If you have been to their sales page, you’ll see the words...
"How I'm Making $417/day Commissions Right Now."
Imagine earning this much money just by purchasing this software. And for how much?
It’s only $27. Somehow pricey?
Don’t worry, there’s a down sell...
If you try to leave their page, you’ll get a pop-up telling you that you’ve been awarded with a $5 discount.
You can keep doing this until all that’s left for you to pay is $12 and if you weigh down things, it’s a win-win for you.
With 37 tools for affiliate marketing, you’ll definitely be able to have back your $12.
But, let us get into the tricky part.
Will you really be getting all of those 37 tools? Are all of them effective and useful? That $12 you’ll be spending, would it be worth giving to a mysterious guy who tells you that you’ll earn $417 a day?
Think about it more as you read on...