April 13, 2021

Stefan James Affiliate Marketing Mastery Review: Is This Online Course Worth Your $997?

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With the increasing number of online job seekers who are trying to build a sustainable career in the world of internet business, the number of online opportunities has also significantly increased.

One of which is called Stefan James' Affiliate Marketing Mastery.

But you might have asked...

Is Stefan James Affiliate Marketing Mastery a scam? No, it isn't. It is an educational course that teaches you all about affiliate marketing, so that you can also earn from this online business.

I will give an in-depth review about this course so you can see if it's a legit way to make money online? And is it worth the price?

Read on to know all about Stefan James Affiliate Marketing Mastery...

This Stefan James Affiliate Marketing Mastery review has been thoroughly researched with information and testimonials that are available online to anyone in the public. Any conclusions drawn by myself are opinions.

Stefan James Affiliate Marketing Mastery Review

The overview and rankings

Name: Stefan James Affiliate Marketing Mastery

Founder: Stefan James Pylarinos

Type: Affiliate marketing course

Price: $997

Best for: Beginner marketers, anyone who wants to earn online

Stefan James Affiliate Marketing Mastery Pros

  • Comprehensive training
  • Well-structured content
  • 30-day money back guarantee

Stefan James Affiliate Marketing Mastery Cons

  • Expensive
  • Issues surrounding the creator
  • Low success rate


Stefan James Affiliate Marketing Mastery is an online educational course that teaches all about affiliate marketing and how you can use it to earn money online.

Make Time Online Rating: 50 out of 100 

Recommended: Yes

What is Stefan James Affiliate Marketing Mastery about?

The first thing you need to know when you are interested in taking a certain course is to research as to what that course is all about.

And Affiliate Marketing Mastery, in this case, is a training program with a step-by-step system that comes in the form of seven modules.

This program aims to guide you and walk you through all the processes involved in setting up your own online brand and ascertains that you will earn money out of it.

Specifically, it will teach you the what’s and how’s of finding a niche, social media marketing, email marketing, and blogging.

It will also teach you how to find the best products you can promote so you can earn your commission.

This program was created by Stefan James in 2016 and it has since then garnered the attention of many aspiring affiliate marketers.

Check out this 19-minute video that talks about Stefan James' affiliate marketing courses...

So, who is the man behind this?...

Who is Stefan James?

The man behind this program is named Stefan James Pylarinos but he is well-known as Stefan James.

Stefan is an entrepreneur situated in Vancouver, Canada. His primary business is Project Life Mastery, a blogging website that is dedicated to helping people master every area of their life through self-development advice.

He is also a known affiliate for the course Knowledge Broker Blueprint which was created by Tony Robbins and Dean Graziosi. And, yes, they’re legit entrepreneurs and it’s a legit course.

Stefan even has an article written for him by entrepreneur.com with the title, This Entrepreneur Used to Be the Shyest Kid in School. Now He Makes Millions Teaching Self-Mastery.

So, does he really earn millions of dollars? Well, yes. He definitely does. Does being affiliated with legit entrepreneurs make him legit, too?

You can read on to find out...

Ready to make passive income online?

Hey, I'm Mike.

I created a passive income online within a year. I had no marketing skills or online experience when I started. 

How does Stefan James Affiliate Marketing Mastery Work?

If you want to give this course a try, then you must know how it works. And how it works is quite simple.

The first thing you need to do is click on the button on the sales page that says Enroll Now and you’ll then be directed to another page.

On that page, you’ll be given two options...

The first one is to checkout with a card. You just put your contact details such as your full name, email address, and contact number, the billing address, and then your credit card information.

The second option is to checkout with PayPal.

When everything’s done, you’ll then be given access to the course. There are a total of 7 modules that will teach you everything you need to know.

Now, how this course really works is that it will teach you the what’s and how’s of affiliate marketing so that you can build your own online brand and earn real money.

You do not directly earn money out of Affiliate Marketing Mastery. As I’ve said, it’s a course.

That becomes possible if you have its affiliate link to which most members are entitled. But this course is primarily designed to educate you on affiliate marketing.

It's important to be aware that there are some other similar courses to this that exist such as:

They all provide you with a holistic overview of affiliate marketing, without digging into one specific area in detail. 

Inside Stefan James Affiliate Marketing Mastery

This course consists of 7 modules and 4 bonuses. Below are the brief explanations as to what each module contains:

Module 1: Strategy and Mindset For Success

In this module, you’ll be taught how to cultivate the right strategy and mindset to achieve a successful career in affiliate marketing. 

It includes the topics focusing on adopting the type of mentality that’ll help you maximize your results, the blueprint used by Stefan himself to make 7-figures per year, the 10 success principles you must apply if you want to have a lasting and sustainable online business, and how to set and achieve your SMART goals.

Module 2: Advanced Market Research and Keywords

In this module, you’ll be taught how to find profitable niches ranging from digital products to physical products where you can earn money, discover the keywords that would best relate to your niche, and how to find the best niche for you.

Module 3: How to Build Your Brand and Influence Online

This module will teach you how to set up your marketing channels, how to create a brand name that’s unique and compelling, how to set up your WordPress blog using the 10 essential WordPress tools, how to set up your Youtube channel, and the ways on how you can get traffic or visitors for your website.

Module 4: How to Get Followers and Subscribers With Compelling Content

After setting up your blogs and channels, you must then start attracting followers and subscribers to ensure that you’ll have the necessary traffic you need. This module will teach you what you need to achieve that.

Specifically, you’ll be taught the strategies you can use in creating your content, how to get visitors through blog articles, how to get followers for your Youtube channel and your other social media accounts like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Module 5: How to Get Visitors and Followers Fast

This module focuses on ways on how you can attract traffic, visitors, followers, and subscribers. It will teach how to rank on Google so that you can get tons of traffic, how to promote your Youtube videos, have them ranked to get views, and how to promote your online brand through Kindle, Instagram, and Facebook.

Module 6: How to Make Money with Affiliate Marketing

And this is the most exciting part as you will start making money out of your online brand. In this module, you will know the ways on how you can monetize your Youtube channel and social media accounts and the mistakes you must avoid before you start with your monetization.

You will also learn how to find profitable programs and products you can promote.

Module 7: Performance and Optimization

This is the part of the course you must never skip as it will teach you how to track and optimize the results of your affiliate marketing business. Through Youtube and Google Analytics, which will be taught to you, you will know how to utilize the stats of your online business.

Bonus 1: My Ultimate List of Affiliate Programs

This bonus that Stefan James will give you will help you gain access to the list of programs and products that you can promote with the assurance of earning a commission.

Bonus 2: Done-For-You Website

As the name suggests, Stefan will have a team set up your website for you. So that means it will be off of your list of to-dos. And that will definitely save you money and time.

Bonus 3: Fast-Track to Profits - $1k+/Month Formula

With this bonus, the strategies you can use to fast-track your results and earn $1000 per month will be revealed to you.

Bonus 4: Done-For-You Affiliate Marketing Funnel

Aside from your website, with this bonus, Stefan James also offers to create for you a ready-to-go, plug and play funnel. Again, you’ll be able to save time and money.

Here is another 24-minute video showing you a closer look into Stefan James' affiliate marketing course...

And how much will you pay for this?...

Stefan James Affiliate Marketing Mastery cost to join

Now, if you’ve reached this part of this review and you find the course interesting, you can further gather the information that will help you decide if it’s worth the shot by knowing how much it costs.

This course costs $997 and yes, it’s overwhelmingly expensive.

There’s a payment plan option though where you can pay for 3 monthly installments of $397. But, if you do that, you will only be spending more money amounting to $194.

So if you really want to enroll in this course, the one-time payment fee is the better option...

Stefan James Affiliate Marketing Mastery monthly cost

What you must know, as of now, is that once you pay the $997, you’re good to go.

You’ll be given access to the course and all of the bonuses...

Stefan James Affiliate Marketing Mastery reviews online

Stefan James Affiliate Marketing Mastery is an online educational course that teaches you all there is to learn about affiliate marketing.

But what you really want to know is if it will and can help you earn money online.

To answer this, I've checked multiple YouTube videos and searched for some testimonials about its previous and current students...

Common positive Stefan James Affiliate Marketing Mastery reviews

  • Educational
  • Legit
  • Worth the price

Here are the best positive reviews...

“..if you asked me that if you could go back in time, would you buy this course again even though you know it was expensive, yes I would...I would buy the course again because I’ve learned so much from it.”

“Affiliate Marketing Mastery is the first and only program I have enrolled into when it comes to my Online Business, Brand Building, Affiliate Marketing & making money online. It was the most expensive investment I have ever made but what this did is commit me to take massive action for the last 3 years…”

“It sounds like a fantastic course to take, and it’s great to see that Stefan James is above board with everything he offers within the course…”

Common negative Stefan James Affiliate Marketing Mastery reviews

  • No assurance of success

“..here’s the main reason I’ve given Affiliate Marketing Mastery such a low rating for this review: it seems very few AMM students actually go on to become successful affiliate marketers. There are notable exceptions, of course, but I would have expected to see far more success stories given the popularity of the program and the high price point.”

Is Stefan James Affiliate Marketing Mastery a scam?

As my answer to this question, I would like to guarantee you that Affiliate Marketing Mastery is not a scam.

It’s a genuine and legit course with tons of good content...

Furthermore, its creator is a well-known entrepreneur who has earned millions of dollars out of the strategies he included in the said course. 

There might be those who are still skeptical of it especially that it costs that much money and those who are not sure if it’s worth it but this course gives you in-depth training on how you can become successful in the world of affiliate marketing business.

So again, Affiliate Marketing Mastery is not a scam.

Ready to make passive income online?

Hey, I'm Mike.

I created a passive income online within a year. I had no marketing skills or online experience when I started. 

Stefan James Affiliate Marketing Mastery pros

#1 Comprehensive training

As I’ve said previously, one good thing about this course is that it gives you in-depth training on affiliate marketing.

The 7 modules cover all the essential information you need to set up your own internet business...

#2 Well-structured content

This course and the modules included in it are designed in a way that you’ll be guided from the very first step you need to take up to the very last one.

If you’ve read the inside overview of this course, you’ll see that the modules were structured in a way that you won’t be overwhelmed with too much information...

#3 Money-back guarantee

Here is another nice thing...

Another pro for this course is its 30-Day money-back guarantee so you don’t have to worry too much about your money getting lost in their pockets because you can have it back if you find the course not to your liking.

Stefan James Affiliate Marketing Mastery cons

#1 Expensive

One thing though that might stop you from giving it a try is the fact that it costs almost $1000 and that’s not a small amount of money, obviously.

This course might be too expensive for you but if you are really interested in it, you can save up for it.

That’s actually what most members did. And you can do the same.

#2 Issues surrounding the creator

Another thing is, you might have heard of the issues surrounding Stefan.

One of them is that he allegedly sold fake medical cures online for $37...

Stefan didn’t directly address the issue at hand but he said that there are rumors being spread by a few haters in an attempt to defame.

Whether it’s true or not is still yet to be confirmed.

#3 Low success rate

As for this, the reason why the course has a low success rate among its members is that most of them actually gave up halfway.

And as what Stefan said, you will not have immediate results.

The results you want may take some time but rest assured that you will definitely gain something beneficial from this course...

Ready to make passive income online?

I've created a growing passive income online with no marketing skills or online experience... 

I've made a special video for you to explain exactly how I did this.

My opinion - Stefan James Affiliate Marketing Mastery

As a final takeaway from this review, I would like to say that Affiliate Marketing Mastery is a commendable course as it will teach you the basic knowledge and skills you need to survive as an affiliate marketer.

Here is what I can say about this course...

It might be a bit expensive, but it's totally worth it. Many people can also vouch for it.

If you’re up for a long term and guaranteed success, this course is the way to go...

How I make passive income online

In 2018 I had no idea what affiliate marketing was. 

Once I learnt about it, it just seemed like a great business model that can grow over time using the power of the internet. 

So I tried to figure it out by myself... that got me nowhere fast.

Then I fell for some terrible online scams. 

But eventually, I found Wealthy Affiliate. It teaches long-term proven strategies to build an online business with all the tools & support needed. 

And this happened...

Once you learn the process of getting thousands of people to find your website every month (for free) there really is not limit to what you can achieve online. 

I've reviewed hundreds of courses or programs that claim to help people make money online. And I've spoken to dozens of 6-7 figure online entrepreneurs on my podcast.

This is by far the best place I've seen to help beginners get set up on the right foot. You can read my full Wealthy Affiliate review here (including the pros and cons!) 

Or you can watch an insiders video I made that explains exactly how it works here.  

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