March 29, 2021

Is Cowboy Wealth a Scam? How Much Money Can You Make From This Melaleuca MLM

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A lot of people are looking for more ways to make money aside from their main job.

You might be one of them. And in your search, you might have come across Cowboy Wealth.

You then ask yourself if…

Is Cowboy Wealth a scam? It shows a lot of signs that it is a scam because there’s no product or service offered. You can’t even find any solid information, aside from the fact that you can call them to know about the business opportunity.

But still, it’d be wise if you can know if this is still a legit opportunity to make money from home, or does this give you enough reason to leave your full-time job.

This Cowboy Wealth MLM review aims to do just that as we will show the pros, cons, and many unheard of before details about this company, so you can come up with a smart decision.

Cowboy Wealth Review

The overview and rankings

Name: Cowboy Wealth

Founder: Chris Sorensen, Cathy Sorensen

Type: Health and Finance MLM

Products (Including Pricing): 1/100

Success Stories: 0/100

Price To Join MLM: Unknown

Is Cowboy Wealth a Scam: Logo

What to look for in a MLM:

  • Low start-up fee & maintenance cost
  • High-quality affordable products
  • You don’t have to carry inventory
  • An affiliate-like system 
  • Generous compensation plan
  • Company is in the early momentum phase

Cowboy Wealth Pros

  • Ignites curiosity

Cowboy Wealth Cons

  • No product or service
  • Shady business model
  • Hidden monthly expenses
  • Pyramid scheme in disguise?
  • Downward trend


Cowboy Wealth is an MLM which claims to offer health and wellness products as well as financial courses.

Members can then recruit other people for them to earn money.

Make Time Online Rating: 5 out of 100 

Recommended: No

What is Cowboy Wealth?

Cowboy Wealth claims to be a Multi-Level-Marketing company that is made up of an international team of marketing executives.

They also partner with another e-commerce company called Melaleuca which sells health and wellness products.

Not much is known about Cowboy Wealth because it just doesn’t give any solid information about their operations, history, background, and exact offerings.

However, they do say that they help people live a healthier life by educating them about proper diet. They also mention their “thorough groundbreaking technology” that will help people save lots of money. It just sounds like a hyped up marketing campaign to me...

Furthermore, I also found out in my research that Cowboy Wealth just hints about these things based on what their website says:

  • Receive money in the form of checks from Amazon
  • Earn money by shopping at Costco
  • Create a strong network
  • Online and offline marketing training

And the most elaborate claim they make is that they have already paid out more than $5 billion in earnings from the commissions.

It’s just plain impossible, frankly speaking, especially if you were to look at their website which doesn’t have any real “meat” to it.

I can't find any proper video that explains what Cowboy Wealth is, aside from this very short 10-second video with plain text...

What is Melaleuca?

Melaleuca is the company that Cowboy Wealth claims to be their main partner.

This company is way more legit than Cowboy Wealth because it is a legal company that was founded back in 1985 by Frank VanderSloot.

They sell health and wellness products, and they also have an affiliate program where members sell their products for them to earn commissions.

Who is Chris and Cathy Sorensen?

Chris and Cathy Sorensen are the founders of Cowboy Wealth. They claim to have more than 30 years of experience in the entrepreneurship world.

But this isn’t backed up by any claim.

Ask yourself this...

Is Cowboy Wealth a pyramid scheme?

There are a lot of signs that show Cowboy Wealth as a pyramid scheme. First is that they don’t have any product or service offered.

They just say they have but they don’t show any sign that they have. They also don’t say anything about members earning commissions…

So, it’s also worth asking…

Is Cowboy Wealth a pyramid scheme in disguise?

What is a pyramid scheme?

A pyramid scheme is a company paying members to recruit other members. This is the focal point of their business operations instead of selling actual and tangible products and services.

Because of this, they have been banned by many governments around the globe as it is just impossible for all of the members to make money from a company that is only surviving by means of recruitment.

Here is a diagram from Wikipedia that shows why this happens...

Members who make money are those who spend a hard time recruiting people to join and be a part of the business opportunity.

But check back on the diagram and you’ll see that people can’t earn money in the long run because the number of potential recruited members are going to run out sooner or later.

Here is a 5-minute video that helps you spot a pyramid scheme in disguise...

So, why do many say...

Success is rare with Cowboy Wealth

Success is hard to reach and achieve in Cowboy Wealth.

Note that between  72.5% and 99.9% of MLM members are losing money.

92.3 Percent of Members Lose Money in MLMs

This can be blamed mainly on the sales quota imposed on them which forces them to sell a certain amount of products monthly for them to stay active and receive commissions.

If they can’t do this, then they just buy the stuff to themselves just to stay active and get money.

Hence, most members lose a large amount of money from their own pockets before they can recruit their first member...

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How does Cowboy Wealth Work?

Cowboy Wealth works by selling health and wellness products as well as financial security and training courses.

They do this in partnership with Melaleuca, which is another health and wellness MLM company.

Aside from that, they have an affiliate program where members become agents, and in turn, sell their products in exchange for commissions.

It’s like a winning situation for both sides, but it’s actually just Cowboy Wealth that benefits greatly as they save lots of money knowing that the members are the ones who do all the promotions and marketing.

Cowboy Wealth products

Cowboy Wealth says that they train members to become an expert in online and offline marketing.

This way, they can attract leads and investors not only in a national level, but around the globe. They also say that they help members set up online accounts with the potential customers internationally.

Furthermore, they say that their members can then receive residual income from their recruited downline members who purchase their products and services.

But the thing is, they didn’t mention anything as to what their actual products and services are.

They just keep on saying they provide excellent training programs to members. And that they have already shelled out $5 billion worth of commissions to members.

All of that without any evidence of some sort!

Nonetheless, their partner company, Melaleuca, offers some real products:

Melaleuca products

  • Melaleuca Renew ($35) - A lotion that moisturizes dry skin and gets rid of any signs of flaking, redness, itching, and scaling.
  • Melaleuca Herbal Shampoo ($36) - A shampoo that features botanical extracts that strengthens the hair and makes it shine more.
  • Melaleuca Mineral Supplement ($25) - A multivitamin supplement that strengthens the immune system and makes you generally healthy.
Is Cowboy Wealth a Scam: Products

Note that there are a lot of other MLMs that are selling the same stuff. It’s just not them.

Here are some of the most popular and well established MLMs:

Melaleuca also has a special flagship product...

Cowboy Wealth flagship product

Melaleuca Florify Probiotic ($29) - A probiotic drink that improves the digestive system and overall health.

Is Cowboy Wealth a Scam: Flagship

Here is a 3-minute news videot that talks about financial scams very similar with Cowboy Wealth:

It is then important to ask yourself this...

Can you make money with Cowboy Wealth?

It is hard to make any money from Cowboy Wealth.

There might be some who do, but they earn very small amounts of money. Sometimes, it doesn’t even compensate for the expenses they make and energy and time they spend.

And they do not have any income disclosure to prove that they have members who do make money.

How to make money with Cowboy Wealth

Although it was not clearly stated, it can be implied that members can do these 2 things to make money:

  • Sell the products and services offered by the company
  • Recruit members into the company

But then again, there is no strong information that supports this, other than mere assessments of the content they put up in their site.

How much does it cost to join Cowboy Wealth?

You just have to pay a meager $19 to become an official member.

This is for the subscription fee that will be recorded in their system.

Cowboy Wealth monthly cost

Members must maintain 50 PV monthly to stay active.

Here are the costs you’ll take into consideration in your first year…

  • $19
  • $50 x 12

Minimum costs for year 1 = $619

But this does not yet include marketing, training, travel, and miscellaneous expenses...

Cowboy Wealth compensation plan

Cowboy Wealth does not have a compensation plan.

However, they describe their system of providing a business opportunity to members in a short and curiosity-inducing manner as what is stated in their site.

They say that members can earn $500 to $2,500 if they work part-time. Meanwhile, they can get $2,500 to $10,000 a month if they go full-time.

They then said to call a specific number to ask for more information. But it was out of service...

I tried it again and I filled out the form on their site so that I can see what information lies ahead.

But after signing up, there’s literally none. I mean, what actually does this company do if it can’t even show any clear sign of business in this early stage?

No worries if you are confused. Because no doubt it is confusing! MLMs always do this so many will think there are loads of ways to make money.

But things got a lot worse with Cowboy Wealth because they don’t have a product, service, or even a clear description or explanation of their compensation plan.

I'm note sure if this diagram which they say is their compensaiton plan is true because it just came out of nowhere, with no backup claims or whatsoever.

Is Cowboy Wealth a Scam: Compensation

I also can't find a compensation plan video of Cowboy Wealth or even Melaleuca.

But here's a 5-minute video that will give you an insight into the company's business opportunity...

Or you can find the full compensation plan here. 

Is Cowboy Wealth a scam?

Yes, there is a good chance this is a scam.

They offer no product or service, they just settle on providing hype, and when you contact them, they are nowhere to be found.

There’s not much to say about this because I know you are already convinced as early as now that this is a scam…

But hold on, because the next section of this review is going to show you if this is really the case.

Just to be fully transparent with you, I am not a distributor myself and I do not endorse it in any way.

I have researched the website, testimonials and information on the Internet to get to the bottom of what this program genuinely does. This is because I have been burnt from programs just like this in the past and I want to prevent others from making the same mistakes. If you’d like to learn how to “Spot an Online Marketing Scam” then click the highlighted text.

Tired of MLMs? Check out how I make money online here!

What I like about Cowboy Wealth

Key Terms:

  • Pyramid Scheme – recruits members via a promise for payment from recruiting others into the company rather than providing a product
  • Affiliate Marketing- Connecting a customer to a product they are looking for and receiving a commission for doing so
  • Red Flag - A warning sign

#1 Ignites curiosity

I am supposed not to include this because it’s not really a pro.

However, I decided to because they do a moderately good job in provoking the imagination and curiosity of potential members.

Is Cowboy Wealth a Scam: Pros

As you can see, the poster doesn’t say much, but it’s enough to make people think as to what really is this company.

What I don't like about Cowboy Wealth

#1 No product or service

Cowboy Wealth has no product or service. How can a company even function or survive if it doesn’t offer anything?

They say they sell health and wellness products as well as financial training courses.

But there’s just none.

There is no evidence that any of the stuff they say is true and factual.

#2 Shady business model

There is no clear company structure. They also say that they partner with Melaleuca, a more renowned health and wellness MLM.

But for what?

I can accept this if they show any product. But there’s just none…

It’s all talk, and no action.

#3 Hidden monthly expenses

Members should sell 50 PV monthly to stay active.

If they can’t, then they become inactive and unable to receive any commissions they make.

But then again, there’s even no evidence that Cowboy Wealth even pays. They’ve got no compensation plan, no income disclosure, and no clear rules or requirements about the business opportunity they are talking about.

#4 Is Cowboy Wealth a pyramid scheme in disguise?

There is a good sign that Cowboy Wealth is a pyramid scheme in disguise.

Here is how their system works...

MLM pyramid scheme

And even though they did not give any clear description of how their members earn money, they mentioned recruitment on their site.

Also, considering all the shady vibe this business has, it’s very possible that this is a pyramid scheme in disguise...

#5 Downward trend

Google Trends shows me this...


As you can see from the diagram, the popularity of Cowboy Wealth has decreased significantly.

This shows that people are not anymore that interested with this MLM company...

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My opinion - Cowboy Wealth

I’ve mentioned this numerous times already.

But I’ll say it again, Cowboy Wealth does not have any product, service, income disclosure, compensation plan, and even a decent website.

That’s really all there is about the company.

Here is what I can say about their business opportunity...

I don’t like to say this, but…

Cowboy Wealth is just no good.

It’s all about creating something that will ignite the curiosity of potential members and customers, so that they can recruit to earn money, even if there is no real substance as to what the company really is.

You’re safe with other better business opportunities out there...

How I make passive income online

MLMs are not scams or illegal. However, I'm not a fan of them because of the restrictions to the expensive products you have to promote.

Once I learnt about affiliate marketing, I realised it's a far superior business model because:

  • You can promote anything you want and truly own the business
  • You never need to sell to friends and family
  • It's completely free to start

In 2018 I had no idea what affiliate marketing was.

But I went from a full time PE teacher to making a passive income online within one year...

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If you want to discover how I did it then check out this special video I created which explains exactly how. You can also get your free 7-day bootcamp to get started.

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