December 22, 2021

9 Legitimate Online Typing Jobs From Home

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Since the invention of the printing press, writing has become an important part of our daily lives and a large industry.

When the Internet came around, the market for writers and typists skyrocketed once again. It made writing and even typing a job.

Many considered this job market doomed after the AI invention. But the machines haven’t caught up yet, making the humans’ job somewhat easier but not obsolete.

Here we will list some of the promising jobs that focus on typing. They can be done remotely and by a freelancer. Just make an account on the popular job search websites and type away.


Blogging is the most popular way to earn money on the internet. As long as you have something to write about you’re good to go. Many services offer free hosting for small blogs.

Scaling with e-mail lists and ads to bring in revenue is a tried and proven strategy. Many books and tutorials detail the process, follow the instructions and be consistent with writing for your blog.

Publishing in journals

Many journals offer money for writing articles for them, both regularly and as a one-off. Big publishers often ask for a portfolio or look for experienced writers. Smaller periodicals and websites often publish engaging texts that relate to their main theme.

It may be a lucrative side-hustle if you are good at writing and aren’t afraid to do some research in advance. Journalistic education is not necessary for this kind of job, and anyone with enough skill and persistence can do it.

Shadow writing

Not all bloggers write their posts themselves. Shocking, I know. Celebrities, influencers, and Instagram stars all need their captions and posts to be neat and consistent.

Not all of them can or want to put in the effort, but the brand makes enough money to buy texts. Some people even order books and put their names on them. While the practice may be questionable at its core, it is a source of income for many people.

This job sometimes requires other skills, like SEO optimization and knowledge of social media platforms. The learning pays off quickly, and there are countless free resources all over the internet to draw on.

Transcribing audio and video

The AI tools are trying to overtake this niche, but they are only so good now. Countless YouTube videos, conference recordings, and important meetings need closed captions and subtitles.

As of late 2021, no software can automate this tedious task. The paycheck for these jobs is modest, and they are often urgent. But it doesn’t take much skill and effort to type after the speaker. Besides, modern speech recognition tools make the job much faster.

Transcribing hand-written notes

The text recognition software is now almost good enough to work with printed documents, scanned in high resolution.

Everything else produces mediocre results at best. And hand-written notes are impossible to transcribe automatically.

This is rarely well-paid labor, as there are no special skills required to retype other’s work. But it is possible to get an upper hand by learning to typeset in LaTeX to produce printable documents.

Translating texts

If you happen to know two languages, either from school or as a bilingual and can write well, there are many opportunities for you as a translator.

While computers are getting better, they still cannot replace a good interpreter. This is especially true for specialized texts. Translating them takes either a solid knowledge of the matter or good command of foreign languages.

Like interpreting texts, software localization is not yet automated. Developers often order localization on freelance websites. The job does not require any programming knowledge: the key is to know the names of various elements and buttons.

Goods description

All the goods descriptions on online websites were written by someone. When an entrepreneur sets up a website and an online store, they usually hire a freelancer to make unique descriptions for the stuff they sell.

These orders are typically placed on online freelance marketplaces. You may need skills like SEO optimization to do this successfully. This is a time-consuming job, but it pays well compared to some of the other ones.

Data entries

Many companies transition from accounting in paper to digital bookkeeping. This usually requires transferring a large amount of data into a structured database.

The information comes from scanned documents or even handwritten notebooks and journals.

You can also check out this 6-minute video to know the best online typing jobs out there:

This is also a common problem for data scientists that need large amounts of data that sometimes cannot be extracted with a script.


Editing others’ work may not be as fascinating. However, it is an important part of the writing process. A good editor sees the difference between outstanding and mediocre writing.

Many websites check grammar and even style, but none of them will replace a good editor in the foreseeable future. This job may be more difficult to get into, but it pays off.


There are many jobs out on the Internet that can be done from home, and many of them require little to no skill.

But the more advanced your skill set is, the higher the pay for the same number of words or symbols. So do not limit yourself to typing and try to branch out as much as possible, constantly learning and honing your craft.

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