Juice Plus MLM review- is Juice Plus a pyramid scheme
Not Recommended, MLM, Reviews

Is Juice Plus a Pyramid Scheme? Shocking Truth Revealed [Review]

So someone has probably introduced Juice Plus to you as a great way to lose weight, be healthier and "be your own boss". But you're probably wondering... is Juice Plus a pyramid scheme or a scam?

First of all, I want to congratulate you in taking the time to research more about the company.

Up to 99% of MLM members lose money because most people jump into them blindly. 

This honest Juice Plus MLM review, with videos, will explain the true pros and cons of joining the company. That way you can make an informed decision if it is for you or not...

Juice Plus Review

The overview and rankings

Name: Juice Plus+

Founder: Jay Martin in 1993

Type: Health and wellness MLM

Products (Including Pricing): 30 out of 100

Success Stories: 1 out of 100

Price To Join MLM: $50 to join + $35 annual membership

$75 monthly autoship (30 out of 100)

What to look for in a MLM:

  • Low start-up fee & maintenance cost
  • High-quality affordable products
  • You don’t have to carry inventory
  • An affiliate-like system 
  • Generous compensation plan
  • Company is in the early momentum phase

Juice Plus+ Pros

  • Proven history
  • Positive product reviews
  • Proven research... but

Juice Plus+ Cons

  • Expensive products
  • Hidden monthly expenses
  • Pyramid scheme in disguise?
  • 1 in 167 earn over $12k a year
  • Downward trend

Summary: Juice Plus is a health and wellness MLM company.

Distributors can make money by selling the products and recruiting people.

However, the only way to make good money is by building a big "downline" and training them to sell the products. This makes Juice Plus very similar to a pyramid scheme in disguise.

Juice Plus+ products are also very expensive compared to similar multivitamins. There's no research suggesting that their products are better than standard multivitamins either. 

Make Time Online Rating: 20 out of 100 

Recommended: No

What is Juice Plus?

Juice Plus is a health and wellness Multi-Level-Marketing company that sells a range of vitamins to help everyday people get the nutrition they need.

Juice Plus is a dietary supplement made from juice and vegetables.This supplement is available in powdered capsules or gummy chewable. 

This supplement claims to satisfy dietary gaps if you aren’t getting sufficient fruits and vegetables in your diet.

Fruits and vegetables contain essential nutrients that aid in maintaining good health. This food group provides your body with critical components such as antioxidants, fiber, and rice protein. 

Just use the calorie deficit calculator by calculator-online.net to find the number of calories in the diet and your specific personal requirement.

Over 30 different fruits and vegetables are included in the fruit and vegetable capsules. Moreover, there are three blends: fruit, vegetable, and berry. According to the company, the products are intended to help fill nutritional gaps.

The brand makes health claims consistent with the FDA’s definition of dietary supplements but does not abide by labeling requirements for supplements. 

In addition, the brand uses a multi-level marketing scheme. While legal, they’re often predatory and exaggerate claims about participants’ ability to make a profit.

Juice Plus also sells Tower Garden, a “vertical, aeroponic growing system” that allows you to grow fresh fruits and vegetables easily. This can help you have easier access to healthier foods.

The company states that these products can be combined and taken together to add complete nutrition to your diet.

The company was founded in 1970 by Jay Martin and was originally called the National Safety Associates (NSA) due to selling fire detectors and water purifiers. In 1993, Juice Plus+ was formed to "continue their commitment to health and wellness".

It's also possible for everyday people to sell these products and recruit people into the MLM business to work from home and "be their own boss". 

The 5 minute video below explains more about the Juice Plus mission...

So it seems like a pretty decent business, right?

However, you're smart enough to realise this is just a fancy sales video. So you're probably still wondering...

Is Juice Plus a pyramid scheme?

Juice Plus is not a pyramid scheme. It is possible for distributors to make money by selling the products.

However, Juice Plus is similar to a "pyramid scheme in disguise" because it's only really possible to make good money by recruiting people. 

Here's what I mean by this...

What is a pyramid scheme?

A company that promises payment to members for recruiting more people into the company rather than selling a service or product.

These are illegal in most countries because it is impossible for everyone to make money inside a pyramid scheme, as you can see in the Wikipedia diagram below...

Most MLMs, like Juice Plus+, do offer legit products. 

However, Juice Plus makes it very hard for distributors to earn good money without recruiting more people into the MLM company. This means that Juice Plus acts like a pyramid scheme in disguise.

It is possible to earn money in the company, but realistically you would need to recruit other people who would lose money. 

Just see the 5 minute video below to understand this a bit more...

Success is rare with Juice Plus

In truth, success is hard to find inside any MLM company.

Did you know that between 73% and 99% of all MLM representatives lose money?

MLM FTC Fact Stat

The 2018 Juice Plus+ income disclosure proves that 93% of distributors earn less than $2,100 a year.

When you take into account how much it costs to use the expensive products and the costs for additional training and marketing it's safe to say that at least 93% of Juice Plus members lost money in 2018.

We'll dig into this in more detail later in the review, but for now let's understand... 

Ready to make passive income online?

Hey, I'm Mike.

I created a passive income online within a year. I had no marketing skills or online experience when I started. 

Mike Beatty

How does Juice Plus Work?

Juice Plus+ farms fruit and vegetables and puts these into a simple to take supplement. 

Juice Plus works like any other MLM business in this world, and it offers people like us a chance to make money from it by marketing its items to others.

By doing this, they conserve millions in advertising their items with paid advertisements. And you can earn a steady income by doing this instead of them. It’s a win, win for both parties.

But the funny thing is that 99.99% of affiliates don’t do this, and they focus on direct marketing and building a downline.

People are decisive in building a downline and letting others sell products for them because this is a more lucrative way to make money.

They manage to save a lot of monthly expenses on marketing or advertising by getting everyday people to help sell the products. In return, these distributors can earn a commission for anything they sell.

So let's look into the...

Juice Plus products

There are a range of products on offer at Juice Plus+. They typically fall under one of the following categories:

  • Nutrition bars ($35 a month)
  • Drink mix ($35 a month)
  • Chewables ($12.75- $76.50 a month)
  • Capsules ($25-$75 a month)
Juice Plus products

So what makes Juice Plus stand out?

They claim it's their "flagship" capsules and you can see how they are made in the 2 minute video below...

Juice Plus Capsules- flagship product

There are 3 different capsules offered at Juice Plus:

  1. Fruit blend
  2. Vegetable blend
  3. Berry blend
is juice plus a pyramid scheme or not-min

They claim that taking these 3 capsules complement each other perfectly for a balanced diet. Here are some of the potential benefits of taking these capsules:

  • Increased nutritional intake
  • Better heart health
  • Reduced stress
  • Improved immune system
  • Better skin care and dental health

However, it's important to be aware that this is NOT better than actually eating real fruits and vegetables. And there are plenty of other multivitamins that have the same benefits. 

Healthline summarises Juice Plus+ perfectly...

Is Juice plus a pyramid scheme-min

But note that there are many other similar MLMs that offer the same supplements. Here are some of the most renowned MLMs:

Can you make money with Juice Plus?

It's very hard to make good money from Juice Plus. 

Yes it's possible to cover the cost of your own Juice Plus purchases by selling the products to other people.

However, the few people that do make more than $12k a year focus heavily on recruiting people act more like a "sales manager" encouraging their downline to make more sales.

How to make money with Juice Plus

Like most MLMs, there are 2 ways you can make money from Juice Plus+:

  1. Sell the products for a commission
  2. Recruit people and earn bonuses from anything they buy or sell on

It's important to note that you would not get paid directly for recruiting people. This is how Juice Plus and other similar MLMs avoid being shut down for being a pyramid scheme by the FTC. 

But having a "sales team" below you can mean that you can make money from their efforts and it becomes more like residual income. This is why the most successful people inside Juice Plus recruit a lot of people.

How much does it cost to join Juice Plus?

It costs $50 to join and a $35 annual renewal fee. 

However the costs do not stop there...

Juice Plus monthly cost

There is no "sales quota" to hit each month to "remain active" as a distributor, which is a good sign that Juice Plus is not a scam.

However, you will be encouraged to actually use the products yourself. After all, how can you realistically expect people to buy from you if you don't even know what the products are like?

And there is a monthly cost for all of the products...

Is Juice Plus a pyramid scheme in disguise-min

The lowest you could spend is $17.50 a month for the chewables (unless you go for the kids ones!)

But realistically if you want to actually get the benefits available from the vitamins you would need to spend $75 a month on the capsules. 

That means your costs for year 1 would be:

  • $35
  • $50
  • $75 x 12

Total expenses for 1 year = $985

And this is before you account for any marketing expenses such as a your own website, packaging or additional training. 

Juice Plus compensation plan

Most MLMs like to make their compensation plan harder to understand than a drunk Irishman on St. Paddy's day!

Juice Plus is no different, so I will keep this simple.

There are 3 ways you can get paid:

  • Retail sales profit (around 14% commission)
  • Commission (6-22% of your teams "PVC")
  • Bonuses (team building bonuses for recruiting others, see table below)
Juice Plus Compensation plan

Now, if you're looking at that diagram and wondering what it all means, do not worry!

There are often weird acronyms and crazy tables like the one above in MLMs. The reason is because they want to keep you a bit confused and make it seem like there are multiple ways to earn money. 

In reality there are only 2 things you actually need to do:

  1. Sell Juice Plus+ products
  2. Recruit people into the MLM

If you want to get your head around it a bit more then watch the 9 minute compensation plan video below...

Is Juice Plus a scam?

Technically, Juice Plus+ is not a scam. 

They offer legit products and will pay distributors exactly like they claim they will. 

However, due to some of the hidden truths that you are about to find out, some distributors get annoyed at the company and often call Juice Plus+ an outright pyramid scheme or a scam. 

Just to be fully transparent with you, I am not a distributor myself and I do not endorse Juice Plus+ in any way.

I have researched the website, testimonials and information on the Internet to get to the bottom of what this program genuinely does. This is because I have been burnt from programs just like this in the past and I want to prevent others from making the same mistakes. 

Tired of MLMs? Check out how I make money online here!

What I like about Juice Plus

There are a few things that I do like about Juice Plus and think it makes it stand out compared to some other MLMs out there...

Key Terms:

  • Pyramid Scheme – recruits members via a promise for payment from referring others to the service rather than providing a product
  • Affiliate Marketing- Connecting a customer to a product they are looking for and receiving a commission for doing so
  • Red Flag - A warning sign

#1 Proven company

Juice Plus has been around since 1993. 

Did you know that only 1 in 3 MLMs survive past 10 years? It shows that Juice Plus is not a scam as it hasn't been shut down by the FTC.

#2 Positive product reviews

You can find reviews about the products all over the internet. One place is TrustPilot which shows what people think about the company and the products...

Juice Plus reviews-min
Juice Plus review positive-min

It's important to be aware that some of the 5 star reviews may be distributors and some of the 1 stars may be ex-distributors who are annoyed about the business rather than the products. 

But here are some of the most common positive reviews:

  • Good tasting gummies
  • Lost weight 
  • Mental and physical improvements
  • Clean products and loads of good vitamins

#3 Proven research... but

So you may have noticed earlier that the sales video mentioned there have been dozens of studies proving the benefits of Juice Plus...

Juice plus research-min

However, other studies have proved that specific MLM companies often fund out their own research projects. So the results should be interpreted with skepticism. 

I don't doubt there are some good benefits of the products at Juice Plus, it's just important to be aware that they are not necessarily better than other multivitamins.

This leads nicely onto...

What I don't like about Juice Plus

There are some hidden truths about Juice Plus, which I think are important to be aware of before diving in...

#1 Expensive products & complaints

If a MLM has overpriced products, it's a huge red flag that the company operates as a pyramid scheme in disguise.

Just think about it, why would anyone choose to buy something that is over double the price of an alternative?

Juice Plus products-min
Amazon MultiVitamin-min
  • Juice plus multivitamin = $75 a month
  • Highly rated Amazon multivitamins = $3.56 a month

Juice Plus is more than 200 times more expensive than other highly rated multivitamins out there!

Now, I can almost hear your mind thinking... well surely Juice Plus has better nutritional value?

That's what I thought, so I checked it out...

Juice plus nutrition facts-min
Amazon Multivitamin nutrition facts-min

You can see that this Amazon Multivitamin actually has more nutritional value that Juice Plus! 

It contains every nutrient that Juice Plus does. Plus, there's higher Folate and Vitamin E levels and a wide range of additional nutrients not included in Juice Plus like B12, Vitamin D etc. 

If you don't want to take my word for it, then check out what others are saying about it...

Juice Plus review negative-min

Some of the most common complaints online were:

  • Overpriced products
  • Poor customer support
  • Pyramid scheme type structure
  • Too pushy from distributors

#2 Hidden monthly expenses

There are also some sneaky hidden monthly expenses, which has causes many complaints online...

Juice plus hidden expenses-min

Anyone that orders a product automatically joins the monthly "autoship".

So some people think they may be buying supplements for a one off $75, however they are actually signing up to a continuing monthly subscription!

#3 Juice Plus acts like a pyramid scheme in disguise

New distributors are instantly advised to recruit someone else into the company. The advice is that if they do not, then they will have to keep paying for their own products themselves. 

When you are required to recruit other people to cover your costs, that is a pyramid scheme in disguise! It will end up looking like this...

MLM pyramid scheme

The vast majority will lose money inside a company structure like Juice Plus. 

Yet, it will be your job to convince others that they could make money. Otherwise you will be the one losing out on money!

If you don't believe me then check out this...

#4 Only 1 in 167 earn over $12k a year

The Australian/ New Zealand 2018 income disclosure shows the truth...

Juice Plus income disclaimer-min

0.6% of all distributors earnt over $11,619 on average for the year. 

That is only 1 out of 167 distributors!

Can you and your family really live off $11,619 per year?

It's hardly an exciting "work from home opportunity" is it?

#5 Downward trend

The final nail in the coffin for Juice Plus is found on Google Trends...

Juice Plus downward trend-min

Fewer people have been searching for Juice Plus each month since 2018. 

It's much easier to sell something that more and more people are looking for. You can see from other MLMs such as Farmasi that Juice Plus is going the wrong way!

Ready to make passive income online?

I've created a growing passive income online with no previous marketing skills or online experience... 

I've made a special video for you to explain exactly how I did this. 

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My opinion - Juice Plus MLM

I do believe that Juice Plus makes some decent products. However, I do also think that you can get the same benefits from a multivitamin that costs 200 times less!

But what do I think are your chances of "being your own boss" from the Juice Plus MLM?...

The only way you can make good money from this company is by recruiting a lot of people into the business. And you need to do that knowing that 93% of them will lose money.

That's not my idea of an ethical business model!...

How I make passive income online

MLMs are not all scams or illegal. However, I'm not a fan of them because of the restrictions to the expensive products you have to promote.

Once I learnt about affiliate marketing, I realised it's a far superior business model because:

  • You can promote anything you want and truly own the business
  • You never need to sell to friends and family
  • It's completely free to start

In 2018 I had no idea what affiliate marketing was.

But I went from a full time PE teacher to making a passive income online within one year...

Mike PE teacher to Passive Income Online

If you want to discover how I did it then check out this special video I created which explains exactly how. You can also get your free 7-day bootcamp to get started.

Make Time Online Income
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Reviews, Blogging for Beginners, Not Recommended

Blog Growth Engine Review: Starting And Growing Your Blog in 2023

If you’re searching for ways to make money online, you’ve probably heard about blogs.

Creating a blog to make money isn't as easy as signing up, writing articles, and cashing in the profits. 

It takes dedication and continuous effort to create content that will engage your audience, build trust, and turn visitors into customers. 

However, if you are willing to do the work, blogging is ultimately one of the best ways to earn money online. 

If you don’t know where to start, don’t worry. You are not alone. This is where Blog Growth Engine comes in.

Blog Growth Engine is an online course that teaches people how to create a successful and profitable blog. However, is this course worth it? How much does it cost? Is it legit or a scam? Let’s find out in this review.

This Blog Growth Engine has been thoroughly researched with information and testimonials that are available online to anyone in the public. Any conclusions drawn by myself are opinions.

Blog Growth Engine Review

The overview and rankings

Name: Blog Growth Engine

Founder: Adam Enfroy

Type: Blogging Course

Price: $3,900

Best for: Beginners in Blogging

Blog Growth Engine Pros

  • Extremely detailed
  • Adam is the real deal
  • Excellent bonuses

Blog Growth Engine Cons

  • Limited reviews available
  • It is expensive
  • Website is often hard to reach


If you’re looking for an online course about blogging, you have probably heard of Blog Growth Engine. However, is Adam Enfroy’s course legit? In this review, we’re going to find out.

Make Time Online Rating: 

30 out of 100 

Recommended: No

What is Blog Growth Engine About?

Blog Growth Engine is an online training program created by Adam Enfroy. Adam created this course to help people make money by creating a blog.    

This course teaches you how to create a blog and make money from it. Aside from blog creation, you will also learn other skills. These skills include:

  • Affiliate Marketing

  • Outsourcing

  • Ad Revenue

  • Link Building

  • Guest Posting

  • Sponsorship Deals

  • Keyword monetization

  • And more

Check out this 30-second video to know more about this course... 

Let us then know who started this all...

Who is Adam Enfroy?

Adam Enfroy is the creator of Blog Growth Engine. Before becoming famous in the blogging world, Adam led a relatively normal and unremarkable life. 

Adam worked in a pizza restaurant for a couple of years. Then, he decided to learn digital marketing. This is where you started his successful career as a marketer.

Adam worked for a big eCommerce company, where he learned how to become an affiliate marketing manager.

Then, he started his blog. After he saw how much he could earn passively with his blog, he decided to leave his job. 

His blog grew so big that he wanted to share his methods with other people. This is where the Blog Growth Engine was born.

Ready to make passive income online?

Hey, I'm Mike.

I created a passive income online within a year. I had no marketing skills or online experience when I started. 

Mike Beatty

How Does Blog Growth Engine Work?

Blog Growth Engine is ideal for both beginners and seasoned professionals. 

Blog Growth Engine will teach you how to monetize your blog from the ground up if you're a beginner. On the other hand, if you’re a seasoned pro, you’ll take advantage of Adam’s strategies and methods to accelerate growth.

Like other online courses, Blog Growth Engine contains over-the-shoulder training videos. It also includes downloadable content to supplement the videos. You’ll also gain access to a private community. 

In Blog Growth Engine, you’ll learn the three fundamental pillars. These pillars include how to grow your blog, how to monetize your blog, and how to start or launch your blog.

Inside Blog Growth Engine

Blog Growth Engine contains 11 modules that cover various topics. These topics include affiliate marketing, link building, niche selection, and more.

Module 1: Your Niche

The course's first module will explain why building your brand is vital and why niche sites are slowly dying.

In this module, Adam dives into the specifics of your expertise and how you might utilize it to your advantage. 

Module 2: Your Mindset

The course's second module will teach you how to get rid of your imposter syndrome. It also explains why every person can be successful with content creation.

Adam will also share how to become a successful blogger by being consistent, building your brand, and building online authority.

Module 3: Blogging Like a Startup

In this module, you will learn the difference between blogging as a business and blogging as a hobby. 

Adam will teach you how to treat your blog like a business and develop it like a startup. Adam will also share with you some outdated strategies you need to avoid. 

Module 4: Decoding Search Intent

The fourth module of the course will teach you why search intent is everything when making money online. You’ll also learn why you need to search for buyer intent keywords. 

Module 5: Minimum Viable Website

In the fifth module, Adam will teach you how to set up your WordPress website for optimal performance. You’ll also learn how to configure it for your blog's growth.

Adam will also share tips on choosing the right plugins, theme, and hosting for your business. 

Module 6: Keyword Monetization

Module 6 is one of the most vital modules in the course. In this module, you will learn how to search for keywords with monetary value.

Adam will teach you how to master keyword research and explain why search engines work the way they do for your blog.

Module 7: Blog Content Creation

In the seventh module of the course, Adam will teach you how to create blog posts that are both reader-friendly and SEO-optimized.

Adam will also explain the difference between pillar and fluff content and why you must create a solid content assembly line. 

Adam will also teach you how to brainstorm unlimited ideas for your blog posts.

Module 8: Link Building

In module 8, you will learn how to build partnerships and improve the domain rating of your blog using advanced guest posting strategies.

Adam will teach you how to find the right websites to reach out to. You’ll also learn how to create a guest post that will capture their audience and how to contact these websites.

Module 9: Affiliate Marketing and Blog Monetization Methods

In the ninth module of the course, Adam will teach you the fundamentals of affiliate marketing. You’ll also determine your blog monetization timeline in this module.

Furthermore, Adam recently updated his course and will now teach you how to make money using other methods. This includes:

  • YouTube
  • Brand Partnerships
  • Ad Networks
  • CPA Deals

Module 10: Scaling and Outsourcing

In module 10, you will learn how to outsource and hire others to help your business. In this module, Adam will teach you how to find ideal writers to help you grow your blog.

In addition, he will also teach you what project management software to use, how to hire quality players, and what type of tasks you can outsource.

Module 11: Monetizing Your Skills with Services

This is the final module of the course. In this module, Adam will teach you how to create an extremely profitable blog by providing content marketing packages. 

In this module, you will learn what tools to use to run a successful content writing agency, how to monetize your blog, how to draft proposals and more.

Check out this 45-minute video to know more about this course...

How to Join Blog Growth Engine

If you want to join Blog Growth Engine, all you’ve got to do is to visit its main website. You can search “Blog Growth Engine” on Google; the first result should be the website you’re looking for.

Then, you’ll see a “Join Now” button on the homepage. Click that button, input your payment information, and you’re ready to go.

Blog Growth Engine Cost to Join

As of today, Blog Growth Engine costs $3,900. Unfortunately, it’s pretty expensive for an online course. 

Fortunately, there’s a way for you to lower the price. If you watch the free masterclass, you can reduce the cost to $1,497. 

Blog Growth Engine Reviews Online

The Blog Growth Engine is an blogging course that teaches you all there is to know about blogging and how you can use it to and earn money in the future.

But is it any good?

The only way to know this is to read reviews from people who have tried it by themselves...

Common Positive Blog Growth Engine Reviews

  • Incredible coach and mentor.
  • The course gives your structure and confidence.
  • Simple and easy to follow.

The following comments below are the common positive reviews you’ll find online:

  • “I joined Blog Growth Engine on a whim, and I’m so glad I did! I’ve learned so much about blogging and online business and made some great friends along the way. Adam is an incredible coach and mentor who cares about his students. If you’re thinking about joining, just do it!”
  • “I was so lost and had no clue how to start or grow my blog. The Blog Growth Engine gave me the structure and confidence I needed to get started. It’s like having a personal coach there with you, helping you every step of the way. 10/10 recommendation!”
  • “Adam’s work has been a valuable resource to help me get my business off the ground. He makes things simple and easy to follow. Recommended!”

Common Negative Blog Growth Engine Reviews

  • Most topics are fairly common sense.
  • It is just detailed theoretical course no technical stuff.
  • It is all about marketing, promotion and monetization.

And here are the best negative reviews I seen:

  • Wildly underwhelmed, most of the topics would seem to be fairly common sense. I wanted to go more in-depth on WordPress, and I did not get what I needed to build my website there. Now that I've decided to go outside WordPress, much of the content is not applicable.”
  • “No doubt it is a very detailed and theoretical course, but it’s not what I was looking for. I wanted to learn the practical/technical stuff like how to make the pages and posts, how to create menus on my blog, and whether I can use the photos from the web in my articles or I need to capture/make them on my own.”
  • “It’s almost exclusively about marketing, promotion, and monetization. The first item listed regarding what the course covers is content. The course content is cursory at best.”

Is Blog Growth Engine a Scam?

No, Blog Growth Engine is not a scam by any means. Adam is known as one of the most successful bloggers. He is even featured in the Huffington Post, Entrepreneur, and Forbes.

Blog Growth Engine also has more than 1,500 students. Most of these people are making significant results with the course.

Tired of MLMs? Check out how I make money online here!

Blog Growth Engine Pros

Here are some of the best things that I discovered when reviewing The Blog Growth Engine...

#1 Extremely detailed

This course is very comprehensive. This course is ideal for you if you’re looking for training from someone who has succeeded in blogging.

#2 Adam is the real deal

This course doesn’t have any hype or fluff. You’ll learn Adam's strategies to grow his blog and build a profitable business. 

#3 Excellent bonuses

Aside from the main course, you will also get access to various bonuses. This includes a private Facebook group and more.

Blog Growth Engine Cons

And here are some of the things I find off in Blog Growth Engine... So take note of these...

#1 Limited reviews available

While Adam is the real deal and pretty transparent with his business and process, looking for real student reviews is still quite challenging. This is particularly true since it’s a brand-new product.

#2 It is expensive

This is perhaps one of the most expensive online courses out there. If you don’t have the budget, this course will not be accessible. 

#3 Website is often hard to reach

Another drawback of this course is its website. Often, it is difficult to reach. You will usually get errors like “Error 403” when attempting to visit it.

Ready to make passive income online?

I've created a growing passive income online with no marketing skills or online experience... 

I've made a special video for you to explain exactly how I did this.

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My Opinion – Blog Growth Engine

So, is Blog Growth Engine legit? The simple answer is yes. This course is an excellent program that offers a lot of benefits.

Unfortunately, it does require an investment of money and time. This is particularly true if you want to maximize the potential value of the course.

Still, if you have the budget and want to make money out of blogging, then this course is for you. 

How I make passive income online

In 2018 I had no idea what affiliate marketing was. 

Once I learnt about it, it just seemed like a great business model that can grow over time using the power of the internet. 

So I tried to figure it out by myself... that got me nowhere fast.

Then I fell for some terrible online scams. 

But eventually, I found Wealthy Affiliate. It teaches long-term proven strategies to build an online business with all the tools & support needed. 

And this happened...

Make Time Online Income

Once you learn the process of getting thousands of people to find your website every month (for free) there really is not limit to what you can achieve online. 

I've reviewed hundreds of courses or programs that claim to help people make money online. And I've spoken to dozens of 6-7 figure online entrepreneurs on my podcast.

This is by far the best place I've seen to help beginners get set up on the right foot. You can read my full Wealthy Affiliate review here (including the pros and cons!) 

Or you can watch an insiders video I made that explains exactly how it works here.  

Mike PE teacher to Passive Income Online
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Reviews, Investing, Not Recommended

Dividend Growth Investing Review: Mastering Stock Market Investing in Dividend Stocks

You probably know that making smart investments is essential for the future. Dividend stock may be one option to consider if you want to diversify your portfolio and increase your returns.

That is why you'll need to learn what dividend stock is, why it's beneficial, how to get started investing in dividend stocks, and more!

So, where can you learn all of these things? Well, the best option is to enroll in an online course. One course to consider is “Dividend Growth Investing: The Complete Dividend Course” by Steve Ballinger.

However, is it an excellent course to learn about dividend stocks? Is it legit or a scam? In this review, we’re going to find out.

This Dividend Growth Investing has been thoroughly researched with information and testimonials that are available online to anyone in the public. Any conclusions drawn by myself are opinions.

Dividend Growth Investing Review

The overview and rankings

Name: Dividend Growth Investing

Founder: Steve Ballinger

Type: Investing Course

Price: $109.99

Best for: Beginners in Dividend Stock Investing

Dividend Growth Investing


  • Comprehensive
  • Beginner-friendly
  • Recently updated

Dividend Growth Investing


  • Coach talks too fast
  • A bit too expensive
  • A bit too short


If you want to learn more about dividend stocks, you have probably heard of this course. Steve claims to be the best finance instructor on Udemy. However, is he legit? Will his course help you understand dividends? Let’s find out.

Make Time Online Rating: 

30 out of 100 

Recommended: No

What is Dividend Growth Investing About?

Dividend Growth Investing is an online course created by Steve Ballinger and offered on Udemy. Unlike other investment courses, Dividend Growth Investing focuses on dividend stocks.

According to the course’s description, Steve will teach you how to be a successful investor with dividend stocks. Thus, if you’re planning to invest in other stocks, you might want to look for different courses.

In this course, you will learn a couple of things. This includes the benefits of investing in dividend stocks, how to evaluate dividend stocks, sample portfolios, and much more.

Check out this 14-minute video to know more about this course... 

Let us then know who started this all...

Who is Steve Ballinger?

Steve Ballinger is the creator of the course. He is one of the many instructors in Udemy. Steve specializes in investment courses.

You can guarantee that Steve is a reputable instructor because he’s one of the top instructors on Udemy. As of today, he has 448,620 students and more than 63,000 reviews. 

Steve also claims that he’s a millionaire investor in cryptocurrency and stocks. However, we don’t know if this is true. 

Aside from Dividend Growth Investing, Steve has 47 other courses offered on Udemy.

Ready to make passive income online?

Hey, I'm Mike.

I created a passive income online within a year. I had no marketing skills or online experience when I started. 

Mike Beatty

How Does Dividend Growth Investing Work?

The Dividend Growth Investing course works the same way as other online courses on Udemy. Once you enroll and pay the fee, you will get access to all of the course’s content.

Once you’re enrolled, you have to watch the videos, read the articles, and answer all the quizzes until you reach the end of the training program.

The best thing about Udemy’s online courses is that you can finish them at your own pace. You don’t have to follow a particular schedule. 

Inside Dividend Growth Investing

The Dividend Growth Investing course contains nine modules and 42 lessons. You can finish this whole course in 3 hours and 58 minutes. 

Module 1: Introduction Big Benefits to Dividend Investing

In this module, Steve will share with you the overview of the course and how to get the most out of it. This module contains three lessons; you’ll need at least 29 minutes to finish them.

In this module, you will also evaluate the dividend stocks you’re planning to invest in.

Steve will also share with you some benefits of owning stocks that pay dividends.

Module 2: Key Things to Know When Investing in Dividend Stocks

The second module of the course contains 14 lessons. You will need at least 1 hour and 26 minutes to finish the second module. 

There are tons of things to learn in this module. Thus, it’s ideal that you don’t skip this part. You’ll learn some lessons: dividend per share, dividend yield, dividend payout ratio, and more.

Steve will also explain why you should avoid chasing a stock with too much dividend yield. Furthermore, you will also learn what types of companies pay dividends, why companies pay dividends, and more.

Module 3: Evaluating and Choosing Dividend Stocks

The third module of the course is relatively short. It only contains two lessons that you can finish in 12 minutes. 

In this module, Steve will teach you how to evaluate dividend stocks. In addition, he will also share with you the quantitative and qualitative methods of analyzing dividend stocks.

Module 4: The Must-Review List When Evaluating Any Dividend Paying Stock

The fourth module of the course contains six lessons. You will need at least 24 minutes to finish all of them.

In this module, Steve will share an overview of the critical ratios for dividend stocks. You will learn things like the PEG ratio, dividend growth rate, dividend payout ratio, and more.

Module 5: Other Helpful Ratios

The course's fifth module contains five lessons you can finish in 20 minutes. In this module, you will learn about Growth at a Reasonable Price (GARP), Price to Earnings Ratio, Price to Sales Ratio, Profit Margin, and Debt to Equity Ratio.

These lessons include liquidation value, multiple analysis, discounted cash flow analysis, and legendary investors on valuation.

In this module, you will also learn how Warren Buffet and other well-known investors value a company. 

Module 6: Dividend Portfolios: Individual Stocks, Aristocrats, Champions, and More

The sixth module of the course contains five lessons. You will need at least 30 minutes to finish all of them.

In this module, you will learn how to create a portfolio of individual stocks. Steve will discuss the Dividend Reinvestment Program (DRIP), Dividend Aristocrats, and more.

Furthermore, you will also learn what dividend champions are and all-stars. 

Module 7: Less-Known Big Dividend Payer Types

Module 7 contains four lessons that you can finish in 26 minutes. In this module, Steve will share a few less popular dividend-payer types that pay big money.

In this module, you will learn more about MLP (Master Limited Partnerships), examples of MLP, REIT (Real Estate Investment Trust), and preferred stock.

Module 8: Taxes and Dividends

Module 8 is another short module. It only contains one lesson. You can finish this module in 8 minutes.

In this module, Steve will teach you about dividends and taxes. You will also learn why you shouldn’t think about what you make. Instead, Steve will help you focus on what you keep.

Module 9: Next Steps

Module 9 is the final module of the course. It only contains two lessons that you can finish in 5 minutes. 

In this module, Steve will teach you five action steps you need to take after finishing the course. In addition, Steve also includes a couple of special offers for his other courses

Check out this 7-minute video that gives you a glimpse on this course...

How to Join Dividend Growth Investing

Since this course is offered on Udemy, joining it is easy. All you have to do is to open Udemy.com. Once you’re on Udemy’s homepage, type in the course title on the search bar. 

After searching for the course, Udemy should direct you to their results page. Look for the course that matches your query. It should have the same title, and the instructor should be Steve Ballinger.

Once you’re on the course’s main page, click on the “Buy Now” button on the right side of the page. Then, type in your payment details, and you’re ready.

Dividend Growth Investing Cost to Join

The cost to join the Dividend Growth Investing course is $109.99. However, you should note that Udemy offers significant discounts on their courses for a limited time.

If you’re lucky, you might get an 82% discount on the price. 

Dividend Growth Investing Reviews Online

The Dividend Growth Investing Reviews Online Reviews Online is an investing course that teaches you all there is to know about Investing and how you can use it to and earn money in the future through Dividend Stocks

But is it any good?

The only way to know this is to read reviews from people who have tried it by themselves...

Common Positive Dividend Growth Investing Reviews

  • Amazing investment course.
  • Easy to understand
  • Instructor is fantastic

The following comments below are the common positive reviews you’ll find online:

  • “What an amazing Investing course. I have done other Udemy investment courses in 2022, but I feel I am well-equipped to start this journey. There is a lot to take in from this course. There are a lot of real examples that cement the idea and bring clarity. Thank you so much for this great course.”
  • “Great Course. I took it sooner than I should have because I didn't know a thing about investment. Even so, Ballinger explains everything in an easy-to-understand way, and I highly recommend the course. I look forward to taking more courses from him, like the beginner’s course and the investing in stocks The Complete guide. Very good.”
  • “The instructor is fantastic. I aim to take every one he offers because he explains things clearly and is engaging to listen to. I highly recommend listening to the full course if you are interested in learning more about investment options available today.”

Common Negative Dividend Growth Investing Reviews

  • No well-defined strategy to deliver topics.
  • Course covers no practical knowledge
  • Difficult to understand sometimes.

And here are the best negative reviews I seen:

  • “It is challenging to understand what he is saying. There is no well-defined strategy to deliver the topics.”
  • “The instructor seems well-educated and knowledgeable. The course itself covers almost no practical knowledge at all. It is built on things that are way too general and could be learned by devoting 20 minutes to reading definitions on Investopedia.”
  • “I expected a bit more... The teacher speaks very fast, and it could be difficult to understand sometimes for a non-English speaker. The subtitles are sometimes completely different from the teacher's speech. The information is good, but I got less new than I expected.”

Is Dividend Growth Investing a Scam?

The answer is no. The Dividend Growth Investing course is not a scam. It’s a legit course with legit content. Once you pay the enrollment fee, you will immediately get access to everything.

In addition, you also have a 30-day money-back guarantee. So, if you don’t like the course, you can always ask for a refund.

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Dividend Growth Investing Pros

Here are some of the best things that I discovered when reviewing The Dividend Growth Investing Pros...

#1 Comprehensive

Even though the course focuses on Dividend Stocks, it’s still an extremely comprehensive training program. It contains everything you need to know about dividend stocks. 

#2 Beginner-friendly

You can still enroll in this course even if you have zero investment knowledge. Steve made it beginner-friendly. It doesn’t require any prior knowledge about investing.

#3 Recently updated

The best thing about this course is that Steve updates it regularly. According to the course’s page, the last update was in November 2022. 

This will help you guarantee that the information you get inside is up-to-date.

Dividend Growth Investing Cons

And here are some of the things I find off in Dividend Growth Investing... So take note of these...

#1 Coach talks too fast

This is one of the biggest complaints of the course. Even if you look at Steve’s other courses, most negative reviews are because of how fast Steve talks. If you’re not a native English speaker, you’ll probably have difficulty understanding him.

#2 A bit too expensive

$109.99 is a bit expensive. This is particularly true since there are other courses with the same topic for a lower price.

However, if you don’t want to pay $109.99, you can try to wait for Udemy to give this course a discount. 

#3 A bit too short

The course only contains 4 hours’ worth of videos and a single article. For a $109.99 enrollment fee, this course is relatively short.

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I've created a growing passive income online with no marketing skills or online experience... 

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My Opinion – Dividend Growth Investing

So, is this course worth your money? Well, if you’re lucky enough to get at least a 50% discount on its price, I recommend this course.

However, if you’re going to pay the total price, it’s not worth it. $109.99 is relatively high for a course that’s too short. There are a couple of other courses on Udemy that you can get for a much lower price. 

Still, the course contains valuable information. It’s beneficial if you want to focus on Dividend Stocks for your investing journey. 

How I make passive income online

In 2018 I had no idea what affiliate marketing was. 

Once I learnt about it, it just seemed like a great business model that can grow over time using the power of the internet. 

So I tried to figure it out by myself... that got me nowhere fast.

Then I fell for some terrible online scams. 

But eventually, I found Wealthy Affiliate. It teaches long-term proven strategies to build an online business with all the tools & support needed. 

And this happened...

Make Time Online Income

Once you learn the process of getting thousands of people to find your website every month (for free) there really is not limit to what you can achieve online. 

I've reviewed hundreds of courses or programs that claim to help people make money online. And I've spoken to dozens of 6-7 figure online entrepreneurs on my podcast.

This is by far the best place I've seen to help beginners get set up on the right foot. You can read my full Wealthy Affiliate review here (including the pros and cons!) 

Or you can watch an insiders video I made that explains exactly how it works here.  

Mike PE teacher to Passive Income Online
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Billionaire Value Investing Bootcamp
Reviews, Investing, Not Recommended

Billionaire Value Investing Bootcamp: Everything You Need to Know About Value Investing

Warren Buffet is one of the most well-known investors in the world. He is known for his savvy investing strategies and ability to make money.

In recent years, Buffet has become increasingly involved in philanthropy. He has pledged to give away 99 percent of his fortune to charitable causes.

Buffett is one of the most successful investors in history. He is also one of the world's most generous philanthropists.

What if I told you that you could grow your wealth as Warren Buffet did? Yes, you’ve read it right. All you’ve got to do is to enroll in a course called Billionaire Value Investing Bootcamp.

According to the creator of this course, you’ll learn how to use frameworks that Charlie Munger and Warren Buffet utilize.

However, is this course legit, or is it a scam? In this review, I will share everything you need to know about this training program.

This Billionaire Value Investing Bootcamp has been thoroughly researched with information and testimonials that are available online to anyone in the public. Any conclusions drawn by myself are opinions.

Billionaire Value Investing Bootcamp Review

The overview and rankings

Name: Billionaire Value Investing Bootcamp

Founder: Josh Chan

Type: Investing Course

Price: $29.99

Best for: Beginners in Value Investing

Billionaire Value Investing Bootcamp


  • Learn how to be successful like warren buffet
  • It’s updated
  • It’s cheap

Billionaire Value Investing Bootcamp


  • It’s quite short
  • Not a popular course
  • No information about the creator


The Billionaire Value Investing Bootcamp course claims to help you become successful like Warren Buffet. However, is it really worth your money and time? In this review, we’re going to find out.

Make Time Online Rating: 

30 out of 100 

Recommended: No

What is Billionaire Value Investing Bootcamp About?

Billionaire Value Investing Bootcamp is a course created by Josh Chan and offered on Udemy. 

This course claims to teach people how to invest using the same methods that Warren Buffet and Charlie Munger used for their investments.

In addition, this course also claims to teach you how to differentiate bad CEOs from good ones and how to find great businesses to invest in.

This course is beginner-friendly. It does not require you to have prior experience in investing. However, it does tell you that having basic finance knowledge can be helpful. Still, it isn’t needed.

Check out this 1-minute video to know more about this course... 

Let us then know who started this all...

Who is Josh Chan?

Josh Chan is one of the many instructors on Udemy. As of today, he only offers one course and has 66 students.

According to his Udemy profile, Josh Chan is a finance specialist at the University of Toronto. Unfortunately, there’s nothing much to learn about him.

He also has linked his YouTube channel on his Udemy profile. However, when you click the link, it will only direct you to an unavailable page. Thus, there’s a possibility that Josh Chan might have deleted his YouTube channel at some point.

Ready to make passive income online?

Hey, I'm Mike.

I created a passive income online within a year. I had no marketing skills or online experience when I started. 

Mike Beatty

How Does Billionaire Value Investing Bootcamp Work?

This course works the same way other courses in Udemy work. In this course, you will learn a couple of lessons that are categorized by modules. 

When you enroll in this course, you’ll get access to videos that you can watch at your own pace. Aside from videos, Josh also included several articles and Excel templates that you can use for learning value investing.

This course contains 3.5 hours’ worth of videos. Thus, it’s pretty short compared to other courses on Udemy. 

Inside Billionaire Value Investing Bootcamp

As mentioned, this course only contains 3.5 hours’ worth of videos. These videos are categorized into 11 modules.

There are 33 lessons in the course that you can finish in 3 hours and 30 minutes. 

Note that you don’t have to follow the outline of the course. For instance, if you already have an idea about a particular topic, you can skip it and go to the next module.

In addition, these are on-demand videos. This means that you can watch them anytime you want. You can pause, replay, and skip these videos depending on your needs.

Module 1: Introduction

The first module is the introduction. In this module, Josh will simply introduce you to the course. He will also explain what to expect in this course.

The introduction video lasts for 8 minutes and 9 seconds.

Module 2: Principles of Value Investing

The second module talks about the principles of value investing. In this module, Josh will share with you what value investing is. He will also discuss what a stock is and how the stock market works.

Aside from that, he will also share with you some lessons from well-known investors. He will discuss Warren Buffet and other investors' principles when investing. 

The second module contains three lessons that you can finish in 19 minutes. 

Module 3: What Makes a Great Business

The course's third module contains three lessons you can finish in 19 minutes. 

The first lesson is about Unit Economics. In this lesson, Josh will talk about metrics to look out for when looking for companies with excellent unit economics.

In this lesson, Josh also included a couple of articles about ROI. 

The second and third lessons are about Economic Moats. You will learn about switching costs, network effect, and brand in the first lesson. In the second lesson, you will learn about control of resources, culture, and scale.

Module 4: Finding Business Information

The fourth module of the course is about finding business information. In this module, you will get access to three lessons that you can finish in 19 minutes.

These lessons include:

  • External sources
  • Other filings
  • Financial statements

Module 5: How to Value a Company

In this module, Josh will teach you how to value a company using various methods. This module contains five lessons that you can finish in 34 minutes.

These lessons include liquidation value, multiple analysis, discounted cash flow analysis, and legendary investors on valuation.

In this module, you will also learn how Warren Buffet and other well-known investors value a company. 

Module 6: Excel Walkthrough

In this module, Josh will teach you how to use excel for your investing journey. This module contains five lessons that you can finish in 36 minutes.

In this module, Josh will teach you how to use excel to perform a real-life DCF valuation. He also includes two templates that you can copy.

Other lessons in this module include sensitivity analysis, calculating WACC, deriving intrinsic value, and forecasting NWC and CAPEX.

Module 7: Analyzing Management

In this module, you will get access to five lessons that you can finish in 27 minutes. This module will teach you about corporate decisions, insider ownership, compensation, and capital allocation.

In addition, Josh will share with you a couple of traits to look for in a great CEO.

Module 8: Risks and Catalysts

In this module, Josh will teach you everything you need about risks and catalysts. This module contains two lessons that you can finish in 13 minutes.

Module 9: How to Find Investment Ideas

In this module, Josh will share with you some tips on how to look for investment ideas. This module contains three lessons that you can finish in 12 minutes.

In addition, you will also learn how to avoid value traps.

Module 10: Examples of Great Investments

In this module, Josh will show you some examples of significant investments. This module contains two lessons that you can finish in 7 minutes.

You will see Warren Buffet and his GEICO investment. In addition, you will also see Mohnish Pabrai and his IPSCO investment.

Module 11: Conclusion

Module 11 is the last module of the course. It only contains one lesson that you can finish in 14 minutes.

In this module, Josh will share some legendary investors' traits. These investors include Warren Buffet, Mohnish Pabrai, Charlie Munger, and more.

Check out this 1-minute video that gives you a glimpse on this course...

How to Join Billionaire Value Investing Bootcamp

If you want to join this course, all you’ve got to do is to visit Udemy.com. Next, search the title of the course using Udemy’s search bar.

After that, Udemy should direct you to their search results page. The first result should be the course you’re looking for. 

Then, click that course, and on the right side, there will be a “Buy Now” button. Click that button, input your payment details, and you’re ready.

Billionaire Value Investing Bootcamp Cost to Join

One of the best things about this course is that it’s cheap. You will only need $29.99 to join this course.

However, you can get the course a lot cheaper if you’re lucky to get a deal from Udemy. Today, the price is $14.99 since Udemy offers 50% off.

Billionaire Value Investing Bootcamp Reviews Online

The Billionaire Value Investing Bootcamp Reviews Online is an investing course that teaches you all there is to know about Investing and how you can use it to and earn money in the future through stocks.

But is it any good?

The only way to know this is to read reviews from people who have tried it by themselves...

Common Positive Billionaire Value Investing Bootcamp Reviews

  • In-depth and detailed.
  • Changed perspective
  • Healthy balance of fundamentals and theories

The following comments below are the common positive reviews you’ll find online:

  • “Honestly, I didn't expect the course to be this in-depth and detailed. While the course takes a while to complete, it is definitely for people who are serious about upping their game in investing knowledge. I might have to revisit a lot of information but it's definitely worth the price and the time. I learned so much!”
  • “This was life-changing! I used to be deep in the day trading rabbit hole, and I completely missed the mark. This course has truly changed my perspective on sound wealth management.”
  • “The course combines a healthy balance of fundamentals and theories with real-life business situations from the experiences of well-known and knowledgeable investors.”

Common Negative Billionaire Value Investing Bootcamp Reviews

  • Need to teach how to calculate intrinsic value.
  • Doesn't touch on the models.
  • Too basic and not professional.

And here are the best negative reviews I seen:

  • “This course only covers fundamental financial knowledge. As the value investing topic suggests, the instructor should teach how to calculate a company's intrinsic value. Without knowing the intrinsic value, how can we do value investing?”
  • “Course doesn't touch on the models that will help one to arrive at intrinsic value. It just scratches it. It doesn't confirm how many different models exist and how to use them.”
  • “The material is too basic and not professional. It's better to buy an investment book and read it instead of taking this course.”

Is Billionaire Value Investing Bootcamp a Scam?

No, Billionaire Value Investing Bootcamp is not a scam. It’s a legit course. Note that this course is offered on Udemy. 

Udemy doesn’t allow fake courses on its platform. Thus, you can guarantee this course is safe and real.

Tired of MLMs? Check out how I make money online here!

Billionaire Value Investing Bootcamp Pros

Here are some of the best things that I discovered when reviewing The Billionaire Value Investing Bootcamp Pros...

#1 Learn How to Be Successful Like Warren Buffet

If you’ve been studying investing, you have probably heard Warren Buffet’s name many times. Well, it’s normal since he’s one of the greatest investors in the world.

Luckily, this course will help you follow Warren’s path by using the same methods and techniques he used in his investments.

#2 It’s Updated

Another good thing about this course is that Josh updates it regularly. As of today, Josh updated the course in September 2022. He included a couple of new things.

#3 It’s Cheap

Compared to other courses, Billionaire Value Investing Bootcamp is relatively cheap. This is particularly true if you’re lucky enough to get a deal from Udemy.

Billionaire Value Investing Bootcamp Cons

And here are some of the things I find off in Billionaire Value Investing Bootcamp... So take note of these...

#1 It’s Quite Short

In my opinion, 3.5 hours is not enough to learn value investing. This means that this course is probably just a summary. If you want to learn more about value investing, you need a longer course.

#2 Not a Popular Course

As of today, this course only has 66 students and 15 ratings. It’s hard to figure out whether this course is good or bad based on that information.

Note that other similar courses on Udemy have thousands of students and hundreds of ratings.

#3 No Information about the Creator

There’s little-to-no information about the creator of the course. It also appears that Josh Chan is still a young entrepreneur.

In my opinion, it’s best to learn from experienced individuals. 

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I've created a growing passive income online with no marketing skills or online experience... 

I've made a special video for you to explain exactly how I did this.

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My Opinion - Billionaire Value Investing Bootcamp

So, is Billionaire Value Investing Bootcamp worth it or not? My answer is no. There are a lot of other courses on Udemy that teach the same topics and lessons.

One reason I don’t recommend this course is the instructor. There’s little information about him. If I want to learn about value investing, I prefer to learn it from experienced individuals.

How I make passive income online

In 2018 I had no idea what affiliate marketing was. 

Once I learnt about it, it just seemed like a great business model that can grow over time using the power of the internet. 

So I tried to figure it out by myself... that got me nowhere fast.

Then I fell for some terrible online scams. 

But eventually, I found Wealthy Affiliate. It teaches long-term proven strategies to build an online business with all the tools & support needed. 

And this happened...

Make Time Online Income

Once you learn the process of getting thousands of people to find your website every month (for free) there really is not limit to what you can achieve online. 

I've reviewed hundreds of courses or programs that claim to help people make money online. And I've spoken to dozens of 6-7 figure online entrepreneurs on my podcast.

This is by far the best place I've seen to help beginners get set up on the right foot. You can read my full Wealthy Affiliate review here (including the pros and cons!) 

Or you can watch an insiders video I made that explains exactly how it works here.  

Mike PE teacher to Passive Income Online
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Billionaire Value Investing
Not Recommended, Investing, Reviews

Value Investing and Fundamental Stock Analysis: A Step-by-Step Approach to Stock Investing and Analysis

Value investing is an investment strategy where investors search for stocks or assets that appear to be undervalued by the market to earn higher returns than other investments.

It requires careful consideration, given that the investor must anticipate and track company performance changes.

With value investing, patience is the ultimate virtue; it works best when investors only purchase securities that offer long-term value and hold those investments over time while monitoring their performance accordingly.

If you don’t know anything about value investing, you don’t have to worry. Nowadays, many online resources can help you understand any topic you want, including value investing.

One of these resources is the Value Investing and Fundamental Stock Analysis course by Kagwe Njoroge. 

It’s an online investment course that promises to teach students everything they need about stock investing.

However, is this course legit, or is it a scam? Let’s find out.

This Value Investing and Fundamental Stock Analysis has been thoroughly researched with information and testimonials that are available online to anyone in the public. Any conclusions drawn by myself are opinions.

Value Investing and Fundamental Stock Analysis Review

The overview and rankings

Name: Value Investing and Fundamental Stock Analysis

Founder: Kagwe Njoroge

Type: Value Investment Course 

Price: $84.99

Best for: Beginners in Value Investing

Value Investing and Fundamental Stock Analysis


  • Instructor is knowledgeable
  • Quizzes to test your knowledge
  • Beginner-friendly

Value Investing and Fundamental Stock Analysis


  • Confusing
  • Bit too short
  • It is not updated


The Value Investing and Fundamental Stock Analysis course claims to help beginners become a master at value investing and analyzing undervalued stocks. However, is it really what it claims to be? In this review, I am going to discuss everything you need to know about Kagwe Njoroge’s course.

Make Time Online Rating: 

30 out of 100 

Recommended: No

What is Value Investing and Fundamental Stock Analysis About?

Value Investing and Fundamental Stock Analysis is an online course created by Kagwe Njoroge and offered on Udemy. 

This course talks about the step-by-step approach to stock analysis and investing. According to the course, this training program will help you better understand stock analysis.

In addition, you will also learn how to apply, calculate, and define key investment ratios in choosing under-valued stocks. 

One of the best things about this course is that it’s beginner-friendly. It does not require you to have prior knowledge about investing.

So, if you’re new to this topic, you’ll still find this course valuable.

Check out this 3-minute video to know more about this course... 

Let us then know who started this all...

Who is Kagwe Njoroge?

Kagwe Njoroge is one of the instructors on Udemy. Today, he has one course offered on the platform with more than 20,000 students and more than 1,000 reviews.

Aside from being an instructor, Kagwe is also the director at Prosaic Invest. He’s also the CEO of a company called ChargeBound.

According to his profile, Kagwe started his investment career as a trader at Morgan Stanley’s Institutional Equities Division. Then, he also became a member of an investment team of Berkeley Energy.

As you can see, Kagwe is an experienced investor. Thus, it’s safe to say that he knows what he’s doing with his course. 

Ready to make passive income online?

Hey, I'm Mike.

I created a passive income online within a year. I had no marketing skills or online experience when I started. 

Mike Beatty

How Does Value Investing and Fundamental Stock Analysis Work?

This course works the same way as the other courses you find on Udemy. The Value Investing and Fundamental Stock Analysis course contains videos you can watch in your free time.

In addition, Kagwe also included a couple of downloadable resources that you can use to improve your learning further. 

Once you finish the course, you can also get a certificate of completion. You can use this certificate in your resume when applying for relevant jobs. 

Inside Value Investing and Fundamental Stock Analysis

If you want to join this course, you probably want to know what’s inside it. Well, the course contains six modules and 21 lessons. You can finish the entire course within 1 hour and 43 minutes.

It’s pretty short compared to other investment courses. However, the lessons you get in this course are all concise. It’s brief but comprehensive.

Module 1: Introduction

The first module is called the introduction. As the title suggests, Kagwe will introduce you to this course and what to expect. 

Aside from the introduction, Kagwe will also share with you the goals of the course and its structure.  

The first module contains three lessons. You can finish this module in 4 minutes. 

Module 2: Key Considerations

The second module of the course is titled “Key Considerations.” In this module, Kagwe will discuss why creating long-term investment portfolios is more significant today for all generations.

This module contains five lessons that you can finish in 22 minutes. Some lessons include the Pension Time Bomb, How to Invest in Stocks, Trading vs. Investing, and Value vs. Growth Investing. 

Module 3: Company Financial Statements

The course's third module contains six lessons you can finish in 32 minutes. In this module, Kagwe will teach you how to read and analyze a company's financial statement. 

You will learn what to look for in a financial statement. This includes cash flow, balance sheet, income statement, and more.

Kagwe will discuss each of these statements. Thus, you mustn’t skip any of the lessons in this module.

At the end of this module, there will be a 4-question quiz about financial statement definitions and calculations. 

Make sure you answer the quiz correctly before you proceed. 

Module 4: The Application

The fourth module of the course is called the application. It contains three lessons that you can finish in 17 minutes.

In this module, Kagwe will teach you how to use the knowledge you’ve acquired in the previous modules to identify undervalued stocks in real life. 

In this module, you will also learn about Key Valuation Ratios and Valuation Approach. 

There’s also a quiz at the end of this module. The quiz is about Valuation Calculations and Definitions. Make sure you complete the quiz before you proceed. 

Module 5: Real-World Application

The fifth module of the course is called Real World Application. It contains two lessons that you can finish in 22 minutes.

In this module, Kagwe will briefly summarize everything he has covered in the previous modules and bring them together to carry out an example case study.

In addition, you will also have to analyze the case study on your own using the methods you’ve learned in the previous modules. 

Next, Kagwe will also help you perform a valuation analysis on an example company from beginning to end. He will include the steps covered in the previous modules. 

Module 6: Final Thoughts

This is the last module of the course, and it is the conclusion. This module contains two lessons that you can finish in 8 minutes.

In this module, Kagwe will discuss the theory of diversification. In addition, he will also share with you a couple of valuable tips from the Sage of Omaha’s approach. 

Furthermore, Kagwe will also teach you a few key reflections you need to become a better investor. 

Check out this 2-minute video that gives you a glimpse on this course...

How to Join Value Investing and Fundamental Stock Analysis

One of the best things about this course is that it’s pretty easy to join. This is because you can buy the course on Udemy. If you want to join, you simply need to follow these steps:

First, visit Udemy.com. Once you’re on the homepage of Udemy, click on the big search bar at the top of the page and type in Value Investing and Fundamental Stock Analysis. Then, click enter.

After clicking enter, it should direct you to the results page of Udemy. You’ll find a couple of results. However, the first result should be the one you’re looking for. It should have the same title as your query. 

Click that course to visit its page. Once you’re on the course’s page, you’ll find a “Buy Now” button on the right side. Click that button. Next, type in your payment details, and you’re ready.

Value Investing and Fundamental Stock Analysis Cost to Join

The cost to join this course is $84.99. However, Udemy is offering an 82% off deal today. Thus, the current price as of this writing is only $14.99.

Value Investing and Fundamental Stock Analysis Reviews Online

The Value Investing and Fundamental Stock Analysis is an investing course that teaches you all there is to know about Investing and how you can use it to and earn money in the future through stocks.

But is it any good?

The only way to know this is to read reviews from people who have tried it by themselves...

Common Positive Value Investing and Fundamental Stock Analysis Reviews

  • Many usable contents
  • Anyone with zero knowledge of finance can understand it.
  • Well thought out and well-paced.

The following comments below are the common positive reviews you’ll find online:

  • “Really helpful for beginner investors. I usually find other free courses as introductions, but this has many usable contents. Also, appreciate that it has a real-world application. :)”
  • “Excellent course. I have been interested in personal finance for the past few years and have attended many courses and video tutorials and talked to people. However, I learned many new ideas and ratios that I had overlooked. This course and the tools are beneficial to me. Thank you so much for sharing the course. Excellent communication in simple language so anyone with zero knowledge of finance can also understand it. A gem!!!”
  • “Fantastic course. Well thought out and well-paced. As a novice to this, it gave me all the information I needed clearly and concisely. It may have stopped me from making bad investment decisions and consequently losing money. The additional resources are a great bonus.”

Common Negative Value Investing and Fundamental Stock Analysis Reviews

  • Can put more effort into improving the course.
  • Didn't get the certificate of completion.
  • Need to show more examples.

And here are the best negative reviews I seen:

  • “I think this guy can put more effort into improving the course. It is ideal for somebody that is not aware of financial markets. So globally, the course is worth doing.”
  • “I didn't get the certificate of completion as it was given in the course when I started. This is a fraud. I want my certificate as soon as possible.”
  • “Well, the information provided is good, but it would be better if the instructor showed more examples to understand the information better. There is not much theoretical knowledge nor many practical ways to find bargain companies.”

Is Value Investing and Fundamental Stock Analysis a Scam?

The answer is no. This course is not a scam. It’s a legit course from a legitimate individual. Once you pay the enrollment fee, you will immediately get access to all of its content.

In addition, Udemy doesn’t allow scammers to sell courses on their platform. Thus, it’s safe to say that this course is not a scam.

Tired of MLMs? Check out how I make money online here!

Value Investing and Fundamental Stock Analysis Pros

Here are some of the best things that I discovered when reviewing The Value Investing and Fundamental Stock Analysis...

#1 Instructor is knowledgeable

Kagwe is an experienced and knowledgeable person when it comes to investing. His Udemy profile shows he has experience trading and investing in well-known companies.

In addition, he currently has more than 20,000 students enrolled in his course and has a 4.6 instructor rating on Udemy. 

#2 Quizzes to test your knowledge

Another great thing about this course is that some modules include a quiz at the end. This will help you test your knowledge to see how much you’ve learned from the lessons.

If you fail the quiz, you can review the lessons. You should only proceed when you pass the test.

#3 Beginner-friendly

This course does not have any prerequisites. So, if you have zero investment knowledge, you can still enroll in this course.

Value Investing and Fundamental Stock Analysis Cons

And here are some of the things I find off in TValue Investing and Fundamental Stock Analysis... So take note of these...

#1 Confusing

Even though this course is beginner-friendly, some newbies might find some words confusing. This is because the instructor often uses business terms without explaining their meanings. 

#2 Bit too short

Note that you’ll be paying $84.99 for a course you can finish in 1 hour and 43 minutes. It’s simply too short for that price.

The truth is that you can find most of the lessons for free on YouTube. 

#3 It is not updated

According to the course’s page, the last update was in November 2018. As of today, it’s four years without any updates. So, you can guarantee that some of the information is outdated.

Ready to make passive income online?

I've created a growing passive income online with no marketing skills or online experience... 

I've made a special video for you to explain exactly how I did this.

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My Opinion - Value Investing and Fundamental Stock Analysis

So, is Value Investing and Fundamental Stock Analysis worth it? In my opinion, the answer is no. It’s just too expensive for a short course.

Paying $84.99 for a 1.5-hour course is not worth the money. This is particularly true since there are a lot of more comprehensive courses that you can buy for the same price or even cheaper.  

How I make passive income online

In 2018 I had no idea what affiliate marketing was. 

Once I learnt about it, it just seemed like a great business model that can grow over time using the power of the internet. 

So I tried to figure it out by myself... that got me nowhere fast.

Then I fell for some terrible online scams. 

But eventually, I found Wealthy Affiliate. It teaches long-term proven strategies to build an online business with all the tools & support needed. 

And this happened...

Make Time Online Income

Once you learn the process of getting thousands of people to find your website every month (for free) there really is not limit to what you can achieve online. 

I've reviewed hundreds of courses or programs that claim to help people make money online. And I've spoken to dozens of 6-7 figure online entrepreneurs on my podcast.

This is by far the best place I've seen to help beginners get set up on the right foot. You can read my full Wealthy Affiliate review here (including the pros and cons!) 

Or you can watch an insiders video I made that explains exactly how it works here.  

Mike PE teacher to Passive Income Online
Read More
Reviews, Investing, Not Recommended

The Complete Investor Bootcamp 2022: Learn How to Make Money in the Stock Market

Over the past few years, there has been a lot of talk about the stock market. Some people believe it is a great way to make money, while others believe it is too risky. So, what is the truth? 

The truth is that investing in the stock market can be profitable if you know what you're doing.

Of course, some risk is involved, but if you are smart about it, you can minimize that risk and maximize your profits. 

The key is to educate yourself about the stock market and to invest wisely. There are a lot of resources out there that can help you learn about the stock market, so take advantage of them.

One of these resources is the Complete Investor Bootcamp 2022 by 365 Careers. It’s an online course offered on Udemy that claims to teach people how to make money in the stock market.

Like any other online training program, this course costs money. Thus, you probably want to know whether it is legit or not. 

So, is the Complete Investor Bootcamp 2022 a legitimate course, or is it a scam? Let’s find out.

This The Complete Investor Bootcamp 2022 has been thoroughly researched with information and testimonials that are available online to anyone in the public. Any conclusions drawn by myself are opinions.

The Complete Investor Bootcamp 2022 Review

The overview and rankings

Name: The Complete Investor Bootcamp 2022

Founder: 365 Careers

Type: Investment Course 

Price: $109.99

Best for: Beginners in Investing

The Complete Investor Bootcamp 2022


  • Comprehensive
  • Informative
  • It's for everyone

The Complete Investor Bootcamp 2022


  • Overwhelming information
  • It's not updated
  • Instructor talks too fast


The Complete Investor Bootcamp 2022 course claims to help beginners become an expert at investing in the stock market. However, are these claims true or is it just a scam? In this review, you will learn everything you need to know about this training program.

Make Time Online Rating: 

50 out of 100 

Recommended: No

What is The Complete Investor Bootcamp 2022 about?

The Complete Investor Bootcamp 2022 is a comprehensive online course that claims to teach people how to make money in the stock market.

This course is created by 365 Careers and is offered on Udemy. 

According to the course’s page, this training program will help you become an expert in the finance industry. It will teach you about value investing and how to measure the performance of ETFs, mutual funds, indexes, and stocks.

The goal of the course is to develop your financial aptitude and skills. It will teach you that there’s no magic trick for earning six to seven figures overnight. 

This course will cover vital topics that will develop a solid foundation to help you become knowledgeable in the stock market. 

Check out this 3-minute video to know more about this course... 

Let us then know who started this all...

Who is 365 Careers?

365 Careers is one of the many instructors on Udemy. According to their profile, they consider themselves the number one best-selling provider of data science, finance, and business courses on Udemy.

One thing to note is that 365 Careers is also similar to Udemy. They are selling courses on their website. Most of them are about business and finance. However, buying a course directly from their site will send you to Udemy instead.

As of today, 365 Careers has more than 2 million students enrolled on Udemy. In addition, they currently have 617,254 reviews, most of which are positive. 

Ready to make passive income online?

Hey, I'm Mike.

I created a passive income online within a year. I had no marketing skills or online experience when I started. 

Mike Beatty

How does The Complete Investor Bootcamp 2022 Work?

Like any course in Udemy, the Complete Investor Bootcamp 2022 is categorized into several modules. Each module contains various lessons.

One benefit of this course is it’s beginner-friendly. This means that it will not require students to have prior knowledge about the topic.

So, even if you have zero knowledge about the stock market, you can still enroll in this course.

The course contains 12.5 hours’ worth of videos you can watch at your own pace. In addition, you can also get a certificate of completion when you finish the course.

Inside The Complete Investor Bootcamp 2022

As mentioned earlier, the Complete Investor Bootcamp 2022 is categorized into several modules. To be more specific, this course contains 13 modules and 180 lessons. 

You will need at least 12 hours and 30 minutes to finish the training program if you strictly follow the outline. 

Module 1: What Does the Course Cover?

The course's first module is simply an introduction to the training program. The instructor will talk about what topics this course will cover.

In addition, you will also learn how to calculate fair value in four minutes. 

Module 2: Practical Concepts

The second module of the course talks about the practical concepts of investing. This module contains nine lessons that you can finish in 36 minutes. 

Some of the lessons included in this module are:

  • A guide to Yahoo Finance
  • How to format a spreadsheet
  • How to download financials
  • And more

This module also contains two quizzes to test your knowledge before you can proceed. 

Module 3: Finance Fundamentals

The third module of the course will teach you the basics of managing your money. It contains 11 lessons. You will need at least 44 minutes to complete this module. 

In this module, you will learn how to calculate rates of return. In addition, you will also learn about covariance, variance, and mean of asset returns, portfolio risk, recovery, risk aversion, and more.

Module 4: Interaction Between Assets

In the fourth module, you will learn more about asset interaction. This module will teach you about major asset classes, historical vs. expected returns, capital allocation lines, and more.

This module contains ten lessons that you can finish in 45 minutes. 

Module 5: Portfolio Risk and Return

The fifth module of the course contains 14 lessons. You will need at least 1 hour and 11 minutes to finish the lessons. 

In this module, you will learn about the two-fund separation theorem, regression analysis, security market line, and more.

This is one of the longest modules in the course. It also contains many quizzes you shouldn’t skip ensuring you understand the topic.

Module 6: Overview of Equity Securities

In this module, you will learn everything about equity. This includes the cost of equity, return on equity, equity securities, and more. 

This module contains nine lessons that you can finish in 40 minutes.

Module 7: Introduction to Industry and Company Analysis

In this module, you will learn how to analyze the financial situation of a company or an industry. This module contains 17 lessons. You will need at least 1 hour and 22 minutes to finish them.

Module 8: Market Organization and Structure

This is the longest module in the course. It contains 34 lessons, and you will need at least 2 hours and 11 minutes to finish the entire module.

There are tons of topics to learn in this module. Thus, ensure you take your time and don’t skip this module.

Module 9: Security Market Indexes

The ninth module of the course will teach you more about security market indexes. Some topics include the security market index, price and total return, index weighting, and more.

This module contains 22 lessons. You will need at least 1 hour to finish the module.

Module 10: Market Efficiency

The tenth module of the course contains 11 lessons you can finish in 49 minutes. You will learn more about market anomalies, market efficiency forms, and cross-sectional anomalies.

Module 11: Technical Analysis

In this module, you will learn how to use charts for technical analysis. This module will also teach you the different charts you can use for technical analysis. 

The eleventh module contains ten lessons that you can finish in 36 minutes. 

Module 12: Portfolio Management

In this module, you will learn how to manage your portfolio efficiently. It contains 11 lessons that you can finish in 1 hour.

Module 13: Equity Valuation

The last module of the course contains 20 lessons. You will need at least 1 hour and 30 minutes to finish them. 

In this module, you will learn how to value equity and what tools you can use to make your life easier. 

Check out this 9-minute video that gives you a glimpse on this course...

How to Join The Complete Investor Bootcamp 2022

If you’re interested in joining this course, all you’ve got to do is to open the website of Udemy. Once you’re on Udemy’s homepage, type in the course title on the search bar.

Next, it should direct you to the results page, and the first result should be the course you’re looking for. Click the title of the course to visit its page.

Once you’re on the course's main page, you’ll see a “buy now” button on the right. Click that button, fill in your payment details, and you’re ready.

The Complete Investor Bootcamp 2022 Cost to Join

The cost to join this course is $109.99. This is a pretty reasonable price, especially considering the content you get from this course.

In addition, Udemy also offers discounts on its courses. If you’re lucky, you might get an 80% off deal. 

The Complete Investor Bootcamp 2022 reviews online

The Complete Investor Bootcamp 2022 is an investing course that teaches you all there is to know about Investing and how you can use it to and earn money in the future through stocks.

But is it any good?

The only way to know this is to read reviews from people who have tried it by themselves...

Common Positive The Complete Investor Bootcamp 2022 reviews

  • Teachings are not found in other courses
  • Easy to follow
  • Fantastic course

The following comments below are the common positive reviews you’ll find online:

  • “An excellent course to know about the financial market. These teachings are not found in other courses.”
  • “I have currently finished Section 3 out of 12. So far, the course is easy to follow, responses to questions on lessons are prompt, and the content seems relevant.”
  • “This is a fantastic course and has added much value to me. I strongly recommend taking this course if you are an investor or planning to be one. You need the knowledge to make effective decisions. And this course by 365 Careers is one of a kind. Don't wait. Just enroll.”

Common Negative The Complete Investor Bootcamp 2022 reviews

  • Information not presented linearly
  • Information moves quickly.
  • Full of theory.

And here are the best negative reviews I seen:

  • “The information is not presented linearly. You will need to learn from other sources too. This will be a good secondary learning asset.”
  • “While clear and incredibly informative in most cases, the information moves quickly for beginners. It has been necessary to hit the rewind button a few times to clarify what was just said.”
  • “Good course, but still, lots are missing. See this course as just fundamentals. They teach the way a university would teach all theory.”

Is The Complete Investor Bootcamp 2022 a scam?

No, this course is not a scam. It’s a legitimate course. Once you enroll in this course, you will immediately get access to the entire training program.

In addition, everything inside the course is legit and valuable. So, to make things short, it’s not a scam.

Tired of MLMs? Check out how I make money online here!

The Complete Investor Bootcamp 2022


Here are some of the best things that I discovered when reviewing The Complete Investor Bootcamp 2022...

#1 Comprehensive

This comprehensive course will prepare you for investing in the stock market. The topics covered are essential and will help you in your future career. 

The course is also well-organized and easy to follow. 

#2 Informative

This is perhaps the most significant advantage of the course. There are a lot of lessons to learn. This is too valuable compared to other Udemy courses that you can finish in just 2-3 hours.

The course claims that you’ll need 12 hours to finish it. However, you might need more than that based on the content you’ll get when you enroll.

#3 It's for everyone

If you think this course isn’t for you, you’re wrong. It’s basically for everybody, especially those looking to achieve financial freedom. 

You don’t need any prior knowledge about investing. You will learn everything in this course.

The Complete Investor Bootcamp 2022


And here are some of the things I find off in The Complete Investor Bootcamp 2022... So take note of these...

#1 Overwhelming information

If you strictly follow the course outline, you might get overwhelmed with information. It’s just too much. Thus, taking things slow and making sure you learn at your own pace is ideal.

#2 It's not updated

According to the course’s page, the last update was on December 2021. That is one year without any updates. Some details in this course might be outdated.

#3 Instructor talks too fast

By reading some of the negative reviews of the course, most of the complaints were about the instructor talking too fast.

You can replay the video if you’re having difficulty understanding the instructor.

You can replay the video if you’re having difficulty understanding the instructor.

Ready to make passive income online?

I've created a growing passive income online with no marketing skills or online experience... 

I've made a special video for you to explain exactly how I did this.

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My opinion - The Complete Investor Bootcamp 2022

The Complete Investor Bootcamp 2022 is one of the best investing courses. It’s comprehensive, affordable, and valuable.

The course contains a lot of lessons that will help you understand the stock market. It will teach you everything you need to know about this industry. 

How I make passive income online

In 2018 I had no idea what affiliate marketing was. 

Once I learnt about it, it just seemed like a great business model that can grow over time using the power of the internet. 

So I tried to figure it out by myself... that got me nowhere fast.

Then I fell for some terrible online scams. 

But eventually, I found Wealthy Affiliate. It teaches long-term proven strategies to build an online business with all the tools & support needed. 

And this happened...

Make Time Online Income

Once you learn the process of getting thousands of people to find your website every month (for free) there really is not limit to what you can achieve online. 

I've reviewed hundreds of courses or programs that claim to help people make money online. And I've spoken to dozens of 6-7 figure online entrepreneurs on my podcast.

This is by far the best place I've seen to help beginners get set up on the right foot. You can read my full Wealthy Affiliate review here (including the pros and cons!) 

Or you can watch an insiders video I made that explains exactly how it works here.  

Mike PE teacher to Passive Income Online
Read More
Reviews, Investing, Not Recommended

Investing in Bonds: The Complete Guide to Invest in Bonds

When most people think of investments, they think of stocks. But many other types of investments can be made, including bonds. 

Bonds are one of the most popular investments, and there are a few reasons. One reason why many people invest in bonds is that they are relatively safe.

The risk is lower than stocks, making them a good option for those who want to avoid taking too much risk with their money. Bonds also offer tax advantages, which can be beneficial for investors. 

If you want to invest in bonds but don’t know where to start, you can always enroll in online courses. One of these courses is Investing in Bonds by Steve Ballinger.

However, is this course legit? Will it teach you everything you need to know about bonds? Let’s find out.

This Investing in Bonds review has been thoroughly researched with information and testimonials that are available online to anyone in the public. Any conclusions drawn by myself are opinions.

Investing in Bonds Review

The overview and rankings

Name: Investing in Bonds

Founder: Steve Ballinger

Type: Investment Course

Price: $84.99

Best for: People who are interested in investing in Bonds

Investing in Bonds Pros

  • Beginner friendly
  • Top companies use this course for their employees
  • It's cheap

Investing in Bonds Cons

  • Course is not structured properly
  • It's too short
  • The bonus is simply Steve selling his other courses


Investing in Bonds claims to teach you everything you need to know about bonds. However, is it a legitimate course? Will Steve teach you how to be successful when investing in bonds? Let’s find out.

Make Time Online Rating: 

45 out of 100 

Recommended: No

What is Investing in Bonds about?

Investing in Bonds is an online course created by Steve Ballinger and offered on Udemy. As the name suggests, this course mainly talks about bonds.

In this course, you will learn all types of bonds and everything you need to know about it. This includes fixed-income bonds, bond funds, risks, strategies, corporate bonds, government bonds, and more.

In addition, you will also learn about special bonds. This includes floating rate bonds, inflation-protected bonds, convertible bonds, and junk bonds.

Note that this course is only about bonds. So, if you’re looking to learn investing in a general approach, you might want to look for another course.

Check out this 10-minute video to know more about this course... 

Let us then know who started this all...

Who is Steve Ballinger?

Steve Ballinger is one of the many instructors on Udemy. According to his profile, he is an MBA. Steve also claims to be the platform's #1 personal finance and investing instructor.

As of today, Steve is teaching more than 445,000 on Udemy. He has 48 courses offered on the platform. Most of his courses are about investment.

When it comes to reliability, Steve is a reliable instructor. He has more than 62,000 reviews on Udemy, most of which are positive. Thus, you can guarantee that he’s a good instructor and knows everything about investment. 

Ready to make passive income online?

Hey, I'm Mike.

I created a passive income online within a year. I had no marketing skills or online experience when I started. 

Mike Beatty

How does Investing in Bonds Work?

Like any course in Udemy, Investing in Bonds is categorized into several modules. Every module contains various lessons relevant to the topic.

With this course, all you’ve got to do is to watch the videos. You can learn at your own pace. So, you don’t have to worry about fitting this course into your schedule. 

Inside Investing in Bonds

Now that you know how Impact Investing works, you’re probably interested in learning what’s inside the course. Unfortunately, it can be difficult to tell since this course isn’t always available.

The course creators will often update and add new topics whenever they make them available. 

Module 1: Bond Fundamentals

The first module is called Bond Fundamentals. As the title suggests, this module will teach you all the basics of bonds.

The first module contains eight lessons; you will need 56 minutes to finish them. 

Some of the lessons included in this module are:

  • What is a bond?
  • What are the types of bonds?
  • Benefits of investing in bonds
  • Risks of investing in bonds
  • And more

Module 2:  Special Types of Bonds (Junk, Inflation-Protected, and More)

The second module of the course talks about the unique types of bonds. In this module, Steve will teach you about foreign bonds, floating rate bonds, inflation-protected bonds, convertible bonds, and junk bonds.

The second module contains five lessons; you will need 21 minutes to finish them.

Module 3: Buying Individual Bonds and Investment Strategies

The third module is perhaps the most important in the course. This module teaches you how to purchase bonds and read a bond quote.

In addition, Steve will also teach you an investment strategy called Bond Ladder. He will also explain where bonds fit in your portfolio. 

At the end of the module, Steve will show you how he purchases bonds for his portfolio.

This module contains seven lessons. You will need at least 44 minutes to finish all of them. 

Module 4: Mutual Fund and ETF Bond Investing

The fourth module of the course talks about ETF bonds and mutual fund investing. This module contains ten lessons; you can finish them in 49 minutes.

Some of the lessons included in this module are:

  • What are mutual funds?
  • Index bond vs. active bond funds
  • Buying individual bonds vs. buying funds
  • And more.

Module 5: Next Steps

This is the final module of the course. It contains two lessons that you can finish in 5 minutes. 

In this module, Steve will share with you the action steps you need to take once you complete this course.

In addition, he also offers a bonus lesson where he will share with you what to do next to improve your knowledge in investing.

Check out this 6-minute video that gives you a glimpse on this course...

How to Join Investing in Bonds

One of the best things about this course is that it is offered on Udemy. Because of this, enrolling in this course is a piece of cake.

First, you need to visit the website of Udemy, Udemy.com. Once you’re on the homepage of Udemy, you’ll see a big search bar on top. Click on that search bar, type in “Investing in Bonds,” and hit enter.

Next, it should direct you to the results page. The first result should be the course you’re looking for. The title should be “Investing in Bonds: The Complete Bond Investing Course.” Click this link.

After clicking the course, it should direct you to the course's main page. On the right side, you’ll see a button that says “Buy Now.” Click that button, type in your payment details, and you’re ready.

Investing in Bonds Cost to Join

Impact Investing Cost to Join

To enroll in this course, you will need to pay $84.99 to get full access. However, one thing to note is that Udemy often offers discounts on its courses.

As of today, they’re offering 82% off. So, instead of paying $84.99, I will only need to pay $14.99. However, this is a limited-time offer and will end within 6 hours.  

Investing in Bonds reviews online

Investing in Bonds is an investing course that teaches you all there is to know about Investing and how you can use it to and earn money in the future through bonds.

But is it any good?

The only way to know this is to read reviews from people who have tried it by themselves...

Common Positive Investing in Bonds reviews

  • Help you understand risk profile and make a decision.
  • The basics and fundamentals are awesome.
  • One of the best courses

The following comments below are the common positive reviews you’ll find online:

  • “This course was designed to give an overview of investing in the bond market. I learned how to evaluate bonds based on rating, risk, etc., which helped me understand my risk profile and make a decision.”
  • “The basics/fundamentals are awesome. It would have been good to have a chapter on the parameters to look out for a while selecting a bond. A little advanced information to make an informed decision.”
  • “One of the best courses out there on Udemy. Perhaps it would be good to have more examples using the tools and platforms available in the market to conduct the analyses, execute orders, and monitor the portfolio.”

Common Negative Investing in Bonds reviews

  • Takes too much time with basic concepts
  • Content was pretty limited
  • Course looks chaotic

And here are the best negative reviews I seen:

  • “Taking too much time with too basic concepts. Courses need to be structured better for users with different proficiency levels.”
  • “Great introduction, and very concise. I enjoyed the course. However, after taking just a bit of another course on fixed income securities, it became clear that the content was pretty limited.”
  • “I am a real newbie in investment and trading. I am looking for real fundamentals, and the course looks chaotic. After five lessons, I understand a few things, but it is messy and not really for newbies.”

Is Investing in Bonds a scam?

So, is this course legit, or is it a scam? The answer is simple. The Investing in Bonds course by Steve Ballinger is a legitimate course.

Note that you can get this course on Udemy. For those who don’t know, Udemy is perhaps the world's most well-known online learning platform. 

Every single course you find on this platform is legitimate. Udemy will not allow scammers to offer an online course on their platform since it will only ruin their reputation. 

In addition, Steve Ballinger is a reputable instructor on Udemy. He has more than 400,000 students. If he’s a scammer, he wouldn’t be able to get that many students. 

Tired of MLMs? Check out how I make money online here!

Investing in Bonds Pros

Here are some of the best things that I discovered when reviewing Investing in Bonds..

#1 Beginner friendly

One of the benefits of this course is that it’s beginner-friendly. This means that you don’t need any prior knowledge about investing in enrolling in this course.

It’s helpful if you’re new to investing since this course only discusses bonds. Thus, you won’t get overwhelmed. 

#2 Top companies use this course for their employees

This course is good when reputable companies enroll their employees in it. The Investing in Bonds course is one of the few top-rated courses that Udemy picked to offer to businesses worldwide.

#3 It’s cheap

Another significant benefit of learning on Udemy is that most courses are cheap. The original price of this course is $84.99. This price is already reasonable, especially when comparing it to other online courses.

However, if you’re lucky, you can even get the course for a much lower price. All you have to do is to wait for Udemy to offer discounts. 

Investing in Bonds Cons

And here are some of the things I find off in Investing in Bonds... So take note of these...

#1 The course is not structured properly

If you read the negative reviews of the course, most of them complain about the structure of the course. Students say that this course is a bit chaotic, especially for beginners. 

#2 It's too short

According to the course’s page, the total length of the course is only 2 hours and 55 minutes. This is relatively short, especially for an investment course. 

Investing is not an easy topic. It’s a bit complicated. There are a lot of things you need to learn. Thus, 2 hours and 55 minutes are not enough. 

#3 Course isn't always available

As mentioned earlier, Steve offers a bonus lesson on the course's final module. Unfortunately, this bonus is not helpful since it’s only him talking about his other courses.

To simplify things, he is just marketing his other courses so you can enroll. 

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I've created a growing passive income online with no marketing skills or online experience... 

I've made a special video for you to explain exactly how I did this.

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My opinion - Investing in Bonds

So, is Investing in Bonds a good course? Well, if you’re new to investing and want to gradually improve your knowledge by learning different topics simultaneously, then this course is excellent for you.

You won’t get overwhelmed since this course only talks about bonds. 

Is it worth your money? $84.99 is relatively cheap. However, as mentioned earlier, Udemy offers discounts. So, if you want to get the most out of this course, wait for the price to go down before you enroll.

How I make passive income online

In 2018 I had no idea what affiliate marketing was. 

Once I learnt about it, it just seemed like a great business model that can grow over time using the power of the internet. 

So I tried to figure it out by myself... that got me nowhere fast.

Then I fell for some terrible online scams. 

But eventually, I found Wealthy Affiliate. It teaches long-term proven strategies to build an online business with all the tools & support needed. 

And this happened...

Make Time Online Income

Once you learn the process of getting thousands of people to find your website every month (for free) there really is not limit to what you can achieve online. 

I've reviewed hundreds of courses or programs that claim to help people make money online. And I've spoken to dozens of 6-7 figure online entrepreneurs on my podcast.

This is by far the best place I've seen to help beginners get set up on the right foot. You can read my full Wealthy Affiliate review here (including the pros and cons!) 

Or you can watch an insiders video I made that explains exactly how it works here.  

Mike PE teacher to Passive Income Online
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Impact Investing featured image
Not Recommended, Investing, Reviews

Impact Investing Review: Can This Investment Course Really Create Positive Social and Environmental Impact

Nowadays, more people are becoming conscious of how their actions can affect the planet. It's incredible how much the green movement has taken off in recent years. 

People are more environmentally conscious than ever, and for a good reason! There are so many easy ways to reduce your carbon footprint and help keep our planet healthy – from the things they eat and the way they commute to their investment approaches.

Yes, you’ve read it right. Nowadays, there’s a way to grow your money and simultaneously provide an incredible environmental impact. This method is called impact investing.

If you want to learn more about impact investing, tons of courses are available. One of these courses is the Impact Investing Course by Jeremy Wade and Kartik Desai. 

However, is this course legit, or is it a scam? Let’s find out.

This Impact Investing review has been thoroughly researched with information and testimonials that are available online to anyone in the public. Any conclusions drawn by myself are opinions.

Impact Investing Review

The overview and rankings

Name: Impact Investing

Founder: Jeremy Wade

Type: Impact Investing Course

Price: $127.99 per month

Best for: People who are interest in Impact Investing

Impact Investing Pros

  • Course is quite new
  • Learning on future learn is great
  • The subscription plan is cheap

Impact Investing Cons

  • Little information about the instructors
  • The course isn't for everyone
  • The course isn't always available


If you’re trying to learn more about Impact Investing, you have probably encountered this course during your search. However, is it worth your money and time? In this review, I am going to discuss everything you need to know about it.

Make Time Online Rating: 

30 out of 100 

Recommended: No

What is Impact Investing about?

As the name suggests, this course will teach you more about impact investing. For those who don’t know, Impact Investing is a type of investment that seeks to create both financial return and social or environmental good.

Also known as "responsible investing" or "sustainable investing," impact investing has grown in popularity in recent years as more and more people look for ways to use their money to make a difference in the world.

In this course, you’ll learn everything you need to know about becoming an impact investor.

Check out this 4-minute video to know more about this course... 

Let us then know who started this all...

Who is Jeremy Wade and Kartik Desai?

Jeremy Wade and Kartik Desai are the creators of this course. Jeremy is the Founding Director of JSiE (Jindal Centre for Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship).

For those who don’t know, JSiE is an award-winning social impact center in North India. You can find their headquarters at OP Jindal Global University.

On the other hand, Kartik Desai is one of the pioneers in the impact investment industry. In addition, he’s also the Executive Director of Asha impact.

For those who don’t know, Asha Impact is one of India's most well-known policy advocacy and impact investment platforms.

Ready to make passive income online?

Hey, I'm Mike.

I created a passive income online within a year. I had no marketing skills or online experience when I started. 

Mike Beatty

How does Impact Investing Work?

Just like other online courses, you will need to enroll in this course before accessing its content. However, one thing to note is that this course is not always available.

This means you’ll have to wait for the course to be available before enrolling. You can create an account and sign up for an email newsletter to receive an email if the course is available. 

Also, this course won’t allow you to learn at your own pace. You will have to follow a schedule. You can finish the course in four weeks and need at least five hours per week.

Inside Impact Investing

Now that you know how Impact Investing works, you’re probably interested in learning what’s inside the course. Unfortunately, it can be difficult to tell since this course isn’t always available.

The course creators will often update and add new topics whenever they make them available. 

Module 1: Financial Instruments and Techniques 

In the first module, the instructors will teach you everything you need to know about the financial techniques and instruments used to fund social enterprises.

Various financial instruments are available to social entrepreneurs, including grants, loans, and impact investing. However, in this module, you’ll focus more on impact investing.

Module 2: Impact Measurement Frameworks, Tools, and Components

In this module, you will learn the components, tools, and frameworks needed to measure your impact when investing in several companies.

While there are many different ways to approach impact investing, one common goal is to invest in companies or projects that will positively impact society or the environment.

Module 3: The Current Market Trends and Key Players

In this module, you will learn the key players and the current market trends of the impact investing ecosystem.

This can include everything from renewable energy projects to affordable housing developments.

Module 4: The Current Challenges in Impact Investing

Unfortunately, Impact Investing is not perfect. There are a couple of difficulties you need to consider as well.

In this module, the instructors will teach you about these current challenges and how to unlock opportunities to invest in environmental and social impact.

Module 5: Required Relevant skills

In this module, you will learn what relevant skills you need to get a job in the impact investing industry. 

Impact investing can be done at any level, from individuals placing small investments through crowdfunding platforms to large institutional investors committing millions of dollars to major sustainability initiatives.

Check out this 3-minute video that gives you a glimpse on this course...

How to Join Impact Investing

Now that you know what’s inside this course, the next step is to learn how to enroll in this course. 

As mentioned earlier, this course is not always available. Thus, you’ll have to regularly check the page to see if it is available.

Fortunately, you can create an account and receive an email once the course runs. 

If you want to join the course, you must visit futurelearn.com. It’s an online learning platform that offers various courses like Udemy. 

Once you’re on the homepage of Future Learn, click the search bar on the top right corner, type in “Impact Investing,” and hit enter.

The course should show up first on the results page if it is available. If you don’t see it, then it’s not currently running.

Once you’re on the course's main page, scroll down, and you’ll see different options to enroll. Choose one that fits your preference, input your payment details, and you’re ready.

Impact Investing Cost to Join

Impact Investing Cost to Join

It’s difficult to determine how much this course costs since it’s unavailable today. There’s a huge possibility that the instructors will change its price when they make it public.

However, when you look at their other courses, most of them don’t cost more than $100. So, it’s safe to assume that this course will cost you less than $100. 

Also, another thing to note is that you can choose another payment option. You can subscribe to Future Learn for $27.99 per month and get access to all of their courses.

Impact Investing reviews online

Impact Investing is an investing course that teaches you all there is to know about Investing and how you can use it to and earn money in the future through stocks.

But is it any good?

The only way to know this is to read reviews from people who have tried it by themselves...

Common Positive Impact Investing reviews

  • Great opportunity to learn and research this course
  • Different approach in using money
  • best course to get acquainted with impact investing

The following comments below are the common positive reviews you’ll find online:

  • “This course has provided me with deep insights into impact investing. It’s a transparent course that lets us know about all the challenges and opportunities this field faces. It was a great opportunity to learn and research this course.”
  • “It was great learning this course. Learning about impact investing gave me a different approach to using money. It was enjoyable to acquire knowledge from many professionals. It was all well planned, starting from the articles, discussion, and videos to case studies.”
  • “Loved the talks by industry leaders. One of the best courses for a professional to get acquainted with impact investing and develop skills and an understanding of how to build a career in the area. The case study format syllabus is top notch.”

Common Negative Impact Investing reviews

  • Should discuss the terms used in this course
  • The speaker speaks too fast
  • It can be difficult if you do not have any basic knowledge

And here are the best negative reviews I seen:

  • “One should also discuss the terms that are used in the course. Many of the students are from different backgrounds, not know the meaning of different words. If they know the exact meaning of difficult or financial words used in the course, they might connect those things in a far better way.
  • “The course content is well-designed, rich, and simple to follow—lots of information. However, the way he speaks makes the course less enjoyable. He speaks too fast and swallows almost every word. He needs to slow down and improve his articulation. Otherwise, an excellent course for learning impact investing.”
  • “It's good, but if you are not a native of the US or don't have some basic knowledge, you might find yourself often looking up words or sayings since he doesn't go into them but explains more the general idea.”

Is Impact Investing a scam?

So, is impact investing a scam? The answer is no. This course is legit. This is because you can get Impact Investing through Future Learn.

Future Learn is a legitimate learning platform. All of the courses you can find on this platform are real.

You can also see how many students enrolled in this course. For Impact Investing, there are 11,672 students currently enrolled. If it were a scam, it wouldn’t have these many students.

Tired of MLMs? Check out how I make money online here!

Impact Investing Pros

Here are some of the best things that I discovered when reviewing Impact Investing..

#1 Course is quite new

Impact investing is a relatively new option involving businesses with a positive social or environmental impact.

While this type of financing can be challenging to obtain, it can be a great way to attract like-minded investors and build support for your social enterprise.

While the potential financial return from impact investing can vary, many investors are drawn to using their money to support positive social or environmental change.

#2 Learning of future learn is great

One of the most significant advantages of this course is that it is on Future Learn. If you enroll, you can also get all of the features this platform offers.

#3 The subscription plan is cheap

To get the most out of this platform, you should consider subscribing. For only $27.99 a month, you can get access to all of their courses. This will allow you to save thousands of dollars. 

Impact Investing Cons

And here are some of the things I find off in Impact Investing... So take note of these...

#1 Little about the instructors

The instructors of the course don’t have any details about their experience in investing. It only tells you who they are and where they work. 

#2 The course isn't always for everyone

Unfortunately, this course is not for everybody. If you are not interested in Impact Investing, you should skip this course.

According to its page, it’s ideal for social and financial sector professionals. 

#3 The course isn't always available

The biggest drawback of this course is that it’s not always available. You’ll have to wait, and you won’t know if you will have to wait for days, weeks, or months.

Ready to make passive income online?

I've created a growing passive income online with no marketing skills or online experience... 

I've made a special video for you to explain exactly how I did this.

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My opinion - Impact Investing

So, is Impact Investing worth your money and time? Well, I don’t think it is. This is particularly true since it’s not always available.

Instead of wasting time waiting for the course, you can look for other courses online. There are tons of other courses out there. If you want to learn impact investing, you can find hundreds of them online. 

If this course is available by the time you read this review, then I think you should consider it.

How I make passive income online

In 2018 I had no idea what affiliate marketing was. 

Once I learnt about it, it just seemed like a great business model that can grow over time using the power of the internet. 

So I tried to figure it out by myself... that got me nowhere fast.

Then I fell for some terrible online scams. 

But eventually, I found Wealthy Affiliate. It teaches long-term proven strategies to build an online business with all the tools & support needed. 

And this happened...

Make Time Online Income

Once you learn the process of getting thousands of people to find your website every month (for free) there really is not limit to what you can achieve online. 

I've reviewed hundreds of courses or programs that claim to help people make money online. And I've spoken to dozens of 6-7 figure online entrepreneurs on my podcast.

This is by far the best place I've seen to help beginners get set up on the right foot. You can read my full Wealthy Affiliate review here (including the pros and cons!) 

Or you can watch an insiders video I made that explains exactly how it works here.  

Mike PE teacher to Passive Income Online
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Blog, Investing, Not Recommended, Reviews

Complete Investing Review: All You Need to Know About Calvin Lee’s Course

Investing is one of the most innovative and efficient ways to generate passive income.

Investing is worth considering if you're looking for a way to make extra money without doing much extra work. 

Not only will you reap the benefits of compound interest over time, but you'll also be able to take advantage of tax breaks and growth in the stock market.

However, what if you don’t have any knowledge about investing? This is where online courses come in.

Nowadays, there are tons of various courses online that claim to help people master the art of investing. One of these courses is the Complete Investing Course by Calvin Lee.

So, is this course legit? Will it teach you everything you need to know about investing? It may be a scam. Let’s find out.

This Complete Investing review has been thoroughly researched with information and testimonials that are available online to anyone in the public. Any conclusions drawn by myself are opinions.

Complete Investing Review

The overview and rankings

Name: Complete Investing

Founder: Calvin Lee

Type: Investing Course

Price: $84.99

Best for: Beginners in Investing

Complete Investing Pros

  • It's comprehensive
  • It's for beginners
  • It's updated regularly

Complete Investing Cons

  • It doesn't explain everything
  • Some quizzes are useless
  • Calvin's best-selling courses are bookkeeping and not investing


If you’re planning to learn more about investing, you’re probably considering enrolling in the Complete Investing Course by Calvin Lee. However, is it worth your money?

Make Time Online Rating: 

35 out of 100 

Recommended: No

What is Complete Investing about?

Complete Investing is an online investment course created by Calvin Lee and offered at Udemy.

It’s a beginner-friendly course that claims to teach people how to invest in Real Estate, Mutual Funds, Exchange-Traded Funds, and Stock markets. 

According to the course’s page, you will learn the fundamentals of investing. Thus, no prior knowledge is required for the course.

This course also claims that once you complete the training program, you’ll have a solid knowledge of various investments. 

Check out this 4-minute video to know more about this course... 

Let us then know who started this all...

Who is Calvin Lee?

Calvin Lee is the creator of this course. He’s an instructor at Udemy. According to his Udemy profile, Calvin is an author, teacher, consultant, and accountant. 

He also claims that he offered consulting and accounting services to large fortune 500 companies. 

In addition, Calvin claims he’s the number 1 instructor at the Top MBA School in Canada. According to him, he helped change the lives of students with no accounting experience.

As of today, Calvin has a total of 87,189 students on Udemy. He also offers 11 courses on the platform. All of them are about accounting, bookkeeping, investing, and more.

Ready to make passive income online?

Hey, I'm Mike.

I created a passive income online within a year. I had no marketing skills or online experience when I started. 

Mike Beatty

How does Complete Investing Work?

Like other courses on the platform, Complete Investing contains several videos you can watch at your own pace.

This training program contains 6 hours of video. It’s pretty long compared to other investment courses on Udemy.

In addition, this course also provides a couple of resources you can use if you want to learn more about investing. 

The course claims to teach a lot of things. This includes how investing can help you reach your goals, how to pick a broker, how to buy cryptocurrencies, and more.

Inside Complete Investing

As mentioned earlier, this course contains 6 hours’ worth of videos. However, these videos are divided into sizable chunks. 

The course contains 15 modules and 80 lessons. You will need at least 5 hours and 45 minutes to finish them.

Module 1: Introduction

The first module is an introduction to the course. It also includes a quiz asking about your motivation for taking this course.

In addition, this module will also teach you how to make the most out of this training program.

Module 2: Basic Investing Terms Everyone Should Know

The second section is all about key investing concepts. In this section, Steve will teach you compounding, liquidity, diversification, and more.

Module 3: ETFs, Mutual Funds, Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)

In the third module, you will get six lessons that you can finish in 35 minutes. You will learn more about ETFs and index funds in this module. 

In addition, this module will also teach you the difference between mutual funds and ETFs. You’ll also learn how compound interest can help you.

At the end of this module, Calvin will show you a couple of sample portfolios from well-known investors. This includes Jack Bogle, David Swensen, and Ray Dalio.

Module 4: Picking Good Stocks – Fundamental Analysis of a Company

This is one of the most vital modules in the course. In this module, you will learn how to analyze the liabilities and assets of a company. It will also teach you how to analyze a company’s loss and profit.

This module contains ten lessons that you can finish in 51 minutes. You mustn’t skip this module since it is the most valuable.

Module 5: Charts and Technical Analysis for Swing Traders and Day Traders

This module contains five lessons that you can finish in 14 minutes. In this module, you will learn how to read Candlestick charts and find trends in stock prices.

Module 6: Earning Dividends as Passive Income

Since your goal is to earn passive income, ensure you don’t skip this module. This module contains eight lessons that you can finish in 43 minutes. 

In this module, you will learn why dividend investing is excellent for passive income. In addition, you will also know how big of a dividend portfolio you need.

This module will also teach you some terms and critical dates for the dividend. 

Module 7: Cryptocurrencies

This module will teach you everything you need to know about cryptocurrencies. This module contains six lessons that you can finish in 18 minutes. 

Note that this module is all about cryptocurrency. So, if you’re not interested in this topic, you can skip this module.

Module 8: Stock Brokers to Buy Stocks, ETFs, and more

This module contains five lessons. In this module, you will learn why you should invest and how to choose a brokerage. 

In addition, Calvin will also show you a couple of examples of brokers. This includes E-Trade, TD Ameritrade, Goldman Sachs, and Morgan Stanley.

Module 9: Investopedia Stock Simulator, Nasdaq

In this module, you will learn how to prepare yourself for investing. It contains four lessons that you can finish in 18 minutes.

Module 10: Risks and Rewards of Investing

In this module, you will learn more about the risks and rewards of investing. This module contains five lessons that you can finish in 26 minutes.

In addition, you will also learn the difference between conservative and aggressive investing. Furthermore, Calvin will also teach you how to diversify your portfolio. 

Module 11: The Stock Market and the Economy

This module contains five lessons. You will need at least 15 minutes to finish them. In this module, Calvin will teach you about stock exchanges and how to invest in foreign stock markets. 

You’ll also learn how the economy influences the stock market.

Module 12: Value Investing – Investing Like Warren Buffet

In this module, Calvin will explain what value investing is. This module contains four lessons that you can finish in 9 minutes.

In addition, Calvin will also teach you the core principles of value investing.

Module 13: Investing in Bonds and Fixed-Income Securities

In this module, you will learn a bond investing strategy by Sir John Templeton. This module contains two lessons that you can finish in 10 minutes.

Module 14: The Madness of Crowds and Protecting Your Investments

This module teaches you how to grow your investments and protect yourself against losses consistently. This module contains eight lessons that you can finish in 54 minutes. 

In addition, Calvin will also recommend a couple of investing books that you can read to improve your knowledge further.

Module 15: More Resources

The final module of the course is just a bonus lesson. In this module, Calvin will share some extra resources to help you continue learning.

Check out this 7-minute video that gives you a glimpse on this course...

How to Join Complete Investing

Since Udemy offers this course, it’s pretty easy to enroll. All you’ve got to do is visit the main website of Udemy, Udemy.com.

Then, on Udemy’s search bar, type in “Complete Investing course 2021” and hit enter. The title of the first result should be “Complete Investing Course 2021 (Stocks, ETFs Investing). Click on it.

Once you’re on the course’s page, click the button on the right that says “Buy Now.” Then, type in your payment information, and you’re ready.

Complete Investing Cost to Join

The cost to join the Complete Investing course is $84.99. However, Udemy often offers discounted prices on its courses. As of today, the course only costs $9.99. 

Complete Investing reviews online

Complete Investing is an investing course that teaches you all there is to know about Investing and how you can use it to and earn money in the future through stocks.

But is it any good?

The only way to know this is to read reviews from people who have tried it by themselves...

Common Positive Complete Investing reviews

  • Great starting point to learn.
  • Gives you insights about real-world applications.
  • Also gives valuable tips

The following comments below are the common positive reviews you’ll find online:

  • “I was new to investing, the stock market, and so on. And I need to emphasize this; this is a great starting point to learn about these topics and start your investing path. Thanks, Calvin, for creating this course.”
  • “I learned a lot of things during this course. The conversation with a practitioner gives you insights about the real-world applications and where our knowledge is applicable in the market.”
  • “The best thing about this course is that Calvin K. Lee does not stick to the theory and bookish knowledge, but alongside this, he also gives us valuable tips. These lectures are not just lectures; his tips and advice are worth a penny.”

Common Negative Complete Investing reviews

  • Keep explaining about buying stocks.
  • No place to inquire questions.
  • Need more resources and relevant quizzes.

And here are the best negative reviews I seen:

  • “I could not follow what you said, and I don’t know a single term. Instead of explaining the terms, you keep explaining about buying stocks.”
  • “Hard to tell at this time because there isn't enough detail yet. There isn't a place yet where we can inquire with questions that come up during the course--so far.”
  • “I liked his personality, but I would have appreciated more resources, more relevant quizzes to reinforce our learning, and more in-depth about different topics. I will look forward to his other courses, though.”

Is Complete Investing a scam?

The short answer is no. This course is not a scam. One thing to note is that you can find this course on Udemy. Udemy is a well-known online learning platform.

They won’t allow scammers to sell courses on their platform and ruin their reputation. Because of this, you can guarantee that this course is legit. 

In addition, it seems like Calvin is a legit instructor who knows what he’s doing. He has 11 courses on Udemy, all of which have high ratings. 

Tired of MLMs? Check out how I make money online here!

Complete Investing Pros

Here are some of the best things that I discovered when reviewing Complete Investing...

#1 It's comprehensive 

One benefit of this course is that it’s comprehensive. It will teach you everything you need to know about investing, such as ETFs, mutual funds, cryptocurrencies, etc. 

#2 It’s for beginners

Learning about investing can be a bit overwhelming, especially if you have zero knowledge. Fortunately, this course is made for beginners. You don’t need any prior knowledge about investing in enrolling in this course.

#3 It’s updated regularly

Even though the title says “Complete Investing Course 2021”, everything you get inside is updated. According to the course’s page, Calvin updated it in September 2022.  

Complete Investing Cons

And here are some of the things I find off in Complete Investing... So take note of these...

#1 It doesn't explain everything

Since this course is too comprehensive, you’ll only learn the basics of a particular topic. So, to learn more about something, you’ll need to look for a specific course on that topic.

#2 Some quizzes are useless

Most courses add quizzes in their modules to ensure you’ve learned something.

However, this course will ask you, "What do you like about this course so far?” This question is useless and should only be added at the end of the entire course, not in the middle of a lesson.

#3 Calvin's best-selling courses are bookkeeping and not investing

It appears like Calvin’s best-selling courses are about bookkeeping.

So, if you want to learn investing, you might want to find an instructor that focuses explicitly on this topic.

Ready to make passive income online?

I've created a growing passive income online with no marketing skills or online experience... 

I've made a special video for you to explain exactly how I did this.

Make Time Online Income

My opinion - Complete Investing

I think that this course is good if you’re new to investing. It talks about the fundamentals of investing, and you’ll learn all the basics you need to know to start your journey.

However, I believe that this course is not enough if you want to find success in investing. You’ll need to enroll in other courses explaining topics in further detail. What you’ll learn in this course is only the nitty-gritty. 

How I make passive income online

In 2018 I had no idea what affiliate marketing was. 

Once I learnt about it, it just seemed like a great business model that can grow over time using the power of the internet. 

So I tried to figure it out by myself... that got me nowhere fast.

Then I fell for some terrible online scams. 

But eventually, I found Wealthy Affiliate. It teaches long-term proven strategies to build an online business with all the tools & support needed. 

And this happened...

Make Time Online Income

Once you learn the process of getting thousands of people to find your website every month (for free) there really is not limit to what you can achieve online. 

I've reviewed hundreds of courses or programs that claim to help people make money online. And I've spoken to dozens of 6-7 figure online entrepreneurs on my podcast.

This is by far the best place I've seen to help beginners get set up on the right foot. You can read my full Wealthy Affiliate review here (including the pros and cons!) 

Or you can watch an insiders video I made that explains exactly how it works here.  

Mike PE teacher to Passive Income Online
Read More
Blog, Investing, Not Recommended, Reviews

Undervalued Stocks Investing Review: Knowing More About This Stock Investment Course

There are many things that investors look at when deciding whether or not to invest in a stock.

P/E ratios, price-to-book ratios, and dividend yields play a role in an investor's decision-making process.

But what about undervalued stocks? What exactly are they, and how can an investor find them? Well, this is where the Undervalued Stocks Investing course comes in.

This course claims to teach people how to find undervalued stocks and profit from them. However, is it legit, or is it a scam? Is it worth your money at all? 

This Undervalued Stocks Investing review has been thoroughly researched with information and testimonials that are available online to anyone in the public. Any conclusions drawn by myself are opinions.

Undervalued Stocks Investing Review

The overview and rankings

Name: Undervalued Stocks Investing

Founder: Deeyana Angelo

Type: Stocks Investment Course

Price: $29.99

Best for: Beginners in stocks investing

Undervalued Stocks Investing Pros

  • It is cheap
  • You'll learn a lot
  • It's good for beginners

Undervalued Stocks Investing Cons

  • There are better courses out there
  • Its quite old
  • Little reviews and low students


If you want to learn more about undervalued stocks, you’re probably considering enrolling in this course. However, is Undervalued Stocks Investing worth your money? Let’s find out

Make Time Online Rating: 

40 out of 100 

Recommended: No

What is Undervalued Stocks Investing about?

Undervalued Stocks Investing is an online course offered at Udemy. Unlike other stock investment courses, this course focuses on undervalued stocks.

In this course, you will learn the process of profiting and finding undervalued stocks on the market. It will also teach you the basics and complex investment strategies.

This course also claims that once you’re done, you will have the skills and knowledge to build your long-term wealth and manage your portfolio.

Note that this course is only 1.5 hours long. So, the promise of getting the skills and knowledge required to be a master at investing is quite a stretch.

Check out this 8-minute video to know more about this course... 

Let us then know who started this all...

Who is Deeyana Angelo?

Deeyana Angelo is the creator and instructor of the Undervalued Stocks Investing course.

She’s also the managing director of Blahtech, a company specializing in developing custom trading tools. 

Before she started her career in trading and investing, Deeyana was a musician. However, nowadays, she has a huge passion for trading the markets and teaching other people strategies and tricks that she has learned. 

According to Deeyana, she has more than 14 years of experience in the industry. She also holds a Level 4 Investment Advisor qualification. It’s identical to Series 3/7 in the United States.

According to her Udemy profile, Deeyana has a 4.5 instructor rating. In addition, she also offers four courses on the platform and has more than 4,813 students currently enrolled. 

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How does Undervalued Stocks Investing Work?

Like any course you find on Udemy, Undervalued Stocks Investing is divided into several modules. Then, each module is divided into a couple of lessons. 

This course contains around 1.5 hours’ worth of videos. Thus, it is pretty short. However, according to the course’s page, this is a concise but legit course to properly introduce people to the stock market.

In addition, you’ll also get a certificate of completion when you finish this course.

Unlike other online investing courses, this course focuses on Value Investing. It will teach students about value investing through Deeyana’s systematic process.

For those who don’t know, value investing is a low-risk strategy many successful investors use. 

Inside Undervalued Stocks Investing

As mentioned earlier, the Undervalued Stocks Investing course has 1.5 hours’ worth of videos. Thus, you can finish it in a day.

In addition, the course is divided into three modules. Each module contains different lessons in a video format. Thus, all you’ve got to do is to take notes and learn.

Module 1: Finding Undervalued Stocks – Intro and Process

The first module of the course is titled “Finding Undervalued Stocks – Intro and Process.” As the name suggests, this module will teach you to find undervalued stocks. It contains four lessons.

The first lesson in this module is the introduction. It’s a 5-minute video introducing you to the course and the lessons.

The second module is called “Sector Research and Guidelines.” It’s an 11-minute video that will teach you how to choose your specialty.

The third lesson is called “Fundamental Analysis.” It’s a 6-minute video that will teach you more about fundamental analysis. 

The fourth lesson is called “Reasons for Undervaluation.” In this lesson, you will learn why you should consider undervalued stocks. It’s an 8-minute video.

Module 2: Starting with Technical Analysis

The course's second module is titled “Starting with Technical Analysis.” You will need at least 34 minutes to finish this module, containing seven lessons.

The first lesson is simply an introduction. You can skip this if you want. 

The second lesson is an overview of how to use technical analysis properly. Deeyana will teach you how to use technical analysis correctly in this lesson. It’s a 4-minute video.

The third lesson is called “Candlestick Patterns.” It’s a 5-minute video that will teach you more about candlestick patterns. 

The fourth lesson is called “Strong vs. Weak Patterns.” In this lesson, Deeyana will explain the difference between strong and weak patterns and how to determine each.

The fifth lesson is called “Reversal Patterns – Buying Low Selling High.” It’s a 6-minute video that will teach you how to use reversal patterns in your investment strategy.

The sixth lesson is called “Accumulation and Consolidation.” It’s a 12-minute video.

The seventh lesson is called “Q-Points.” Deeyana will teach you her systematic process regarding swing extremes in this lesson. It’s a 6-minute video.

Module 3: Active Investing

The third and final module of the course is called Active Investing. It contains four lessons; you will need at least 19 minutes to finish them.

The first lesson is another introduction. As usual, you can skip this if you want.

The second lesson is titled “How to Exit Your Positions – Exit Strategies and Reasons to Exit.” In this lesson, you will learn when and why you should exit your position and how to do it correctly.

The third lesson is “Covered Call Option.” It’s a 4-minute video that will teach you more about covered calls. 

The final lesson is called “Final Lesson – Ex-dividend Capture.” This is the last lesson of the course. It will teach you more about ex-dividend. In addition, Deeyana will also share a couple of final words. 

So, technically, module 2 only contains four lessons.

Check out this 10-minute video that gives you a glimpse on this course...

How to Join Undervalued Stocks Investing

Fortunately, joining this course is relatively easy since you can purchase it on Udemy. Udemy is one of the best online learning platforms for those who don't know. 

First, you need to visit Udemy’s website, which is Udemy.com. Once on the homepage, type in “Undervalued Stocks Investing” on the search bar and hit enter.

Then, it should direct you to the results page. The first result should be the correct course. The title should be “Undervalued Stocks Investing – Beginners Guide.” Click that link.

Once you’re on the course's main page, click the “Buy Now” button on the right. Then, fill in your personal information and payment details, and you’re good to go.

Undervalued Stocks Investing Cost to Join

The cost to join Undervalued Stocks Investing is $29.99. However, Udemy is offering 50% off the price today, making it only $14.99.

This is one of the benefits of Udemy. They regularly offer discounts on their courses. If you notice that this course isn’t discounted, try to come back later. 

In addition, Udemy offers discounts for a limited time. Usually, promos only last for a couple of hours. So, when you see one, ensure you get it immediately. 

Undervalued Stocks Investing reviews online

Undervalued Stocks Investing is an investing course that teaches you all there is to know about Investing and how you can use it to and earn money in the future through stocks.

But is it any good?

The only way to know this is to read reviews from people who have tried it by themselves...

Common Positive Undervalued Stocks Investing reviews

  • Easy to understand
  • Clear to the point
  • Inspiring course

The following comments below are the common positive reviews you’ll find online:

  • “Deeyana made it easy to understand the basics of stock trading. Of course, there is always much more to learn, but she explained stock trading basics.”
  • “This lecture is very clear and to the point. I am a novice trader looking to expand my skills, and this lecture has helped me to do so. Thank You”
  • “Very inspiring course. I can't wait to listen to her other courses. I find her teaching clear and to the point of relevance.”

Common Negative Undervalued Stocks Investing reviews

  • The page displayed a false description
  • The topics seemed more random
  • It felt a little at a loss

And here are the best negative reviews I seen:

  • “This course explains little about fundamental investing and is more for swing traders. The page displayed a false description, and I tried for a refund but had watched too much of the content to get one...Don't waste your time and money like I have if you want to learn about an entire company investing.”
  • “The first half of the course was good. The topics that she covered were related to each other. In the second half of the course, the topics seemed more random. There is no way that you can take these lessons and get started trading. I can't get a set of topics for which to do research. You get the feeling like she knows what she's talking about, but you also get the feeling that you have to buy more classes to make sense of it all.”
  • “I have decided to give this a relatively low rating because I have already taken two of your other courses, and they were both most excellent, five stars each. With this one, I felt a little at a loss because it delves into some important concepts but at a rather superficial level and appears rather disjunct. Each of the three main sections could be an hour-long lecture. I found this course to be hopscotch of a variety of things, none of which were covered deeply. Expanding on any of the three and diving deeper into more sophisticated concepts rather than just saying look at the PEG alone would have contributed to not making the course appear quite as disjunct.”

Is Undervalued Stocks Investing a scam?

The Undervalued Stocks Investing Course is not a Scam. It's a legit course. 

First, it focuses on undervalued stocks, which means there is room for growth potential. Second, the instructor is an experienced investor who has succeeded in both bull and bear markets. 

Finally, the course is broken down into easy-to-follow modules so you can learn at your own pace.

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Undervalued Stocks Investing Pros

Here are some of the best things that I discovered when reviewing Undervalued Stocks Investing...

#1 It is cheap

Paying $29.99 for a course that will teach you how to become profitable with undervalued stocks is relatively cheap. In addition, you can also get this course for a discounted price.

If you’re lucky enough, you can get 80% off. This makes the price a lot cheaper.

#2 You'll learn a lot

Another advantage of this course is that you will learn much when you finish it. Most investment courses will often leave you hanging. They do this so you will purchase their next course.

However, that isn’t the case with Undervalued Stocks Investing. Once you’re done, you can start your investing journey and simply learn from your experience. It will be up to you to buy an advanced course.

#3 It's Good for Beginners

If you’re a beginner in investing, this course is for you. It’s specifically designed with beginners in mind. This means that all the information and words used in the course are easy to understand.

Undervalued Stocks Investing Cons

And here are some of the things I find off in Undervalued Stocks Investing... So take note of these...

#1 There are better courses out there

If you want to learn more about undervalued stocks, one thing to note is that there are better courses. This course's only advantage over the others is that it’s cheaper and shorter.

#2 It's quite old

This course is quite old. According to its page, the course was last updated on February 2020. Thus, there’s a possibility that some of its details are outdated.

#3 Little review and low students

Today, the course only has 228 students enrolled and 39 ratings. This is relatively low compared to other investment courses on Udemy.

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My opinion - Undervalued Stocks Investing

After researching, I found that it is a legit course with real value.

If you're interested in learning more about investing in undervalued stocks, I recommend checking out the Undervalued Stocks Investing Course. 

It could be just what you need to jumpstart your investing career!

However, note that there are other better courses out there. So, you should also research to find the ideal course for your needs.

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