In the spirit of full transparency, know that this podcast with Ryan Biddulph, Blogging From Paradise contains affiliate links. This means if you make a purchase through these links, I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. Click here to read my full disclosure policy.
You may agree that living a life of island hopping and travelling the world sounds pretty idyllic.
Most people think this lifestyle is something that only billionaires can achieve. However, by using smart blogging methods you are about to find out that anyone can choose this lifestyle if they wish.
In this podcast with Ryan Biddulph from Blogging From Paradise we chat about:
How he went from a struggling blogger to a super successful blogger
The secret to Ryan's success
How he wrote a book a day for 3 months whilst living in Bali
The worst thing that is holding people back from living their dream life
Ryan Biddulph's Background
2 mins
In the next few minutes, you are going to learn that Ryan was a security guard 10 years ago. He was just your average American who:
Had his last vacation in 1989 to South Carolina
Didn't own a passport before 2011 and had never been on a plane
He was aware that he wasn't living life the way that he wanted to. But it wasn't until his wife, Kelli, introduced him to making money online that he saw how it could be any different.
Once he saw it could be possible Ryan packed up and moved to Bali (his first ever flight in 2011!!)
Ryan talks about his initial struggles:
He started with a "Make Money Online blog", but didn't have the passion
He made money initially with freelance stuff and writing articles
But he didn't really find success until...
Blogging From Paradise Was Born
6 mins
Imagine what it would be like if you could live in Savu Savu, Fiji for free.
Well, this is exactly what Ryan and Kelli did.
They got their first house sitting experience after just 3 skype interviews... no experience!
It was here on the beautiful island of Fiji in 2014 that Ryan hatched Blogging From Paradise.
This is when he moved from the freelance model (trading time for money) to a passive income model.
The further on you listen to this podcast the more you will realise that blogging can create multiple streams of income and there's no limit to it.
Ryan's Secret
8:30 mins
So you want to know Ryan's secret?
OK, lean in a bit closer...
It's energy.
Nothing more to it!
Ryan started following successful, happy people i.e. Tim Ferris, Richard Branson and Tony Robbins.
The common factor was their energy and passion.
Is your attention and energy coming from a place of love and positivity or fear and scarcity?
In the "make money online" niche, Ryan was in it more for the money.
He realised a lot of bloggers were working full time and were actually quite depressed chasing money. But when he focused on improving his energy and positivity, everything else started to fall into place.
Creating content sets everything up and builds trust.
However, connecting and creating the right energy is the most important thing.
Ryan's top tip is to research different energy management tips and try things out, such as:
Deep yin yoga
Write a grateful list every day
*EFT Tapping
*Cryotherapy i.e. cold showers
* Do check in with your doctor before trying anything you are unsure about!!
Meditating won't make you peaceful, but it will make you aware of your energy and you can act on that! Your thoughts and feelings often stop you from building relationships and creating or connecting in the way you want.
[click_to_tweet tweet="Move away from fear and scarcity to a mindset of abundance and positivity @maketimeonline @ryanbiddulph" quote="Move away from fear and scarcity to a mindset of abundance and positivity"]
Writing 126 Books- Writing 1 Book a Day for 3 Months!
15 mins
"This is what happens when you raise your energy"
Ryan explains that when you let your limiting beliefs go you can access pure "flow".
He wrote short books between 4-6,000 words each day on:
Practical blogging tips
Plus a lot more!
Some of the books went "off niche" but people still buy them when you utilise online tools like Amazon.
Energy dictates action and inaction.
The Hard Work Consciousness Myth
20 mins
You probably know that most people will focus on scarcity rather than all their wins. Do any of these thoughts sound familiar?
If I just had more money then I could...
When I get this job then I will...
I wish I had the time to travel...
Ryan started to realise that he was often in the perfect place and perfect time.
Do you being to notice that it's not about putting in more effort and time, but getting your mindset and energy right first?
Devote energy and attention to things you are grateful for i.e. start to see riches in your mind from the money you have made 10 years ago, and money will flow to you.
Being Grateful
25 mins
Wouldn't life be amazing if you could only focus on the positives?
You may find people say some nasty things online. But you can starve these people of attention and keep going back to where you are loved.
Give attention and energy to people that appreciate you and it creates more and more positivity and gets rid of the negativity.
And before long you will achieve the 2 F's:
and finances
Achieving Freedom
28 mins
Make choices on a foundational and base level.
The main decision Ryan and Kelli made was:
To circle the globe and go wherever they want whenever they want to.
To do this they have released possessions and own only things that they carry with them.
Ryan didn't want to trade time for money so he created passive income streams.
But happiness comes in first!
Focus on fun and freedom then the money comes.
Let me ask you this, what would make a bigger impact... dropping a pebble or the world trade centre falling?
Now let me ask you this, which one do you think you would notice more:
Dropping a pebble into a still pond
Throwing the world trade centre into a hurricane and chaos
Find stillness and each small meaningful action will have a much bigger impact.
Passive Income Streams from Blogging
33 mins
During this section Ryan mentions different methods that he has personally used to create passive income:
Online courses
Self publish ebooks
Convert some to audio books (using to put them onto audible, iTunes and Amazon)
Convert to paperback
Sponsored posts and advertising streams
Affiliate marketing i.e. Amazon Associates
Paid Tweets for organisations
You will, however, make more money more quickly through active streams such as:
Money is an inside game and feeling like you can prosper.
It doesn't have to take such a long time if you can think. In fact, you can learn more about how it's possible to start making money in a short space of time with "Affiliate Marketing Online: The Secrets Revealed".
Ryans best tip to automate is to connect with tribes i.e. Triberr
If you share other people's content, they will share yours.
Leverage your relationships to automate your marketing no matter what you are doing.
The easiest way to befriend another blogger is to promote them, share their content, comment detailed and useful responses on their posts.
Be as generous as possible!!
[click_to_tweet tweet="You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help enough other people get what they want. Zig Ziglar @ryanbiddulph @maketimeonline" quote="You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help enough other people get what they want. Zig Ziglar " theme="style3"]
As you absorb this information, you'll notice that there are so many great takeaways from this podcast with Ryan Biddulph.
Some of the key ones are:
Be present in day to day life
Have fun offline to be more effective online!
Work on your mindset and focus on your energy
Focus on your wins! Be grateful (do you have food in your fridge, are you breathing, did someone look at your website this week? These are all wins!)
Decide what life you want to live... find a way to do it
Little by little you realise that you can live the life that you dream of. Drop a comment below with your main takeaway from this podcast.
Keep changing for the better,
P.S. If you are interested in making money online to free up your time, check out this 1-minute video to see more information about this proven 4-step system...
About the Author
Mike Beatty has built a passive income online whilst working as a full-time PE teacher without any marketing or technical experience. Learn more about how he's done it here.
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