January 6, 2022

H-Com Review: All You Need to Know About Alex Becker’s Ecommerce Course

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Maybe you’ve read about an eCommerce business or simply known as dropshipping.

If you want to get orders from sellers and facilitate their purchases, then this type of business is for you. There are many eCommerce businesses out there. 

If you want to compete with the market, you need the right tool in doing so.

Let’s take a sneak peek at Alex Becker’s eCommerce course, the H-Com.

If it’s your first time hearing this, I bet this is a good chance to stop over and know how this system works.

This review will help you decide if it’s worth trying by discussing its content, pros, cons, so you’ll know if it is a legit way to make money online.

This H-Com review has been thoroughly researched with information and testimonials that are available online to anyone in the public. Any conclusions drawn by myself are opinions.

H-Com review: The overview and rankings

Name: H-Com

Owners: Alex Becker

Type: Ecommerce course

Price: $2,985

Best for: Anyone who wants to learn e-commerce and make good money out of this.

H-Com Pros

  1. Beginner friendly
  2. Concise
  3. Clear and understandable

H-Com Cons

  1. Expensive
  2. Poor customer service
  3. Needs more solid examples


H-Com is a lead generation course that teaches you how to make money online through effective local lead generation.

Make Time Online Rating: 40 out of 100 

Recommended: No

What is H-Com about?

As you can see, digital marketing has been a trend for the past years.

As technological advancement paved the way towards a new form of marketing, eCommerce became famous. This means doing business using only the internet.

H-Com 3030, also known as Hero Commerce 3030, is a popular course that teaches dropshipping. If you are still getting familiar with the word, it refers to an e-commerce business model with no inventory.

Instead, you partner with a provider that handles product shipping to your clients.

This course was developed by Alex Becker, Matthew Schmitt, and Devin Zander. Matthew Schmitt is a prosperous drop shipper specializing in print-on-demand products.

Innovative 7, a software firm that provides Shopify merchants, was founded by Devin Zander. However, I would not recommend utilizing their apps have received numerous poor ratings due to bugs and compatibility difficulties.

The term eCommerce is synonymous with dropshipping. Maybe rings a bell? If you’ve heard about this from your friend, well, the opportunity is also open for you. 

Becker’s H-Com utilizes Shopify as a medium for business transactions.

Shopify is an eCommerce company that allows buyers and sellers to connect with others online. H-Com helps you in setting up your Shopify store. 

The better it looks, the more customers you generate. Its step-by-step process of eCommerce marketing will give you the edge of conducting business. Using the right guidance, you can make a whole lot of difference with your digital marketing experience.

Check out this 7-minute video to know more about H-Com…

So, who created this Local Lead Generation 101 in the first place?

Who is Alex Becker?

Maybe you’ve heard about the name Alex Becker.

If you don’t, it’s time to introduce him using his expertise in digital marketing. Alex Becker is the founder of the H-Com course.

Along with Matthew Schmitt and Devin Zander, the three of them developed this course. It’s exciting how three brilliant minds came up with an idea like this one. Their skills complete the missing links in eCommerce. 

Schmitt is an expert in dropshipping. He mastered the art of selling print-on-demand products. On the other hand, Zander developed Shopify’s software called Smar7. 

With the help of these two fellows, Becker formed an alliance that would dominate the eCommerce world.

Becker’s form of catching people’s attention using his promotional videos is an exemption. He does this with his Lamborghini or Ferrari in the background to elicit more appeal. 

His theatrical videos soon developed into more well-versed, outstanding content-rich videos. Becker achieved success and is now one of the famous business tycoons online.

So, how does the course work?…

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How does H-Com Work?

Earning money in eCommerce can at times be confusing. That’s if you don’t know where to start. But, using the right approach, you can make a better outcome. 

H-Com was developed to create a more friendly approach to eCommerce. It allows you to get the chance of earning money while conducting business using Shopify.

This tool helps you manage other clients’ needs while at the same time ordering and selling them at a promising price. 

This course will guide you through a step-by-step process of understanding the whole eCommerce system.

If you’re just curious about this course and hold enough cash to take a look at what’s inside, you can. At the end of the course, you’ll understand whether it’s worth the price or not. 

This is a ten-week program that allows you to understand how eCommerce works. But, only nine weeks are allocated to the actual training program of this course. The remaining last week is a bonus for you to appreciate this course best. 

Typically, you’ll need to pay for the apps to gain better access to eCommerce. But, this course will give you free access to those apps which are, of course, developed by Smar7. What better way of enjoying the lectures of the ones making the whole Shopify app itself?

Inside H-Com

H-com is a tool that helps you master eCommerce.

This form of digital marketing business primarily uses Shopify as its medium. Using this course, you will unfold the unknown secrets of doing business online and facing the eCommerce world. 

So, what makes H-Com morse interesting? Well, it follows a step-by-step process in leading you towards success. Such a promising claim, right?

But wait, let’s find out whether these steps are worth the money and effort. After all, making money is a necessity. Without funds, you cannot sustain your needs. 

This course typically runs a nine-week discussion. But, as I’ve said, the last week is a bonus. It gives you access to special apps that can be used to better appreciate eCommerce. 

There are 88 video lessons in all. If you’re going to do a marathon, the whole course module lasts about 15 hours. You can do it in just a day. But, if you want better results, I suggest you’d follow the standard timing of watching the videos. 

1st Week: Mindset

During the first week, Becker will condition your mind about businesses. The importance of following the steps is crucial to achieving better results. Everything about dropshipping is not yet discussed during this time. 

If you want to succeed, I suggest you’d listen to what Becker would say. His videos are like empowering materials that are essential in starting a business. If you’re not that enticing at first, I bet everything will just follow through like magic. 

2nd Week: Building

In this second week of training, Schmitt and Zander will discuss everything about Shopify. You will be taught about the secret formula in making a Shopify store. Everything you need about Shopify can be learned during this week. 

From establishing the name, products, and themes, all you need is placed in a nutshell. It’s okay if you’re not familiar with Shopify. Just sit back and listen to what the teachers will tell you. 

3rd Week: Products

This week is subdivided into three modules. It includes the introduction about eCommerce, the dropshipping system, and print-on-demand tutorials. You will be taught 13 lessons during this week. 

All-in-all, this week caters to about 2 hours of the overall lecture time. Learning how to run your store is discussed like looking for products, suppliers, and adding items. Maybe the lessons would seem to be basic but it’s still helpful in creating a good foundation. 

4th Week: Profit

During this week, focusing on your sales profit is important. Your goal as a businessman is to sell products as much as you can. Learning how to run the game is needed. 

Optimizing your Shopify store is important. Thus, designing each section is a priority. Don’t just make something that looks very basic. Learn how to do things right by making the best themes using your Shopify store. 

5th Week: Advertisements

Promoting your online store focuses on running good Ads. Well, I guess this gives the distinction between other eCommerce courses. This is where the sky sits high above the ocean. 

Other eCommerce courses give you a good overview of how much profit you can make. But, they fail in a crucial part. The art of making your store well-known. 

If nobody notices your store, you can never sell. This leads to your downfall as a digital entrepreneur. Advertising is an essential component in dropshipping. 

Without sales, you’ll never earn any profit. But the good thing is, H-Com is here to help you! Your problem in making Ads that attract people’s attention is solved. 

This whole week will guide you on how to make Ads that hold the power of enticing your viewers. It works like magic! And little will you know, clients will keep on popping out from your list. 

6th Week: Scaling

Making Ads that work is not enough. You need to scale. During this time, Becker will teach you how to scale your Ads. 

It’s easy to make Lookalike audiences. But this comes with a hefty price. However, if you’re willing to take the risk, you can go with full blow and increase your sales. 

7th Week: Sustain

Controlling your Ads is important. You might end up losing more funds than earning profit. As such, Schmitt will teach you some strategies to sustain your Ads. 

But a word of caution, some things might not be best for you. Choose wisely and look at what’s ahead. Your decisions will affect the direction of your eCommerce business. 

8th Week: Marketing

Keeping an eye on your marketing strategy is important. This module is subdivided into three parts. You will learn influencer marketing, email marketing, and other important sales tactics. 

Making an email list is possible using this course. By doing so, reaching out to prospective clients becomes easy. This means higher chances of closing deals. 

9th Week: Delegation

During this week, you will learn how to delegate tasks to your team. Constant communication and strategic planning are needed to keep your business running. As such, it’s important to utilize your team well and create a better performance.

Check out this 16-minute video to give you a better understanding of H-Com…

Let us move forward and learn more about…

How do you join H-Com?

So, how do you get to be a member of this course?

Well, it’s practically easy. All you have to do is visit alexbecker.org and click on the sign-up box. 

Follow the steps and pay the registration fee. Once confirmed, you’re good to go and enjoy your eCommerce class experience.

How much does H-Com cost to join?

There are two ways on how to pay for H-Com’s registration fee.

If you want a one-time payment, you’ll need $1,997.

But, if you opt to avail of its 5-time payment option, you’ll be paying $597 each time. That’s a total of $2,985.

H-Com monthly cost

There is no mention of any monthly dues in joining H-Com.

H-Com 3030 is a pricey course, costing $1,997. And if you’re paying that much, you might anticipate more than beginner-level material.

But, the course is not worth the exorbitant cost. The majority of the given information is available for free on YouTube.

As I began researching H-Com and Hero Commerce courses, I discovered no confirmed student examples of success other than the ones on their sales website.

Yet, if you check Reddit and other communities, you may encounter threads where beginners express discontent with the application.

Some students have stated that the course needs more clarity regarding the measures to take and that the support structure needs to be revised. Some students have reported terrible encounters even in private Facebook groups.

Some of the more advanced students (and possibly even the course designers) are mocking the efforts of the less seasoned pupils instead of helping them.

Unsurprisingly, the setting is considered condescending, as it is unfavorable to assisting and fostering newcomers.

Alex, the instructor behind the program, has a reputation for being a strict educator. On his YouTube channel, he has been caught shouting at his “students.”

In addition, he occasionally glosses over subtleties and rushes through challenging sections, which can frustrate some pupils. All of these complaints appear justifiable.

But, you can either choose to pay its one-time registration fee or the 5-time payment (which costs a more hefty price).

However, many people fail to realize there are ongoing costs to this business model such as…

• Weebley hosting and domain: $25 a month per website

• Call tracker i.e. Callrail: $45 to $145 per month or Callsling and $498 one time fee (needed- but you get one included – note it doesn’t work everywhere in the world)

• Email autoresponder to track leads: $15+ a month

• PO Box (to set up your business address): $19 to $75 for 6 months (needed)

• SpyFu (competitor keyword research): $33 to $199 a month / AHrefs (keyword research) – $99 a month

• PPC ads: $200+ a month (not needed but can help for speed)

• Outsourcing (some people pay others to build a website or do some of the tasks- not needed, but a great way to scale eventually)

H-Com reviews online

Talking about H-Com’s ability to turn the tides in eCommerce is tricky.

Some find it helpful while others look at its module as self-explanatory. This is in the sense where others find its discussion to be available on YouTube for free. 

However, if you want a structured, organized approach, I think this course works out fine. The step-by-step process is enough to make a structured module that gives helpful feedback.

Common positive H-Com reviews

Excellent design and presentation

The well-organized and visually appealing layout of the H-com 3030 Ecom course makes it easier to follow along. The topic is delivered by three successful eCommerce entrepreneurs that are conversant with the subject matter and utilize clear, succinct language that is simple to comprehend.

The H-com 3030 Ecom course includes practical strategies and formulas for success, which is one of its most essential features. For instance, the training addresses when and how much to invest in Facebook ads for optimal outcomes.

This degree of clarity and information helps you avoid frequent traps and optimize your marketing budget.

Certain procedures and formulas

The H-com 3030 Ecom course includes practical strategies and formulas for success, one of its most essential features. For instance, the training addresses when and how much to invest in Facebook ads for optimal outcomes.

This degree of clarity and information helps you avoid frequent traps and optimize your marketing budget.

Excellent scaling approaches

A further strength of H-com 3030 Ecom is its emphasis on scaling techniques. This course teaches you how to effectively and efficiently expand your eCommerce business.

By mastering these scaling tactics, you can take your business to the next level and attain your desired success.

  • Simple
  • Easy to learn
  • Can be done without the experience

Common negative H-Com reviews

  • Very basic
  • Lacks examples
  • Self-explanatory

Alex Becker could be more helpful, and customer service could be better.

H-com 3030 Ecom is not an excellent option if you’re searching for a course taught by a dedicated and helpful instructor.

Alex Becker, the instructor, appears to care more about his success than that of his students. In addition, the customer service supplied by the course is unhelpful, which can be annoying if you have queries or issues that need to be resolved.

It is pricey for the value it provides.

With a price tag of $1,997, the training may not be worth the investment, mainly if you are already aware of dropshipping fundamentals.

The course material is rather elementary and offers little that cannot be found for free online. It may be helpful if you’re a complete newcomer to dropshipping. However, it’s a touch pricey for what it delivers.

Is H-Com a scam?

Is this course a scam? I can’t say that this course is a scam.

Based on its positive reviews and lives that were changed, this course is for real. 

However, when talking about its price and the lessons you will learn, it’s up to you to decide. Just be careful in taking risks and be mindful of your actions.

Tired of expensive crappy Affiliate Marketing courses? Check out how I make money online here!

H-Com pros

Beginner friendly

This course allows you to engage with eCommerce even without prior experience.

The lessons are taught easily and you can adapt to each module without much effort.


The simplicity of this course is what makes it good.

All you need to do is stick with its module and apply it in the real world.

Clear and understandable

It doesn’t take much effort to understand what this course has to offer.

Using the instructors’ teachings, one can easily apply its steps. It surely is very clear and understandable.

H-Com cons


This course is worth more than the things that you can learn.

Some of it can be found on YouTube or other similar courses.

Lacks examples

It’s better if your queries are addressed promptly.

You cannot learn better without the instructors’ timely response. As you can see above, Alex Becker has also already shifted from e-commerce to cryptocurrencies.

And he is already full blast on crypto today, so you’ll have a hard time connecting with him when it comes to his e-commerce courses, which seem like to be already left on his sidelines.

Needs more solid examples

The way things work on this course should be related to actual scenarios.

Without more examples, you cannot verify its effectiveness. Hence, more solid examples are needed.

My opinion – H-Com

So, is Alex Becker’s H-Com course helpful in finding financial success?

That’s up to you to decide. Success is not something that works out like magic. Let alone a shortcut to its road. 

But, with the right knowledge and attitude, success is possible.

Is this course a scam? No, it’s not. But deciding whether to take it on or not depends on your judgment. Always remember, you can never achieve your goal without taking the first step forward.

How I make passive income online

In 2018 I had no idea what affiliate marketing was. 

Once I learnt about it, it just seemed like a great business model that can grow over time using the power of the internet. 

So I tried to figure it out by myself… that got me nowhere fast.

Then I fell for some terrible online scams. 

But eventually, I found Wealthy Affiliate. It teaches long-term proven strategies to build an online business with all the tools & support needed. 

And this happened…

Make Time Online Income

Once you learn the process of getting thousands of people to find your website every month (for free) there really is not limit to what you can achieve online. 

I’ve reviewed hundreds of courses or programs that claim to help people make money online. And I’ve spoken to dozens of 6-7 figure online entrepreneurs on my podcast.

This is by far the best place I’ve seen to help beginners get set up on the right foot. You can read my full Wealthy Affiliate review here (including the pros and cons!) 

Or you can watch an insiders video I made that explains exactly how it works here.  

Mike PE teacher to Passive Income Online

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