September 1, 2021

Bossless Forever Review: Overpriced Scam or Legit Money Opportunity?

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Chances are that you have come across Bossless Forever, which is a training course that helps you generate leads and boost business potential.

Frankly speaking, there is no doubt that this has already helped many people earn good money.

And even if I haven’t personally enrolled in the training, I am enticed to try it out because of the earning potential the program implies.

I’ll tell you all you need to know about this program, like how much it’ll cost, who the creator is, and some in-depth discussion so you’ll know if this is a legit way to make money online.

This Bossless Forever review has been thoroughly researched with information and testimonials that are available online to anyone in the public. Any conclusions drawn by myself are opinions.

Bossless Forever review: The overview and rankings

Name: Bossless Forever

Owners: Aime Ball

Type: Lead generation training

Price: $4,000 or more based on customer reviews

Best for: People who want to start a local marketing business using SEO and lead generation strategies

Bossless Forever Pros

  1. Legit business model
  2. Real success stories
  3. Passive income potential

Bossless Forever Cons

  1. Hidden costs
  2. It takes a lot of time
  3. Expensive
  4. Steep learning curve


Bossless Forever is an an online training program that teaches you how to start a local marketing agency and build a business that drives leads and sales to local business owners.

Make Time Online Rating: 40 out of 100 

Recommended: No

What is Bossless Forever about?

Bossless Forever is an online training program that teaches you all about starting a local marketing agency that can help you earn good money that is enough to make you leave your full-time job.

This training is all about learning local SEO and selling a business’ services in the best way possible so you can generate more leads and boost sales for local business clients.

I find this a great way to get started with lead generation as a whole because you learn the ins and outs of this business model and how you can increase your network that’ll eventually bring you more profits to sustain passive income.

Check out this 2-minute video to know more about Bossless Forever…

So, who created this Bossless Forever in the first place?

Who is Amiee Ball?

Amiee Ball is the creator of Bossless Forever. She has a lot of experience in sales, marketing, and digital technology, which she used and combined all together to come up with this solid lead generation course.

Ball is also a renowned consultant and industry speaker who has built her reputation with digital gurus from the ground up.

She is a strong advocate in using technology to boost business potential, specifically in the realms of social networking, digital marketing, social networking, sales training and business growth.

Amiee Ball is even a previous student of Job Killing, which is another lead gen training program, she used as a reference and inspiration for Bossless Forever.

So, how does the course work?…

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Hey, I’m Mike.

I created a passive income online within a year. I had no marketing skills or online experience when I started. 

Mike Beatty

How does Bossless Forever Work?

Bossless Forever is a training program that helps anyone become a successful online marketer by helping local small businesses boost their profitability and grow through digital marketing.

The focus of this program is to teach the best ways to generate leads and customers to use as investors and clients for SMEs. It’s all about helping small businesses find leads through online marketing and using the agency that does all this to earn money from these small business owners.

Inside Bossless Forever

Bossless Forever has a five-step process included in the training. But before that, you first need to watch a webinar which then leads you to another invitation for a call.

Here you’ll discuss your online income goals and learn if Bossless Forever is a good fit for you.

Step 1: Niche Selection

This is the first step of the training program. This teaches you how to build a digital marketing agency and choose the right clients to work with.

Need-based businesses are highly recommended because they ensure that there is a steady stream of demand from the market. Examples of these are cars for hire, carpet cleaning, and tree cutting services.

Step 2: Proper Due Diligence

The second step is all about how you can approach clients in the best way possible. Amiee teaches how to check out the competition and analyze their strengths and weaknesses so you can outcompete them.

You do this through intensive Google search. You can also call local businesses and pretend as clients so you can see if they are a great choice to work with.

Step 3: Traffic and Lead Generation

Learn the technical aspects of having a digital lead generation business. This section is the tricky part because you learn the advanced strategies and terminologies required to run a business such as this. You also learn how to use Weebly, which is a drag-and-drop website builder that is very beginner friendly.

Step 4: Prospect Clients

This step is all about prospecting clients before you contact them directly. You use a phone whisper system which makes the local business owner know where the leads come from. What’s nice about this is that this lets them see the benefits of working with you without needed to sell your agency’s services that hard to them.

Step 5: Monetise Business Owners

This is the last step of the training program and is all about monetizing form the local business owners. You need to do this if you have already thoroughly analyzed their status. Once you do, you then contact them to make a deal.

Amiee says that you just need to make things simple. You also should set the $10 per lead value for every customer. This lets business owners know the expenses they need to pay.

Amiee Ball then concludes by inviting you to join the coaching program so you can further improve your lead generation business.

Check out this 6-minute video to give you a better understanding of Bossless Forever…

And what are the prices?…

How do you join Job Killing?

Bossless Forever has a website which has a main page that brings you through a webinar. This webinar then explains what the program is and how it works. There is then a five-step blueprint for the training.

Here is what you need to do to join:

  1. Attend the free webinar that explains what Bossless Forever is all about.
  2. You then set up a call where you are going to discuss in-depth the system of Bossless Forever.

How much does Bossless Forever cost to join?

The exact cost of joining isn’t mentioned in the website.

But after digging into some client reviews, I found out that you need to pay a massive $4,000.

You can, however, pay this in monthly installments that is worth $299.

Bossless Forever monthly cost

You might think that $4,000 is a worthy expense to achieve financial freedom. I would also think of that as the case.

But the catch is… many people don’t know that there are ongoing costs to this business model.

Here are some of the top expenses you are most likely to shoulder:

  • Weebley hosting and domain: $25 a month per website (needed)
  • Call tracker such as Callrail: $45 to $145 per month
  • Callsling: $498 one time fee (needed, but it doesn’t work everywhere in the world)
  • Email autoresponder to track leads: $15+ a month
  • PO Box (to set up your business address): $19 to $75 for 6 months (needed)
  • SpyFu (competitor keyword research): $33 to $199 a month
  • AHrefs (keyword research): $99 a month
  • PPC ads: $200+ a month (not needed but can help for speed)
  • Outsourcing (you need this to build a website or do other tasks. Not needed, but is a great way to scale eventually.)

Minimum monthly cost: $76

Bossless Forever reviews online

Bossless Forever is an online course that teaches you lead generation and how you can make money from various areas online.

But what you really want to know is if this can really help you earn money online.

To answer this, I’ve checked a number of client testimonials and reviews about his course…

Common positive Bossless Forever reviews

  • Educational
  • Straight to the point
  • Informative

Here are some of the best positive reviews I have found…

“Amiee doesn’t hype things up and just focuses on the practical stuff that gets results. It’s clear this gal is the real deal.”

“No fluff, no gimmicks, no sleazy sales tactics – just practical how-to knowledge and a business model that actually works.”

“There is a huge demand for someone who has the skills to generate leads online for local businesses. It’s a complete win-win.”

Common negative Bossless Forever reviews

  • Not transparent pricing
  • Expensive
  • Not for everyone

And here are the negative reviews worth checking out…

“It has a very high price to enter it.”

“The training program is not transparent when it comes to pricing.”

“While it’s a solid course, Bossless Forever’s high price means it’s not for everyone.”

Is Bossless Forever a scam?

Bossless Forever is not a scam. 

It gives and discusses in-depth legit training methods that will help you grow your lead generation business in the fastest and most efficient way possible.

But many people call Bossless Forever a scam because they did not know that they are going to spend more money later, aside from the already massively expensive $4,000 cost for access. They also find out that you really need to work hard to make any money, which takes a lot of time and effort. 

The rest of this Bossless Forever review will show you the pros and cons that I see from the training program…

Tired of expensive crappy Affiliate Marketing courses? Check out how I make money online here!

Bossless Forever pros

Legit business model

One of the best things I like about this training program is that it teaches you a legit business model called lead generation.

Note that there are already loads of lead generation training programs out there such as:

However, all of those methods involve using Facebook ads to create a lead generation agency. Once you stop producing ads you stop generating leads and your income will stop. 

Bossless Forever is only one of the very few programs like Job Killing, I have seen showing you how to make money through lead gen by:

  • Getting leads via Google
  • Boost business profitability by providing an online marketing service platform for local business

These are by far the best thing about Bossless Forever to me compared to alternatives. 

Real success stories

There are also loads of success stories out there you will find about Bossless Forever.

Here is one example…

As you can see, this success story shows the earnings that one of its subscribers have. It might not be that much for some, but that’s already a substantial amount of money for many.

Passive income potential

Another nice thing about Bossless Forever is that you have a chance to earn passive income.

Well, this does not mean you don’t need to do anything to earn money. Instead, you just have to exert minimal effort, as compared to if you are going to work full-time.

You simply just have to build the foundations of your lead generation business so that you can then run it in supervisory mode and just let local businesses come to you for a certain fee for your services in the long run.

This training program gives you the chance of financial freedom.

Bossless Forever cons

Hidden costs

You won’t know the real price and costs you are going to incur on this the first time you check it. But if you already know the exact price of this course, you’ll surely be turning back and never returning.

You need to pay a massive $4,000 or even more just to gain access to this program. And you can pay that in installment basis worth $299 monthly until you reach the total amount.

You also need to spend more on additional costs like $25 a month on Weebly hosting for every website, as well as some keyword research tools like SpyFU that’ll cost you around $33 a month. 

It takes a lot of time

Many are attracted to lead gen training courses because they think they can earn fast money where it shows you that you can easily land clients within a few days.

Bossless Forever also does that…

Note that it takes Google around a minimum of three months to recognize your website as legit. The niche and competition also take much longer for you to get on page one of Google. 

You need to put in a lot of work and time to succeed and make any significant money.

No doubt this lead gen course works, but many people give up too early.


We already mentioned earlier that it’s going to make you spend more than $4,000 just to gain access to this lead generation course.

Although, you can pay this in installment basis, that still means paying $299 for more than a year. Not to mention that you also have to spend around $50 to $100 monthly for additional costs on tools.

Steep learning curve

If you don’t have any online experience and still haven’t tried to be an entrepreneur before, then this is going to be a hard journey for you.

I am not saying that other business models are easier. But the stakes are much higher in a course like this because you just spend thousands of dollars before you earn something.

Yes, there’s a chance you can earn good money. But that’s if you are really interested, passionate, and motivated to do all of the things mentioned in this course.

My opinion – Bossless Forever

Bossless Forever is not a scam.

It is a legit lead generation training course that teaches you how to build a lead generation business by acquiring small business clients who want to promote and market their businesses online.

It is also created by Amiee Ball who is a successful digital guru who amassed good wealth through lead generation, sales, and marketing.

This training program is informative and undoubtedly helpful. But you have to spend a truck load of cash on it as well as loads of time and effort.

There are just many other online business opportunities out there that you can try now…

How I make passive income online

In 2018 I had no idea what affiliate marketing was. 

Once I learnt about it, it just seemed like a great business model that can grow over time using the power of the internet. 

So I tried to figure it out by myself… that got me nowhere fast.

Then I fell for some terrible online scams. 

But eventually, I found Wealthy Affiliate. It teaches long-term proven strategies to build an online business with all the tools & support needed. 

And this happened…

Make Time Online Income

Once you learn the process of getting thousands of people to find your website every month (for free) there really is not limit to what you can achieve online. 

I’ve reviewed hundreds of courses or programs that claim to help people make money online. And I’ve spoken to dozens of 6-7 figure online entrepreneurs on my podcast.

This is by far the best place I’ve seen to help beginners get set up on the right foot. You can read my full Wealthy Affiliate review here (including the pros and cons!) 

Or you can watch an insiders video I made that explains exactly how it works here.  

Mike PE teacher to Passive Income Online

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