March 30, 2021

Is Monat MLM a Scam? People Lose Their Hair & Money [Honest Review]

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You’ve probably had the opportunity to become a MONAT MLM representative.

Either someone has shown you the opportunity, or you’ve seen it online somewhere and are considering if it’s the right opportunity for you.

Most people think that creating a home business is super hard and impossible to know where to start. MONAT Global suggests they can provide you with the support and products you need to get set up.

This honest MONAT Global review, with videos, will show you exactly what to expect from the MLM program. This will help you to make an informed decision about whether it is right for you or not and reveal if MONAT Global is a scam.

MONAT Global Review- The Overview and Rankings

  • Name: MONAT Global
  • Founder: Luis Urdaneta & Family in 2014 (50 out of 100)
  • Website URL:
  • Type: Hair Care MLM/ Multi-Level-Marketing Company
  • Success Stories: 10 out of 100
  • Products: 10 out of 100
  • Price: $99 for the starting pack + $49.95/ Year (+ products)
  • Rating: 23 out of 100

MONAT Global MLM Review: Pros and Cons


  • MONAT Global started well
  • They received some awards
  • It’s not a pyramid scheme


  • Overpriced and poor quality products
  • So many bad reviews
  • Poor support
  • Multiple lawsuits filed against the company
  • Has a poor reputation on the media
  • You can buy the same products for cheaper on Amazon

What Does MONAT Global Do?

MONAT stands for “Modern Nature”.

They claim to be the leading cosmetic and hair company backed by science.

Luis Urdaneta founded the company in 2014 and the main focus of the company is to provide solutions to common problems such as hair loss.

It is also a Multi-Level-Marketing (MLM) company.

This means it’s possible to become a representative and sell these products to other people and earn money for doing so.

Basically you can start a home business using MONAT Global MLM.

But first things first…

What Is The MONAT Global Product Line?

MONAT Global offers a wide range of products.

They fall under 2 main categories though:

  • Hair
  • Skin

They range from hydrating, volumising shampoos & conditioners to moisturisers and body scrubs.

There are options for men, women and even pets!

Their big selling point is that supposedly the products are all science-backed & natural to help with anti-ageing and hair loss.

There are 58 products on their website at the time of writing (November 2019) and range in value from $22-$99 ($19-$84 as a VIP).

There are too many to list them all here but you can find the full product range on their website here.

Also note that there are many other similar MLMs that are selling the same stuff. Here are some of the most popular ones:

Now you’re probably starting to wonder…

How Much Does It Cost To Join MONAT Global MLM As A Market Partner?

You need to buy a product pack (at least $99) plus $49 a year to become a Market Partner with MONAT MLM and to start to earn commissions from selling their products.

The main thing this does is allow you to earn commission on all sales you make.

You can earn some big bonuses including a White Cadillac for achieving Market Mentor. Plus, you get 30% discount off all products.

You can see more about the costs & benefits of becoming a Market Partner at MONAT here.

How Much Does It Cost To Join MONAT Global As A VIP Member?

It costs a one time $19.99-lifetime membership fee.

You’ll also need to commit to a total of three $84 flex-ship orders over your lifetime.

You’ll receive a 15% discount on all products and free shipping on all orders over $84.

What Are Product Packs At MONAT MLM?

The starter pack is $99 and comes with product samples that you can send to people that are interested in buying their products (if they buy through you then you earn commission).

It also comes with workbooks, training and marketing materials to help you start marketing MONAT quicker.

The starter pack is included in every other product pack.

The other packs cost $299, $399 and $649. They basically provide a load of additional products and more samples to give you a big discount.

These packs would be great if you:

  • Personally use the products
  • Want to treat family and friends to gifts
  • Plan on selling them face to face with people

To read MONAT Global’s complete product packages and the type of products that come with each package, click here.

What Support Do You Get From MONAT Global MLM?

You get the basic training material including:

  • SMART Start Workbook– details about individual products and systems (I just Googled it so you can have it for free apparently)
  • SMART Start roadmap to help you start on the right foot
  • Online Market Partner Academy with interactive training modules

But you do also get some support as a VIP at MONAT Global including the active Facebook Group to ask questions or share results.

You get your own personal website that is set up for you so you can send people directly there to earn commissions.

Plus, the most important support you will receive is from the person who referred you. This can obviously vary quite a lot so spending some time researching (YouTube and Google) different options is important here.

You’ll find out more about this later in this MONAT review.

What Is MONAT Global’s MLM Compensation Plan?

You receive a 30% commission on retail sales and 15% commission on VIP Customer sales as a market partner.

There are 5 main ways to make money with MONAT:

  1. Sales Commissions
  2. Sponsor & Develop
  3. Builder Bonus
  4. Advancement Bonus
  5. VIP Customers Sales

The two biggest things you need to be aware of (and the main way you’ll really earn money as a Market Partner in the Multi-Level-Marketing program) is:

  1. For every 4 VIP members you enrol you’ll get a bonus of $60.
  2. For every new Market Partner you enrol you’ll into MONAT MLM you receive $100-$220 (depending on their product pack they enrol with).

If you’re interested in knowing more about MONAT’s MLM compensation plan I would highly recommend you check out this video. It goes into detail about how you can move up the ranks and earn the big bonuses.

If you’d prefer to see this all written down then you can find MONAT Global’s MLM compensation plan PDF here.

The more you read this MONAT review the more it seems like a great opportunity. So you’re probably thinking…

Is MONAT MLM a Scam?

No, MONAT Global is not a scam.

There are two main ways an online course can be a scam:

  1. Take your money and run off into the sunset, never to be heard from again
  2. Provide some information but it doesn’t live up to their promises

Some people may argue that it doesn’t quite live up to the promises of reaching freedom and being able to work from home. As you continue to read this MONAT Global review you will start to understand why.

Is MONAT Global a scam?

Just to be fully transparent with you, I have not purchased this program myself and I do not endorse it in any way.

I have researched the website, testimonials and information on the Internet to get to the bottom of what this program genuinely does. This is because I have been burnt from programs just like this in the past and I want to prevent others from making the same mistakes. If you’d like to learn more “Ways to Spot an Online Marketing Scam” then click the highlighted text.

Related content:

MONAT Global Review: The Good

Here are some of the things I like about MONAT Global…

Key Terms:

  • Black Hat Methods – Using lies and unethical methods to make someone buy something
  • White Hat Methods – Being honest and genuine to help people make informed decisions about purchases
  • Pyramid Scheme – recruits members via a promise for payment from referring others to the service rather than providing a product
  • Affiliate Marketing- Connecting a customer to a product they are looking for and receiving a commission for doing so
  • Red Flag – A warning sign

#1 Award-Winning MLM Company

It has won some decent awards in the past:

  1. 2016 Stevie Awards for Women in Business
  2. 2016 American Business Award
  3. 2017 Direct Sellers Association of Canada

Any company that has these kinds of accolades is one that you know has done well.

#2 Successful MLM Company Launch

Within just one year of launch, MONAT was already pushing $25 million in annual revenue.

This is an incredible start for the company and shows that the founders certainly knew what they were doing to market and promote the brand.

You’ll learn more about my opinion about this later in this MONAT MLM review.

#3 MONAT is Not a Pyramid Scheme

Many people may ask “Is MONAT Global a pyramid scheme?”

The short answer is no.

The longer one is below…

A pyramid scheme is basically one that operates by getting people to join and only paying them to recruit more people.

When you actually think about this, there is no way these companies are sustainable because soon enough everyone in the world would join and there would be no one left to sign up.

These kinds of companies mean the people at the top (the founders and ones who got in early) can do really well. Anyone joining now doesn’t.

However, as you’ve already seen MONAT is not a scam.

This is because they offer products. Market Partners can still earn commission and money from selling the products to customers.

Everyone will always want shampoo, conditioner and moisturisers.

When they run out, they will look to get more. Therefore, it is possible to make money from the program even if you join now.

#4 No Need to Stock Inventory Or Design a Website

MONAT Global ships directly to your customers.

This means you do not need to stock up on inventory and then ship it off yourself.

In fact, with your own website, it can become quite automated if you can get people to your website every month.

You could technically be anywhere in the world with Internet and still promote your business.

MONAT Global Review: The Not So Good

Chances are you’re starting to think MONAT Global sounds amazing.

Unfortunately, every company or business opportunity has pros AND cons.

Here are some of the bad parts of MONAT Global that you should be aware of before diving in…

#1 Poor Quality Overpriced Products

Here is just a simple Amazon search…

As you can see MONAT’s shampoo costs around $28 and has a rating of 3.5 stars out of 5.

Another brand that sells the same kind of thickening shampoo costs $20 (almost $10 cheaper) and has 4.5 stars from over 1,000 ratings.

This may get alarm bells ringing when you consider your whole business model is based on MONAT’s products.

#2 Customer Complaints: Modern Nature Hair Care Reviews

Trust Pilot gives MONAT Global 3 stars out of 5 from over 2,000 reviews.

Here are some of the recent reviews on their website…

This again proves the products are not so great!

A reaction to scalps and hair falling out from a “natural” product!

There have also been over 990 complaints on the Better Business Bureau in the last 3 years. That is a LOT! This is a big reason why so many people question is MONAT Global a scam?

#3 Multiple Lawsuits

If this wasn’t enough there have been numerous lawsuits recorded against MONAT…

You don’t have to watch all of the video below but just 30 seconds or so shows the common causes of lawsuits…

Again more complaints about the quality of the product.

I don’t know about you, but I want to make sure the products are high quality in any business I’m interested in joining (or at least not making people’s hair fall out and irritate their scalp!)

#4 The Media Exposes The Company

If you’re like me then you probably know the media can blow things out of proportion.

However, check out these 2 quick videos below. (Again you can watch them on x2 speed or just watch 30 seconds or so if you’re in a rush).

My big concern here is not necessarily the stories themselves or the fact that the media has put stories like these out there (even though they are pretty bad!)

The biggest concern is what people will now start to think about MONAT. It’s so easy for the media to influence people’s decisions and thoughts about certain brands and companies.

How easy do you think it will be to sell these products to other people now they are asking “is MONAT Global a scam?”

#5 Lack of Support

So yes, MONAT does provide some starter training and a website that is your own.

However, the actual support from the customer service at MONAT does not sound good.

This is not the only report on the BBB with a similar complaint. Deceitfulness from the sales team and poor support to clients!

#6 It’s Cheaper on Amazon… How Will You EVER Sell Any?

Just check out these 2 screenshots…

The exact same product sells on Amazon for $31 compared to $99 on MONAT’s site.

Now that you know this, how can you possibly ethically and morally sell these products to other people?

The best way to market anything is when you genuinely believe in the product and cannot recommend a better alternative.

Imagine you were selling it to your own family… you want to find them the best deal! As you can see, becoming a MONAT Partner will not let you make money by selling the “best” deal to your customers.

#7 Typical MLM Participant Earnings

This one says it all really…

A Typical Participant in the Plan earns between Cdn $22 & $1,188 Annually

So much for working from home and living life on your own terms with that kind of salary!

Related content:

My Opinion – Is MONAT Global MLM Worth It?

Is MONAT Global a scam?


Is it a good business opportunity?


MONAT is not a scam or a pyramid scheme. However, the products are average at best as you can see from this MONAT review.

It’s going to be very hard to sell them now that you know the hidden truths of the program.

I personally believe MONAT started very well. However, it isn’t as good of an opportunity as it once was.

As with all MLM programs you will earn most of your money from recruiting other Market Partners and VIP members. If you know the truth about the program, can you honestly say you are happy to encourage others to sign up?

How I make passive income online

It wasn’t that long ago that I was still trying to figure out how it’s possible for people to make money online.

I wanted to find a passive income system that ticked a few boxes:

  1. I could work on part-time when I wanted (I was still in a full-time job)
  2. Therefore I needed it to not cost a fortune to start and maintain
  3. Didn’t need me to sell stuff to my friends and family

UPDATE- In September 2018 that I found Wealthy Affiliate. At the end of 2019 I quit my full-time job to dedicate more time to it.

I had no idea where to start with an online business a year before, but this has shown me step-by-step what to do.

The best thing about it is:

  • It’s free to start
  • Qualified traffic is brought to you for free (just think about how you found this review… there was no money or time spent from me promoting this!)
  • You don’t need ANY technical skills to start

When you try out this program you will see why so many people recommend it.

MONAT Global Review: The “MakeTimeOnline” Final Word

Is MONAT Global a scam? No.

But due to the overpriced poor quality products, lawsuits and negative media coverage, this is not a business opportunity I’d recommend to anyone.

Keep changing for the better,


P.S. Since you’re still here, I’m going to assume that you are interested in making money online to free up your time. So check out my review of my #1 recommended program and join the form below to get some great freebies, including a 1-1 chat with me…

About the Author

Mike Beatty has built a passive income online whilst working as a full-time PE teacher without any marketing or technical experience. Learn more about how he's done it here.

Mike Beatty

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