBook then the normal Sqribble software is fine.

  • Upgrade 2 — Sqribble Prime. ($47)

Get 15 premium “limited edition” new eBook templates added to your Sqribble dashboard every month for one year.

If you are serious about making some good money from this, then you will run out of designs pretty quickly.

  • Upgrade 3 — Sqribble Fantasia 3D. ($77)

This includes 2-in-1 features.

  1. Unlocks a 3D cover creation tool (this is becoming pretty common online now). You know to look like this…

2. Create “flipbooks” that turn your book into interactive pages that turn like in real books.

  • Upgrade 4 — Auto Job Finder software. ($197)

If you’re going to be using Sqribble to create eBooks as a service to get paid, then Auto Job Finder is something that you may want and need.

Automatically get jobs that you can do sent to you so you don’t need to keep trawling the freelancer sites.

#2 eBooks are Going Out of Trend

People still use them a lot.

And people still want people to design eBooks for them.


Google Trends ebook
eBook on Google Trends
Google trends audiobook
Audiobook on Google Trends

As you can see audiobooks and podcasts are becoming much more popular than Kindle and eBooks.

Just something to be aware of.

#3 It’s Hard Enough to Sell a Really Good Book!

If you’re planning on using this service to create your own eBook(s) you will need to sell them by yourself.

There is no training to help you sell the books that you create, which is far harder than writing a book!

#4 Freelance Jobs Online Rarely Involve eBook Design ONLY

This is a biggie!…

Most jobs you will find will require you to edit or proofread the book.

So it’s not as simple as putting in the clients work sending it back to them and receiving $100+.

Upwork Jobs

This seems to be the going rate for those that do just want an eBook designed for them…

Upwork Jobs
$5 to only format an eBook

So it is possible to find but you have to be realistic about what to expect in return.

#5 Not a Passive Income Opportunity

Unless you have your own content that you want to put into an eBook, this is not a way to earn passive income online.

Plus, there is no training in how to actually sell your book, which is much harder than making it look good.

The She Approach Making Pinterest Possible
A blogger using eBooks design

If you are a blogger or someone that has your own audience already, they will buy your book no matter what it looks like.

If not, you probably won’t sell any.

The only real way you will make money from this opportunity is by becoming an eBook design freelancer.

And that is not passive income… you will trade your time for money.

Ready to make passive income online?

I’ve created a growing passive income online with no marketing skills or online experience… 

I’ve made a special video for you to explain exactly how I did this.

Make Time Online Income

My Opinion of Sqribble

It’s a legit service that could be perfect for you.

The best way to use it is to become an eBook design freelancer. It’s certainly possible to make a decent income as a side hustle in this way.

But here’s the kicker… it’s not a way to make passive income online.

And chances are you will only earn up to $1,000 per month if you are doing it as a side hustle. Plus it will take some time before you can start earning this much.

If it sounds like something you are interested in then click here to see more about it.

But if you are serious about making good money online in a passive way…

An Evergreen Strategy That Brings You The Money

It wasn’t that long ago that I was still trying to figure out how it’s possible for people to make money online.

The biggest issue for me is that it needed to tick 3 boxes:

  1. I could work on when I wanted (I was still in a full-time job)
  2. Didn’t cost a fortune to start and maintain
  3. Didn’t need me to sell stuff to my friends and family

It was in September 2018 that I found the system that I still use today to make a passive income stream. In September 2019 I quit my full-time job paying $45,000 a year.

The best thing about it is:

  • It’s free to start
  • Customers are brought to you that are already interested (just think about how you found this review… there was no money or time spent from me promoting this!)
  • You get me as a personal coach to help you on your journey

When you try out this program you will see why so many people recommend it.

Sqribble Review: The “MakeTimeOnline” Final Word

To sum up this Sqribble review…

It’s a great way to make some extra money as a side hustle by offering your services as an eBook designer.

You won’t be able to make passive income by using this system (if you have an audience as a blogger or online marketer, you probably don’t even need this service to make your books look good).

However, it is a legit way to make professional-looking eBooks quickly.

In 2018 I had no idea what affiliate marketing was. 

Once I learnt about it, it just seemed like a great business model that can grow over time using the power of the internet. 

So I tried to figure it out by myself… that got me nowhere fast.

Then I fell for some terrible online scams. 

But eventually, I found Wealthy Affiliate. It teaches long-term proven strategies to build an online business with all the tools & support needed. 

And this happened…

Make Time Online Income

Once you learn the process of getting thousands of people to find your website every month (for free) there really is not limit to what you can achieve online. 

I’ve reviewed hundreds of courses or programs that claim to help people make money online. And I’ve spoken to dozens of 6-7 figure online entrepreneurs on my podcast.

This is by far the best place I’ve seen to help beginners get set up on the right foot. You can read my full Wealthy Affiliate review here (including the pros and cons!) 

Or you can watch an insiders video I made that explains exactly how it works here.  

Mike PE teacher to Passive Income Online

About the Author

Mike Beatty has built a passive income online whilst working as a full-time PE teacher without any marketing or technical experience. Learn more about how he's done it here.

Mike Beatty

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  1. Wow! This is very in line with my field and I found this very helpful and handy to me right now. I work as a freelance writer and I have written quite a large number of books to which I wish to turn them into ebooks but the process has always been daunting to me. Thankfully, this sqribble would be very effective to make use of since it is more of an automation, it would reduce and take off all the burden of having to design everything from scratch from me. I really like the drag and drop from URL feature, it is very uniques. Thanks

  2. Does Sqribble have an affiliate program?  And can I work as a freelancer for dribble? . if I want to create an eBook, do you really mean all I have to do is to subscribe and my eBook will automatically created on dribble?.  Who is going to sell my eBook? And how do I get paid for purchased eBook? 

    1. Hi, yes there is an affiliate program so Sqribble. It is a Clickbank product. 

      You can download your document and it will create an ebook for you from it yes. But you do need to be aware it will use templates and you will have to play around with it to make it look like you want. 

      That is an issue with the program it doesn’t help in selling ebooks. As the review recommends it’s really better for freelancers that would like to offer it as a service to proofread and create an ebook for clients 

  3. Hi, I love this article thanks. I have read a heap of reviews all with differing opinions so not sure if they are just saying it’s great. Thanks once again for this enlightening article, I will continue to enjoy your content.

    1. I have bought Sqribble for my team to work with it on e-books creation but my colleagues said it is impossible to use it. The drag and drop function is unusable, when you upload documents it processes for a few hours and then the document looks shattered to pieces – but what s even worse, it cannot be rebuilt. We have requested a refund but they say that if you use it they cannot refund you.
      Is it somehow like a piece of food that once touched it goes stale.
      I have looked once again on the reviews I have seen on the internet about Sqribble and only afterwards I realized there is ZERO negative or medium reviews about it. Moreover comments are disabled to most articles on the internet so it is practically impossible for one to criticize it or voice an honest opinion.

      Bad choice.

  4. Great Article!
    The most interesting feature of sqribble is the ability to add automatic content to your ebooks. You can generate an ebook without writing a single word! I don't think any other ebook generator gives you this feature.
    Your article is very insightful and breaks down sqribble in easily understandable parts. Will look forward to more such content from your end.

    1. Glad it helped. The issue with that is that the content may not be that useful! Maybe it’s OK for a freebie, but it may lose trust and respect from your readers, depending on the quality/ relevance

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