August 26, 2021

Affiliate Networking Mastery Review: In-depth Analysis on This Udemy Course

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Many people are looking for ways to make good money online aside from their day job. This is the main reason why there is a growing number of online courses that are popping up by the day.

One of these is called Affiliate Networking Mastery.

But you might have wondered…

Is Affiliate Networking Mastery a scam?

Well, it is not. Affiliate Networking Mastery is a legit Udemy course that teaches you how to build a profitable affiliate network both online and offline.

This course is going to dive deep into that and know the content, background of the creator, and the pros and cons so you can learn if it is a legit way to make money online.

This review will dig deep into its content, background, creator, as well as the pros and cons of the course, so you can know if it is a legit way to make money online.

This Affiliate Networking Mastery review has been thoroughly researched with information and testimonials that are available online to anyone in the public. Any conclusions drawn by myself are opinions.

Affiliate Networking Mastery review: The overview and rankings

Name: Affiliate Networking Mastery

Founder: Henry Zhang

Type: Affiliate networking marketing course

Success Stories: 30/100

Price To Join: $13.99

Affiliate Networking Mastery Pros

  1. High student rating
  2. Legit creator

Affiliate Networking Mastery Cons

  1. Negative comments
  2. Hype marketing
  3. No guarantee of success


Affiliate Networking Mastery is an online educational course in Udemy that helps you earn money through affiliate marketing.

Make Time Online Rating: 30 out of 100 

Recommended: No

What is Affiliate Networking Mastery about?

Affiliate Networking Mastery is a Udemy course that teaches anyone how to build an affiliate team to boost sales and maximize business profitability.

The course also focuses on finding the top affiliates in your market and industry so you can leverage on their success and use their influence to further boost your business sales.

It’s all about learning how to turn influencers into full-blast marketers that are more than willing to promote your products and align their fame to your brand.

There are many online platforms that you can choose from but one stands out from the other platforms. And that is Udemy. 

Udemy is an online platform that provides subscribers with a wide array of selection for many different courses and one of those courses is the Affiliate Networking Mastery. 

The Affiliate Networking Mastery course is a program that teaches students to create their own affiliate teams that would boost their profits and revenue by a significant margin. 

There are many influencers that have a huge following but lack the necessary knowledge and tools that would allow them to capitalize on their fame, with this course you would be able to turn influencers into marketers that would promote your product heavily as being an affiliate would significantly benefit them also.

The creator of Affiliate Networking Mastery is Henry Zhang. 

In addition, he has produced a large number of online courses on Udemy. 

He is a skilled trader, author, and businessman. Zhang began working for a bank after graduating as one of his university’s top students. Despite the stability of the workplace, he believed that working for a firm would prevent him from achieving his goals. 

Zhang ultimately made the decision to quit his job and launch a business, where he has since been able to generate consistent streams of passive income that he would not have been able to do while still working in the bank.

So, who created this Affiliate Networking Mastery in the first place?

Who is Henry Zhang?

Henry Zhang is the creator of Affiliate Networking Mastery. Aside from that, he has also created many online courses in Udemy.

He is a professional entrepreneur, trader, and author. Zhang graduated as one of the top students from his university and started working for a bank.

However, he thought that he wasn’t going to achieve his dreams by becoming an employee of a company despite the stability of the workplace.

Zhang then decided to leave his job and eventually start a business where he is up until now earning steady streams of passive income, which he could not have earned if he was still working in the bank.

So, how does the course work?…

Ready to make passive income online?

Hey, I’m Mike.

I created a passive income online within a year. I had no marketing skills or online experience when I started. 

How does Affiliate Networking Mastery Work?

Affiliate Networking Mastery works by providing subscribers an online course which teaches how people can use affiliate networking to boost business profitability while improving branding.

Every business aims to improve their brand and increase their profitability, the Affiliate Networking Mastery is exactly the course that helps with this goal. 

In this course you are taught how to find leads that would potentially be affiliates to your business and be able to capitalize on their fame to improve your business branding and profitability, in this way you will be able to sell and market the products of your business easily without many problems and issues. 

The original price of this course is $89.99 dollars for lifetime access, however they are having a discount at 89% off which drops the price to $13.99 dollars for lifetime access. 

The course only just involves a quick 40 minute video that you can watch over and over again in order to learn everything you need to know about affiliate marketing.

You will learn how to contact affiliates as well as influencers and use their fame and popularity to entice more people to avail your offerings.

You can also learn how to find affiliates and thought leaders to build a powerful network so you can market your products and services easily and without much inconvenience.

However, there are many other courses out there that share similar content.

Some of the most common ones are:

Inside Affiliate Networking Mastery

Affiliate Networking Mastery includes 2 hours of video that discusses the content of this course. There are also 13 articles found inside, and full access on mobile and TV. The subscriber can also get a certificate of completion once they are done with the full course.

This course is divided into 8 sections.


This is the first section of the course and discusses all you can expect from affiliate networking. You will know how the process works and how you can leverage on this strategy to maximize earnings.

Steps to success

Learn the step-by-step approach to earning big gains in the market. This is a detailed guide on how you can leverage success and boost your potential earning by choosing the right influencers.

Going the extra mile

This section dives deeper into affiliate networking and shows more advanced strategies to boost earning potential from your network.

How to Recruit an Affiliate Army

This section teaches you how to choose the right people to include in your affiliate network. Those who are beneficial in your own plans and are aligned with your ideals are the best choices for this.

Launching Your Affiliates Into Action

Know the right way on how you can launch affiliates into helping you earn for your business. The right call-to-action is provided here as well as how you can train them and use their expertise in improving your business process.

Maximizing Sales With Affiliate Contests

Learn how to maximize sales using different kinds of affiliate contests. This boosts hype around the market and increases the chances of gaining more leads into your offerings.

Final Words

This is the concluding part of the course which summarizes the entire scope of affiliate networking. It also shows what you can do moving forward and how you can use your learning into practical applications.


This section contains bonus information and knowledge you can use to further dive deeper into affiliate networking.

Check out this 1-minute video to give you a better understanding of Affiliate Networking Mastery…

And what are the prices?…

Affiliate Networking Mastery cost to join

Affiliate Networking Mastery is one of the most affordable online courses in Udemy as it is just worth $13.99.

However, its original price is $89.99. This means that it is currently on an 89% discount. What’s more is that they say that there is only 1 day left for this price.

Affiliate Networking Mastery monthly cost

There are no monthly costs for Affiliate Networking Mastery.

You just need to pay the one-time $13.99 cost, which they say, is an 84% discount from their original price of $89.99. There is also just 1 day left for this price, which I doubt…

Affiliate Networking Mastery reviews online

Affiliate Networking Mastery is an online course that teaches you affiliate marketing and how you can make money from various areas online.

But what you really want to know is if this can really help you earn money online.

To answer this, I’ve checked a number of client testimonials and reviews about his course…

Common positive Affiliate Networking Mastery reviews

  • Educational
  • Informative
  • Legit creator and platform

Here are some of the best positive reviews I have found…

“Because I think the instructor is very versed in what he’s doing and a professional and he brings his professionalism out for the lecture. I learn a lot from him.”

“The instructor gives good ideas especially in the bonus module. After that you can use your own imagination and do your own research for more.”

Common negative Affiliate Networking Mastery reviews

  • Not good
  • Vague content

And here are the negative reviews worth checking out…


“For the 40 mins you spend in this course you can gain some good basic information. Don’t expect something spectacular though. The instructor gives good ideas especially in the bonus module. After that you can use your own imagination and do your own research for more.”

Is Affiliate Networking Mastery a scam?

Affiliate Networking Mastery is not a scam.

It is a legit Udemy course that is made by a legit creator in the name of Henry Zhang, who is a successful entrepreneur and author. He also has made many different courses in Udemy, all of which has been rated and perceived as educational and very helpful.

But some people are disappointed because they just merely learn how to do affiliate networking from this course and that there is no guarantee of success even if they pay…

Tired of expensive crappy Affiliate Marketing courses? Check out how I make money online here!

Affiliate Networking Mastery pros

High student rating

One of the best things I like about this course is that it has a high student rating.

As you can see, this shows that students are satisfied with the course and that they find this informative and helpful in boosting their profitability in the realms affiliate marketing.

Legit creator

Henry Zhang is a successful trader, entrepreneur, and author.

He has created many different courses in Udemy as well, all of which are positively accepted by the students. He is well-documented, and he surely knows what he is doing thanks to its education and work background.

Affiliate Networking Mastery cons

Negative reviews

And just like most courses, this also has its own fair share of negative reviews…

This might turn you off because there are some things that Henry should first internalize and improve if he wants to get an even higher rating for his course.

Hype marketing

This course clearly deals with hype marketing…

As you can see, it says that the discounted 84% discounted price is just for one day. But I am pretty sure it is saying this for more than a day or maybe a week already.

No guarantee of success

There is no guarantee of success if you finish this course.

Note that this is just a course and that there is no assurance you can immediately get wealthy if you finish this. You still have to use the information and knowledge you obtained from Affiliate Networking Mastery and apply it on real life.

Ready to make passive income online?

I’ve created a growing passive income online with no previous marketing skills or online experience… 

I’ve made a special video for you to explain exactly how I did this. 

My opinion – Affiliate Networking Mastery

Affiliate Networking Mastery is not a scam.

It is a legit affiliate networking and marketing course that is available for anyone to buy and download from Udemy, a globally renowned online educational platform.

The course is also created by Henry Zhang, who is a successful entrepreneur and trader who has also created numerous courses on the platform.

The course includes much informative and educational knowledge about affiliate networking and affiliate marketing so you can boost your business profitability to greater heights.

But you all do this without the assurance of success because all you get is a course and you spend money and time on it.

Note that there are many other different ways and other better online business opportunities out there you can try now…

There are a lot of better online business opportunities out there that you can try now…

How I make passive income online

In 2018 I had no idea what affiliate marketing was. 

Once I learnt about it, it just seemed like a great business model that can grow over time using the power of the internet. 

So I tried to figure it out by myself… that got me nowhere fast.

Then I fell for some terrible online scams. 

But eventually, I found Wealthy Affiliate. It teaches long-term proven strategies to build an online business with all the tools & support needed. 

And this happened…

Once you learn the process of getting thousands of people to find your website every month (for free) there really is not limit to what you can achieve online. 

I’ve reviewed hundreds of courses or programs that claim to help people make money online. And I’ve spoken to dozens of 6-7 figure online entrepreneurs on my podcast.

This is by far the best place I’ve seen to help beginners get set up on the right foot. You can read my full Wealthy Affiliate review here (including the pros and cons!) 

Or you can watch an insiders video I made that explains exactly how it works here.  

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