July 28, 2021

Agency Unlocked Review: Neil Patel’s Digital Marketing Course Discussed

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Many people are actively searching for new ways to earn money online and build a sustainable career out of it. This is why there’s a large number of online educational courses popping up every day.

One of the most popular ones is called Agency Unlocked.

But you are a bit hesitant to get it, which is why you asked…

Is Agency Unlocked a scam?

Nope, it is not.

It’s a course made by world-famous digital marketer, Neil Patel. This teaches all about digital marketing and how you can make money by becoming an affiliate.

This review will dive deep into this online course to see if it’s a legit way to make money online, and if it is worth your time and effort…

Read on to know more about Agency Unlocked…

This Agency Unlocked review has been thoroughly researched with information and testimonials that are available online to anyone in the public. Any conclusions drawn by myself are opinions.

Agency Unlocked review: The overview and rankings

Name: Agency Unlocked

Founder: Neil Patel

Type: Digital marketing course

Success Stories: 30/100

Price To Join: $1,495 annual subscription

Agency Unlocked Pros

  1. Informative content
  2. Legit creator

Agency Unlocked Cons

  1. Expensive
  2. Unresponsive website
  3. No guarantee of success


Agency Unlocked is an online educational course that helps you earn money through digital marketing.

Make Time Online Rating: 50 out of 100 

Recommended: No

What is Agency Unlocked about?

Agency Unlocked is a digital marketing course that teaches how you can make money online through the different areas in the digital world, one of which is by becoming a successful digital marketer.

This course dwells more on the social and psychological approach to entice clients to avail your products and services.

The course uses huge piles of marketing data obtained from its clients and markets. What sets this apart from other courses is that it doesn’t dwell too much on hyper specific technical details.

But instead, approaches things in a more humanized manner. The course says that marketing is an emotional and social experience, and that it needs to be approach in that specific manner.

The course also says that their lessons are building blocks to attaining a successful career in digital marketing. It’s all about mastering the concepts that lays the foundation for a more sustainable online presence.

Check out this 5-minute video to know more about Agency Unlocked…

So, who created this Agency Unlocked in the first place?

Who is Neil Patel?

Neil Patel is a successful digital marketer who has made numerous rounds on the internet due to his successful online campaigns.

He is regarded as one of the most popular bloggers to date. He has founded numerous companies, but one that stands out is Crazy Egg and Ubersuggest. He’s even written numerous books, articles, as well as spoke many speeches on his YouTube videos.

Neil started working as a consultant for Elpac Electronics, which was where he built up his experience in the sales industry. He then combined his love for the online world with his sales skills, which eventually brought him to internet marketing.

But it’s not all bed of roses for him as he also suffered huge losses from his failed web hosting venture. Nonetheless, he rose back from it and eventually blossomed out in the digital marketing landscape. He now has multiple blogs which rake in millions of views and traffic weekly.

Neil Patel even has his own YouTube channel which has more than 500,000 subscribers. It is where he posts his videos about tips and strategies in making money online.

So, how does the course work?…

Ready to make passive income online?

Hey, I’m Mike.

I created a passive income online within a year. I had no marketing skills or online experience when I started. 

Mike Beatty

How does Agency Unlocked Work?

Agency Unlocked is an online course that teaches all the basics and fundamentals of earning money online through digital marketing.

It talks about how you can generate traffic and how you can convert your site views to money. This also dives into creating enticing content that you can pump using social media marketing. You can also learn about how paid advertising works.

Neil then provides you access to a Facebook where you communicate with other members who bought this course. There are also live training sessions every 6 weeks as well as 2 sessions per week where you can talk with the hired coaches of Neil Patel.

Inside Agency Unlocked

Agency Unlocked comes with 6 weeks of training, with each week considered as a module of some sort.

Here’s how they go:

Week 1: Traffic Generation

This is the first week where you learn the very basics of digital marketing. It helps you double your traffic without having to write a blog post or spend money on ads.

It starts out by teaching you how to double conversion rates, which then leads to sending emails, getting rid of unwanted personnel, and leveraging on review sites and famous influencers. You can also refresh old posts and capitalize on free ads.

Week 2: Conversions

The second week is more about conversion. You learn how to increase your customer base without increasing your traffic.

This teaches you how to use CTAs and AI while pushing notification drips. You’ll also learn how to remarket your campaigns using Neil Patel’s strategies. It also talks about how you can analyze your site visitors’ activity to help improve your customer service.

Week 3: Content

The third week talks about content creation. It dwells on using keywords to increase your Google rankings. You learn how to create microsites as well as buying and selling websites.

Week 4: Social Media

The fourth week is where you learn how to do social media marketing. Social media is already becoming the norm these days, which is why it’s important for online business to capitalize on this area. Proper posting, creation of visuals, and interacting with followers are all taught during this week.

Week 5: Paid Advertising

The fifth week is all going to be about paid advertising and how you can wisely shell out some cash to promote your products and services.

You’ll learn how to find micro influencers and how you can use your business’ strengths and weaknesses to enter new markets. You also learn how you can increase the chances of going viral. Share advertising and learning common website mistakes are also the other areas this module will touch base in.

Week 6: Teardown Week

This is the final module which you can follow in your sixth week. It does a quick recap and summary of all the things you’ve learned in this field.

And aside from the modules, you also get two bonuses:

Bonus 1: Live Training

You can join a live training with Neil’s employed digital marketing coaches, which they say can help increase your revenue up to 10 times. There is no assurance to this, though.

Bonus 2: Facebook Group

You gain direct access to a Facebook group which currently has around 500 members. This group includes posts about updates on digital marketing and news about the community.

Check out this 9-minute video to give you a better understanding of Agency Unlocked…

And what are the prices?…

Agency Unlocked cost to join

You have to spend $1,495 annually to buy the course.

But what’s interesting here is that Neil Patel says you can get back that expense within 3 weeks because you’ll be profitable on the succeeding month.

It surely is a bold claim. But it’s backed up by his money back guarantee which offers a full refund if you don’t get 10,000 visitors monthly in the next two months.

Agency Unlocked monthly cost

There are no monthly costs.

But you have to pay an annual subscription fee worth $1,495.

Aside from that, you won’t have to pay for anything…

Agency Unlocked reviews online

Agency Unlocked is an online course that teaches you affiliate marketing and how you can make money from various areas online.

But what you really want to know is if this can really help you earn money online.

To answer this, I’ve checked a number of client testimonials and reviews about his course…

Common positive Agency Unlocked reviews

  • Informative
  • Helpful content
  • Legit creator

Here are some of the best positive reviews I have found…

“Considering you will take the steps necessary to be successful, I think YES. The Agency Unlocked course is an absolute banger. You will learn insider tips & personally see how Niel grows his content & agency.”

“Courses form certain people such as Neil Patel, Foundr & many more are never money waste as they know what they are doing & he is one of the best in the game.”

“I have found his free tricks quite good. There are many who follow Neil Patel’s videos and make the same in Hindi and earn from YouTube. I am planning to buy his paid program. His knowledge and craft is enjoyed by many big Corporates. He is ace in digital marketing.”

Common negative Agency Unlocked reviews

  • Hidden upsells
  • Mainstream
  • Many issues on upsell refunds

And here are the negative reviews worth checking out…

“Don’t go for any type of course, It’s a trap. You will pay them tons and tons of money and they will teach you that you alereay know.”

“Don’t try it. I did use the service i had to pay 50% upfront; After one week i had to stop and ask for a refund because some of the courses still want that you pay like Crazyegg etc in fact the story is very long. I have ask for refund but it almost a month now and all they said is we can give you refund as a check not possible directly to your visa card.”

“Me too. I’ve just googled and its seems………… suspicious.”

Is Agency Unlocked a scam?

No, Agency Unlocked is not a scam.

It is a legit digital marketing course created by a legit and world-renowned digital marketer named Neil Patel. He’s no scammer because he has been very transparent with his successful life story and how he made millions of dollars from his successful online career.

However, many people think it’s a scam because it is expensive and there is no assurance you can gain money out of it, especially that it’s just an online course…

Tired of expensive crappy Affiliate Marketing courses? Check out how I make money online here!

Agency Unlocked pros

Informative content

A nice thing about Agency Unlocked is that it holds informative content which will surely help you learn the ins and outs of the digital marketing world.

It covers different areas on how you can gain passive income and how you can make the most out of social media and website monetization to earn money online.

Legit creator

And the best thing about this course is that it’s created by Neil Patel.

His name speaks for itself, because he’s one of the biggest names in the online world, especially when it comes to making money online through digital marketing.

He is well documented, a best-selling author, and is a globally-renowned personality in the realm of the online world…

Agency Unlocked cons


Agency Unlocked is worth $1,495.

That is surely expensive knowing that it’s just an online course. Most online courses these days range from $100 to $1,000.

But this one’s clearly higher than that. What’s worse is that you have to keep paying $1,495 every year. And the fee is automatically deducted to your account every year. So, you need to cancel it if you’re through with it.

Unresponsive website

I opened their website and it’s not that response.

Just take a look at this…

This is a big turnoff for me because we all want a responsive site that will supply all the answers to our doubts and questions about the course.

No guarantee of success

And last but not the least is that there is no guarantee of success.

This is just an online course that teaches you the basic and advanced things about digital marketing and how to earn from it. But it is all up to you on how you are going to follow these learnings. For sure, you’ll be successful if you’re like this guy…

But you are not. So that’s a worthy question that’ll surely leave some doubts on its effectiveness…

Ready to make passive income online?

I’ve created a growing passive income online with no previous marketing skills or online experience… 

I’ve made a special video for you to explain exactly how I did this. 

MTO Income

My opinion – Agency Unlocked

Agency Unlocked is not a scam.

It is a legit digital marketing course that helps you earn money online through different areas such as website monetization, social media, and many more. It is also created by a world-renowned digital marketer, Neil Patel.

It includes informative lessons about digital marketing as well as tips on improving your website to gain higher traffic.

But you get all these in exchange for spending lots of money just to the course. There is also no guarantee of success when you finish their course.

There are many more better online business opportunities out there that you can try now…

How I make passive income online

In 2018 I had no idea what affiliate marketing was. 

Once I learnt about it, it just seemed like a great business model that can grow over time using the power of the internet. 

So I tried to figure it out by myself… that got me nowhere fast.

Then I fell for some terrible online scams. 

But eventually, I found Wealthy Affiliate. It teaches long-term proven strategies to build an online business with all the tools & support needed. 

And this happened…

Make Time Online Income

Once you learn the process of getting thousands of people to find your website every month (for free) there really is not limit to what you can achieve online. 

I’ve reviewed hundreds of courses or programs that claim to help people make money online. And I’ve spoken to dozens of 6-7 figure online entrepreneurs on my podcast.

This is by far the best place I’ve seen to help beginners get set up on the right foot. You can read my full Wealthy Affiliate review here (including the pros and cons!) 

Or you can watch an insiders video I made that explains exactly how it works here.  

Mike PE teacher to Passive Income Online

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