March 24, 2021

Is CorVive a Scam? A Review on This Alleged Wellness Transformation MLM

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Surely, you’ve been told by someone about this opportunity to earn money from the comforts of your own home.

But it just seemed strange, so, you’ve asked… Is CorVive a scam? For you to stop bugging yourself about it. Nope… CorVive isn’t a scam.

But even if it isn’t, then is this still a legit opportunity to make money from home and is enough for you to leave your career?

Well, this review answers exactly that question, along with detailed information including photos, videos, and the pros and cons, so you’ll know if this is the opportunity for you or not.

CorVive Review

The overview and rankings

Name: CorVive

Founder: Jeremy Fouts

Type: Health and Wellness MLM

Products (Including Pricing): 40/100 ($295)

Success Stories: 5/100

Price To Join MLM: $15 subscription + $100/monthly

Is CorVive a Scam: Logo

What to look for in a MLM:

  • Low start-up fee & maintenance cost
  • High-quality affordable products
  • You don’t have to carry inventory
  • An affiliate-like system 
  • Generous compensation plan
  • Company is in the early momentum phase

CorVive Pros

  • Positive product reviews

CorVive Cons

  • Expensive products
  • No income disclosure
  • Saturated market
  • Hidden monthly expenses
  • Pyramid scheme in disguise?
  • Downward trend


CorVive is a nutritional supplement company that sells products that it claims to improve the overall health of users. The company also has a program where members can sell their products to earn commissions.

Make Time Online Rating: 30 out of 100 

Recommended: No

What is CorVive?

CorVive is a newcomer in the Multi-Level-Marketing health and wellness niche as it just started its operations back in 2018.

Jeremy Fouts, a businessman and entrepreneur, is the founder and owner of the company based in Plano, Texas.

I did some research on his background and learned that he has a degree in business economics and science.

The firm promotes healthy living to everyone, which they say, can be made easier with the help of their nutritional supplements that they say are clean, safe, and very effective.

Here is a 4-minute video about the company...

Let us then know...

Is CorVive a pyramid scheme?

Nope. CorVive isn’t a pyramid scheme as their members are able to earn an income by selling the health and wellness products that they are manufacturing.

They also don’t need to recruit people for them to earn money.

But even if that is the case, it should still be worth asking… is Rain International a pyramid scheme in disguise?

What is a pyramid scheme?

A pyramid scheme is a company that is promising payment to members who manage to recruit other people into the company.

Members do this instead of selling actual and legitimate products.

This is why many governments around the globe have already labelled these kinds of businesses as illegal because their members just can’t earn a stable income by simply recruiting people.

This Wikipedia diagram explains this...

Also, the members who manage to make some good money from the company are simply those who recruit aggressively and get people to join their so-called business opportunity.

But if you were to look closely on the diagram I gave above, you can clearly see that members just can’t earn regular income from this as they are just going to be running out of potential members.

I've found a 5-minute video from YouTube on how you can find a pyramid scheme in disguise...

But why do many people say...

Success is rare with CorVive

What many don’t know is that joining MLMs doesn’t guarantee any success. In fact, it is very hard to attain success in an MLM such as CorVive.

A report even claims that around 72.5% and 99.9% of MLM members aren’t making any money.

This is always happening because of the sales quota that they have where they force members to sell a certain number of products every month for them to be paid.

92.3 Percent of Members Lose Money in MLMs

If they can’t do that, then they have no choice but to just buy their own products, just for the sake of staying as an active member.

This then results in members losing huge amounts of cash from their own savings before they can get their first ever recruit.

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How does CorVive Work?

CorVive is a company that is selling health and wellness products. They are also offering people to become sales agents, which they also call as affiliate members.

Doing so, then allows them to sell their products and earn commissions and bonuses from it.

It sounds very nice in theory. But when it’s applied? Well, not really.

It’s because CorVive’s biggest customer base are its members because they just keep buying their products on a regular basis, hoping to break even with the costs someday soon.

CorVive products

Knowing the products sold by CorVive is necessary especially if you’d like to try being one of their members. This way, you know what you are getting yourself into, and what you can expect.

Below are some of the best-selling products sold by CorVive:

  • COR POWER Grass-Fed Whey Protein ($35) - A nutritional supplement shake mix containing whey protein. This improves health and boosts active performance.
  • NRG + Focus Energy Drink Mix ($29.99) - A shake mix that provides an energy boost while also improving the mental clarity and focus.
  • Cor Immune Protect ($17.7) - A nutritional supplement that improves the immune system and makes it less likely for you to get sick. This comes in the form of capsules.

Here are a few of the most popular ones that are selling nutritional supplements which are very similar with CorVive:

What’s funny to think is that they all claim that they are special and that they have an exclusive product.

But really, that’s very far from the reality because they’re just selling rebranded stuff packaged in different designs and having different names.

Now that you know that this is what happens with MLMs, then what makes CorVive special, according to what they say?

CorVive flagship product

Ach13ve Transformation Pack ($295) - A bundle pack which includes the top products of CorVive.

This package contains 2 Cor power shakes, 2 Keto Fuel, 1 Cor Renew, and 2 Cor Focus. It’s aim is to provide a holistic health transformation to its users in a natural way.

Is CorVive a Scam: Flagship

You can know more about their products from this 1-minute video:

You are surely going to ask...

Can you make money with CorVive?

You can make money with CorVive, but don’t expect it to be a replacement to your job.

In fact, it’s hard to treat this as a regular source of income.

There might be a few people who earn from this MLM, but they just overwork themselves and treat this as their full-time job.

That’s very far from the part-time business that’ll earn you big time, which is what you wanted in the first place…

Furthermore, CorVive also doesn’t have an income disclosure, so there’s no way of saying that their members actually are earning...

How to make money with CorVive

There are 2 ways you can make some money from CorVive.

And these are by:

  • Selling their health supplements and nutritional products
  • Recruiting members to the company and turning them into sales agents

But take note that you can only make money by earning bonuses from the sales of your downline members, and not from merely recruiting them...

How much does it cost to join CorVive?

You must pay $14.95 for the subscription pack.

This isn’t a one-time fee, either, as you have to pay it annually. You also need to buy a star pack that varies in price from $175 to $575, with the more expensive ones having more products.

CorVive monthly cost

Being a CorVive member isn’t easy because you need to maintain at least 100 PV monthly if you want to stay qualified for the commissions and bonuses.

Aside from that, you have to prepare for these costs:

  • $15
  • $175 to $575
  • $100 x 12

Minimum costs for year 1 = $1,390 to $1,790

Also take note that that’s not all of it! Other miscellaneous expenses such as training, marketing, and other stuff aren’t yet included there.

So yes, that’s an awful lot of money you have to shell out there just to be a member...

CorVive compensation plan

It’s always the same old story for MLM such as CorVive, because you always get a confusing compensation plan.

Good thing, though, you found this article, because I’ll be simplifying things up for you to easily understand their compensation plan.

CorVive provides 4 main ways that their members can make money:

  • Retail Sales - Earn 20% commission from the direct sales of your first generation recruited member. Meanwhile, you can easily get 4% commission from your third and fourth generation members’ sales.
  • Timed Bonuses - Earn a $250 bonus once you recruit 2 new members. Get an additional $250 bonus once you recruit 4 new members.
  • Team Commissions - Earn an 8% commission from your team’s total sales.
  • Luxury Car Bonus - Earn $750 monthly, which you must spend on your luxury car plan. If you don’t want one, then you can just convert this to $350 cash.
Is CorVive a Scam: Compensation

Don’t worry if you’re confused with all of these.

MLM use weird terms and complicated names just so that their members will think that there are multitudes of ways they can earn money from this MLM.

When the reality is too far from that because they just have to do these 2 things:

  • Sell products
  • Recruit people

I haven't found any video about their compensation plan.

But you can learn more about the chances of you making money from this 3-minute video about their products being sold...

Or you can find the full compensation plan here

Is CorVive a scam?

CorVive isn’t a scam because the company is a legit and accredited one.

They also have real and effective products, and they pay their members properly and in line with what they have in their deals.

But the catch is… a lot of members are disappointed to learn that instead of making money, they are losing money! This is due to the sales quotas that these members need to achieve every month.

The next section of this in-depth CorVive review is going to dive deeper into that by providing the surprising pros and cons of this MLM...

Just to be fully transparent with you, I am not a distributor myself and I do not endorse it in any way.

I have researched the website, testimonials and information on the Internet to get to the bottom of what this program genuinely does. This is because I have been burnt from programs just like this in the past and I want to prevent others from making the same mistakes. If you’d like to learn how to “Spot an Online Marketing Scam” then click the highlighted text.

Tired of MLMs? Check out how I make money online here!

What I like about CorVive

Key Terms:

  • Pyramid Scheme – recruits members via a promise for payment from recruiting others into the company rather than providing a product
  • Affiliate Marketing- Connecting a customer to a product they are looking for and receiving a commission for doing so
  • Red Flag - A warning sign

#1 Positive product reviews

The first and only thing I like about CorVive is what people say about it…

Is CorVive a Scam: Pros

As you can see, there are a number of positive reviews out there saying that CorVive’s products are effective and indeed healthy.

What I don't like about CorVive

#1 Expensive products

CorVive, just like any other MLM, sells overpriced products. Just take a look at some of its competitors…

Is CorVive a Scam: Cons

You can see that they are way cheaper compared to what CorVive is selling even if they are also as effective as what their ratings say.

This isn’t a good sign that you can sell it to a number of people because they’ll just be surprised with its price...

#2 No income disclosure

CorVive doesn’t have an income disclosure.

This is a bit rare with MLMs because they always have one to show that people can actually make money from them.

But it’s different in this case because there’s no way of proving that their members are actually making or earning money.

#3 Saturated market

Health and wellness products are just way too overrated. They’re just very mainstream because almost all MLMs sell these kinds of products.

This is another sign that you’ll have a hard time selling them because of the number of competition out there.

#4 Hidden monthly expenses

You need to sell at least 100 PV every month if you want to be eligible to earn bonuses and commissions. PV is an acronym for personal volume.

This also means selling at least $100 worth of products monthly. If you can’t, then you just have to buy the products for yourself.

Which also means that you’re just serving as one of their regular customers who keep buying their stuff even if you don’t really want and need one.

#5 Is CorVive a pyramid scheme in disguise?

Knowing that you need to spend $100 regularly just to be called as a member and to receive bonuses and commissions shows that there’s something wrong with CorVive.

MLM pyramid scheme

This also means that the only way to avoid that monthly expense is by recruiting as many people as you can so that it’s them who worry about the quotas and not you.

Because after all, you’re the one who earns from their sales...

#6 Downward trend

Here is what I found on Google Trends…

Is Corvive a Scam: Cons 6

You can see that the popularity of CorVive is waning. This means that people aren’t anymore interested in whatever it is that CorVive is selling...

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My opinion - CorVive

CorVive is a legit company because it has its business permits and all the necessary legal documents needed for it to operate.

However, they sell overpriced products and have a business opportunity, which I can say is...

The fact that you must aggressively recruit people shows that this is a pyramid scheme in disguise.

And you are still doing this even if you already know that around 93% of the members you’re going to recruit are just going to end up losing their money.

This isn’t a good choice for you.

Instead, it’s better that you consider other business opportunities out there...

How I make passive income online

MLMs are not scams or illegal. However, I'm not a fan of them because of the restrictions to the expensive products you have to promote.

Once I learnt about affiliate marketing, I realised it's a far superior business model because:

  • You can promote anything you want and truly own the business
  • You never need to sell to friends and family
  • It's completely free to start

In 2018 I had no idea what affiliate marketing was.

But I went from a full time PE teacher to making a passive income online within one year...

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If you want to discover how I did it then check out this special video I created which explains exactly how. You can also get your free 7-day bootcamp to get started.

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