Chances are someone has either tried to sell you some Norwex products or recommended joining the team as a consultant. Now you're wondering, is Norwex a scam?
Because I've been in your shoes before when I nearly joined another MLM company.
Whilst it is certainly possible to make money through multi-level-marketing (MLM) companies, many people have their reservations about joining them. Norwex promises to be different.
This unbiased review, with videos, will show you if Norwex is a scam and exactly what it takes to be a successful consultant.
Norwex Review
The overview and rankings
Founder: Bjørn Nicolaisen in 1994 in Norway
Type: Cleaning MLM
Price: $200 to get started (free if you sell $2,000 in 90 days) + $250 sales quota for 3 months
Norwex is a network marketing (aka MLM) company that focuses on selling eco-friendly cleaning products.
Most famous for the microfibre cloths that supposedly don't require anything other than water to clean 99% of bacteria.
The aim is to create a completely chemical-free household with their cleaning products as you can see in the short video below...
You can see from the screenshot above that Norwex has a bit more to it than just selling fancy cloths.
It's also possible to create a home business for yourself by becoming a consultant.
So let's dig into Norwex a bit more...
Is Norwex a Pyramid Scheme?
Norwex is not a pyramid scheme. It's possible for conultants to earn money by selling the products without recruiting anyone else.
However, the way that most consultants make money is by recruiting a big "downline". This makes it similar to a "pyramid scheme in disguise"...
What is a pyramid scheme?
A company that promises payment to members for recruiting more people into the company rather than selling a product or service.
The Wikipedia diagram below proves that it is impossible for everyone to make money inside these schemes...
Norwex does sell legit products.
However, the real money is made when consultants recruit more people into the MLM. The 5 minute video below explains how to watch out for these kinds of pyramid schemes...
Ready to make passive income online?
Hey, I'm Mike.
I created a passive income online within a year. I had no marketing skills or online experience when I started.
There are loads of products sold by Norwex including:
Bathroom cleaning products
Laundry detergent
Toothbrush & deodorant
Microfibre cleaning cloths
And more...
You can find all the products available in the Norwex shop here.
But the big stand out feature is certainly the microfibre cloths that promise to remove 99% of bacteria when following the proper care and instructions, without any chemicals.
So let's find out a bit more about how that works...
Norwex Compensation Plan
Here are some of the most important facts and numbers I'm sure you're dying to find out:
It costs $200 to purchase the starter kit. They claim it's free but you need to sell $2000 worth of product within 90 days (this is very hard FYI!)
You earn 35% discount off your personal sales (great if you love cleaning!)
You need to submit $250 of sales in one calendar month to count as an engaged consultant
If you get 3 "engaged" consultants that join from your recommendation (aka your downline) then you start earning a commission from them too (the percentages increase with more team members engaged)
I won't go into too much detail here as it gets pretty confusing when listed like this. This cool YouTube video sums it up pretty well though and you can view the whole package on this PDF...
Here's the truth.
The microfibre cloth costs around $20 if you sell it as a consultant. That means you need to sell around 13 of these every month.
The thing is... the cloths are long-lasting so you will unlikely have recurring purchases for these. Of course, some other products like deodorant and toothbrushes need replacing, but how easy do you think it is to sell 13 cloths every month from holding a "home party"?
You're pretty much being recommended to invite friends and family over to clean in front of them and try to sell it to them.
There are only so many friends you'll be able to invite over until people become fed up with it.
Now, I can almost hear your mind saying...
Is Norwex a Scam?
No, Norwex is not a scam. But it certainly isn't the best opportunity to set up a home business.
There are two main ways an online course can be a scam:
Take your money and run off into the sunset, never to be heard from again
Provide some information but it doesn't live up to their promises
Norwex has a strong focus on selling the products and the products are pretty good. They don't boldly claim to make you financially free or able to earn $1000's a month from home.
So as you can see Norwex is not a scam.
As you continue to read this Norwex review you will find out whether it is a good program for you to join to make money from home.
Common positive reviews
Here are some of the positive reviews we had from Trust Pilot...
"In my opinion the quality is amazing, some of the cleaning products are mind blowing and I am still stunned that you only have to use water with their cloths and mops."
"Had also purchased their detergent and whilst no fragrance lasted ages with fantastic results."
Common negative reviews
And here are the common negative reviews...
"This company appears to be a multi-level-marketing company. 99% are found to be scams perpetuated on their consultants."
"Despite my desire to JUST get some washcloths, I was assigned a 'consultant'. I had no choice if I wanted to make the purchase."
Just to be fully transparent with you, I have not joined Norwex myself and I do not endorse it in any way.
I have researched the website, testimonials and information on the Internet to get to the bottom of what this program genuinely does. This is because I have been burnt from programs just like this in the past and I want to prevent others from making the same mistakes. If you’d like to learn more “Ways to Spot an Online Marketing Scam” then click the highlighted text.
Here are some of the things I like about Norwex...
#1 Upward trend
It's much easier to sell someething that people are looking for. You can see on Google Trends that more and more people are searching for Norwex each month...
Farmasi is one of the fastest growing MLM's I've seen in the USA and Norwex is still ahead of them.
#2 Focused on Products
Norwex is not a pyramid scheme.
This also helps to prove that Norwex isn't a scam.
A pyramid scheme is where the company only pays the customers if they refer other people to join the company as a consultant.
The focus of Norwex is completely on selling the products.
Even the website is totally designed to show off their products.
This is always a great sign for an MLM company.
#3 Generally Good Feedback From the Cloths
You can check Amazon or any reviews online.
It's very hard to find bad reviews for the products. The majority of 1-star reviews on Amazon are because people feel like they didn't receive Norwex cloths.
This is another great sign considering you would have to sell these products if you become a consultant.
Norwex: The Not So Good
If you're like me. then you've probably just skipped to this part or are excited to see some of the not so obvious points about joining Norwex as a consultant.
So here are some of the bad parts of Norwex that you should be aware of and helps to answer is Norwex a scam...
#1 Does The Cloth Really Remove 99% of Bacteria?
This is debatable but there is some evidence online that these genius cloths may not be as good as people claim.
This review on Amazon is from someone that carried out his own research after his wife started using the cloths.
He found there were more bacterial colonies found in the Norwex cloth than a regular cloth.
Maid Pro gives a more detailed answer about what microfiber cloths can and can't do. For example, if there is a heavily soiled surface there's not much the microfibre cloths can do.
Personally I have looked into the science and I'm fairly sure the microfibre cloths would be great for day to day cleaning of surfaces etc.
BUT... only if you care for the cloth properly i.e. wash them and leave them to dry every day.
You have to use a bit of common sense though... hard water stains and soap scum that are stuck onto a surface will probably need something a bit stronger to remove them!
#2 Expensive Products
There is an important disclaimer to make first...
You can buy the products cheaper from a consultant than you can on Amazon or other places.
I guess this an incentive for people to become consultants as they can offer better prices.
Over $40 for a Norwex clothA range of microfibre cloths for under $20
However, even with the discount, you can find equivalent products for much cheaper.
Obviously, every cloth is different. But the majority of people would likely take the cheaper option if they had the choice.
#3 Hidden expenses
Here are some interesting facts:
In order to stay active, you need to sell $250 worth of products every 3 months.
If you become inactive, you’ll be charged a $20 fee to reactivate your account.
And after 12 months without sales, you’re no longer considered a consultant.
What this means is you are encouraged to buy products (from yourself) to reach this quota every month.
This can lead to stockpiling the products and leave you looking like this...
...Or drowning in debt.
#4 Outdated Sales Techniques
Let me ask you a serious question...
Have you ever been to one of these "home parties"?
It's really just a posh way of saying... selling stuff to friends, family and random people you meet out and about.
This is the quickest route to turning every relationship you have into "dollar signs in your eyes" and just completely fake.
This is not the way that people sell, or buy things in the 21st century.
Home selling parties are becoming obsolete.
#5 Not Open and Honest
The starter kit is totally deceiving.
It sounds like you can get a free starter kit to get up and running. But the small print says this...
Basically, you need to sell $2,000 worth of products in the first 90 days or you will be charged $200.
Why can't they say... it costs $200 unless you have a lot of friends and family that you'll be able to sell this stuff too?
There is also nowhere on the website that links you to the compensation plan. You have to dig around for it.
Plus, it's so confusing that no one really understands what they are getting into until they've spent a few thousand dollars keeping their membership alive.
Ready to make passive income online?
I've created a growingpassive income online with no previous marketing skills or online experience...
I've made a special video for you to explain exactly how I did this.
I believe Norwex is a legit company that has created some great products to help reduce the chemicals in your house and help the environment.
However, I do not think it's a good strategy to make a business from home.
The monthly sales quota you need to hit is pretty high just to stay as a consultant and the sales methods you are taught are becoming obsolete.
MLM programs tend to have a pretty terrible track record with over 90% of people losing money from them.
There is so much more competition for these kinds of products in the market that people can do a quick Google search and find alternatives for a cheaper price and the same quality.
If you are interested in joining still then have a look on YouTube for some reviews as you will need to be referred from a consultant.
Joining with an experienced consultant with a track record is always a good idea with any MLM business so they can show you the ropes.
Is There an Alternative to MLM Companies?
It wasn't that long ago that I was still trying to figure out how people make money online.
The biggest issue I had was finding a legit opportunity that suited me...
I needed work on it part-time (I was still in a full-time job)
Didn't cost a fortune to start and maintain (my wife would have killed me if I spent our travel money on a junk course!)
Didn't need me to sell stuff to my friends and family (I like them too much)
It was in September 2018 that I found Wealthy Affiliate through someones honest online review... it took me a while to learn what to do to build an online business.
But I went from a full time PE teacher to making a passive income online within one year...
If you want to discover how I did it then check out this special video I created which explains exactly how. You can also get your free 7-day bootcamp to get started.
Mike Beatty has built a passive income online whilst working as a full-time PE teacher without any marketing or technical experience. Learn more about how he's done it here.
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