December 22, 2021

Cold Email Writing Review: All There is to Know on Dekker Fraser’s Udemy Lead Gen Course

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Digital marketing allows you to earn money using the internet platform anytime, anywhere. Its convenience makes it an ideal source of income.

Work at your pace without anybody else to dictate you. 

One of the most effective means of earning in digital marketing is cold emailing. Using this technique allows you to gather clients.

Let’s check out one of the most famous online courses about cold emailing and how effective it is in digital marketing.

This review will help you decide if it’s worth trying by discussing its content, pros, cons, so you’ll know if it is a legit way to make money online.

This Cold Email Writing review has been thoroughly researched with information and testimonials that are available online to anyone in the public. Any conclusions drawn by myself are opinions.

Cold Email Writing review: The overview and rankings

Name: Cold Email Writing

Owners: Dekker Fraser

Type: Lead generation course

Price: $79.99

Best for: Anyone who wants to learn lead generation through LinkedIn ads to make good money.

Cold Email Writing Pros

  1. Helpful
  2. Worth it
  3. Well organized

Cold Email Writing Cons

  1. Complex
  2. Needs appropriate funds
  3. Needs additional information


Cold Email Writing is a lead generation course that teaches you how to make money online through effective local lead generation.

Make Time Online Rating: 45 out of 100 

Recommended: No

What is Cold Email Writing about?

Have you ever heard about cold emailing?

Well, if you’re in the digital marketing sphere, you’ll surely understand its essence.

Cold emailing is an effective means of getting clients for your digital marketing business. 

Knowing the right method of making a cold email is crucial in running your digital marketing business. Hence, it’s important to get ideas from the best instructors. This is where the Cold Email Writing course comes into place. 

Cold Email Writing teaches you how to utilize lead generation through cold emailing. This course talks about the right means of making a cold email. A cold email works by sending an email to a prospective client. 

Cold emailing is a process towards lead generation. You start with building a relationship and slowly move towards converting them into valuable customers.

Cold email means you have yet to interact with the person. You can think of it like a cold call, except much less intrusive. After all, a prospect can review your email and reply. 

Cold emailing is more complex than most communication for two reasons. You have no relationship with your audience yet and lack non-verbal feedback, so you can’t modify your approach in real-time.

However, sending random emails doesn’t assure you of closing deals. As such, it’s important to know the right way of making a cold email. This course is made to give you the proper format for sending a cold email. 

Email marketing should be designed in such a way that it compels a person to avail of your products and services. If this criterion is met, sending a cold email to a prospective client ensures a deal.

A cold email campaign only works if it is conducted correctly and you perfectly understand the nature of cold emails. 

The goal of writing a cold email is to get it to read. Each word and sentence you use should persuade the reader to move to the next one right until the end of the email.

In short, your email should be designed to produce the desired results — a meeting with the prospect.

Being specific sets you apart from the hundreds of emails prospects receive in their inbox. 

When you begin the email with information about the prospect’s website or product, it shows that you’ve done your homework before contacting them. Moreover, it also grabs their attention.

Cold Email Writing gives you the advantage of making the best business development emails. 

By doing so, your chances of getting more clients and closing deals increases. This means an increase in profit. With the profit gained, your capacity to expand your business also increases.

So, who created this Local Lead Generation 101 in the first place?

Who is Dekker Fraser?

Knowing about Cold Email Writing gives you the thrill of knowing more.

I mean, who doesn’t want first-hand knowledge about something that holds the power to give you money? So, let’s talk about the man behind the Cold Email Writing course.

Cold Email Writing is founded by Dekker Fraser. He’s a marketing executive who’s included in the Startups to Fortune 100 and a graduate of MBA in Kellogg University. His influence in digital marketing allowed him to earn his name in the entrepreneurial world. 

With 151,866 students in 29 courses, it’s not a surprise that Fraser is rated 4.4 out of 5 in Udemy’s instructor rating. His work helped many students which earned him 2,969 reviews, the majority of which are positive ones. His management experience is evident in his teaching skills and strategies. 

Fraser’s management experience is remarkable. Did you know why? Well, he worked with many world-renowned companies. 

He served for PlayStation as a Global Product Manager. In Talkatoo, he was also the Marketing Department Vice President. Not only that, but Fraser was also Webgility’s Senior Product Marketing Manager. 

The Google-backed Rocket Lawyer also had Fraser as their Product Marketing Manager. And hey, he also worked for Ironclad Games / Flame Design as their Marketing Director. And lastly, Fraser’s a Saas Marketing Consultant which makes him the ideal coach for any marketing field. 

His educational attainment also speaks about his expertise in marketing. Fraser finished an MBA in Marketing at the famous Northwestern University – Kellogg School of Management. His leadership skills were honed after Fraser’s education at the Columbia Business School for Leadership Essentials.

Fraser’s goal of pursuing his marketing career was highly accomplished. He enrolled at Mount Allison University for a Bachelor of Commerce. He took a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree for business courses to further enhance his knowledge. 

These courses were taken at BI: Norwegian Business School. And because of his superb academic performance, he got the chance to study at Saint Mary’s University as a Presidential Scholar.

Achieving so much in academics, Fraser decided to become a volunteer for a charity. He became a charity’s Board of Directors. Furthermore, he became an advisor for a University MBA program.

With his skills and academic excellence in marketing, Fraser became a Digital Marketing & Business Analytics College Marketing Lecturer. He also served as Toastmasters International’s VP of Membership and Division Director. 

Quite a resume for an accomplished marketing guru, right? But yes, Fraser’s the best example of excellence and achievements.

So, how does the course work?…

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How does Cold Email Writing Work?

In digital marketing, you need to keep an eye on finding customers. This holds the key to increasing profit. If you want to become successful, be smart in fishing potential clients. 

Use this to your advantage. However, looking for potential clients that give a sure deal is hard. You need the right technique in acquiring this chance. 

Unlike a physical setup, you can’t wait for somebody to walk right into your store. You need to advertise. You need to give that thrill to people. 

With the right leverage, you’ll find success. But how to do this? This is where the Cold Email Writing course comes into action.

This course will teach you about a fundamental aspect of digital marketing. That’s cold emailing. As its name dictates, cold emailing is about sending emails to random people.

But, the term “random” doesn’t mean total strangers. These are random people whose common interests lie within your marketing scope. These are a group of individuals who share the same passion for your products.

If you can get in touch with them, your digital marketing business can go to heights you can’t even imagine. Cold emailing is an essential tool to keep your digital marketing business working. The only problem is how to do it right.

Sending emails to strangers can sometimes become offensive. Or oftentimes annoying. Hence, following a friendly and approachable format is best.

It would be best if you did your research. But there’s a right way and a wrong way to do that.

Personalization means that you’ve thought about who this person is, how they see the world, what interests them, and what they want — you’ve developed a “theory of mind” about the recipient. This shows them you have put work into understanding them.

You also clarify why you are emailing them instead of anyone else. Research shows that people are far more motivated to help others when they feel uniquely qualified. 

You can tell a story that makes sense to them by outlining where they fit in.

Cold Email Writing will help you accomplish your goal in digital marketing. Using the right words holds the power to convince people. And little will you know, you’ll have a pile of clients waiting to close a deal. 

This course will help you make a cold email enticing. Once people click or respond to your email, they’ll be funneled down to your business site. By doing so, they’ll get the chance to look at your products and services.

Developing your business is just a piece of cake. If you know the right means, that is. Using Cold Email Writing, an array of opportunities await your success. 

Inside Cold Email Writing

Now, let’s talk about what’s so special about this course. Inside Cold Email Writing is a set of steps that enables you to ace your sales using lead generation. 

Cold emailing is used to maximize your digital marketing business potential.

This method is one of the best when it comes to lead generation. If you can lead more clients to your business’ website, the chances of closing deals get high. This means more profit. 

This course provides the best methods of making high-end cold emails. Close more deals using exceptional email content and format. Securing a meeting with a big-time CEO and executive team with just a single cold email is possible.

Set up meetings and close many deals. This is not just a dream. It’s a reality.

Another secret in cold emailing is achieving that increased clicks and response rate. You don’t want your site to stay stagnant. You’ll need people looking at your products and end up closing deals. 

A simple twist in copywriting words can make a huge difference. Learning how to do it right gives you the upper hand in closing deals. You’ll also learn the top 6 writing tips to make a persuasive, effective cold email. 

A good copywriting framework is a key to accomplishing a good cold email. Using its powerful content, persuading a client to close a deal is easy. But, looking for a client email list that responds is another thing.

However, this course will also help you solve that problem. Enrolling in Cold Email Writing will save you the trouble of acquiring a client list. This course is packed with different ways of getting the best clientele.

Check out this 12-minute video to give you a better understanding of Cold Email Writing…–_AQ1_k

Let us move forward and learn more about…

How do you join Cold Email Writing?

After hearing all the good things about this course, I guess you’re down with the question of how to join Cold Email Writing.

Well, it’s simple. All you need is a working internet connection, laptop/desktop, and money for the registration fee. 

This course suits the best people in business development, sales, entrepreneurship, and marketing. If you have background knowledge about marketing, then good.

But if you don’t, don’t worry. This course will guide you in making a good digital marketing business.

How much does Cold Email Writing cost to join?

So, how much does it take to join this course?

It takes $79.99 to join this course…

That’s a promising offer for such a helpful opportunity. Investing in this course gives you the advantage of running your digital marketing business smoothly. 

Cold Email Writing monthly cost

This course offers you the best opportunity in running your digital marketing business.

However, are there any additional monthly fees aside from its registration fee? The good news is no. It’s a one-time registration fee with full lifetime access.

However, many people fail to realize there are ongoing costs to this business model such as…

• Weebley hosting and domain: $25 a month per website

• Call tracker i.e. Callrail: $45 to $145 per month or Callsling and $498 one time fee (needed- but you get one included – note it doesn’t work everywhere in the world)

• Email autoresponder to track leads: $15+ a month

• PO Box (to set up your business address): $19 to $75 for 6 months (needed)

• SpyFu (competitor keyword research): $33 to $199 a month / AHrefs (keyword research) – $99 a month

• PPC ads: $200+ a month (not needed but can help for speed)

• Outsourcing (some people pay others to build a website or do some of the tasks- not needed, but a great way to scale eventually)

Cold Email Writing reviews online

Since this course has a lot to offer, it’s normal to earn positive reviews. Cold Email Writing offers the best module in helping your digital marketing business to grow. However, despite all the good it offers, there are still negative reviews at hand. 

But, you need to understand that in every business comes risk. Investing is part of the first step in finding success. If you’re afraid to move forward, then all you can say are negative things.

Common positive Cold Email Writing reviews

  • Easy to use
  • Enables easy funneling
  • Effortless lead generation

“Very good breakdown on how to send cold email. like the examples and the way that he explains is really good.”

“Lots of tips I could really use.”

“I liked the in-depth information about B2B copywriting included in the course. I also enjoyed Dekker Fraser direct and to the point teaching style.”

Common negative Cold Email Writing reviews

  • Basic
  • Highly dependent
  • Limited chance of getting clients

“The course will be useful in strengthening my emailing communication skills with clients and leads generation.”

“I gave the course five stars because I thought it was educational. But I’m reducing my rating because, in section 6, the lectures about Stages are missing.”

“It is copywriting from a direct response point of view. As a guerilla marketer dependent on growth hacking tactics, I found it such an eye-opener. The part about lead generation and how to structure your offer was the best.”

Is Cold Email Writing a scam?

Knowing about the course content, instructor, and registration fee boils down to the question, “Is this a scam?”

Well, friend, it’s not.

And that’s backed up with many positive reviews...

Cold Email Writing is designed to help people achieve their goals in finding financial success. Using this course, you’ll have the capacity to turn the tides of your digital marketing business.

Finding financial freedom is possible. 

However, if you’re skeptical about the truth of what this course can offer, that’s a big problem. Your way of seeking financial success starts with the first step of investment.

Always think positive and see the greater good using this course…

Tired of expensive crappy Affiliate Marketing courses? Check out how I make money online here!

Cold Email Writing pros


This course is perfect for people venturing into digital marketing.

It gives you the chance to maximize your opportunity…

Worth it

It’s worth the price.

You’ll learn so much for the price you paid for...

Well organized

Things are discussed in a well-organized manner.

This helps in understanding the module better and further widening your knowledge.

Cold Email Writing cons


The complexity of this course is hard for some. You need better comprehension to appreciate it well.

Needs appropriate funds

Joining to be a part of the team is not a question.

However, you’ll need the appropriate funds to enroll in this course…

Niche marketing

Although this course tackles everything about cold emailing.

It still needs to provide additional information…

It needs to discuss the lead generation system as a whole for a better learning experience.

My opinion – Cold Email Writing

Running a digital marketing business needs time and effort.

But, if you have the right leverage, things become easy. Cold Email Writing guides you to a comprehensive review on how to maximize your marketing opportunity. 

Listen to the advice of a proven and tested instructor. Work your way to success by enrolling in this course. If you want more, this is your answer.

Grab this chance to ace your digital marketing profit.

Connect with people and close deals. Set up meetings and utilize any available resources for your digital marketing business. Be your boss and earn money.

There are also many other better online business opportunities out there that you can try now…

How I make passive income online

In 2018 I had no idea what affiliate marketing was. 

Once I learnt about it, it just seemed like a great business model that can grow over time using the power of the internet. 

So I tried to figure it out by myself… that got me nowhere fast.

Then I fell for some terrible online scams. 

But eventually, I found Wealthy Affiliate. It teaches long-term proven strategies to build an online business with all the tools & support needed. 

And this happened…

Make Time Online Income

Once you learn the process of getting thousands of people to find your website every month (for free) there really is not limit to what you can achieve online. 

I’ve reviewed hundreds of courses or programs that claim to help people make money online. And I’ve spoken to dozens of 6-7 figure online entrepreneurs on my podcast.

This is by far the best place I’ve seen to help beginners get set up on the right foot. You can read my full Wealthy Affiliate review here (including the pros and cons!) 

Or you can watch an insiders video I made that explains exactly how it works here.  

Mike PE teacher to Passive Income Online

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