January 25, 2022

Is Scentsy A Pyramid Scheme? Don’t Sign Up Until You Read This!

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You've probably been invited to a "candle home party" or been told about this great "work from home" opportunity called Scentsy. But deep down you're still wondering... is Scentsy just a pyramid scheme or a scam?

I'm not going to drag this out for you. Scentsy is a legit company with a legit business model. 

However, it may not be as great as the person who introduced it to you made it out to be. 

This unbiased Scentsy review, with videos, will reveal the pros and cons of joining to let you make an informed decision if it's right for you or not.

Scentsy Review

The overview and rankings

Name: Scentsy

Founders: Heidi & Orville Thompson in 2004

Website URL: scentsy.com

Type: Home-care and Personal care MLM

Products (Including Pricing): 20 out of 100

Success Stories: 5 out of 100

Price To Join MLM: $99 to start

$150 products every quarter  

$10/ month website maintenance (70 out of 100)

What To Look For In An MLM:

  • Low start-up fee & maintenance cost
  • High-quality affordable products
  • You don’t have to carry inventory
  • An affiliate-like system 
  • Generous compensation plan
  • Company is in the early momentum phase

Scentsy Pros

  • Consultants support
  • Money-back guarantee
  • Member of DSA

Scentsy Cons

  • Scentsy is not natural
  • Expensive products
  • Pyramid scheme in disguise?
  • Low success rate
  • You don't own a business 

Maketimeonline.com Rating: 32 out of 100 

What is Scentsy?

Scentsy is a Multi-Level-Marketing company that sells fragrance products to make your home smell delicious. 

Their main product is the Scentsy wax bars and warmers...

We'll dig into these a bit more later in this Scentsy review. But the part you are probably interested in is the opportunity to make money from home. 

The 1-minute promotional video below explains a bit more about this opportunity from Scentsy consultants...

Now, you're smart enough to know that these are just a select few individuals who obviously love the company and were happy to be a part of this promotional video.

So the question you still want answered is... 

Is Scentsy a pyramid scheme?

Technically, no.

Scentsy is not a pyramid scheme.

It's possible for Scentsy consultants to sell Scentsy products and earn a commission for doing so.

However, is it possible to work full time from home by just selling the products?


For that reason Scentsy could easily be viewed as a "pyramid scheme in disguise".

What is a pyramid scheme?

A pyramid scheme promises to pay members an income for recruiting more people into the program. Technically, no products or services are sold in an outright pyramid scheme. 

These are illegal in most countries because they are unsustainable and impossible for everyone to make money. 

Just see the diagram below...

Not all MLM companies are pyramid schemes as they usually will offer some legit products or services. 

However, some MLM companies "hide behind" their products to make themselves seem legit, but actually the only way consultants can make any good money is by recruiting more people. 

Hence... a pyramid scheme in disguise. 

Scentsy's true colours will be revealed later in this Scentsy review. For now, you can learn more about what to look out for in the 5-minute video below...

Success is rare with Scentsy

The other thing to be aware of before diving into any MLM program are the hard facts about consultants income.

It's been found in numerous studies that between 73% and 99% of all MLM representatives lose money (yeah, that means they don't even break even, let alone make money). 

However, not every MLM company is the same.

But as you will shortly find out, from Scentsy's previous income disclosures, they fall into the average MLM stats that exist. 

Before we get there let's understand more about the company.

Ready to make passive income online?

Hey, I'm Mike.

I created a passive income online within a year. I had no marketing skills or online experience when I started. 

How does Scentsy Work?

Scentsy makes nice smelling home-care products.

But rather than spending loads of money on advertising and marketing, they promote these products in a different way. 

They have thousands of  "consultants" promoting the products for them.

In return, these consultants (everyday people) can make money from commissions and bonuses. 

It's like a win-win...

Scentsy saves marketing costs and every day people can make money from home.

Scentsy products

Before you jump into any MLM company it's important to really understand the products (and wise to try them yourself).

Most MLM companies will have a "unique selling point" as they often sell products that are pretty common and very similar to things you can find elsewhere easily enough. 

Scentsy is no different. 

They have very common nice smelling household products.

Their flagship wax and warmer supposedly stand out compared to candles because:

  • They don't release carcinogens (can cause cancer) 
  • They're not a fire hazard

The warmers are safe and fill the room with a fragrance (there is a huge variety of smells including wood, bakery, floral, fruity etc.)

Here's Tristan (a Scentsy director) to explain the main product a bit more in 4 minutes...

But there are a whole range of other smelly products such as:

  • Laundry - Laundry liquid, scented softener, dryer disk, washer whiff, etc...
  • Cleaning - Kitchen soap, freshener, multipurpose kitchen cleaning spray, etc...
  • Personal Care - Bath bomb, body cream, body wash, hand cream, hand soap, lotion, etc...
  • Other accessories - Car bars, room spray, diffuser, essential oils

You can find the full range in the Scentsy shop. 

But also note that there are many other MLMs that are very similar with Scentscy such as:

How to make money with Scentsy

Ah yes, the section you've probably been waiting for. 

So let's get into it. 

There are 2 ways you can make money from Scentsy as a consultant:

  1. Sell their products and receive a commission
  2. Recruit more consultants into the company and get bonuses for their sales

This is pretty standard for most MLM's and Scentsy is no different. Before we break down the compensation plan you're probably wondering...

How much does it cost to join Scentsy?

It costs $99 to join Scentsy as a consultant.

Compared to most bricks and mortar businesses this is pretty amazing. Just to open a restaurant you'll be looking at overheads of tens of thousands of dollars, so you can certainly see the appeal to join a company like Scentsy for people looking to work from home. 

But the costs do not end there...

Scentsy monthly costs

You also need to pay $10 a month to keep your "online duplicated website" up and running.

It's pretty common for MLM programs to make their consultants have to reach a "monthly sales quota". If you don't hit this quota then you won't be paid. 

After doing some digging I found this...

So it seems like there used to be this requirement to sell $150 worth of products every 3 months. 

If you don't sell this amount then you will be "suspended" and can't receive any commission. 

This typically means consultants will need to buy these products themselves and end up with loads of additional products to store. 

However, I have found the up to date compensation plan and found this...

It seems like the "essential consultant" (what you start as) doesn't have any sales quota any more. 

Only when you  get "promoted" will you need to get 1,000 or 500 PRV (1 PRV is around $1) per month. 


Then I went onto the Scentsy main website and clicked the "join" tab just to check. And this is in the FAQ section...

So like so many MLM companies Scentsy makes it super confusing and complicated to know EXACTLY what you need to do to get started and what the monthly costs will be.

So here it is in simple terms from what I've found out from the research... 

Total cost for 1st year:

  • $99
  • $10 x 12
  • $150 x 4

Total 1 year cost = $819

Scentsy compensation plan

So the running costs and starting costs are not too bad. But now it's time to try and get your head around the overly complicated compensation plan. 

For some reason they make these harder to understand than solving a rubiks cube blindfolded.

Let's try to make it semi-understandable...

There are 10 ways you could get paid (according to them)...

  1. Commission (20-25% for each sale)
  2. Bonus from wholesale volume
  3. Frontline bonus TWV
  4. Frontline consultant bonus TWV
  5. Frontline star consultant bonus TWV
  6. Frontline superstar consultant bonus TWV
  7. Frontline director bonus TWV
  8. First generation direction TWV bonus
  9. Second generation direction TWV bonus
  10. Third generation direction TWV bonus

In fact, I'm not even going to try to explain this all because it's silly but you can check out the chart below to see what this all means.

When you cut through the crap you get the truth. I've already told you it as well. You can get paid for doing 2 things:

  1. Sell products
  2. Recruit people

You may get told that you don't make money by recruiting people. This is technically true as you get paid "bonuses" for sales your "downline" make. 

But here's the honest truth...

You can ONLY make good money from Scentsy by recruiting people into your downline.

Watch the 8 minute video below to see what I mean...

See the full Scentsy Compensation Plan here.

Is Scentsy a scam?

Technically no.

Scentsy is not a scam. They produce legit products and pay their consultants for selling products like they say they will.

However, just because it's legit (technically) it doesn't mean it's the best opportunity for you to make money from home.

The rest of this Scentsy review will help you to make an informed decision about if it's right for you or not. 

Just to be fully transparent with you, I am not a distributor myself and I do not endorse it in any way.

I have researched the website, testimonials and information on the Internet to get to the bottom of what this program genuinely does. This is because I have been burnt from programs just like this in the past and I want to prevent others from making the same mistakes.

Tired of MLMs? Check out how I make money online here!

What I like about Scentsy

So here are some of the good parts about Scentsy that I think are genuine reasons that make the company good. 

Key Terms:

  • Pyramid Scheme – recruits members via a promise for payment from referring others to the service rather than providing a product
  • Affiliate Marketing- Connecting a customer to a product they are looking for and receiving a commission for doing so
  • Red Flag - A warning sign

#1 Support for consultants

Many MLM's are pretty bad for this. 

The idea behind MLM's is great. Help people start their "own business" from home and create a supportive group of people to help them. 

But, in reality, they often get people to sign up and then leave them to their own devices. 

Here is what Scentsy offers you as a consultant though...

To be totally honest, it may sound a bit better than it really is. You're still pretty dependant on who your "personal sponsor" is. If you get a good one that understands internet marketing then it could be great. 

If not, you will probably fall into the typical example I just gave.

#2 Money-back guarantee

This is always a great sign. 

Some MLMs just produce average products that people don't really like. They make a quick buck and then hide and use "poor customer service" as their excuse not to refund them.

Scentsy offers a 30 day money back guarantee. This shows they believe in their products and is a sign that scentsy is not a scam. 

#3 Member of the DSA

This is also a great sign that Scentsy is not a scam or an outright pyramid scheme. 

The Direct Selling Association is a company that checks up on different "direct selling" (aka MLM/ network marketing) companies and makes sure they are not breaking any laws. 

If an MLM company is not registered with them, it could  be a signal that it is a scam. 

What I don't like about PRODUCT

OK, so here comes the real truth about Scentsy. 

Some of these you'll probably have guessed by now but some are just hidden from people until they are caught up in the spider's web. 

#1 Not all products are natural

So Scentsy makes a big fuss of their "natural products". This appears to be their unique selling point (USP) to make them stand out from the crowd. 

However, they don't make it clear when something isn't natural. Such as the flagship Scentsy bars...

As you can see their essential oils are "natural". Always a good selling point as they won't have harmful substances in them. 

But when you dig into the ingredients in other Scentsy products here's what you find...

Synthetic oils being used and "secret combination of ingredients". I'm not being funny, but how is anyone supposed to trust them or be able to sell them effectively when they don't even know what ingredients are in these "safe" products. 

There really is no reason why candle wax ingredients needs to be secret other than having something to hide.

Very suspicious.

#2 Expensive products

This is always the first thing I check for any MLM. 

It's a BIG RED FLAG for me that the products are massively overpriced compared to similar products. 

  • Scentsy wax = $2.08 per oz
  • Amazon = $0.75- $0.85 per oz

Why would anyone choose to pay 150%+ for a very similar highly rated product?

Oh yeah, I'll tell you why...

They are a consultant and they have to hit a sales quote every 3 months or they get chucked out of the company.

The company thrives by recruiting as many consultants as possible because they HAVE to sell Scentsy stuff.

If they don't sell it, they will need to buy it.

This leads onto...

#3 Scentsy acts like a pyramid scheme in disguise

The previous point is the biggest reason why Scentsy acts like a pyramid scheme in disguise.

The focus is not on selling products but recruiting people.

Still don't believe me?

Guess how many ways you can get paid by selling products as a consultant?


How many ways can you get paid by recruiting people?


Seriously jump back to the compensation plan above and count for yourself.

The ONLY way you can make good money is by RECRUITING PEOPLE.

#4 Only 1 out of 200 people make more than $15k a year

Knowing what you know now the Income Disclosure Statement probably won't be a surprise. 

But did you know that selling £100,000 worth of Scentsy products in a year would net you a massive...


Can you live off that amount of money? And take a guess at how easy it is to sell 6 figures of $5 products. 

Yeah not easy, it's around 20,000 wax products you'd need to sell in one year!

You can see from the income disclosure above that only 1 out of 200 consultants makes over $15k a year from Scentsy!

#5 You don't OWN a business

If all of this wasn't enough did you know that you won't even own the business. Check out this complaint from the Better Business Bureau.

If you don't hit your sales quota, or don't abide by Scentsy's rules, you can have your whole "business" shut down overnight. 

Your website is a replica that you don't control. 

You don't really own anything by becoming a Scentsy consultant. 

Ready to make passive income online?

I've created a growing passive income online with no previous marketing skills or online experience... 

I've made a special video for you to explain exactly how I did this. 

My opinion - Scentsy

I think you can probably guess what my opinion of Scentsy is.

But if you really like the products and you have some friends that like their home to smell nice you could earn a bit of pocket money each month. 

Every person is different and it may well suit your situation perfectly. 

However, it's simply not going to help you make anywhere near enough money to quit your full time job and work from home.

You are totally restricted to what you can sell and the ONLY way to make good money is by recruiting a lot of people into the company.

That's a true sign of a pyramid scheme in disguise.

How I make passive income online

Not all MLMs are terrible and I personally know some people that do very well from them. 

However, I much preferred the business model of affiliate marketing because:

  • You can promote anything you want and are in total control
  • You don't need to sell anything to your friends and family
  • You can start for free and the maintenance costs are very low

In 2018 I had no idea what affiliate marketing was. 

But I went from a full time PE teacher to making a passive income online within one year...

If you want to discover how I did it then check out this special video I created which explains exactly how. You can also get your free 7-day bootcamp to get started.

About the Author

Mike Beatty has built a passive income online whilst working as a full-time PE teacher without any marketing or technical experience. Learn more about how he's done it here.

Mike Beatty

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