March 29, 2021

Is Fluorescent Sand a Scam? Or Legit Stock Investment?

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So, you’ve probably been told about Fluorescent Sand as a way for you to earn easy money and take part in the supposed global revolution of 5G technology that’s yet to unfold.

However, you might be wondering… Is Fluorescent Sand a scam?

Before anything else, I’d like to congratulate you for spending the time to find out facts about this supposed earning opportunity.

What usually happens is that many people blindly jump into money-making opportunities like this, which is why over 95% of people lose money.

This honest Fluorescent Sand review which includes images, videos, and solid facts, will show you the true pros and cons of trying out your luck in this stock investment opportunity so you can make an informed decision if it’s for you or not.

Fluorescent Sand Review

The overview and rankings

Name: Fluorescent Sand

Founder: Ian King, Banyan Hill

Type: Stock Investment

Products (Including Pricing): Automatic Fortunes Newsletter ($47 to $129)

Is Fluorescent Sand a Scam?

Success Stories: 0 out of 100

Price To Join: $47 to $129

What to look for in a Stock Investment Newsletter:

  • Low subscription fee
  • Informative details
  • Reputable source
  • High chances of earning
  • Opportunity is in the early momentum phase

Fluorescent Sand Pros

  • Informative newsletter
  • Earning potential from 5G investment
  • Easy subscription process

Fluorescent Sand Cons

  • Auto subscription renewal
  • Deceptive marketing
  • No income disclosure
  • No real stock investment training
  • Information overload

Summary: Fluorescent Sand is a marketing campaign that promotes 5G technology stock investment. People can learn more about this by subscribing to the Automatic Fortunes newsletter.

Make Time Online Rating: 20 out of 100 

Recommended: No

What is Fluorescent Sand?

Fluorescent Sand is merely a vague “marketing” term that promotes 5G technology and its supposed technological breakthrough soon.

But really, I see this as just nothing more than new fiber optic cables!

Yes, you can “ride with the 5G wave” and invest.

No one’s saying you can’t earn big-time.

But just ask yourself — do you really need the newsletter called Automatic Fortunes to invest? Or let alone hear out Ian King’s words? Knowing that he’s well known for being an “aggressive marketer?”

Subscribing and spending money for your Banyan Hill subscription and being bombarded with supposed “professional,” “expert,” and “accurate” advice from a company that merely sells books and reading materials doesn’t really sound good.

Factor in Banyan Hill’s parent company’s lawsuit history and it won’t be hard for you to consider it as a scam in disguise!

Here's how Ian King promotes Fluorescent Sand...

Is Fluorescent Sand a Scam? Headline

As you can see, he's pretty good in marketing the term, right?

And it’s very clear that Fluorescent Sand uses that opportunity to look interesting in the people’s eyes.

They did a great job with that, though, because this makes the campaign thought-provoking!

Imagine being part of this “global revolution”...

Who Is Ian King?

Ian King is a professional marketer and financial trader with over two decades of experience.

In 2017, he joined the team at Banyan Hill Publishing where he has two newsletters Crypto Profit Trader and Automatic Fortunes. 

He joined Banyan Hill Publishing in 2017 as one of their brightest marketers. It was also where he worked on two newsletters:

  • Automatic Fortunes
  • Crypto Profit Trader

Automatic Fortunes is the newsletter that Fluorescent Sand promotes.

You’ll then see here that Fluorescent Sand is actually just a marketing propaganda to get people to subscribe to the Automatic Fortunes newsletter!

It’s really not that hard to realize, right?

The newsletter features the latest updates and developments on technology and investment stocks.

It also talks about the strategies and tips subscribers can follow to leverage on the “trillion-dollar” industry that according to King is going to roll out soon.

Does Fluorescent Sand have lawsuits?

Fluorescent Sand doesn’t have any lawsuits.

But its parent company, Agora Financial, has!

And yes, they have lots. Here are some examples...


  • Lawsuit filed by Ginsburg against Agora in 1995 for violation of federal and state securities laws.
  • Lawsuit filed by Lubin against Agora in 2005 for violation of Maryland securities laws.
  • Lawsuit filed by SEC against Agora in 2003 for profiting from the selling of fake financial information.

The last and latest lawsuit sounds familiar, eh?

Is Fluorescent Sand a scam?

Fluorescent Sand is merely a vague “marketing” term that promotes 5G technology and its supposed technological breakthrough soon.

But really, I see this as just nothing more than new fiber optic cables!

Yes, you can “ride with the 5G wave” and invest.

No one’s saying you can’t earn big-time.

But just ask yourself — do you really need the newsletter called Automatic Fortunes to invest? Or let alone hear out Ian King’s words? Knowing that he’s well known for being an “aggressive marketer?”

Subscribing and spending money for your Banyan Hill subscription and being bombarded with supposed “professional,” “expert,” and “accurate” advice from a company that merely sells books and reading materials doesn’t really sound good.

Factor in Banyan Hill’s parent company’s lawsuit history and it won’t be hard for you to consider it as a scam in disguise!

What is a scam?

According to Merriam Webster, a scam is an act of deceiving someone through an activity or interesting and helpful opportunity to earn something, in this case, money.

Here's a 3-minute video on how you can spot a scam...

Success is rare with Fluorescent Sand

Success is very hard to find in stock investments, let alone subscribing to a newsletter just to gain information on how to invest!

It’s just crazy to believe you’ll actually earn good money or any amount from this endeavor.

Automatic Fortunes newsletter, which is the whole point of Fluorescent Sand’s existence (as a marketing term) didn’t also release any income disclosures.

This means that it’s impossible to tell if subscribers really did make money from the investment scheme.

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How does Fluorescent Sand Work?

Fluorescent Sand is merely a sales pitch — and nothing more…

Its main purpose is just to get people to subscribe to the Automatic Fortunes newsletter which is written by Ian King for Banyan Hill Publishing.

Banyan Hill and Agora Financial (the company owning Banyan) are masters in using salesy and clever language to promote their newsletter through deceptive marketing strategies.

In fact, I’ve found out that there are other sales pitches they did before that’s very similar with Fluorescent Sand!

Here they are...

And just like Automatic Profits, these campaigns offer a book for “free” even if it isn’t really free.

You know how this goes…

These aren’t downloadable because they’re literally a physical book! Though they may be “free,” you have to pay for the shipping and postage.

What’s worse is that once you sign up for it, you’re automatically subscribed for a monthly autoship that’s good for one year!

In my own opinion, I can say that this is downright marketing deception and is very similar to scams!

Fluorescent Sand products

Fluorescent Sand isn’t a product. And just like what I said earlier, it’s merely a marketing term to get people to subscribe to the Automatic Fortunes newsletter.

Is Fluorescent Sand a Scam? Newsletter

Here’s what you can expect to find in Automatic Fortunes:

Full Access to Ian King’s Portfolio

His portfolio contains his investments and how much he’s making from them. You’ll also find out about the $5 stock you can invest on and how you can turn it to 1 million times its original value! Crazy isn’t it...

Community Updates

You’ll get weekly updates on what’s happening in the financial and tech markets, most especially with the much hyped 5G revolution.

Monthly Subscription

Automatic Fortune’s main membership product is its monthly subscription that you are auto-renewed on. It shows in-depth analysis on market trends and if there are new stock investment opportunities you can invest on.

Can you make money with Fluorescent Sand?

Sure, you can make money with the help of some financial advice from the experts and proper investments in revolutionary technologies.

But investing doesn’t give you the assurance of making money. You can even lose money in the process!

So, no — you can’t make money (or at least get an assurance you’ll earn anything) from the vagueness that this Fluorescent gives us...

How to make money with Fluorescent Sand

Fluorescent Sand gives you the idea of a revolutionary technology called 5G and its potential to turn your $5 to thousands and even millions of dollars.


Through a “global revolution” that they say is coming soon.

Sounds pretty vague to me…

So technically speaking, the only way to make money with Fluorescent Sand is to HOPE. You’re not even investing just $5 because the cost of subscription is higher than that (more on that later)!

And for you to know how much you can earn, you need to subscribe to Automatic Fortunes newsletter.

For what? Updates on the financial and tech markets?

That to me sounds very fishy...

How much does it cost to join Fluorescent Sand?

There are 3 subscription options to the Automatic Fortunes newsletter.

These are:

  • Standard Subscription worth $47/year
  • Premium Subscription worth $79/year
  • Deluxe Subscription worth $129/year

The Standard Subscription gives you access to a newsletter in digital format containing basic information and updates on the tech and financial sectors.

Is Fluorescent Sand a Scam? Standard Subscription

Meanwhile, you’ll get a printed version of the Premium and Deluxe Subscriptions mailed to your home featuring advanced corporate-level information and courses on the financial and tech sectors.

Is Fluorescent Sand a Scam? Premium Subscription

This is also where you’re going to learn more about the earning opportunity from investock stocks on 5G technology.

Is Fluorescent Sand a Scam? Deluxe Subscription

The subscriptions run for the entire year and you automatically resubscribe for the next year unless you cancel your subscription before renewal date.

This surely isn’t a reliable way of making good money…

And even if the subscription fees aren’t that big knowing that they run for the entire year, you still lose money and there’s no assurance you’ll be making any money just because you get some stock investment tips!

Just to be fully transparent with you, I am not a distributor myself and I do not endorse it in any way.

I have researched the website, testimonials and information on the Internet to get to the bottom of what this program genuinely does. This is because I have been burnt from programs just like this in the past and I want to prevent others from making the same mistakes. If you’d like to learn how to “Spot an Online Marketing Scam” then click the highlighted text.

Tired of MLMs? Check out how I make money online here!

What I like about Fluorescent Sand

There are a number of things that I like about Fluorescent Sand compared to other stock investment newsletters out there...

#1 Informative newsletter

Subscribing to Automatic Fortunes, which the Fluorescent Sand promotes, gives you access to an informative monthly newsletter.

What I like about this is that it contains Ian King’s model portfolio where he suggests the best stocks to invest on along with their recommended buying and selling price.

You’ll receive daily news and updates about the stock market and weekly webinars as well, which I think is great!

It’s also good to know that this information comes from a legit source...

Is Fluorescent Sand a Scam? Ian King

That's a good sign that he knows what he's saying and doing, right?

#2 Earning potential from 5G investment

5G technology is still new, but it’s slowly rolling out to the market. Based on my research, I found out that this tech has promising investment opportunities.

Take a look at the graphs and stats below…

Is Fluorescent Sand a Scam? Statistics

You'll see that 5G tech is on an upward trend, which is good.

#3 Easy subscription access

Subscribing is easy. Just head to Banyan Hill’s Automatic Fortunes site and place your order directly.

Is Fluorescent Sand a Scam? Subscription

Looks really convenient to me...

What I don't like about Fluorescent Sand

Enter your text here...

#1 Auto subscription renewal

Subscribing to Automatic Fortunes means that you get renewed automatically yearly.

Is Fluorescent Sand a Scam? Auto renewal

This means you pay the same subscription fees once it expires, and without you knowing it!

#2 Deceptive marketing

Fluorescent Sands is very similar to a scam in disguise because its main point is to just market and promote the Automatic Fortunes newsletter — nothing more!

In other words, Fluorescent Sands is merely a deceptive marketing strategy...

You even lose money when you subscribe without the assurance you’re going to earn or even get your subscription expense back!

This is very ironic because they aggressively promote Fluorescent Sand to be your key to riches…

And even if spending $47 to $129 per year for subscribing isn’t that big, it still isn’t ethical to over-promote 5G technology and trick people to join the bandwagon just to subscribe to Automatic Fortunes...

#3 No income disclosure

Most stock investment newsletters release an income disclosure of what their subscribers earn. Unfortunately, that isn’t the case with Automatic Fortunes because there’s nothing to be found regarding the investment gains of their subscribers.

Either they are hiding something or their subscribers isn’t just making any money from their supposed effective investment tips.

A big turn off, I should say!

#4 No real stock investment training

Yes, you get expert advice, tips, and strategies from Ian King, a successful financial analyst and stock broker. You also get these from the newsletter:

Is Fluorescent Sand a Scam? Stock Training

But those aren’t really helpful because you’re just like reading a financial magazine. This isn’t formal stock investment training, but it’s just for reading leisure!

You can’t expect to make millions just by reading a newsletter!

But if you do, then good for you because you’re one of the very few lucky ones.

What’s true, though, is that this isn’t a sustainable money-making endeavor as investment is just like gambling...

#5 Information overload- no structure

I've actually personally signed up to an Agora Financial newsletter before. However, all they really do is bombard you with emails and information with no structure. 

There's no real advice or step by step actions to take it's just like providing someone with Google and saying, there you go... go make money from that!

If you are interested in investing in the stock markets, then low fees index funds have been proven to beat any type of individual investor strategy or mutual fund in the long run consistently.

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My opinion - Fluorescent Sand

Fluorescent Sand is merely a marketing propaganda made to lure people into subscribing to Ian King’s Automatic Fortune newsletters.

If you want to try your luck in 5G, then go on and invest in it. Who knows what the future brings? You might even get good money from your investment return in the future!

But based on the looks of it, you don’t really need the newsletter for that. If you’re earning good money and is really interested in investing, then you can just learn it on your own or join a stock investment and tech workshop.

Merely getting information isn’t the best way to earn good money, let alone earning by the millions as Ian King tells.

Add in the lawsuits that Banyan Hill Publishing’s mother company has and you’ll see that it’s not worth the try.

So, what do I think are your chances of making money with this stock investment newsletter subscription?...

How I make passive income online

Stock Investments are not scams or illegal. However, I'm not a fan of them because of the risk you have to go through, never knowing if you'll really make money or just lose your hard-earned cash.

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If you want to discover how I did it then check out this special video I created which explains exactly how. You can also get your free 7-day bootcamp to get started.

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  1. This doesn’t smell right to me either. I have head a lot about 5G and it very well may pay dividends in the end, but for someone like me, the risk might just prove to be too high. If I were to invest in it, I wouldn’t do it through this program though. I’m not a huge fan of the auto renewals either and the lack of training especially rubs me the wrong way. It’s like they just want you to take it on blind faith that this is going to work out. I don’t have the budget for that. Thanks for the review!

    1. Exactly… blind faith! Investing in anything on someone’s recommendation is never a good idea. You should always do your own due dilligence

  2. Thank you for such an informative piece of content. Really great that you took the time to warn people of yet another marketing plan that promises big and delivers nothing. I had not heard of fluorescent sand before but just the name sounds scammy. Thanks for helping people make sure they don’t through away their money.

  3. I have subscribed to investment newsletters before and I have to admit that some of them never even made it out of the envelope. The most helpful kind of investment newsletter in my view, is the kind where you have the money up front to invest in a portfolio that the newsletter editors are also invested in, and you follow the portfolio performance over the course of the year. Unfortunately I don’t have that kind of money available, and agree with you that for most people, you’re better off simply investing in some kind of index tracker.

    1. Exactly Teri, I’ve done the same. I think they just assume because they send you tons of info they are doing their part. But unless there is step by step advice these types of newsletters are pretty much a waste of money

  4. Hi there, thank you for the in depth review on Fluorescant Sand. It certainly seems to be a complete scam and even just the name alone, Fluorescant Sands, made me skeptical. 

    Amongst many things that have alarm bells ringing for me, is the lack of an Income Disclosure. As you say, this is just a subscription to an online publication and newsletter, with no real way of learning how to do things and with that, poor chances of earning anything. 

    Thanks for the warning about Fluorescant Sands, 


  5. You are right.  The name of this income opportunity is quite interesting.  Fluorescent Sand.  That does provoke the imagination.  I thought Sands around Las Vegas-  Investing in the stock market is a viable route for some.  

    Not being one of them, I found that the challenge of learning to market online worked for me.  That was fun, offered income opportunity even when I am sleeping. While I am not living the life of permanent vacations using my laptop, I have made some progress on that residual income idea.  

    The idea of earning money online without my partner Wealthy Affiliate just does not compute for me.  I need to know what to do first- second- third and so on down the line.  I have had to learn that it doesn’t speed things up when I try and reinvent the wheel.  Totally unnecessary.  Read the directions, do the program.  It is that easy!  Thanks for the warning about this income producing program that you can do from home.  Sami

    1. Yep  it’s so much better to learn and take control of your future rather than hoping an investment book will solve your money problems

  6. It is kinda weird that the pitch to invest in a stock would have such a flashy title. That’s the first thing to me is that I can’t find a connection between the real financial instrument and the name. Perhaos there is one that I missed. But either way, the title sounds fishy, and anytime someone wants me to buy something in order to make money, that’s scammy! I understand investing into your business to make money, but when there are vague references to how much money one can make and nothing concrete about the product, that’s scammy! Usually investment brokers or counselors make money through commissions from sales, right? Another red flag is the fact that this is a book regarding emerging technology, yet the book isn’t available digitally. As you said, then they make money from shipping. And even though a person may never read the book (probably almost no one does), the cost of the shipping wasn’t enough to get the one scammed motivated enough to return it. And they probably don’t offer money back on that anyway. Have a few hundred thousand people “buy” your “free” book and that’s not a bad side hustle! 

    Thanks for the enlightenment!

  7. Hey nice article you have there. Your thoughts about Fluorescent Sand is quite impressive. In my honest opinion I think flouresent sand is more effective in giving informative newsletter and viable business ideas, it is not a platform that guarantees monthly full time income. One of the Cons I think they needs to review, is the automatic renewal of subscription, this might really be uncomfortable to members sometimes

    1. Too true, I think this is how they continue to make money, not because of their great service!

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