April 26, 2021

Is Affiliate Bots a Scam? Is This AI Marketing Still Any Good This 2020?

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You might be looking for a way to make additional money without exerting too much effort.

And in your search, you might have heard of this popular internet hype among online marketers called Affiliate Bots.

But popular doesn’t always mean legit. As someone who happened to come across it, you definitely have doubts, especially that it promises you a large amount of earnings which sounds too good to be true.

So, you asked yourself...

Is Affiliate Bots a scam? Well, it shows a lot of signs that it is. It just gives you the tools to build your website, in the hope of helping you earn money all by yourself! There's just no guarantee of success, aside from the fact that you are assured to spend money for them.

But this reviews give you a thorough discussion as to what Affiliate Bots is and if it’s already a legit way to make money online.

This Affiliate Bots review has been thoroughly researched with information and testimonials that are available online to anyone in the public. Any conclusions drawn by myself are opinions.

Affiliate Bots Review

The overview and rankings

Name: Affiliate Bots

Founder: Chris X

Type: Affiliate Marketing Software

Price: $27 subscription

Best for: 

Is Affiliate Bots a Scam: Logo

Affiliate Bots Pros

  • Helpful software tools
  • Affordable

Affiliate Bots Cons

  • Overhyped sales page
  • Not beginner-friendly
  • It's clouded in mystery
  • No free trial


Affiliate Bots is a software that helps you create web content which you can earn from.

Make Time Online Rating: 40 out of 100 

Recommended: No

What is Affiliate Bots about?

Affiliate Bots is a money-making software that has 37 tools that can help you create the type of website content that would definitely earn commissions for you.

These tools, such as affiliate marketing tools, website building tools and video-making tools are designed to make everything about affiliate marketing easier for you.

Seems good enough to get on your good side, isn’t it?

Is Affiliate Bots a Scam: Intro

Affiliate Bots 1.0 to 2.0

Looking at its history, this software is actually the updated version of the previous software called Affiliate Bots 1.0.

Basically, the latest one is called Affiliate Bots 2.0 and it has additional tools that attract traffic or visitors in your website.

Launched last 2019, it has already gained a good reputation due to the positive feedback from affiliate marketers who are using it to enhance their business.

And why?...

Because, as what it claims, it gives its users, especially the ones struggling to make money through affiliate marketing, the advantage of making things easier and pretty much convenient.

Now, if you know affiliate marketing, you should be able to assess this claim as it is a known fact among online marketers that affiliate marketing is never one to be done conveniently.

So, does it mean that it’s a scam?

Check out this 9-minute video for you to learn more about Affiliate Bots...

So, who's the guy who started this all?

Who is Chris X?

This affiliate-related product was created by Chris X.

Yes, just Chris as his surname, if he has one, was never disclosed...

Not even to the users of Affiliate Bots.

But there are times when people add X as his last name. And it surely gives off a mysterious kind of vibe which is very suitable to him since he is a big mystery in the world of affiliate marketing.

Unfortunately, he doesn't have a photo...

Anyway, Chris X (let’s just call him that), claimed to be earning over $2 million because of affiliate marketing.

This was made possible because of a few marketing tricks he employed in promoting his affiliate products.

And as an expert online marketer, he somehow got the idea of sharing his strategies and the programs he uses like Clickbank and JVzoo to other online marketers.

Eventually, he created Affiliate Bots, both versions, to teach his tricks and tactics to those who are trying to make money through affiliate marketing.

He may sound like a big joke and smell like a scam but according to some individuals who did a review of him and his product, he’s a known legitimate marketing expert and has been in the world of affiliate marketing longer than the ones known in this generation.

He created Affiliate Bots to supposedly lessen the workload of its users but with the guarantee of making them earn more money.

But is that really the case?

Ready to make passive income online?

Hey, I'm Mike.

I created a passive income online within a year. I had no marketing skills or online experience when I started. 

Mike Beatty

How does Affiliate Bots Work?

Affiliate Bots contains a collection of tools that can aid you in surviving the world of affiliate marketing.

Choosing a program

Choose an affiliate program which makes a huge amount of money. You can choose the ones recommended by Chris X himself. 

Create a website

After that, you have to create your own website including its domain. You don’t have to worry though because Chris X said that Affiliate Bots was geared to help you achieve this step.

You can make use of the tools it provides. And if you are not sure how to do that, well, this software comes with a package of training on how to use the software and its tools through videos and PDFs.

These PDFs are complete documents. Some people though might find it a tedious task to read them. But then again, nothing comes easy when you want to earn money.

Generate income

And the most ‘exciting’ part is when you start generating income in the form of commissions.

Affiliate Bots will help you get your target traffic and the products that can give you more profit. You just have to promote a product using a special link.

That is how this software works.

Pretty much easy, right?

But of course, the story does not end there. There are still truths and facts you need to arm yourself with before you give this software a shot...

Inside Affiliate Bots

You will be given instant access to 37 affiliate software bots.

That is, supposedly, the number of bots you can utilize. Take note of the word "supposedly."

Below are some of the tools included in the said package:

#1 Domain Aveli

This tool has something to do with your niche. You can use it to find domain names with guaranteed quality and for any keyword.

#2 CB 250

This tool allows you to find and use, with definite ease, the latest 250 affiliate programs on Clickbank and the products found in this marketplace.

This will help you earn more commissions and you also get updates on a daily basis.

Is Affiliate Bots a Scam: Insides

#3 IM Affiliate

With this tool, you will be able to see the most profitable affiliate products in the internet marketing niche.

This will assist you in choosing which one to use as the affiliate product you’ll be promoting and which one will definitely give you a successful financial gain.

#4 King of the Zoo

If you can still remember, Chris X has mentioned how JVZoo is one of the affiliate programs that helped him gain a massive amount of commission.

Well, this tool shows you the most profitable and the latest JVZoo products that you can promote.

#5 Launch Pulse

This tool acts as a database where you can see the products that will soon be launched. It displays the ones in which you can definitely profit from.

So, what?...

These are just some of the 37 tools included in Affiliate Bots. As what Chris X said, these tools have different purposes to help you enhance and maximize your earnings as an affiliate marketer.

But that is of course his view of it considering how he’s the one who created it...

Here is a comprehensive 20-minute video that gives you an inside look into Affiliate Bots...

So, is there any assurance that it’s not a scam but a legitimate software?

Also learn that there are numeorus options out there, such as:

Affiliate Bots cost to join

If you have been to their sales page, you’ll see the words...

"How I'm Making $417/day Commissions Right Now."

Imagine earning this much money just by purchasing this software. And for how much?

It’s only $27. Somehow  pricey?

Don’t worry, there’s a down sell...

If you try to leave their page, you’ll get a pop-up telling you that you’ve been awarded with a $5 discount.

You can keep doing this until all that’s left for you to pay is $12 and if you weigh down things, it’s a win-win for you.

With 37 tools for affiliate marketing, you’ll definitely be able to have back your $12.

But, let us get into the tricky part.

Will you really be getting all of those 37 tools? Are all of them effective and useful? That $12 you’ll be spending, would it be worth giving to a mysterious guy who tells you that you’ll earn $417 a day?

Think about it more as you read on...

Affiliate Bots monthly cost

As for the monthly cost, here's good news for you.

You only need to pay once and voila, there’s the 37 marketing tools waiting to be accessed by you!

Is Affiliate Bots a Scam: Cost

So it is somehow a good thing that this software is affordable and is giving it to you after a one-time payment...

Affiliate Bots reviews online

Based on what has been researched, there are apparently no comments and reviews found at Glassdoor, Indeed, and Better Business Bureau.

Some reviews though by individuals who have their own review page have given their verdict of the said software...

Common positive Affiliate Bots reviews

  • You learn something new
  • You get the tools to start your online business

"Unlike other software tools on affiliate marketing, Affiliate Bots software does not make false promises. I have bought myself, tested and found it very useful and it could possibly become the nest breakout Internet Marketing software bundle for affiliates.”

- Steve Coleman

“It is not a SCAM. Some might not be satisfied enough with the results it gives, but Affiliate Bots 2 is most definitely NOT a scam.”

- Meg Bana

Common negative Affiliate Bots reviews

To counter the above mentioned positive reviews, a few individuals have also raised their concerns and views regarding this software.

  • Not worth your time and money
  • No guarantee of earning
  • It's up to your own wit if you can earn or not
  • Unnecessary expense

“It’s not worth your time or money. It’s a system with a sales video that is too good to be true and is trying to sell you a scam unethically.”

- Tiffany

“I wouldn’t recommend Affiliate Bots to anyone, and hopefully, from this review, you can understand why. I’m not a fan of product developers that omit information, complicate processes, or drastically overexaggerate.”
- Anonymous

Is Affiliate Bots a scam?

Affiliate Bots can be called a scam.


It is somehow confusing considering the fact that you can actually use the tools it offers.

To give you a gist, the 37 tools they have promised to give are not actually 37 in total.

In reality, which you will experience after purchasing it, you’ll only get 17 tools.

And do they work? Yes... So, it’s not a scam.

That’s what you might think, but again, do all of them work? The answer is no.

They definitely have a purpose but that purpose is obsolete. In actuality, you can use some of the tools but not all 37 or 17 tools. 37 is just really overhyping the software to make you think that it’s worth your $12.

Considering this, you’ll know that Affiliate Bots uses deceptive marketing to trick you into buying it.

It’s not entirely just squeezing money out of you but it doesn’t change the fact that it promises you one that but actually means another thing.

Tired of expensive crappy Affiliate Marketing courses? Check out how I make money online here!

Affiliate Bots pros

#1 Helpful software tools

One of the good things about this software is the variety of tools you can choose from.

But as what has been mentioned above, the number of that variety might not be what you expected it to be. Also, they might be helpful but not all of them. Some tools are obsolete and do not necessarily function to help you in doing affiliate marketing.

#2 Affordable

Another pro is that it’s affordable.

That’s one good thing you can consider. But you also have to ask yourself if losing ypur $12 is worth it since you’ll get the tools you need.

Affiliate Bots cons

#1 Overhyped sales page

When it comes to scrutinizing scams, one should always start with the sales page and analyse the truthfulness of its claim.

The sales page of Affiliate Bots tells you that you’ll earn $921.

Although affiliate marketing is not easy, Affiliate Bots will supposedly make it easier for you so that you can have that $921 a day.

Is Affiliate Bots a Scam: Cons

If you have enough knowledge about affiliate marketing, you’ll know how difficult its endeavours will be and that much money cannot easily be earned with all of the competition happening in the world of affiliate marketing.

The ones who are using legit methods and tactics are finding a hard time sustaining a good amount of commission so how much more for those who ended up using ones that are frauds and scams?

It’s downright selling you the software through deceptive marketing and note that most people are not aware of this tactic...

#2 Not beginner-friendly

Affiliate Bots is full of complicated tools.

You may have noticed how easy it sounded when the tools were described in this review but if you actually use them and you are a beginner, you’ll find it very difficult...

Is Affiliate Bots a Scam: Cons 2

Are there trainings for that? Yes but through videos and PDFs.

As a beginner, videos and documents won’t be of much help especially if you have a hard time grasping technical terms that only affiliate marketer experts are familiar with.

The training basically assumes that you are already familiar with affiliate marketing.

So if you are a novice, someone who has very little information about this marketing method, then Affiliate Bots is definitely not for you...

#3 It's clouded in mystery...

In this review, Chris X has been well-introduced but you should not forget the fact that he is a mysterious figure.

This is a very solid reason for you to think about considering the fact that most scams are founded and created by people you cannot easily identify.

If you try searching google, Chris X is nowhere to be found except for the articles that talk about Affiliate Bots and most of them  know little to no information at all.

There are no even solid information about the software, aside from whatever it is that they're saying on their site...

#4 No free trial

So these tools that you will be using will be purchased by you and you will only know if they are indeed useful or not upon using them yourself.

And most of the time, people discover that some tools function but not all and some have functions that are totally unnecessary and outdated.

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My opinion - Affiliate Bots

As you can infer from this review, this software called Affiliate Bots is definitely not recommended for you especially for those who are beginners in the affiliate marketing world.

Affiliate Bots is not an outright scam.

It has its perks but it exaggerates too much information, does not live up to its claim of giving you 37 useful and convenient tools, and you absolutely cannot earn that much money immediately and easily.

So, here's what I can say about their business opportunity...

It might not be an outright scam, but it is still a scam disguising itself as a software that will make affiliate marketing easier for you.

Affiliate marketing requires effort and patience.

There's no sitting back and relaxing while just letting a software do all the job for you...

Easy money is never a part of affiliate marketing. These types of scams that tell you otherwise should be given proper assessment before you involve yourself with it.

There are a lot of better and legit business opportunities out there waiting for you...

How I make passive income online

In 2018 I had no idea what affiliate marketing was. 

Once I learnt about it, it just seemed like a great business model that can grow over time using the power of the internet. 

So I tried to figure it out by myself... that got me nowhere fast.

Then I fell for some terrible online scams. 

But eventually, I found Wealthy Affiliate. It teaches long-term proven strategies to build an online business with all the tools & support needed. 

And this happened...

Make Time Online Income

Once you learn the process of getting thousands of people to find your website every month (for free) there really is not limit to what you can achieve online. 

I've reviewed hundreds of courses or programs that claim to help people make money online. And I've spoken to dozens of 6-7 figure online entrepreneurs on my podcast.

This is by far the best place I've seen to help beginners get set up on the right foot. You can read my full Wealthy Affiliate review here (including the pros and cons!) 

Or you can watch an insiders video I made that explains exactly how it works here.  

Mike PE teacher to Passive Income Online

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