February 16, 2022

Free Life Movement Review: Fake it Till You Make it With Kangen Water

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Chances are, is that you are looking for an accurate Free Life Movement review to figure out if this is a legit opportunity to make money from home

Free Life Movement is an educational platform that provides tips and tutorials on how to use "attraction marketing" on social media. They do this to help you recruit more people into Enagic, which is another MLM.

They'll teach you how to make it seem like you're living the dream life in social media so you "attract" people, and in the process, make them message you to know what you're actually doing.

You then convince them to "be their own boss" and you sell them water filter system for thousands of dollars while also making commissions from their sales.

That's what I'll show to you in this review, along with how this company works and who it's best suited for.

If you're like me and you prefer watching videos to reading then just watch this 20-minute summary...

Free Life Movement review: The overview and rankings

Name: Free Life Movement

Founder: Unknown

Type: Attraction marketing training for Enagic MLM

Products (Including Pricing): $1,980 to $5,980 for a water machine

Success Stories: Very hard to find honest ones (people are encouraged to "fake it till you make it")

Price To Join: 

What to look for in a MLM:

  • Low start-up fee & maintenance cost
  • High-quality affordable products
  • You don’t have to carry inventory
  • An affiliate-like system 
  • Generous compensation plan
  • Company is in the early momentum phase

Free Life Movement University Pros

  • Helps to recruit unsuspecting victims into a MLM
  • Alkaline water trend

Free Life Movement University Cons

  • Expensive products
  • Prohibited to promote other products or companies
  • Pyramid scheme in disguise?
  • Bad tactics to keep people in
  • No interest

Summary: Free Life Movement provides "attraction marketing" education. This is a fancy term for faking it till you make it on social media to "attract" people to slide into your DMs to figure out what you do. 

Then you simply sell them Enagic MLM products (water filter systems and turmeric supplements) for thousands of dollars. And encourage them to sell the same to other unsuspecting victims to help make you (and them) more money.  

Make Time Online Rating: 10 out of 100 

Recommended: No

What is Free Life Movement?

According to their website, the free life movement is an online community and a training platform for conscious individuals to understand the processes and skills necessary to build and maintain an internet business that flourishes. 

It consists of over 3000 individuals worldwide who collaborate and support one another.

In addition, customers have access to over 75 hours of training, such as a 6-week company launch course to get you started, weekly live calls and masterminds with special guests, coaching calls, tutorials, accountability partners, and much more.

Free Life Movement is an educational training program that talks about how you can live a happier and healthier life. However, its main agenda is to promote Enagic, a Multi-Level-Marketing company. 

And for sure, the die hard Enagic fans are against this notion because they're saying...

But Enagic isn't an MLM, it's "direct selling" or "network marketing". 

If that's what they say, then let's see what FTC has to say about the difference between Direct selling and MLM's...

Enagic members are not employees. They just recruit new people into the company to become part of their "downline." This means that they can make money from their recruits because they get a commission from their sales.

That is what an MLM is.

Check out 5 minutes of the video below (it's 2 hours long and I would recommend watching all of this if you really want to figure out the full picture here. But I'll drip feed in sections of this when relevant throughout this review). 

  • 16:51 - Other Enagic Training Platforms

Here are some of the other programs that help you to recruit people into the Enagic MLM (either have in the past or still going):

Note that this isn't even all of them. They all have different variations of trainings to help people promote Enagic. 

It's just strange to see that there are very many programs that train people on how they can make money with Enagic.

It  maybe because each program eventually gets a bad reputation and be called a scam sooner or later. The owners might also want to start at the top of their own pyramid. 

So, let's ask...

Is Free Life Movement a pyramid scheme?

Free Life Movement is not a pyramid scheme.

The company provides content that educates people on how they can use social media to entice people to ask them on how they manage to live a very nice life.

They market their business strategy and then promote Enagic.

But there are lots of signs that Free Life Movement is a pyramid scheme in disguise.

Enagic is also not a pyramid scheme because distributors can make money by selling expensive water filter machines.

And here is what I mean when talking of pyramid schemes in disguise...

What is a pyramid scheme?

A company that promises payment to members for recruiting more people into the company rather than selling a product or service. 

This diagram from Wikipedia shows that the only ones who can make good money from MLMs are those at the top. Chances are, is that you're starting at the bottom. This means you're going to have a hard time making good bucks...

Check out this 5-minute video to learn more about pyramid schemes in disguise...

Success is rare with Free Life Movement

Note that between 72.5% and 99.9% of MLM members are losing money.

This is a statistical fact that has been proven numerous times already.

Also note that you need to recruit as many people as you can if you want to be successful inside an MLM.

This means sacrificing your privacy and PR ethics just for the sake of getting lots of recruits to earn money. This just doesn't sound right...

Ready to make passive income online?

Hey, I'm Mike.

I created a passive income online within a year. I had no marketing skills or online experience when I started. 

How does Free Life Movement Work?

Free Life Movement works by:

  • Giving you training modules on business and entrepreneurship
  • Provides free coaching calls

You will then be charged $99 for every month that you stay with the company.

So here is what you get...

Free Life Movement products

Here is what you will get when you become a Free Life Movement member:

  • Discovery process
  • Video trainings on entrepreneurship
  • 1:1 coaching call
  • Facebook Ads Training
  • Sales training

For sure, there's nothing appealing with these as they are just very generic and you can learn them from the internet for free...

Enagic products

Enagic has 8 water Ionizer machines and various Ukon (turmeric) supplements. 

The machines are not just overpriced water filters. The only thing that they are filtering out is chlorine.

And also note that the main selling points of water Ionizers (other than changing the pH of water) is that:

  •  Electrolyzed reduced water (ERW): exposed to electric current separates charged particles
  • Hydrogen rich water (HRW): hydrogen gas dissolved in water (acts as an antioxidant)
  • Oxidation reduction potential (ORP): the lower the score the more antioxidants in the water (which is good)

Some of the "claimed" health benefits from distributors (who mostly know nothing about any of this science) include:

  • Slows aging process
  • Boost immune system
  • More hydrating
  • Boost metabolism
  • Relieves heartburn
  • Cures cancer, diabetes, measles
  • and a ton of other stuff

However, a ton of this sounded quite wishy washy to me. So I dug into some studies and found that it's clear more research is needed to be sure about any of the health claims. 

I won't bore you with all of this right now (Anna's analysis has you covered there if you want it). But here's the summary from Healthline...

"However, more research is needed beyond these small studies. In particular, research is needed to answer other claims made by alkaline water supporters"

Free Life Movement flagship product

Enagic's flagship product is the K8.

This can produce 7 different levels of pH water ranging from 2.5-11pH. Here's what it is promoted as being good for:

  • Acidic 2.5ph: remove pesticide off food and a good disinfectant
  • 6.0pH: "beauty water" for skin and hair
  • Alkaline 11pH: best for drinking

If you want to learn more about these machines and what these actually do (which you prob should if you plan on selling these to other people), then watch the next 5 minutes of this video...

  • 6:40 - Enagic Machines, Prices, Uses

Can you make money with Free Life Movement?

You can make money from Free Life Movement by selling water filter machines and recruiting anyone into another MLM called Enagic.

The Free Life movement markets two products: water machines and educational materials.

The first is training for mindset and branding. The fundamentals of social media branding are laid out for you.

In addition, they will provide insights into the importance of a positive mental attitude and how to control one's emotions. They have hundreds of hours of video to remind you of the crucial qualities you need to succeed.

Second is the selling of water machines. You would have to study devices. The money and the high-priced sales are here. You should recoup your initial investment.

You'll learn the ropes of selling these gadgets to your closest loved ones.

"But I was under the impression that this was my business, governed by my own set of standards?"

Almost, but not quite. There are better places to establish a company than this one. You'll be working as a salesperson for Enagic.

The cost of the water purification systems makes them out of reach for most households. Some people even use credit cards or get really into debt to start this business.

You may feel discouraged if this is your first time attempting a business venture.

But aside from doing these, you need to sell yourself in social media by sharing photos and videos of how good your life is, even if it's not really that way.

You just want to make people wonder how you make good money so that they'll message you and ask you what you do for a living.

When they do this, you then introduce them to Enagic, and eventually recruit them to become one of your downlines...

How to make money with Free Life Movement

There are 2 main ways to make money from Free Life Movement:

  • Sell Free Life Movement's courses and earn commissions
  • Recruit people into Enagic and earn commissions

As you can see, it's all about earning commissions...

How much does it cost to join Free Life Movement?

You must pay their monthly membership fee of $99.

You must also spend at least $1,980 for a machine. Why? Well, you should buy one if you want to join Enagic. There are also hidden monthly costs...

Free Life Movement monthly cost

You should spend $99 every month to become an active Free Life Movement member. You then get access to their courses in exchange.

Also note that there are additional costs you will incur such as:

  • Email autoresponder ($15+ a month)
  • Funnel builders ($25-$97 a month)
  • Tracking software ($25+ a month)
  • Paying for ads (at least $100 a month)

However, there are technically no monthly costs if you want to become an Enagic MLM member. Honestly, this is great compared to many other MLM programs out there that require an "autoship" or a minimum monthly sales quota.

However, as soon as you have a 6A title or above, you need 10 machines to be sold in the qualifying month.

If you don't make a sale for 6 months you will start earning less money from indirect sales (people in your downline selling the machines). 

The "Trifecta" (which you are encouraged to buy) costs around $10,000 after tax. 

You'll get:

  • A K8 machine for $4,980
  • An Anespa DX machine for $2,890
  • UKON Turmeric supplements for $760 (4 month supply)

The reason I'm mentioning this inside the monthly costs section is because of the turmeric supplements...

They autoship 3 times a year!

So realistically you need to allow for:

  • $2,280 (if you get the turmeric supplements)
  • be prepared to buy extra machines to hit your 10 sales quota once you are past 6A ranking or above

So technically there are no monthly fees. 

But you should probably be prepared to spend $2,280 a year on supplements. After all, your upline will say "if you don't take these, how you can you expect to sell them to other people?"

Free Life Movement compensation plan

Free Life Movement does not have any solid information on their compensatin plan, but chances are, just like the other similar MLMs, is that you can earn 20% to 30% commissions from your downlines' sales.

But you can make more money from the other MLM.

There are 6 main "ranks" in Enagic:

  • 1A (1-2 sales) - receive 1 point
  • 2A (3-10 sales) - receive 2 points
  • 3A (11-20 sales) - receive 3 points
  • 4A (21-50 sales) - receive 4 points
  • 5A (51-100 sales) - receive 5 points
  • 6A (101+ sales) - receive 6 points

The 8 point system means how many points get handed out per sale. 

For example, if you sold your first K8 machine for $4,890 you would make $340 (you are 1A rank and get 1 point). The other 7 points go to your "upline". If the person directly above you was a 6A rank they would get 6 points ($2,040), leaving only one point to person above them, no matter what rank they are. Anyone above them would receive diddly squat. 

I just want to point out this fact here...

You may have been trying to sell anything to anyone for months.

You finally sell a huge $4,980 product...

But you only receive $340.

Yet the people above you earn $2,380!

If that is not an incentive to recruit more people so you can get a bigger chunk of the earnings, then I'm not sure what is?!

Watch the next 5 minutes of this video to get an insight into the true compensation plan for Enagic...

  • 7:34 - Enagic’s Compensation Plan

Or you can find the full Enagic compensation plan here. 

Is Free Life Movement a scam?

Free Life Movement is not a scam because they merely just offer attraction marketing for people to see in social media.

People then become enticed on whatever it is you do and ask you about it. You then introduce them to Free Life Movement, and eventually to Enagic where you turn them into downlines.

That sure is a shady marketing strategy because aside from your hidden agenda, you also sell them the promise of becoming their own boss.

But don't blame these guys entirely because that's just what they are trained to do...

Just to be fully transparent with you, I am not a distributor myself and I do not endorse it in any way.

I have researched the website, testimonials and information on the Internet to get to the bottom of what this program genuinely does. This is because I have been burnt from programs just like this in the past and I want to prevent others from making the same mistakes.

Tired of MLMs? Check out how I make money online here!

Common positive reviews

Here are some of the common positive reviews about its job opportunity that we have found in Indeed...

  • "I started as a regular customer service rep and they gave me the opportunity to advance up the corporate ladder and expand my role which has allowed me to grow."
  • "I enjoyed working at FreeLife. It was my first job working in a call center. I received extensive training and felt supported by my manager and supervisor."

Common negative reviews

And here are the common negative reviews people are saying about its job opportunity, which we also found in Indeed...

  • "Poor management. the politics in this place are outrageous. Tedious, no call volume. No schedule flexibility. Learned very little."
  • "Hardest part of the job was trying to assist customers who needed a prior authorization from my manager, because my manager would never get back to me on important and necessary issues."

What I like about Free Life Movement

Here are the few things that I like about Free Life Movement...

#1 If you promote Enagic MLM this will help you to recruit (morals aside)

Free Life Movement is for you if you really like to promote Enagic and recruit people into this MLM.

There is no doubt that this thing called attraction marketing works...

But just note that you need to spend loads of time in social media and posting fancy who knows what stuffs just to entice people to become your downlines...

#2 Alkaline water trend

Another nice thing about Free Life Movement is that there is a growing number of people who are searching Google with alkaline water...

It is easier to sell if people are jumping on to that trend.

But also take a look at this chart which compares alkaline water to Bitcoin...

You can see that everything is relative and that the chart compares alkaline water to an object that only 1% of the world owns.

What I don't like about Free Life Movement

And then here are the things that I don't like about Free Life Movement...

#1 Expensive products

You can clearly see that there are many other products that are basically the same with the water filter machines Enagic is selling which are way lower in price...

But there are also many distributors saying that the Enagic machines are superior.

But the fact is you can pick up water ionizers that can change the pH of the water from 2.5-11pH for a fraction of the cost...

There is way too much for me to dig into every argument. And what Enagic hardcore fans usually argue is that Enagic has superior Oxidation Reduction Potential (ORP aka more antioxidants, therefore it's better for you). 

Watch 2 minutes of this video to see if this is really the case...

  • 40:23 - ORP Comparison Graphics

If you continue watching that video you will find a ton more of the same, such as a study from Alkaline Water Plus...

Enagic water ionizers are nothing special compared to other models. 

It's just that every Enagic distributor hasn't done the proper research themselves or ever tested another ionizer brand themselves. They are very good at regurgitating the same things they see other distributors say though... 

#2 Not allowed to promote other products

Feel free to read the full Policy and Procedures here. 

It clearly states that you can't promote any other product aside from the ones that Enagic is selling.

This doesn't go with the true meaning of entrepreneurship because if you are a genuine entrepreneur, then you'll find and sell any product that makes you profits.

Not the case with this one, though...

#3 Is Free Life Movement a pyramid scheme in disguise?

Free Life Movement is not a pyramid scheme.

But this doesn't mean that it's any good.

Well, you can make some small bucks or maybe decent money, but you need to spend too much time recruiting people and working as a full time sales manager, but without any salary.

Here is what their system looks like...

Most members are just going to lose money, and that just no good.

#4 Shady tactics to keep people in

Ok, these are the last few minutes that you must watch from this video...

  • 1:25:05 - 1) The Only Way You Can Fail Is If You Quit
  • 1:25:36 - 2) Law of Attraction
  • 1:28:46 - 3) Money Mindset
  • 1:32:14 - 4) Echo Chamber
  • 1:33:45 - 5) Cult-like Behavior 
  • 1:42:44 - Pseudoscience Promoted in Community
  • 1:45:42 - Conspiracy Theories Promoted in Community
  • 1:50:10 - 6) $$$$$

But the shady tactics do not end there. 

What about how they actually find so many people that can afford a few thousand dollars to pay for a water filter machine?

These two minutes will just shock you...

  • 44:00 - Can’t Afford to Join? Commit Fraud!
"Credit cards have no way of checking your income. So go ahead and manifest $90k coming your way and put this down as your salary."

So there are people outright encouraging other people to commit "loan application fraud". 

If you get caught doing this (prob not hard as people publish this on social media!), then you can face up to $1 million in fines and 30 years in jail. And yes, real people are getting caught doing this all the time!

#5 No real interest

The deal breaker for me is what I see back in Google Trends.

You can clearly see that Enagic isn't doing any good when it comes to searches even if they had already been in the market for a long time.

That isn't the case with Farmasi, though, which is another MLM, but only much better in terms of opportunities...

Ready to make passive income online?

I've created a growing passive income online with no previous marketing skills or online experience... 

I've made a special video for you to explain exactly how I did this. 

My opinion - Free Life Movement

Here are the final two words I can give Free Life Movement...

Although you can make money from this MLM, there is just no guarantee that you can get good money.

The effort and time you are going to spend is not just worth it especially that you also compromise your privacy and reputation for the sake of recruiting more people and making commissions from their sales.

There are so many better business opportunities out there you can try out for good...

How I make passive income online

MLMs are not scams or illegal. However, I'm not a fan of them because of the restrictions to the expensive products you have to promote.

Once I learnt about affiliate marketing, I realised it's a far superior business model because:

  • You can promote anything you want and truly own the business
  • You never need to sell to friends and family
  • It's completely free to start

In 2018 I had no idea what affiliate marketing was.

But I went from a full time PE teacher to making a passive income online within one year...

If you want to discover how I did it then check out this special video I created which explains exactly how. You can also get your free 7-day bootcamp to get started.

About the Author

Mike Beatty has built a passive income online whilst working as a full-time PE teacher without any marketing or technical experience. Learn more about how he's done it here.

Mike Beatty

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