October 29, 2020

Is American Consumer Panels a Scam: Can You Make Money From Product Testing?

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With the many people who are looking for an additional source of income, it makes sense to try out different business opportunities out there.

And one of those might be American Consumer Panels.

It sounds pretty nice because it’s basically just making money out of reviewing products sold online.

But you then wondered…

Is American Consumer Panels a scam? Nope, not really. Members do make money reviewing products that are sold online. But that’s not a sustainable source of income. Why?

Well, that’s what we’re going to talk about in this review, we’ll also show you the pros, cons, and never before heard information to know if this company offers a legit way to make money online.

This American Consumer Panel review has been thoroughly researched with information and testimonials that are available online to anyone in the public. Any conclusions drawn by myself are opinions.

American Consumer Panels Review

The overview and rankings

Name: American Consumer Panels

Founder: Unknown

Type: Product testing

Price: None

Best for: Jobless people who have lots of time testing products (that's if they can test any here)

Is American Consumer Panels a Scam: Logo

American Consumer Panels Pros

  • Well-designed website
  • Connection to other websites

American Consumer Panels Cons

  • Fake online presence
  • Numerous negative reviews
  • Identity theft
  • They just doesn't pay...


American Consumer Panel is a program where you can become a product tester and (supposedly) earn money. But that really isn't the case here...

Make Time Online Rating: 5 out of 100 

Recommended: No

What is American Consumer Panels about?

American Consumer Panels offers product testing services to companies which aim to have a run-through of their products.

They usually do this to get consumer feedback and fix what needs to be fixed before doing a full launch of what they sell.

So far, this 1-minute video is the only one on their official YouTube channel...

What American Consumer Panels basically do is they work on recruiting people who would test products at home and give their evaluation of it. It is a clear-cut goal they have made sure to highlight in their website.

But that, of course, is just one side of a coin...

As you read through this review, you’ll find out what this company really specializes at.

Who is the founder?

In this section, the founder is supposedly going to be presented but based on the several websites they have online, there really is no identified person who can be called as the founder of this company.

If you browse through the few existing websites they have, the acknowledged founder is American Consumer Panels itself.

What is really suspicious is that there is no exact person whom you can associate this company with.

And that somehow calls for a red flag...

But before we make a conclusion on them, let us first get to know them a bit more by knowing how they work...

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How does American Consumer Panels Work?

You sign up to American Consumer Panels so that you can be one of the select participants who will be testing several products and evaluate it.

It guarantees to pay you $25 to $45 per hour and the minimum working hours you’ll render is 15-20 hours per week.

You can actually earn quite an amount of money while staying at home as it is stated in their job description that 95% of the work you’ll be doing can be done at home.

That is how it is supposed to work...

But what really happens is you will be asked to sign up for another two survey sites of which you’ll definitely receive spams from.

American Consumer Panels actually work as a company (if it can even be considered a company) that recruit referrals for survey sites. And of course, it earns a referral fee while you get stuck with answering surveys.

So does it mean that it’s just another scam?

You can decide on it after a few more readings...

Inside American Consumer Panels

American Consumer Panels is a company that hires people, with experience or without any experience on the said job they are applying for.

These guys then test products and give feedback that the companies who own those products can use to improve what they sell before releasing it on the market.

Is American Consumer Panels a Scam: Inside

Step #1: Signing up process

First and foremost, you have to deal with the signing up process using your email address. That is always the initial step you have to follow in every online job you want to apply for.

It isn’t that much thrilling as you only have to put your email address and password and wait for further instructions from them.

Step #2: Survey questions

If you are someone who decides if a job offer is a scam or not based on how the offer is being presented to you, well, you might actually consider American Consumer Panels somewhat a legit one as it sounds real professional.

They’ll ask you five questions that will determine if you are fit for the job or not. These questions were designed to make you approve of them as a legit website run by professionals.

Step #3: Demographic profile

After the survey questions, you will receive an email telling you to complete the signing up process by setting up your demographic profile.

The reason for that is also stated in their job description:

“During your application process, we will determine your consumer parole and establish what products would be suitable for you to test according to your demographics, lifestyle, consumer behavior, skills, hobbies and ability.

Research questionnaires are used to identify and target certain types of consumers, to ensure the right participants are engaged and to achieve the representative sample needed.

Job candidates for In-Home Usage Testing are also screened to meet the clients needs for the project to ensure that the product is one that they qualify to test and that they have a balance of demographics and attitudes.”

What possible reason really why people who encounter this job offer immediately sign up for it is because it sounds and looks legit enough!

Step #4: Survey sites

The last part of the process is you get instructed to sign up for two survey sites, LifePoints Consumer Panel and InboxDollars Consumer Panel.

Now the thing is, if you actually sign up for the two other sites, you end up answering survey questions. And what’s more alarming for you is you don’t get any call or message from American Consumer Panels anymore.

What happens after...

After completing the steps, they then fade into the background and leave you hanging and waiting in front of your laptop, with you facing more and more survey questions that bombard your inbox.

What’s even more concerning is you have already given your personal information via the demographic profile you have set up!

And those information are in the hands of the survey sites they have asked you to sign up for.

You might also want to check out this 5-minute video that shows what you can expect from this business opportunity...

Let us then proceed and talk about numbers...

American Consumer Panels cost to join

A quick answer to this is NONE.

What most of us think when it comes to scams is that your money will play a certain role for you to get the business or job opportunity.

But with American Consumer Panels, you don’t have to pay a single dime to them...

What you’ll be investing is your time and also your personal information.

But not paying does not mean that you have not wasted anything!

Companies like them that put effort in setting up their image to lure potential job seekers have always something they can get out of you...

American Consumer Panels monthly cost

Again, there's none...

You don’t have to worry about any monthly cost once you sign up for the job (if there really is a job!).

Is American Consumer Panels a Scam: Monthly Cost

This company will not be collecting anything from you aside from the personal information that they’ll be selling for a few bucks of referral fee to some survey sites.

And yes, you won’t be paying them. But in return, they’ll get a pay for your cooperation in partaking in their signing up process.

American Consumer Panels reviews online

American Consumer Panels is a program where you get to test products that are sold online. You evalute them, and you get paid for it! Sounds nice, right?

But what you're really after is if the business opportunity works or not. And a good way to do that is by knowing what people who have experienced it themselves have to say.

I scoured the net and checked YouTube videos and a number of review sites like BBB, Glassdoor, and SiteJabber.

Common positive American Consumer Panels reviews

  • They get to keep some products they tested for free
  • Subscribers are actually able to test product

Here are some of the best positive reviews I find online:

"I tested a cordless vacuum, some gardening tools and cookware. It was exciting to use new products without having to buy them and instead being paid to use them! I got to keep it for free."

"My experience with American Consumer Panels is too good. Some products will not use in United State market, but with "ACP"I have learned about many other products."

Common negative American Consumer Panels reviews

  • Waste of time
  • Too many nonsense surveys
  • No guarantee of payment

Here are the best negative reviews I found online:

"Waste of time It sucks Surveys all day with little to no merit."

"This is not a real company. The whole thing is a scam. You can read all about it with a simple Google search."

"Do not sign up. Who knows what they do with your info.”

Is American Consumer Panels a scam?

Yes. And that's a big YES.

It is indeed a company that recruits people to complete surveys and collect information about them and leave them in the hands of other survey websites.

It is basically a bait and switch scam...

The bait is their job offer which looks real legit with all the fancy job descriptions and fancy salary and the switch happens after collecting your demographic profile and handing them over to survey sites who will then bombard you with a lot of survey questions.

It is an unethical method that relies on deceptive marketing.

Many fell for it as it looked so promising but with a thorough scrutiny of it, you can decide if it’s even worth your time.

Below are the not-so-promising pros and overwhelming cons that will help you see that this isn't really worth your time...

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American Consumer Panels pros

#1 Well-designed website

This is not really what you are looking for and it seems that the well-designed look of their website is meant to lure job seekers.

But still, let us consider it as one of their pros.

If you think about it, it actually is a company that has potential.

Is American Consumer Panels a Scam: Pros

It embodies a certain level of legitimacy because of how a certain amount of effort has been put in designing their website.

This somehow tells us that, if only they have not taken the path of deception, they could’ve established themselves in the world of business.

#2 Connection to other websites

Looking at it closely, when you get redirected to a survey site, it seems that American Consumer Panels does not completely abandon you as they leave you in the hands of other websites.

Is American Consumer Panels a Scam: Pros 2

These websites you will be connected to through signups are actually legit ones and they might be the ones to give you a pay for answering several survey questions.

American Consumer Panels cons

#1 Fake online presence

The website is just for show, just a bait, the media exposure they were given was a paid one and they have even reached the point where they themselves have released their own article to further their presence online.

But looking at it closely, it actually seems to be the work of an amateur and not a professional.

Is American Consumer Panels a Scam: Cons

Another thing that makes them totally sketchy is the address they have put on their websites.

They don't actually have an office at One World Trade Center in New York.

Their address which is 8500 One World Trade Center is occupied by a company called ServCorp...

#2 Numerous negative reviews

What makes this company a whole scam are all found in the reviews about them.

Just take a look at some of them...

Is American Consumer Panels a Scam: Cons 2

There are way too many complaints that reiterate the whole point of this company which is just to recruit referrals and make money out of it and out of you.

But that is unless you like answering endless surveys and receiving junk mails. If not, this company is just not worth the shot.

#3 Identity theft

Remember the surveys that are bombarder on you right after you sign up?

Well, that's a good sign of identity theft.

This program just gets your private and personal information and nothing more! That's the only thing that their survey does...

#4 They just doesn't pay...

I scoured the net trying to look for any positive sign about their business opportunity and if whether their product testers really do earn money.

But there's none...

Is American Consumer Panels a Scam: Cons 3

It just isn't smart to try things out yourself even if you already know that there is no proof of their product testers being paid!

Sign up and just receive truckloads of spam surveys. And nothing more...

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My opinion - American Consumer Panels

This company is highly not recommended for you. As what has been elaborated in this review, the job opportunity they are offering is not really a job nor an opportunity.

American Consumer Panels is yet another scam that needs to be avoided.

So, obviously speaking, here's what I can say about it...

Scams take many forms and American Consumer Panels surely has shown you one of the many forms of scamming people.

You have to remember that not paying your way in does not mean they have not gained anything from you.

Scams are always aimed at benefiting from you.

There are a lot of better and legit business opportunities out there you can try right now...

How I make passive income online

In 2018 I had no idea what affiliate marketing was. 

Once I learnt about it, it just seemed like a great business model that can grow over time using the power of the internet. 

So I tried to figure it out by myself... that got me nowhere fast.

Then I fell for some terrible online scams. 

But eventually, I found Wealthy Affiliate. It teaches long-term proven strategies to build an online business with all the tools & support needed. 

And this happened...

Make Time Online Income

Once you learn the process of getting thousands of people to find your website every month (for free) there really is not limit to what you can achieve online. 

I've reviewed hundreds of courses or programs that claim to help people make money online. And I've spoken to dozens of 6-7 figure online entrepreneurs on my podcast.

This is by far the best place I've seen to help beginners get set up on the right foot. You can read my full Wealthy Affiliate review here (including the pros and cons!) 

Or you can watch an insiders video I made that explains exactly how it works here.  

Mike PE teacher to Passive Income Online

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