If you've been on the internet for quite a while, chances are, you've seen or heard about Tai Lopez. He is well-known for his courses and social media programs that focus on how to turn your life around.
Tai is currently one of the top social influencers in the country. He has connections with many entrepreneurs through Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube.
But despite all of his success, his shady and questionable marketing strategies have also tarnished his reputation. He is notorious for attracting people by showing his wealth and his “get rich quick” schemes.
All of this begs the question, "is he a scammer?" Is Tai Lopez legit and offers a legit way to make money online, or just some con artist who makes money by tricking people into buying his course?
All of these questions will be answered in this honest review...
This Tai Lopez review has been thoroughly researched with information and testimonials that are available online to anyone in the public. Any conclusions drawn by myself are opinions.
Tai Lopez Review
The overview and rankings
Name: Tai Lopez
Founder: Tai Lopez
Type: Business and motivational courses
Price: $49/month
Best for: Anyone who wants to be motivated to earn good money online

Tai Lopez is a digital marketer who has online courses and talks that discuss about financial freedom and keys to success.
Make Time Online Rating: 30 out of 100
Recommended: No
What is Tai Lopez about?
Tai Lopez is a controversial online marketer who’s shady marketing techniques leave nothing to be desired.
Best known for his controversial YouTube ad, Tai currently runs his own website. It is here where he sells all of his courses. If you've bought any of his courses, you would already know where we're heading in this review...

Tai Lopez and his reputation as an online marketing guru has been shady as of late. He runs numerous ads on social media and sells courses that promise to make you wealthy and successful.
However, the catch is that it’s through questionable techniques that you wouldn’t want to replicate...
His course, especially Social Media Secrets, had some great points. However, I did find things that I didn’t like in Tai’s course and his overall behavior towards marketing.
Check out this 3-minute video of Tai Lopez that went viral...
Let us then know more about this guy...
Who is Tai Lopez?
Tai Lopez rose to prominence in 2015. With clever marketing tactics, he quickly became one of the top marketers on the internet.
His YouTube Channel currently has 1.1 million subscribers, which is great. However, the content that he shares on his social media accounts is the reason why people think he’s a scammer.
He is notorious for making promises on wealth and success yet has not revealed specific details on how he made his fortune. He hasn't even disclosed how much money he has.
I understand that you need to keep your finances private. However, I also felt like he could've made his courses more believable if he showed some of his actual numbers.

In his early 20s, Tai was broke and sleeping on a couch. That's when he went through the Yellow Pages (the traditional one) and saw an ad about an insurance company.
He though someone who can afford to run an ad that large must be rich and successful.
He went to see the company's founder in-person and asked to work for free as long as this person taught him everything he knows. Tai claimed that the man said he had been waiting 40 years for someone like him.
Tai worked for the company and instantly became the most popular employee. He posted record-breaking sales numbers throughout his tenure there. He was among the first to use and leverage Google AdWords, which was incredibly cheap during this time.
He later quit the company to run a salsa nightclub. Unfortunately, it was too taxing that he had to switch to a new business. He turned towards online dating sites. His exposure to the online scene allowed him to create various courses, coaching programs, and agencies later on.
Today, he runs an online company where he sells training courses that teach people how to achieve his signature line, "health, wealth, love, and happiness."
How does Tai Lopez Work?
Tai Lopez currently sells training programs on his website, www.TaiLopez.com.
He currently sells these four training programs:
- Social Media Secrets
- Fundamentals of Investing
- The 67 Steps
- VIP Lifestyle Training
Once you've made your purchase, you will gain access whatever course you purchased.
These courses are a collection of videos, audio books, and other resources. It will show you Tai’s ideas and concepts about what it takes to achieve success...
Inside Tai Lopez
Social Media Secrets Program
This training program shows you how you can build a social media following and make money by promoting yourself.
Tai Lopez has a significant following on social media, which he uses to influence people and encourage them to buy his courses.

Fundamentals of Investing
In this training program, Tai will teach you how to turn any investable asset into passive income. Tai Lopez claims that you will learn how to choose the right types of investment by using his strategies. At the same time, you will also learn how to invest and maximize the profits you make.
The 67 Steps
This training program shows you the secrets that prominent people use to reach success in their fields. Tai promises to show you his "cheat codes" that will help you win in life.
VIP Lifestyle Training Program
In this program, you will get 10-minute video training about everything you wanted to learn about marketing and social media influencing. Tai will train your mind and body while getting advice from some of the world's top experts.
But also note that there are many other similar courses out there just like:
- 123 Affiliate Marketing
- Amazon Affiliate Marketing + SEO
- Affiliate Marketing In One Day - Udemy
- Free Affiliate Marketing Courses - Skillshare
- The Complete Beginners Bootcamp To Affiliate Marketing
- Learn how to Build High-Quality Affiliate Websites
- Clickbank Success: Affiliate Marketing Without A Website - Udemy
Check out this 21-minute video of him talking about success and financial freedom...
Tai Lopez cost to join
Again, each course is sold separately. Here are the current prices on each of his training programs:
Social Media Secrets
This one isn't available on his website as of the moment. The option you have is to join the waitlist. However, it is available on other websites like SeekCourse and Kick Marketers. The original price is at $497.00, but it's currently available for just $57.00.
Fundamentals of Investing
This course currently has a special offer of $1 for three days. Then, you'll need to pay $9 per month until you cancel your subscription.
The 67 Steps
This course also has the same special offer of $1 for three days. Then, you'll need to pay $7 per month until you cancel your subscription. Reviews were claiming that 67 Steps also has a lifetime access fee of $37. However, I wasn't able to confirm it on the actual product landing page.
VIP Lifestyle Training
This training program is currently in its 'beta' stage. You can get access to it by entering your name and email. Tai will announce its actual price during this course's official release.
Tai Lopez monthly cost
Only two of Tai's training programs have monthly payments.
These are:
- Fundamentals of Investing at $9 per month.
- The 67 Steps at $7 per month.
Again, these also have a promo of $1 for the first three days before the actual monthly cost kicks in...
Tai Lopez reviews online
Tai Lopez is a digital marketer who has online courses and talks that discuss about financial freedom and keys to success.
But what you really like to know is if his online presence really works...
Common positive Tai Lopez reviews
If you search 'Tai Lopez' on Google, you will get reviews and feedback from people who have tried his course.
Unfortunately, many are unhappy about him. However, I went through the majority of the reviews and did find a few positive thoughts:
"Tai Lopez markets his Social Media Marketing Program pretty well, and I give him props for that."
"This man seems to have a lot of knowledge who will make you think about life from a different perspective. His talks about the importance of success, recognizing your weaknesses, and giving back to your community are all great topics to share with his huge following."
Common negative Tai Lopez reviews
Many claim that his marketing approach is a "get rich quick" scheme. That alone is already a major red flag when it comes to online marketing courses. His manner of flaunting his wealth and luxury in his videos also scream "scam" in many people's eyes.
With that said, here are some of the notable negative reviews about Tai Lopez:
"Tai Lopez gets a bad rap, but it's mostly his fault. While Tai has certainly been successful, by playing into the get rich quick guru stereotype, he has been able to attract swaths of detractors.
"The rented houses, the Lamborghinis, and the flaunting of other luxuries are all reminiscent of the tacky internet marketing con-men of the past."
"There are flaws in his business model. This getting rich in a quick way has existed for a long time and usually ends up being a scam."
Then, there are complaints about the actual courses:
"Just don't ask for your refund because they won't give your money back, even if it's within 30 days. They will string you along, giving you time frames they won't meet. I'm still waiting for mine."
"I purchased one course from Tai Lopez in the past, which was ok. Therefore, I keep getting 2-3 random charges on my credit card every year. I lose so much time trying to figure this out every time this happens, and that is annoying."
"Felt like we didn't get as much value out of the course. I think it was more hype than anything else."
Is Tai Lopez a scam?
I don’t want to join the bandwagon of people calling Tai a "scammer." However, I also can't ignore his shady marketing antics.
To his credit, he is quite smart in his words and can offer some good insight about social media marketing and influencing.
However, I think he is trying to trick people into buying his course by showcasing his lavish lifestyle...
Tired of expensive crappy Affiliate Marketing courses? Check out how I make money online here!
Tai Lopez pros
#1 Smart and knowledgeable
Again, I will give props to him and his knowledge...
The man does know what he is saying, and he markets himself well...
Tai Lopez cons
#1 Flawed business model
Tai's business philosophies and overall behavior aren't as desirable, and I wouldn't recommend them. I have zero problems with people showing off their wealth on the internet.
However, doing so for the purpose of getting people to buy a course that doesn’t hold true to its promise is a different story.
Tai shot himself on the foot when he showcased his wealth while saying, "he's more into knowledge than possession."
Him showing off his richness while saying he's more into knowledge than materialistic things is the most ironic thing you'll ever hear...
#2 Questionable marketing scheme
The entire "get rich quick" marketing idea isn't new.
Many fraudsters have used it before to trick people into spending their money on their bogus products.
Sadly, Tai Lopez is doing the very same thing...
#3 Inconsistent principle
Again, this goes back to his behavior and business strategies.
He has been showcasing many expensive possessions on social media in the past few years...
This behavior goes against his supposed philosophy of knowledge over possessions.
Many people are quick to criticize him for this inconsistency. Unfortunately, there's nothing else to blame here other than Tai himself...
My opinion - Tai Lopez
If I gave Tai Lopez a grade, He would get a D+.
Yes, the man is smart and knowledgeable, something that many people would admire...
But talking about how effective and helpful his words can get in helping you succeed?...
His marketing scheme and overall principles are too inconsistent and ironic to be believable.
His courses are just about him speaking his mind, yet he encourages people to buy his course like it's the best thing ever...
Unfortunately, it's not, and it's the reason why I do not recommend you buy any of Tai Lopez's courses.
You could save money by opting for the free content available on YouTube instead...
How I make passive income online
In 2018 I had no idea what affiliate marketing was.
Once I learnt about it, it just seemed like a great business model that can grow over time using the power of the internet.
So I tried to figure it out by myself... that got me nowhere fast.
Then I fell for some terrible online scams.
But eventually, I found Wealthy Affiliate. It teaches long-term proven strategies to build an online business with all the tools & support needed.
And this happened...
Once you learn the process of getting thousands of people to find your website every month (for free) there really is not limit to what you can achieve online.
I've reviewed hundreds of courses or programs that claim to help people make money online. And I've spoken to dozens of 6-7 figure online entrepreneurs on my podcast.
This is by far the best place I've seen to help beginners get set up on the right foot. You can read my full Wealthy Affiliate review here (including the pros and cons!)
Or you can watch an insiders video I made that explains exactly how it works here.