June 3, 2022

Lion Zeal SEO Academy Review: Knowing More About This SEO Course’s Effectiveness and Sustainability

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Oftentimes, SEO is seen as something quite technical that only professionals can do. 

Though there are tons of layers of SEO from basic to quite advanced, it’s certainly possible for every person in business to learn the basics. Whenever you commit to it, the results are amazing. 

So, how do you learn SEO? Well, you can always join an SEO course. SEO courses provide a lot of benefits. This includes a structured way to learn SEO, learn when it is convenient for you, they’re extremely affordable, and you can learn at your own pace. 

However, you shouldn’t be fooled. There are thousands of SEO courses out there from many so-called “experts”. 

These “experts” often have no idea what they’re talking about. Still, they charge high prices for basic SEO knowledge. 

This is where Lion Zeal SEO Academy comes in.

Unlike other courses out there, the Lion Zeal SEO Academy is an excellent course. Below, I’m going to explain why.

Let us take a look at this review if this one is a legit way to make money online or just another scam.

This Lion Zeal SEO Academy review has been thoroughly researched with information and testimonials that are available online to anyone in the public. Any conclusions drawn by myself are opinions.

Lion Zeal SEO Academy Review

The overview and rankings

Name: Lion Zeal SEO Academy

Founder: Daryl Rosser

Type: SEO course

Price: $1,000 subscription (currently $500 because of 50% discount)

Best for: Beginners in the digital marketing SEO business who wants to further increase their skills in the digital niche.

Lion Zeal SEO Academy Pros

  • Beginner-friendly
  • Many link building ideas

Lion Zeal SEO Academy Cons

  • Course is too short for $1,000
  • Lacks regular updates
  • No refunds available


Lion Zeal SEO Academy is an SEO Course that teaches all the things you need to know when it comes to starting and managing a digital marketing SEO business.

Make Time Online Rating: 

40 out of 100 

Recommended: No

What is Lion Zeal SEO Academy about?

Lion Zeal SEO Academy is an online SEO course.

This program will teach you why it’s better to set up a digital marketing business instead of an SEO agency. 

One of the best things about this course is that it’s beginner-friendly. Thus, if you don’t have any idea about SEO, this course is your best bet.

With Lion Zeal SEO Academy, you will learn the basics of SEO. In addition to that, you’ll also learn how to start a digital marketing business that will help you earn 6 figures in no time. 

Still, you need to keep in mind that SEO is an extremely time-consuming project. Just because you joined this course does not mean you’ll immediately earn money. 

You will still have to be patient. If you want to be successful in this industry, you can follow the tips and tricks that Lion Zeal SEO Academy teaches you. 

Let us then know the person who started this all...

Who is Daryl Rosser?

For those who don’t know, the author of Lion Zeal SEO Academy is Daryl Rosser.

So, who is he? Is he another so-called “expert” in SEO or is he really a professional in the industry?

Many years ago, Daryl Rosser used to sell a course called “Agency Immersion”. It was a 10-module course that focused on teaching how to scale, manage, and start an SEO Agency.

Today, he is now the author of “Get Clients, Get Paid”. 

Daryl started digital marketing when he was still 17 years old. He earned 6 figures by simply selling SEO in various forms. This includes link services, consulting, and freelance SEO.

Daryl is also featured on websites such as SEJournal and Ahrefs. He is even spoken at the Chiang Mai SEO conference. Thus, you can guarantee that Daryl is a true expert in SEO. 

Lion Zeal is Daryl’s blog. This is where he shares strategies and insights that he has learned about SEO throughout his experience in the industry. 

Furthermore, he also has a podcast called “The Lion Zeal Podcast”. In this podcast, he interviews other business owners who are professionals in various business models. This includes lead generation, affiliate marketing, and more. 

With more than 100 episodes, the podcast covers tons of topics.

This includes how to sell SEO, how to call a prospective client and make them your client, and more...

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How does Lion Zeal SEO Academy Work?

First of all, you need to know the primary goal of the course. It is to teach people how to establish a digital marketing business and avoid building an SEO agency.

Yes, you’ve read it right. An SEO Agency and digital marketing business are two different things. They are not the same. According to Daryl, the digital marketing business is a lot better. 

Of course, Daryl will explain in the course why digital marketing is better and why you should avoid starting an SEO agency.

I have mentioned earlier that Daryl used to sell a course that teaches people how to start and grow an SEO agency.

So, why did he change his mind?

Well, you will find out when you join the course. 

Aside from that, you will also learn tips on how to be efficient when it comes to digital marketing.

You can know more about this course from this short 3-minute video...

Daryl will explain why you should focus on several high-paying clients rather than taking on more than you can handle...

Inside Lion Zeal SEO Academy

Lion Zeal SEO Academy consists of 35 lessons in total.

According to a couple of reviews, you can complete the whole program in 15 hours and 9 minutes.

The great thing about this is that you can learn at your own pace. This means that you don’t have to worry about your schedule. 

It does not matter if you need several weeks to finish the course as long as you are learning and applying what you’ve learned in real life. 

Module 1: Business Setup

In this module, you will learn how to launch your business. Daryl will also teach you how to properly price your service so that it won’t be too cheap or too expensive.

Aside from that, you will also learn how to create a core service. This is the main service that you’ll offer to your clients. 

Daryl will also teach you how to discover your niche and understand it. You’ll learn the value approach and how to achieve 6 figures through consulting.

Module 2: Sales

In this module, you will learn more about digital marketing sales, how to find prospective clients, and much more.

Daryl will also give tips and tricks on how to create a proposal for your clients and how to close a deal.

You will also learn how to set clear expectations and how to follow up with your client after a deal. 

Module 3: Outreach

In this module, you will learn about outreach marketing and how to write it effectively. You will also learn how to create a system, find leads, follow up, and how to operate them.

Lastly, you will also learn how to measure results in this module. 

Module 4: Client Management

In this course, Daryl will share with you some of the most common reasons why clients choose to leave. He will also teach you how to prevent it from happening. 

You will also learn how to report your progress to your clients, how to establish an excellent relationship, maximize client referrals, and upsell your clients.

Lastly, Daryl will also teach you how to properly end a client relationship so that your reputation will still improve even after losing them. 

Module 5: Fulfillment

In this course, you will learn how to scale your digital marketing business to 6-figures. You’ll also learn how to leverage services, how to hire freelancers, how to automate your process, and more.

Daryl will also share with you some tips on how to improve your skills over time. He will also teach you how to manage every project efficiently. 

Lastly, you will also learn more about profit margins. 

Check out this 14-minute video that talks more about this course...

How to Join Lion Zeal SEO Academy?

Now that you know the things that you’ll learn when you buy this program, you’ll probably be wondering how you can join it.

Well, fortunately for you, it is quite easy.

First, you need to visit their main website. You can do this by searching “Lion Zeal” on Google and clicking on the first result.

Once you’re on their website, click on the “Products” button found in the upper right corner of the page. This will open up another tab. 

On this tab, you will be given three options. You can choose the “Get Clients, Get Paid”, “SEO Accelerator”, and “1 Hour Consultation”. In this case, click on the “Get Clients, Get Paid”.

After that, another tab will open and it will lead you to the purchase page of the course.

Click on the “Buy Now” button and fill-up the form.

Then, you’re good to go...

Lion Zeal SEO Academy cost to join

The original price of the program is $1,000.

This will give you access to all of the modules in the course. 

Keep in mind that this is a one-time purchase. This means that you can have access to this program forever. You don’t have to worry about monthly fees. 

Luckily, Daryl is offering a huge discount of 50%.

If you purchase the course today, you will only pay $500.

This is a huge discount. You should get it before it’s too late...

Lion Zeal SEO Academy reviews online

The SEO Blueprint of Glen Allsopp is a course that mainly focuses on SEO.

It teaches innovative methods to optimize and create links and content. 

However, is it any good? The only way to know this is to read reviews from people who have tried it.

Common positive Lion Zeal SEO Academy reviews

  • Very useful information
  • Credible creator

The following comments below are the common positive reviews you’ll find online:

“Love this one! Changed my life. I used to make $2500 a month. Now, I have 10+ clients paying me that much every month. I used to work 16 hours days and slave for a $4000 a month and now I work 30m days and make way more!”

“I’ve taken a lot of courses, and not only does Daryl provide the best material I’ve seen, but he really cares about his students’ success which is a total difference maker. I got my first two first clients for $6,800 per month. Now I have one client who gave me four his businesses and is paying me $7,750/m. That’s one client”

Common negative Lion Zeal SEO Academy reviews

  • Expensive
  • Not worth the price
  • Short coverage

And here are the best negative reviews I seen:

“After watching so many videos like "how I got started on SEO" "how to find a job as SEO" "how to answer in an interview for SEO jobs" I've realized this course really needs to focus on what people wants to hear. We want to learn SEO not how someone got started on SEO!”

“Unfortunately, this wasn't what I expected from the course. Maybe since I didn't take specialization but I feel that this course was too theoretical. I understand the history of SEO but I'm not confident how useful it'll be in real-life/commercial sense.”

Is Lion Zeal SEO Academy a scam?

The short answer is no.

Lion Zeal SEO Academy is not a scam at all.

It’s a real course that contains real lessons from a real expert. 

You can only call something a scam when you pay for it and you did not get anything from it. That is not the case with this course.

With Lion Zeal SEO Academy, you will have a high chance of becoming very successful in the SEO industry if you follow the lessons and apply everything you learn from the course.

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Lion Zeal SEO Academy pros

Here are some of the best things that I like about Lion Zeal SEO Academy...

#1 Beginner-friendly

One of the best things about this course is that it has a lot of link building ideas that are useful for practical SEO and digital marketing.

This comes in very handy when it comes to getting higher rankings for your online business.

If you’re in for the long haul, then this course’s link building ideas are top notch.

#2 Many link building ideas

Another nice thing about this course is that it is very beginner-friendly.

You won’t have to worry about complicated terms and complex processes because all of the things about SEO are discussed here in the simplest way possible...

Lion Zeal SEO Academy cons

And here are the red flags that I found in Lion Zeal SEO Academy, of which you should also take note of...

#1 Course is too short for $1,000

Getting to pay $1,000 for this course is just too much.

This is because the course is too short for this expensive price.

There are many other courses out there that offer a lower price for much more content...

#2 Lacks regular updates

The course is outdated, especially that Google always ges new algorithmic updates.

This is a red flag if you want to ensure utmost effectiveness in your SEO and digital marketing campaign.

#3 No refunds available

Yes, you read that right.

There are no refunds available.

This is why you might worry about not getting what you deserve with your payment because you’ll never know if it’s effective for your SEO business and digital marketing campaign or not...

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My opinion - Lion Zeal SEO Academy

Lion Zeal SEO Academy is a great course. In fact, it’s one of the few courses that will help you start and grow a digital marketing business. 

Some people might call this course a scam. However, those people are the ones who thought they could immediately earn 6 figures after joining the program.

However, keep in mind that it takes a lot of time before you can see the results of SEO. This course is not made to help you immediately become rich.

It is created to guide you through the process and help you become successful over time. 

So, here's what I think about its business opportunity...

Always remember that scams are often disguised as opportunities. One has to stay vigilant especially if money is involved.

How I make passive income online

In 2018 I had no idea what affiliate marketing was. 

Once I learnt about it, it just seemed like a great business model that can grow over time using the power of the internet. 

So I tried to figure it out by myself... that got me nowhere fast.

Then I fell for some terrible online scams. 

But eventually, I found Wealthy Affiliate. It teaches long-term proven strategies to build an online business with all the tools & support needed. 

And this happened...

Make Time Online Income

Once you learn the process of getting thousands of people to find your website every month (for free) there really is not limit to what you can achieve online. 

I've reviewed hundreds of courses or programs that claim to help people make money online. And I've spoken to dozens of 6-7 figure online entrepreneurs on my podcast.

This is by far the best place I've seen to help beginners get set up on the right foot. You can read my full Wealthy Affiliate review here (including the pros and cons!) 

Or you can watch an insiders video I made that explains exactly how it works here.  

Mike PE teacher to Passive Income Online

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