There are two possible reasons why you are reading this review. The first step is to discover more about Insight Global as a staffing firm (can they get you a job, and if so, what kind of work, what type of income, and so on).
The second reason is that you may have seen a job posting for Insight Global. They may have approached you about becoming one of their recruiters.
If you fit into the first category, Insight Global operates similarly to most recruiting firms. They serve as a middleman, connecting businesses and employees.
Unfortunately, under this context, you could also say that employees are being bought and sold. Employees are a commodity.
Suppose you're given a job with a recruitment company, and you know your qualifications are unique or tough to duplicate. In that case, you may have a lot of negotiating power to get reasonable compensation.
As a disclaimer, each scenario is unique. There could be various candidates for that role. Holding out for a higher wage is something you do at your own risk since you risk losing the job to another candidate.
It takes talent and quick insight, just like any other negotiation.
If Insight Global has approached you about a position, you may wonder what they (or the job) are about.
At Insight Global, there are two primary positions. Account Managers and Recruiters. Initially, you will be a recruiter.
A recruiter is a type of telemarketing. Your goal is to locate and qualify leads before passing them on to an account manager. You are expected to work what some may regard as extended hours (usually 7:30 – 5:00).
These will be long days if you are a new graduate with little work experience. Particularly given that you must make up to a hundred outbound calls daily.
Insight Global works by offering two major types of services.
These are:
- Staffing services
- Managed services
Insight Global functions as an agency that searches for people who are looking for a job and helping them find one which matches their educational background, skills, and characteristics.
It sounds good if you’re a fresh graduate because you can make the job-hunting process easier with the help of a staffing agency like Insight Global.
That’s a good sign that you’ll make good money with this…
But it’s not easy as it seems (more to that later).
Managed services
Aside from being a simple staffing agency, they also offer many services that business can avail.
Some of the most sought-out services are
- Skills training
- Business process outsourcing
- Software development
- Application services
- Business analytics
Becoming a recruiter and account manager
You can become a professional recruiter at Insight Global. This job is actually just like a telemarketer where you search for potential candidates for job vacancies.
In simpler words, you’re like talent scouts looking for people who need a job and giving them the job that’s an ideal fit for them.
Insight Global offers two positions:
You start out as a recruiter and your job is to look for and qualify jobseekers. Once you’ve sorted them out and chose the best ones, you then hand them over to the account manager.
You’ll work 8 to 9 hours daily — tiring and boring, I should say…
What’s worse? You need to make over a hundred outbound calls EVERY SINGLE DAY.
No one wants that. But why are people interested in Insight Global? Well, because there’s this so-called pot of gold at the rainbow’s end…
In this case — being promoted to Account Manager.
They’ve run an aggressive marketing campaign saying that you’ll make over $100,000 of salary yearly if you become an account manager.
Is that true? Continue reading to find out...