December 13, 2021

5 Problems You’ll Face as an Aspiring Writer and How to Solve Them

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Whether you want to write novels, non-fiction books, or set yourself up as a blogger to drive traffic to the website, the path to being a professional writer is not an easy one.

Writing, in general, is not for the faint of heart, however, when you bring financial concerns into the picture, it gets even tougher. An aspiring writer can find many ways to make money on the side, from getting a part-time job elsewhere to winning money at an Crystal Ball demo

If you’re a beginner, you most likely want to find long-term ways to actually make a living from your writing.

So, how can you start this and what problems might you face along the way?

Here are the top 5 problems that new writers run into and some tips for aspiring writers on how to make money writing online.

Classic writing ballpen

5 Problems You Might Face as an Aspiring Writer

Fear of Judgment/Rejection 

Professionals write for themselves and because they love writing. However, a professional also writes for their readers. For aspiring writers, this can be a terrifying thought. 

Putting your written work out into the world, in the form of fiction or blogs, opens you up to potential criticism, judgment, and rejection. However, to become a writer, you must find ways to overcome this fear. 

One of the things to remember, if you feel fearful about writing, is that no one is perfect – and you don’t have to be either. It’s normal to develop and get better as you grow. Sure, you’ll probably look back at your old blog posts cringe, but this will show how far you’ve come.

Lack of Funds

Being a writer (often) doesn’t pay. As an aspiring writer, you’ve probably already put in hours of unpaid labor practicing your craft, networking with people who might publish you, or finding clients to write for. Some of the best advice for aspiring writers is not to make writing your full-time income source right away. 

Even many famous writers work a part-time job, and this is just fine. You can also turn to commercial or freelance writing to make money. This is a bit less creative (you will receive a brief telling you what to write about) but can still be fulfilling and is a great way to earn money.

Book with pen

Some of the most lucrative industries to write for include the gambling industry and online business sectors. If you’re an aspiring freelance writer, and you know a thing or two about casino games, these skills could come in handy. Look out for freelance writing jobs with titles like ‘content writer,’ as this is a good way to break into the industry.

No Time

Every aspiring writer complains about not having enough time. You’re too busy, tired, distracted to write. The truth is that these are just plain old excuses. 

You have time, you’re just not prioritizing writing. If you have any other type of job, you make time to show up to it, even when life is hectic. This is because you know there will be consequences if you don’t. Writing is a job, but you often have to be your own boss when you first start out. Holding yourself accountable and making time like a professional are vital steps if you aspire to be a full-time writer one day.

You Lack Ideas

If you’re struggling for ideas, then you’re probably not reading enough. If you’re an aspiring fiction writer, you should read more novels or short stories. If you want to be a blogger or non-fiction writer, you need to do more research. Dedicating hours to research is key if you want to be a great aspiring writer in your chosen field. Reading and research will also give you plenty of ideas to work with, so you won’t be in danger of running out.

Ballpen on notebook for aspiring writers

You Forget Things

Some famous writers (like Stephen King, for example) claim that they never make notes. Well, this is all well and good, but most of us forget a lot of things if we don’t write them down. Once you’ve got your research time mapped out, be sure to take careful notes for any upcoming pieces of writing. You don’t want to start a project only to realize you’ve forgotten your point. 

If you’re going to be a writer, you don’t need to rely entirely on written notes. You can sketch your ideas, try a bullet journal, or create a Pinterest board of visual reminders. Musical cues can also work well, for example, if a song reminds you of a certain character or scene. Be creative – there are plenty of things to try!


If you look up the aspiring writer definition, you will find people who struggle with these things on a daily basis. Writing is hard, but that’s what makes it rewarding. Let go of your fear and start to hone your skills today!

Final Call: Are you an aspiring writer? What do you want to write? Have you made a living from your writing? Share your tips in the comments!

Author’s Bio: 

Jeremy Ambrose is a fiction writer, blogger, and freelance content researcher. He lives in London and runs creative writing courses at the University of London. He also writes young adult novels in his spare time.

About the Author

Mike Beatty has built a passive income online whilst working as a full-time PE teacher without any marketing or technical experience. Learn more about how he's done it here.

Mike Beatty

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