January 31, 2020

How I Started an Online Business With No Experience & Where it’s at Now: I’m Interviewed!

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So I’m on the other side of the podcast today!

I’m interviewed by Tiffany Domena from How to Entrepreneur & I explain the true struggles and how I started an online business with no experience, on a tight budget and at a full time job.

How I Started an Online Business With No Experience, Where it's at Now and The Future

Mike Beatty- Interviewed by Tiffany Domena

From How to Entrepreneur

Mike Beatty

Make Time Online Podcast on iTunes - Live life on your own terms

I also explain exactly what stage Make Time Online is at now with the future for the online business and podcast. 

Listen in to our chat to find out:

  • How long it took me to make any money
  • How much money I’m making now
  • Why I’m super excited about the future 
  • How long new affiliate marketers should expect it to take to make an income 

As always the last few minutes sums up the main points and leaves you with one little piece of action you can take away. 

Listen to the full podcast

Tools and tips mentioned on the podcast

So here are some of the things we discuss in the podcast that may help:

  • Rich Dad Poor Dad book & the 4 "asset classes" you need to invest in to be truly diversified:
  1. Paper assets i.e. stocks & shares & pensions... see why everyone should invest in index funds here.
  2. Commodities i.e. gold, silver, oil etc. (check out the hidden secrets of money video series for more info on this).
  3. Real estate- These landlord/ tenant templates are great time-savers for all things property management. Plus, this is an amazing resource for landlord/ tenant laws in every US state. 
  4. Business- there are so many benefits to an online business (I created a special video explaining everything about how I started here).
  • Jeff and Ben's Pinterest course (it's now free!... and still amazing)
  • Wealthy Affiliate- start for free (no credit card required) to learn how to start/ grow an online business (that's an affiliate link by the way... you get to try the premium membership for $19 for the first month through that link instead of $49)

Full BLANK Podcast Transcript

Podcast Summary

So there it all is laid out on the table. 

I never started this to try and keep it all to myself (hence the podcast) and I'd love to be able to help anyone that is looking to take control of their own life.

The more I learn from my chats with different people, the more I realise that everyone has their own journey to "success". 

It will be hard at times lots of the time!

But the end rewards of being able to live your life in the way you want far outweighs any of the downsides for me.

P.S. Check this out if you'd like to see the video I have created explaining exactly how I started making passive income online with no experience.

Master Pinterest to get Free Blog Traffic

Get access to this exclusive 7 day Pinterest course to make the most of this FREE traffic source. 

 It includes: 

  • 5 graphic design hacks
  • Pinterest SEO tips  
  • Email template to join group boards
Pinterest growth

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About the Author

Mike Beatty has built a passive income online whilst working as a full-time PE teacher without any marketing or technical experience. Learn more about how he's done it here.

Mike Beatty

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  1. Nice work on the website. Very informative and clean. Some website are just loaded with affiliate stuffs. I will visit your site more often and get more tips on being successful in the online business because I’m still a newbie here at WA. Got a lot to learn. After watching your videos I’ve learn something new. Thanks.

    1. Ah thanks Michael, I’m glad it helped! Stay in touch and I will be more than happy to help on your journey 

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