February 4, 2022

Is Atomy a Pyramid Scheme or Legit MLM? [2022 Review]

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Someone has probably introduced Atomy to you as a great way to "ber your own boss" and get some great skincare products. But you're probably still wondering... is Atomy a pyramid scheme scam?

First of all, I want to congratulate you on taking the time to research the company. 

The main reason that 99% of MLM members lose money is because they jump into it blindly.

This honest Atomy review, with videos, will reveal the true pros and cons of joining the Atomy MLM. This will help you to make an informed decision if it is for you or not.

Atomy Review

The overview and rankings

Name: Atomy

Founder: Han-Gill Park in 2009

Type: Personal care MLM

Products (Including Pricing): 40 out of 100

Success Stories: 5 out of 100

Price To Join MLM: Free + 10,000 PV a month sales quota = ~$20 (80 out of 100)

What to look for in a MLM:

  • Low start-up fee & maintenance cost
  • High-quality affordable products
  • You don’t have to carry inventory
  • An affiliate-like system 
  • Generous compensation plan
  • Company is in the early momentum phase

Atomy Pros

  • Proven history
  • Positive product reviews
  • Gaining momentum
  • Low cost to maintain it

Atomy Cons

  • Expensive products
  • Pyramid scheme in disguise?
  • No income disclosure
  • No online marketing training

Summary: Atomy is a personal care MLM founded in South Korea in 2009. It's expanded into more than 13 countries and is still gaining momentum in the USA. 

The monthly sales quota to remain active is much lower than many other MLMs and it's free to join. However, they still sell overpriced products and the focus is on recruiting other people into the Atomy MLM. 

This means it's hard to make good money from Atomy without recruitment, which makes Atomy similar to a pyramid scheme in disguise. 

And the majority of people lose money inside company structures like this. 

Make Time Online Rating: 40 out of 100 

Recommended: No

What is Atomy?

Atomy is a personal care & health supplements Multi-Level-Marketing company founded in South Korea in 2009.

Like any other MLM company, Atomy promotes and sells its products through sales agents.

Atomy's sales increased from $21 million to more than $1.3 billion in less than ten years. Their membership has also increased, from a dozen individuals in the beginning to more than 6 million globally.

Currently, Atomy offers over 400 products in various categories, constantly releasing new products. In general, Atomy sells the following products:

  • coffee
  • detergent
  • food
  • hand hygiene supplies
  • hair & body products
  • health care supplies
  • kitchen appliance
  • lip care products
  • makeup
  • dental products with green tea extract
  • skincare products (nutrition cream, eye cream, sunscreen, etc.)

Atomy has expanded into over 13 countries worldwide and is getting closer to reaching their goals of becoming a "global distribution hub".

The company offers an opportunity for everyday people to become their "own boss" by selling Atomy products and recruiting a team within the MLM. 

You can learn more about this opportunity with Atomy in the 3 minute video below...

Many people will watch that video and get very excited about this opportunity. 

But rare thinking people like you know that this is just a promotional video created by Atomy. 

So you're probably still wondering...

Is Atomy a pyramid scheme?

Technically no, Atomy is not a pyramid scheme. 

It's possible for distributors to make money just from selling the Atomy products. But this is pretty common for most MLMs.

A better question to ask would be "is Atomy a pyramid scheme in disguise?"...

What is a pyramid scheme?

A company that promises payment to its members for recruiting people rather than selling a product or service.

These are illegal in most countries around the world because it's impossible for everyone to earn money inside a structure like this. 

Just see the Wikipedia diagram below to see why...

Most MLMs, like Atomy, do offer legit products. 

However, it's only possible to make good money ($1,000+ a month) from Atomy if members recruit more people. This makes Atomy very similar to a pyramid scheme in disguise. 

Just watch the 5 minute video below to see why...

Success is rare with Atomy

In fact, success is hard to find inside any MLM company.

Did you know that between 73% and 99% of all MLM representatives lose money?

MLM FTC Fact Stat

Atomy doesn't release any income disclosures, unlike many MLMs, and they are not a public company.

That means it's impossible to tell if their members fall within these statistics.

However, Atomy does have lower monthly sales quotas to remain active than many other MLMs.

This means it should be easier for members to avoid losing too much money each month.

We'll dig into exactly what Atomy distributors need to do to make money later. But for now let's figure out... 

Ready to make passive income online?

Hey, I'm Mike.

I created a passive income online within a year. I had no marketing skills or online experience when I started. 

Mike Beatty

How does Atomy Work?

Atomy offers a wide variety of items. The products include personal care, nutritional supplements, and household items. Does Atomy independently market these products? NO.

Remember that Atomy is a multilevel marketing organization. So, they do not spend less money on advertising than other network marketing organizations. Seldom will you see their product offerings advertised on Facebook, YouTube, or Instagram.

Instead, they employ others to market and sell their items on their behalf.

In return, these Atomy distributors will profit from selling their items. They can also engage in recruitment if they wish to earn more money.

Atomy products

Before you dive in, it's crucial to understand more about the products on offer as these are what you will be promoting.

Atomy has dozens of products on offer under the following categories:

  • Supplements
  • Skincare & cosmetics
  • Dental and personal
  • Household
Atomy products-min

There are too many to go into detail about each one here, but you can find the full product range at the Atomy shop

It is important to be aware that there are thousands of brands that offer a very similar range of products.

There are also hundreds of MLMs with a similar product range such as:

So what makes Atomy stand out?...

Atomy Absolute Skincare- flagship product

First of all, Atomy offers a HUGE range of products. Only Amway out of the MLMs above really compares to this massive range. 

But the main product on offer at Atomy is their "absolute skincare set" including:

  • Toner
  • Ampoule
  • Serum
  • Lotion
  • Eye complex
  • Nutrition cream
Atomy Absolute skincare products-min

Some of the stand out features and benefits include:

  • Cutting edge dormin technology (Plant derived EGF & natural ingredients)
  • Makes your skin glow
  • Hydration
  • Anti wrinkle
  • Firming
  • Moisturising
  • Nourishment

I'm no expert in skincare products, but it's safe to say this is pretty much what you would expect from any type of skincare products. 

So the only way to actually tell how good a product is, is to test it yourself... or read some honest Atomy product reviews...

Is Atomy a scam- Atomy reviews-min

You can see on Amazon there are some pretty positive reviews overall for Atomy's Absolute products. We will dig into these and the pricing in more detail later in this Atomy review. 

But for now you can find out more about Absolute in the 8-minute video below...


Can you really make money with Atomy MLM?

It's pretty hard to make good money from the Atomy MLM. 

Sure you can sell some of these products to your friends and family each month. But you'll do well to make $100 a month from commission with this method. 

The few people that do well in MLMs like this are actually more like a full time "sales manager" than someone owning a business or "being their own boss". Typically these people are quite extroverted and very good at "selling the dream" to aspiring entrepreneurs. 

It is possible to make money with Atomy, but most people do not. 

How to make money with Atomy MLM

Like most MLMs there are 2 ways you can make money from Atomy:

  1. Sell products for a commission
  2. Recruit people to earn bonuses from the sales they make

This is important to recognise:

You do not earn money directly for recruiting people at Atomy

This is how Atomy is not shut down by the FTC for being a pyramid scheme. The reason there is such a focus on recruiting people is because it means you can earn bonuses from the efforts of other people in your team.

Before we get our heads around the compensation plan, you're probably wondering...

How much does it cost to join Atomy?

It's free to join!

Yep, you read that right. Anyone can start promoting Atomy products without spending any money. This is very rare for MLM companies and it's a great sign that Atomy is not a scam. 

But there are some costs to be aware of...

Atomy monthly cost

To "remain active" as a sales rep you need to accumulate 10,000 PV (personal volume) points every month. 

In English that means you need to sell around $20 of products each month...

Is Atomy a pyramid scheme- compensation plan-min
Is Atomy a pyramid scheme- monthly sales-min

This is much lower than many MLMs but it is something to be aware of. 

In reality, this means that you will need to allow at least $20 a month to be spent on Atomy products yourself.

But if you are going to join the MLM program you should be using the products yourself as there is no point in trying to sell them unless you personally like them!

So the costs to allow for 1 year would be at least $240. 

And this is without allowing for any additional costs such as marketing (building your own website) postage and packaging costs or additional training. 

Atomy compensation plan

I've looked into over 100 MLMs compensation plans. But Atomy has to be one of the most confusing plans I've seen... and that's saying something!

So I will try to keep this as simple as possible...

There are 4 ways to get paid from Atomy:

  1. General commission (retail, wholesale price commission)
  2. Masters' bonus (Reach "Special agent" additional 0.3-10% if you sell 2.5 million group PV in each "leg")
  3. Mastership promotion & incentives (Extra products, trips and cash incentives for "ranking up", see table below)
  4. Education commission (6% extra commission if you open an education company approved by the company)
Is Atomy a pyramid scheme- compensation plan-min

If you are confused by any of that or can't understand the table above... do not worry! MLMs often use acronyms and unnecessary terms to make it seem like there are tons of ways for you to earn money. 

The only thing you need to be aware of is WHAT you have to do to make money, which is:

  • Sell Atomy products
  • Recruit people into the Atomy MLM

And do you notice that 3 out of the 4 ways to get paid requires you to recruit people?

Atomy uses a "binary compensation plan", which is certainly not the best plan in my opinion, as most people end up with "one much smaller leg" which makes it hard to benefit from the bigger bonuses.

Just watch the 13-minute video below if you want to try to get your head around this plan a bit more (be warned, it's confusing!)...

Or you can find the full Atomy compensation plan here. 

Is Atomy a scam?

Atomy is a well-established business. On the internet, you will also find positive Atomy reviews.

Hence, this business is a good one.

Therefore, is Atomy a fraud?

Technically, no. With this service, you can earn money, but it's more complex than the corporation makes it sound.

A substantial amount of labor is required upfront; there is no real assurance of success, and - most significantly – the actual commissions are modest.

There is nothing wrong with front-loading work and earning money afterward.

But if you work hard for three months and only receive a $50 commission, it's not worth it.

Could you complete the same three months of work (in your spare time) and receive a monthly salary of $500 to $2,000?

And what if you didn't have to wait three months? Could you begin immediately and receive your first money within one week?

Could you double it the next week?

It is the strength of Digital Real Estate.

And, unlike MLM, you can do this legally from wherever. It is a genuine lifestyle enterprise.

You only need a laptop and an Internet connection.

Some of this program's most successful students operate their whole six-figure enterprises from:

  • A tent pitched in the middle of the forest

  • Mexico beach chair on the water

  • A modest home in Greece

Just to be fully transparent with you, I am not a distributor myself and I do not endorse Atomy in any way.

I have researched the website, testimonials and information on the Internet to get to the bottom of what this program genuinely does. This is because I have been burnt from programs just like this in the past and I want to prevent others from making the same mistakes.

Common positive reviews

Here are some of the positive reviews we had from Indeed about the job opportunity...

  • "Atomy is a good business coz there products have a high quality and with reasonable price. No registration fee, no annual fee and its free. Its a global business. Great company to work for, excellent people, excellent team work, the philosophy of the company is to help many people as you can. Value all the iemployees and help them reach their personal goals and to motivate themselves to accomplish company goals too."

Common negative reviews

And here are the common negative reviews we also got from Indeed...

  • "Failure, and low production is not allowed."

Tired of MLMs? Check out how I make money online here!

What I like about Atomy

There are a few things that I genuinely really like about Atomy compared to other MLMs out there...

Key Terms:

  • Pyramid Scheme – recruits members via a promise for payment from referring others to the service rather than providing a product
  • Affiliate Marketing- Connecting a customer to a product they are looking for and receiving a commission for doing so
  • Red Flag - A warning sign

#1 Proven history

Did you know that only 1 out of 3 MLMs survive past 10 years?

Is Atomy a scam- history-min

Atomy has been in business since 2009. 

This is great sign that Atomy is not a scam and is not likely to disappear tomorrow like many MLMs do.

#2 Positive product reviews

When you can find real people leaving positive Atomy reviews it's another great sign that the company is legit...

Is Atomy a scam- Atomy reviews-min

It's important to be aware that many positive Atomy reviews may be from distributors. However, you can find reviews like the one above which is clearly from a legit Atomy customer.

#3 Gaining momentum

This is the best pro about Atomy...

Is Atomy a pyramid scheme- trends-min

Google Trends shows that more and more people have been searching for Atomy each month since 2009.

It's far easier to sell something that people are already looking for!

It hasn't had the early momentum growth that other companies like Farmasi are experiencing, but maybe this will help it be a long term company. 

#4 Free to start & low costs to maintain

So many MLMs can cost $1,000 to get started then another $150 a month sales quota to remain active. 

Atomy will only set you back $20 a month!

It's another great sign that Atomy is not a scam as they clearly believe in their products. 

What I don't like about Atomy

There are some hidden truths that everyone should be aware of before just diving into the Atomy "business opportunity"...

#1 Expensive products

This is always a big red flag for me that a MLM may be a "pyramid scheme in disguise"...

Atomy Nutrition Cream -min
  • Atomy cream is 4.2 stars = $16.99 per oz
  • Amazon cream is 4.4 stars = $9.39 per oz

When you can find similar alternatives (and arguably better alternatives) for half the price it's a big concern to me.

Seriously just ask yourself this...

Why would anyone pay double the price for something that people think isn't as good?...

#2 Hidden monthly expenses

UPDATE- A comment below suggests that this section is not 100% accurate. You only become inactive if you haven't bought or sold anything after one year (not every month). 

I'll leave it in so you can understand what I mean. The principle still applies though as so many distributors still purcahse the products every month (otherwise why did they join it if they don't use them?!)

The answer to that question is hidden within Atomy's confusing compensation plan...

Is Atomy a pyramid scheme- compensation plan-min

Distributor's will need to sell at least $20 of Atomy products every month to stay active and receive the bonuses or commission for that month. 

So when people first join they can sell the odd Atomy product to their family or friends.

But once their family realise they are just paying twice as much (or more) for something they usually get, they end up not reordering and can even become resentful to you if you keep trying to sell them this overpriced stuff. 

In reality, it means that Atomy distributors end up becoming the companies biggest customers. 

They need to keep buying their products so that they have a chance of "being their own boss" next month. This is the reason why so many MLM members lose money. 

And when you combine these 2 hidden truths you can see why...

#3 Atomy is like a pyramid scheme in disguise

The only realistic way Atomy distributors avoid losing money each month is by recruiting more people into the MLM "business opportunity".

And when any company requires people to recruit it ends up looking like this... 

MLM pyramid scheme

Sure there will be a few people that make good money. And maybe you could be one of them if you work hard! But in order for you to be successful you will need to recruit more people into the company who will inevitably lose money. 

And that becomes an ethical decision for many people once they see the wood for the trees.

#4 No income disclosure

Most MLM companies release an income disclosure of what their distributors earn. 

Atomy doesn't do that, which is another red flag and shows the company is hiding something. 

But they do have this...

Is Atomy a scam- monthly commission-min

However, it doesn't show how many people are at each rank and the figures seem like rough guesses. 

Sure those figures may look impressive. 

But what if I told you that less than 1% of distributors even make it sales master rank?

And just by comparing Atomy to the hundreds of other companies income disclosures, that is actually being generous of how many people will achieve this rank!

#5 No online marketing training

Here's the truth...

The people that do the best from Atomy and MLMs are the people that understand how to use online marketing to help attract people and sell things 24/7. 

However, Atomy doesn't provide this type of training...


If you're lucky your "sponsor" may know how to use a bit of online marketing and help you. But if you try to do what everyone else does on social media, you will find you get results like "everyone else" (and everyone does not make money in MLMs).

There are much better ways to use the power of the internet to work for you by creating your own website and attracting real people to your website for free every month. 

If you don't find a way to make money while you sleep, you will work until you die- Warren Buffet

Ready to make passive income online?

I've created a growing passive income online with no previous marketing skills or online experience... 

I've made a special video for you to explain exactly how I did this. 

MTO Income

My opinion - Atomy

Atomy does sell a huge range of products that everyone uses regularly. 

However, what do I think are your chances of making money from this MLM opportunity?... 

If you work really hard and treat it like a full time job then you could recruit a team and help them sell products for you. 

But you would need to do that knowing that the majority of them will lose money. 

And that's not my idea of an ethical business model.

How I make passive income online

MLMs are not scams or illegal. However, I'm not a fan of them because of the restrictions to the expensive products you have to promote.

Once I learnt about affiliate marketing, I realised it's a far superior business model because:

  • You can promote anything you want and truly own the business
  • You never need to sell to friends and family
  • It's completely free to start

In 2018 I nearly joined another MLM and had no idea what affiliate marketing was.

But I went from a full time PE teacher to making a passive income online within one year...

Mike PE teacher to Passive Income Online

If you want to discover how I did it then check out this special video I created which explains exactly how. You can also get your free 7-day bootcamp to get started.

Make Time Online Income

About the Author

Mike Beatty has built a passive income online whilst working as a full-time PE teacher without any marketing or technical experience. Learn more about how he's done it here.

Mike Beatty

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  1. Great info. MLM is always a hot topic that many are looking for. I never heard of Atomy, it’s good to know this is a Korean Company. For Malaysia and Singapore, we have Elken, Shaklee, NUskin, Avon, Usana, and Amway. I have tried joining Nuskin for a year, it works for some people but MLM business doesn’t suit me. Thus I didn’t bloom in this big business. 

    Some of my friends sticking with it for years, aggressively working very hard yearly, some people just like to do it, by sharing the benefit of product, inviting business partner, and grow the team from there. I am sure they make money, else they wouldn’t be staying for almost 10 years in Nuskin. Amway is another MLM company, they started since 1959, they are 61 years old now and growing strong. I am sure they are good products, people don’t mind spending more to use it. 

    Hopefully, Atomy has the same business model, most importantly good products to begin with, and users can make a profit from it eventually! Thanks for sharing.

    1. Very valid points Yongli, and thanks for sharing your experience. 

      MLMs typically work for more extroverted people who treat it like a full-time job. They try to recruit as many people as possible into their team and then act more like a “sales manager” on day to day tasks and encourage their team to seel and recruit. 

      If that’s something you think you would be good at then it may work for you. If not you will probably fall into the 99% of those that lose money.

    2. Thanks for sharing!! I started with Atomy in April 2019. I joined because I loved a lot of the products I tried. I wanted to buy natural or organic but it was just too expensive. But for the quality of the product atomy has an affordable price. They say absolute quality absolute price.

      So fast forward a year later I decided to share the products I found to my friends and family but I was embarrassed to do so, so I just made it my “business”.. i’m not trying to make money off my friends if they like the products they will buy and i get excited when i get positive feed back..

      I honestly feel they are great products. Im not saying that just because i’m a member. When you go to a restaurant or you go to watch a movie you really enjoyed you want to share it with others. So that’s what I started doing & I got $60 everytime I hit 300k “points” on each side so that was a little more excitement to share with people. I got paid for buying things I need. 🙂
      I feel bad over pricing people even I get it for a lett price I just want them to try the products.

      Check out my profile on instagram [removed]

  2. I recommend you JOIN Atomy through [Link Removed] that’s how I joined, it’s the easiest and best way to join Atomy!

    I’ve been buying Atomy Products for many years, I love it and I highly recommend it, their products quality are the BEST, I’m sure you won’t regret it.

    1. Hi Maddie if you could share your expereience a bit more that would be great. How long have you been at Atomy? Have you made any money etc.?

      I’ve removed your link

  3. Atomy helped me through the years. It made my life better. I joined through AtomyBenefits.com way back then to be a member. I enjoy marketing their products because people already know the quality of it.

  4. I want to address cons you presented about Atomy since it sounds like you haven’t talked to many Atomy members about these.

    First con, it’s actually closer to $12.5 per fluid ounce. Then again I’m going by the member price of the current iteration, which had its price raised due to its improved/revised formula. Also, I remember that non-member prices, which are obviously more expensive than member prices, used to be displayed but considering that you would normally buy it as a member (if you wanted to buy it legit) you would buy it at the cheaper price anyway. Besides that, I can’t explain why exactly it’s still more expensive than the comparative example product you displayed since I don’t know what processes went into making that comparative product.

    Second con, it’s not that you need to keep being active monthly to remain a member. What you displayed is the ranks of payment to each Atomy member that will be distributed monthly. PV is accumulated until a certain point where, at that time of the month, you get paid depending on how many times you succeeded at achieved reaching that PV goal. Btw, to no longer be active, your account just needs to have been inactive in purchasing products for a year since your last purchase.

    Third con, it is technically a pyramid scheme. And we don’t deny it since it’s the system does follow that by technical definition. HOWEVER, the difference here is each member has a maximum daily income unlike other MLM with a pyramid scheme. While the amount paid IS smaller as a sales rep compared to an exclusive distributor, in terms of the distribution of payments, the amount of company profits actually is distributed more towards the sales reps.

    Fouth con, actually the distributors DO get disclosed on how much they will be paid. If you attend any general Atomy meet-ups, they should disclose how much that would be. The company even has an app that allows distributors to keep track of their commissions and payments among other functions.

    Fifth con, there isn’t a formal online course, no. There are several reasons for this, but I’ll start off by saying there IS a youtube channel that does give anyone interested a supply of information concerning how the company works as well as advice on how to run an Atomy business. They do, however, provide a system that is supposed to help distributors to commit to their business goals if they so wish.

    I will give one con though, this company does not allow paid advertising using their brand. They don’t even allow people to set up stands in public areas to showcase their products. Even if you want to hand out samples, you can’t have the Atomy logo on them. The only form of advertising that they officially allow is “word of mouth”. Thus, this company lacks lead gen.

    1. Wow, thanks so much for sharing!

      1. I just compared by price per ounce. I do get that products can be made differently, all I am pointing out is that there are 99.9% of the time more affordable and arguably better products out there compared to the MLM (there must be thousands of nutrition creams out there like all the other Atomy products)

      2. Thanks for clarifying that. Many MLMs have slight variations of the exact ruling here (updated in the post)

      3. If it’s technically a pyramid scheme then that is VERY bad… but it’s not (re-read the definition in the pyramid scheme section near the top)

      4. Would you be able to share that? I’m not sure why people have to waste their time going to an event to find out this info.

      5. Can you share more about this system?

      Also thanks for being honest and sharing your own con. I appreciate that.

      Take care, Mike

  5. Hi Mike, I usually don't write any comments on blogs: but I have been reading this article and I didn't feel comfortable. Let me rectify somethings related to Atomy, first of all, Atomy doesn't require any initial payment, if you want to keep your membership the only thing the company demands is an annual purchase of anything, regardless of the price. The 10,000 PVs are necessary if you want to receive compensations; but if you desire to keep yourself as a consumer, you don't need to count PVs, by the way, they're cumulative and never expire. So, you aren't forced to accumulate any PVs, which means that you aren't forced to do any monthly purchase.
    Another thing, Atomy's compensation plan doesn't include commissions for selling the products, any profit depends on the market prices, the company doesn't encourage selling them to avoid accumulations.
    To finish, you can contact me, I'll send you an ID and a guest password to get into the Atomy's web site, you will see how many training you can find over there.
    I know that your final target with this type of article, a copy and paste of the others that you have about the same topic, is to attract people to what you're actually doing; but before writing something like this, you should prepare yourself slightly more and avoid to be so ridiculous, please be more responsible next time or maybe you can rectify what isn't true in this one. Thanks

    1. Hey Vic,

      Thanks for raising these points. Let me address them in order…

      1. Please re-read my section on “how much it costs to join Atomy”. I already said it’s free to join.

      2. There is already an update to this section in the “cons” section (see #2)

      3. I’m not sure what you mean about the compensation plan. Please feel free to expand on this point.

      4. Thanks for the info about the training. Can you just explain what it includes (social media marketing/ SEO/ how to get leads etc.)

      I almost joined a couple of MLMs before I learn more about affiliate marketing and creating my own online business (rather than working for someone else’s online business… what a MLM really is- it could disappear tomorrow or the compensation plan could completely change overnight).

      The aim of this review and all the others on this site (and the free podcasts) is just to inform people so they can make their own decision. There is no pressure to join any one program, the aim is to be as transparent and honest about options out there.

      I appreciate the time you put into that comment and let me know if you feel I’ve missed anything else. Please do read the review carefully though as I feel I have already addressed most of the points you made last time.

      Take care


  6. Hi Mike

    I'm From Indonesia – also Atomy User
    I try to use english goodly

    u already good in survey all about ATOMY
    just need 1thing to be change, its about

    what u say about the hidden "Need every month to purchase $20 in ATOMY"

    its totally WRONG

    in Atomy divide to 2
    1. Pure Consumer
    2, Consumer Sharing undefined Consumer Business

    Every member Atomy do not need every month to purchase
    in atomy every one just purchase what they have use

    every user just accumultion they own buy PV

    Let Talk About
    1. Pure Consumer

    the first time they just try what product they like, if they already try many product, and still dont want to ge a Consumer Business, then A Sponsor Job just try to help they, buy they own, and get Bonus from what they buy without Recruit Member

    I alway suggest my Customer to buy what they need, and get they own bonus without Recruit

    2. Consumer Sharing undefined Consumer Business
    In this stage, as a Sponsor or a Leader, its has a very big responsible to they Customer

    Because this people is get the most pv from all of they consumer under they
    but its not totally just sit without do nothing

    they have they own responsible

    what is the most responsible

    2.1 Responsible to the pure Consumer is
    I think u know about the Marketing Plan

    to get bonus, we need has the left and right
    Left must accumulation totally 300.000pv from all consumer
    Right must accumulation totally 300.000pv from all consumer

    So we as a Sponsor, responsible is help they all pure consumer to get left pv 300k PV from not they own buying product, but from other

    They just need, to accumulate they own ID 300k pv, and after that, they sponsor 1people to the right and then accumulate again 300k PV.
    * That person can be they own children or father mather

    in that our responsible has done to they Pure Consumer

    2.2 Responsible To the Consumer Business

    If has found some one From Pure Consumer wanna to get more Bonus, they want to become Consumer Business, then we must train them, give the lesson, and the vision of Company, The most need to learn is about "Responsible to they Sponsored"

    Training them to become a Good Sharing to other

    My point of view is Atomy just little like Affliate system, but its a Affiliate + Networking
    and its open for every country that has ATOMY

    We just create Consumer As Many As we Can

    I already join Atomy have 2years
    and just full time in this 5month, because of Corona, u know so many company fire employer

    in 1year half ago, I just part time to build this Atomy System
    for me this condition, Atomy already save me and my family
    now my Bonus from Atomy every month is about $2.500-$4.000

    Maybe this money from ur Country its really Small, but in Indonesia its already much, like a salary from a Manager in a Company

    and in my country still not really good from online shopping, so we start in here, still found so many people cant buy by them self.

    I already to run Atomy to Global, from help Facebook Ads and to build a pool of Consumer from Collect Email, and do email Marketing

    overall all of ur review really good, just need to change about the monthly spend $20


    1. That’s amazing Yansen! Sounds like you’re doing really well!

      Hoe did you learn about email marketing and Facebook marketing? To do well with any MLM these are so important but oftentimes the MLM doesn’t teach it themselves. Members need to figure it out themselves and often have no idea they need to!

      Also, it is similar to affiliate marketing. The issue is you can only promote one companies products. If you were to build your own site you could basically promote the same kind of products (and much more) and eventually create your own course/ dropship products and make income from ads on your site etc. It becomes a business that you control rather than depending solely on Atomy to pay you.

      The review has been updated with those changes (please see the box under the error… I left it in just so people can see)

      P.S. where are you based in Indonesia? We loved Bali and the Gili islands!

      1. Prerhaps you should change the incorrect information directly? It is not correct that need to pay $20 monthly. It is really misleading.

        Also, Atomy skimcare product is really cheap already. Cheap or expensive is just a comparision. Why not compare products with simular ingredients and volume? I wonder if you ever buy any skincare at all? Atomy has so many cheap skincare products. This price range is nothing compare with other big brand.

        I am not Atomy member now. I am doing research.

        Thanks for your information. I will join Atomy.

        1. It has been updated and removed from the top section pros and cons section. The point made in the cons section is still valid. It does sound like there are a certain amount of products that need to be sold within each year, but not each month from the research I’ve since done into it.

          Check out the cons section again and let me know if you think it still needs to be changed.

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