July 26, 2021

Affiliate Supremacy Review: Can This Course Open the Gates to Millions of Dollars?

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A lot of people are searching for other ways to make money online while building a sustainable career out of it. This is why more online business opportunities are popping out every minute. One such example is Affiliate Supremacy, an online course that teaches affiliate marketing.

But you asked yourself…

Is Affiliate Supremacy a scam? And is it worth the price?

As early as now, I’ll say that it’s not a scam. It’s a legit course that helps you make money through affiliate marketing.

This review will dive deeper into its content, pros, cons, and many other features so you’ll know if it is worth considering and if it is a legit way to make money online.

Read on to know more about Affiliate Supremacy...

This Affiliate Supremacy review has been thoroughly researched with information and testimonials that are available online to anyone in the public. Any conclusions drawn by myself are opinions.

Affiliate Supremacy review: The overview and rankings

Name: Affiliate Supremacy

Founder: Craig Dawber, John Chadwick

Type: Affiliate marketing course

Success Stories: 10/100

Price To Join: $17 subscription

Affiliate Supremacy Pros

  1. Informative content
  2. Affordable

Affiliate Supremacy Cons

  1. Shady creators
  2. Down website
  3. No guarantee of success


Affiliate Supremacy is an online course that helps you use affiliate marketing to make money online

Make Time Online Rating: 20 out of 100 

Recommended: No

What is Affiliate Supremacy about?

Affiliate Supremacy is a short online course that teaches all you need to know about affiliate marketing, and how you can make money from it.

The original version was launched sometime in 2015. But there is no concrete evidence of the exact time. There are even some saying that it was launched before that year. However, this latest version, which is now called Affiliate Supremacy, was launched in 2017.

Affiliate Supremacy is an ebook about Affiliate Marketing. It teaches beginners the fundamentals of affiliate marketing necessary for success. The product creator, Craig Dawber, discusses finding a niche, constructing websites, developing content, building lists, free and paid traffic, and social media.

Craig is a seasoned affiliate marketer who does an excellent job of imparting his knowledge to his pupils. He adequately and easily covers the ten topics.
"Finding a Profitable Niche" consumes significant time, and many newcomers to affiliate marketing fail primarily because they choose the wrong niche. According to conventional wisdom and pedagogy, we should select a market niche with a strong interest or experience.

It comes in the form of an ebook course containing 86 pages. It also has six more bonus materials and aims to create a complete sales funnel flow.

This also dives into how you can start using email marketing and use an autoresponder to secure clients and promote multiple products efficiently. This also comes in a PDF format which you can download any time you want.

I can't find any video made by Affiliate Supermacy or anything that discusses their products. But you can check out this 12-minute video to learn more about Affiliate Supremacy...


Let us then dig deeper into the creator of Affiliate Supremacy...

Who is Craig Dawber and John Chadwick?

Craig Dawber and John Chadwick are the creators of Affiliate Supremacy.

They also happen to be the co-founders of Digital Marketing Supremacy, which is another course platform that teaches you how to earn money from various digital marketing processes.

Not much is known about them because they lead a private life. I can't even find their photos when I search them online...

But based on my research, I found out that they have in-depth knowledge in affiliate marketing as they have received formal education in business and marketing. They then decided to monetize their skills and learnings by creating platforms that aim to educate people.

Both are also experienced internet marketers. However, Craig is more focused on product creation. John, on the other hand, is more inclined towards marketing as what his created WordPress themes geared towards commercial resale speaks for.

So, how does the course work?...

How does Affiliate Supremacy Work?

Affiliate Supremacy is an online course that discusses proven and effective strategies in affiliate marketing.

It dwells on the different areas you can tap onto for you to make money out of various affiliate marketing campaigns. Real-life examples, actionable steps, and diagrams make it much easier for regular joes to understand the concepts behind affiliate marketing and online profitability in general.

This also comes with different sections that focus on specific topics you can use to build your online wealth.

However, there are still a lot of other courses that offer the same or at least similar affiliate marketing topics. Here are some of the most popular ones:

Inside Affiliate Supremacy

Affiliate Supremacy is a beginner-friendly guide that teaches how you can make money off affiliate marketing.

Craig has compiled an impressively comprehensive set of resources for affiliate marketers. The 86-page ebook is loaded with useful information and illustrations for beginners. Everything is laid out and guides you through to the meat of the subject:

  • Affiliate Marketing
  • About Affiliate Supremacy
  •  Finding a Profitable Niche
  • Your Money Site
  • Creating Pre-Sell Content
  • Social Media Assets
  •  Free Targeted Traffic
  • Paid Traffic Overdrive
  •  Outsourcing
  •  Scaling Up

Craig is a seasoned affiliate marketer who does a great job of imparting his knowledge to his pupils. He adequately addresses all ten of the issues raised.

Discovering a profitable niche is an activity that takes a lot of time. Many newcomers to affiliate marketing give up too soon because they picked the wrong niche. Conventional wisdom and our teachings advise us to specialize in an area we care about or have some prior experience in.

It is divided into 5 main sections that each dwell on specific topics.

Here are they:

#1 Five Letter Acronym and Five Rules

This talks about the 5 rules that help you visualize your plans in your digital marketing endeavor.

Its aim is to supply you with the basic knowledge needed to understand the ins and outs of affiliate marketing, how you can build networks, choose products, and know what to expect once you’ve dived deep into it.

#2 Traditional Affiliate Marketing

This section talks about what affiliate marketing was back then and how you can still use this profitably even if the market has become more saturated. It’s all about building confidence and how you can leverage the different opportunities present in the market.

#3 Affiliate Supremacy Method

This includes the proven 4-step method that its creators have been promoting for a long time, even before this course came out. It is based on optimizing your customers’ value and making sure that they will continuously avail your offerings in the long run.

It contains two main diagrams that teach how you can scale your business and boost your income step-by-step. There’s also the so-called profit maximizer here that helps maximize your profit.

#4 Traffic Generation

This section discusses the importance of traffic and how you can make profit out of your site visitors. It explains the different kinds of traffic that are essential to building leads.

It also discusses the impact of each kind of traffic. Numerous traffic sources are provided in this section. You can even learn how to apply for traffic. This section includes a 3-step traffic plan.

#5 Cream On Top

This is the final section of the course which contains personal advice from Craig. He explains why some affiliate marketers fail, while others succeed and make millions of dollars of revenue.

Numerous tips and tricks on how to avoid bankruptcy are stated here. There is also a 3-step action plan that speeds up the process of making more money after you followed all of the prior tips and sections.

Check out this long 4-minute video where well-renowned digital marketer, Neil Patel, explains what affiliate marketing really is...


And what are the prices?...

Affiliate Supremacy cost to join

This is a very affordable affiliate marketing course because it’s just worth $17. And that’s already a one-time payment fee!

Affiliate Supremacy monthly cost

There are no monthly costs because you just have to pay a one-time purchase fee of $17.

That makes this worth your time and money...

Affiliate Supremacy reviews online

Affiliate Supremacy is an online course that teaches you affiliate marketing and how to earn and make money from the products Tai Lopez sells

But what you really want to know is if this can really help you earn money online.

To answer this, I've checked a number of client testimonials and reviews about his course...

Common positive Affiliate Supremacy reviews

  • New opportunity
  • Nice branding
  • Legit course details
  • Done for you Niche Websites.

Here are some of the best positive reviews I have found...

"I actually believe that this might be the best thing Tai has released because it gives you a chance at making real money by utilising the products, tools and resources that Tai Lopez has already built."

"I’ve personally benefited a lot from affiliate marketing so I like this idea of actually partnering with Tai to promote his own products."

"This also allows you to piggyback on Tai’s brand. It’s like becoming a franchisee of a brand like McDonalds or Subway."

“For $47, you will get “10 Done For You websites” in any niches you choose. (or 5 for $27 bucks). Don't buy them! It will be ‘failure waiting to happen‘. These pre-made websites contain content, keywords, images, and affiliate links. You may think that's great, but they won't work. Imagine that 10,000 people buy these sites, and even though they target different niches, there will be hundreds of similar sites with identical content. And this is something Google does not like. These sites will be de-indexed faster than you can say “no,” meaning that they will not show in any search results, and when people can't find your site, you can't make any money.”

Common negative Affiliate Supremacy reviews

  • Expensive
  • Unnecessary fees
  • Many cheaper alternatives

And here are the negative reviews worth checking out...

"What I really don't understand is why you would have to pay for this system. I mean in the end, Tai benefits from you providing traffic and selling HIS products. He pays you a commission - so all is fair. Why would you have to pay for access?"

"One thing that I didn't quite grasp was that you have to be part of his "gold" membership to be offered the money back guarantee. Bronze and Silver don't qualify. So i'm a little concerned here - maybe I don't know the whole picture but something doesn't smell right guarantee wise."

"You're not building a business here. You're not learning anything. In fact you're just a mule. A traffic mule is what is seems like. Because that's all you are going to be used for."

Is Affiliate Supremacy a scam?

Nope. Affiliate Supremacy is not a scam.

It is a legit affiliate marketing course that helps you earn passive income through affiliate marketing.

This comes with easy to follow and understand content which is very helpful if you want to learn affiliate marketing in the easiest way possible. This also makes this a very beginner-friendly course, and is easily understandable even if you don't have any prior knowledge.

But many are skeptical because not much is known about the owners. There are also just a few reviews out there that don't validate the legitimacy of this course...

Affiliate Supremacy pros

Informative content

It contains informative content that will really help you start your affiliate marketing career.

You can also start small even if you still don’t have the necessary skills and experience. You’ll definitely learn something from this course.


It is very affordable because it is just worth $17.

That’s way cheaper compared to most courses which are around $500 to $1,000. There are also no monthly fees, so that’s another win-win for you!

Affiliate Supremacy cons

Shady creators

We do not know much about its creators, Craig Dawber and John Chadwick. Yes, we know that they are successful internet marketers.

But they’re not that popular and very reputable compared to the creators of other courses like John Crestani and Tai Lopez.

That’s not much of a serious issue, but that’s still a big thing because the effectiveness of the course depends on the track record of its creators...

No guarantee of success

There is no guarantee of success because this is just a mere course.

You need to apply what you have learned and make sure that you follow it carefully. It doesn’t mean that you immediately will earn lots of cash when you buy this course. It’s just for educational purposes...

Down website

I tried opening their website multiple times, but it doesn’t show anything.

I feel like the hosting has expired and the creators just doesn’t anymore care if people get disappointed reaching their site and seeing nothing. This is a bad sign and is a clear indication that the creators aren’t anymore active in marketing their course and making sure it’s still in line with the current marketing strategies.

My opinion - Affiliate Supremacy

Affiliate Supremacy is not a scam. It is a legit online affiliate marketing course that helps you earn money through affiliate marketing, and how you can use it to build your own online brand.

It is also created by two successful internet markets, Craig Dawber and John Chadwick. However, they’re not that documented and not very popular.

Nonetheless, you get a truckload of information that you can’t easily get for free online.

But there’s  a catch to this, and that, there is no guarantee of success and immediate riches once you finish their course. It still depends on how you are going to implement the learning and use your own charisma and passion to build wealth online.

There are many more better online business opportunities out there that you can try now...

How I make passive income online

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