May 21, 2021

Is SimplyFun a Scam? Sell Kids Toys to Earn Millions? Or Just Another Pyramid Scheme in Disguise?

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Searching for an additional source of income is what many of us are doing right now.

And in your search, you must have stumbled across this MLM called SimplyFun. It sounds nice, enticing, and legit, and so... you’ve wondered…

Is SimplyFun a scam? No, it is not.

It is a legit MLM that sells board games and other toys for kids, while also allowing you to make money from selling and recruiting.

So does this mean that it’s a legit opportunity to make money from home?

This SimplyFun review is going to answer that question with utmost accuracy, and show you a deep dive into this MLM along with photos, videos, and the unbiased pros and cons of this company...

SimplyFun Review

The overview and rankings

Name: SimplyFun

Founder: Jennifer Wiechman

Type: Toy MLM

Products (Including Pricing): 

Success Stories: 20/100

Price To Join MLM:

$49 to $139 subscription + $83/month

Is SimplyFun a Scam: Logo

What to look for in a MLM:

  • Low start-up fee & maintenance cost
  • High-quality affordable products
  • You don’t have to carry inventory
  • An affiliate-like system 
  • Generous compensation plan
  • Company is in the early momentum phase

SimplyFun Pros

  • Positive product reviews
  • Operating for a long time

SimplyFun Cons

  • Expensive products
  • Hidden monthly expenses
  • Pyramid scheme in disguise?


SimplyFun is an MLM which sells board games and other toys for kids. They also have a business program where anyone can become members to sell their products and recruit people to gain commissions from downlines.

Make Time Online Rating: 20 out of 100 

Recommended: No

What is SimplyFun?

SimplyFun is a Multi-Level-Marketing that sells CBD board games, toys, and other educational products for kids..

It was founded in 2004 by Jennifer Wiechman, an entrepreneur, who wanted to provide an educational platform for children through selling various products and toys, which they say help speed up the mental development of kids.

They also say that they are a skills-focused company that doesn't just create mere toys, but produce educational and valuable materials for children to grow up properly

Check this 1-minute video about the company...

Now that you know about them, it's now time to ask yourself...

Is SimplyFun a pyramid scheme?

SimplyFun is not a pyramid scheme.

This is because their members can earn mooney by selling their toys and educational board game products without recruiting people into the company.

But even though the recruitment process is not the main focus of this MLM, it is still worth asking…

Is SimplyFun a pyramid scheme in disguise?

What is a pyramid scheme?

A company that promises payment to members for recruiting more people into the company rather than selling a product or service. 

You can have a better look as to what these pyramid schemes are from this Wikipedia diagram below...

Here is a 5-minute video you can watch to know more about spotting these mischievous pyramid schemes...

But why do many people say?...

Success is rare with SimplyFun

Being successful inside an MLM is not that easy. The same goes to HealX Nutrition.

Take note that statistics say that around 72.5% and 99.9% of MLM members are losing money.

92.3 Percent of Members Lose Money in MLMs

This happens because of the sales quota these companies require their members so they can stay active and earn commissions and bonuses.

If they can't achieve the required sales quota, then they have no choice but to just buy the products for themselves just for the sake of staying active.

This is why MLM members lose a lot of money before they can recruit...

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How does SimplyFun Work?

SimplyFun sells board games, toys, and other educational products for children in the hope of supporting their growth and development.

They also offer a business opportunity to members who sell their products for commissions. It sounds enticing and nice because everyone seems to make money.

But the fact is that SimplyFun merely avoids the huge marketing costs of marketing campaigns!

They do this because they simply just let the members do all the hard work in terms of promotions and marketing.

SimplyFun products

If you are really passionate about trying the MLM for yourself. Then the most logical thing to do is to know their offerings.

SimplyFun's focus is selling board games and various educational toys to children.

Here are some of their best-selling products:

  • Board games ($34 to $36) - Comes in various themes, characters, and game rules. But all are aimed at improving childrens' memory, analysis and critical thinking skills.
  • Card games ($50 to $60) - Comes in a variety of themes, shapes, and designs. These are aimed to improve the analysis, critical thinking skills, and social skills of children.
Is SimplyFun a Scam: Products

This is a bit unique because MLMs usually sell health and wellness products, and not toys!

Well, that's a nice thing because it shows that SimplyFun is a rare find.

They also have their flagship product which you can learn more below...

SimplyFun flagship product

Reel Script ($32) - A board game which trains children on how to improve their grammar, verbal and writing skills, and creativity, as they can create their own script, just like how directors do it.

Is SimplyFun a Scam: Flagship

Sounds nice for your kiddos, huh?

Well, learn more about their other products from this 4-minute video...

You might then ask...

Can you make money with SimplyFun?

Yes, you can make money from this company. But it’s not that easy! In fact, it's hard to make money from SimplyFun.

Although they might not have a sales quota, the company’s products are already very saturated because there are a lot of other CBD MLMs out there. The products are even expensive.

The only way you can make money is if you sell their products, which are toys and board games. But note that there are already a lot of other places which sell cheaper toys out there. You can also only make money if you recruit people, which is also a bit difficult...

How to make money with SimplyFun

There are 2 main ways that SimplyFun members can make money from this company.

And that is by:

  • Selling SimplyFun products
  • Recruiting members to join your downlines

It's also important to note that members can only earn good money from sales their downline members make and not from the recruiting process.

That's just how the company avoids the authorities from labelling them as a pyramid scheme because they don't recruit directly.

How much does it cost to join SimplyFun?

There are 2 options if you want to join Simply Fun.

These are:

  • Signature Kit ($49)
  • Premium Kit (138)

The first option is the more popular one because it's more affordable, but they limit the features you can get from it. You can then get more features and products if you choose the more expensive package.

You can learn more about that here:

Is SimplyFun a Scam: Costs

Now that you have a grasp on what you're most likely to spend on, let's then know how much you're going to cash out monthly...

SimplyFun monthly cost

They don't have any monthly quota.

But they do have a quota where you have to sell $250 worth of products every 3 month.

So that translates to $83 per month. And that's just one way of saying that you should sell $83 worth of products monthly.

Not good...

Is SimplyFun a Scam: Monthly

This is one of the biggest turnoffs because this is where you're going to lose money, knowing that there's no guarantee of success...

SimplyFun compensation plan

SimplyFun offers are 4 ways to pay their members using their compensation plan.

These are:

  • Sales commissions - Commissions earned from personal sales
  • Personal Bonus - Commissions for the entire month. This is around 10% of total monthly sales.
  • Personal Sponsoring Bonus - This ranges from 2-4% depending on your rank. It is a bonus that comes from the sales of your recruits.
  • Team Bonus - This is easily one of the most lucrative parts of the compensation plan. Here you earn from the sales of people you recruited in, people they recruited in, and so on.
Is SimplyFun a Scam: Compensation

Confused? Well, don't worry because what you're just doing is:

  • Sell their products
  • Recruit people to become downlines

You can also check out this 3-minute video about their compensation plan...

Or you can find the full compensation plan here

Is SimplyFun a scam?

SimplyFun is not a scam.

The MLM sells quality and legit educational games for kids. Their members are also paid just right.

But some are disappointed from the fact that they’re not making much money because they sell overpriced products in a market that's targeted towards children.

This is the reason why many call the company a scam. But I'll go further through this in the next section below...

Just to be fully transparent with you, I am not a distributor myself and I do not endorse it in any way.

I have researched the website, testimonials and information on the Internet to get to the bottom of what this program genuinely does. This is because I have been burnt from programs just like this in the past and I want to prevent others from making the same mistakes. If you’d like to learn how to “Spot an Online Marketing Scam” then click the highlighted text.

Tired of MLMs? Check out how I make money online here!

What I like about SimplyFun

There are a few things that I like about this MLM, though.

Key Terms:

  • Pyramid Scheme – recruits members via a promise for payment from recruiting others into the company rather than providing a product
  • Affiliate Marketing- Connecting a customer to a product they are looking for and receiving a commission for doing so
  • Red Flag - A warning sign

#1 Positive product reviews

The first thing I like about SimplyFun is that they've got loads of quality products that really help children develop their thinking skills.

Is SimplyFun a Scam: Pros

These are needed very much today because most kids are already hooked up too much on their screens.

#3 Operating for a long time

Another nice thing about SimplyFun is that it's been operating since 2004.

This means that they've been in the business of selling toys and other educational products for kids for more than a decade and a half! There's no way this company is going to go bankgrupt knowing that it's already made a solid fan base.

What I don't like about SimplyFun

Then there are the things that I don't like...

#1 Expensive products

First off is that they sell expensive "toys." Just compare these similar toys and board games I found in Amazon...

Is SimplyFun a Scam: Cons

There's just a lot of other options out there that's cheaper and is of the same or even better quality! So, why settle for the more exensive ones?

#2 Hidden monthly expenses

There's a good chance that you'll spend at least $83 a month if you want to become an active member.

This is because you sell at least $83 worth of products a month.

f you can't, then you end up buying it for yourself!

#3 Is SimplyFun a pyramid scheme in disguise?

Yes, you can make money by selling SimplyFun products. But you won’t make lots of them if you don’t recruit.

Here is how their system looks like...

MLM pyramid scheme

So basically, what's happening is that the more people you recruit, the higher chances of you making more money

It's all about recruitment at the end of the day. Hence, we can call the company as a pyramid scheme in disguise...

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My opinion - SimplyFun

Here are my two final words for this company...

There is no doubt that SimplyFun is a legit company. They have quality products aimed at improving the skills of children. They also pay their members right.

But you do this even if you already know that you're just making commissions out of recruitment.

There's just a lot of better business opportunity options out there that will make you better money...

How I make passive income online

MLMs are not scams or illegal. However, I'm not a fan of them because of the restrictions to the expensive products you have to promote.

Once I learnt about affiliate marketing, I realised it's a far superior business model because:

  • You can promote anything you want and truly own the business
  • You never need to sell to friends and family
  • It's completely free to start

In 2018 I had no idea what affiliate marketing was.

But I went from a full time PE teacher to making a passive income online within one year...

Mike PE teacher to Passive Income Online

If you want to discover how I did it then check out this special video I created which explains exactly how. You can also get your free 7-day bootcamp to get started.

Make Time Online Income

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