October 28, 2021

How to Build An Outsourced Lead Generation Machine Review: Diving Deep Into This Udemy Lead Gen Course

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The lead generation system has dominated the digital market. With advanced technology, everything seems to move digital. And that’s true. We’re now in an era where things are automated. 

So, how do you earn with a lead gen course? If you want to know more about digital marketing, let’s find out about one of Udemy’s best lead generation classes.

Check out How to Build An Outsourced Lead Generation Machine and see if it’s legit.

This review will help you decide if it’s worth trying by discussing its content, pros, cons, so you’ll know if it is a legit way to make money online.

This How to Build An Outsourced Lead Generation Machine review has been thoroughly researched with information and testimonials that are available online to anyone in the public. Any conclusions drawn by myself are opinions.

How to Build An Outsourced Lead Generation Machine review: The overview and rankings

Name: How to Build An Outsourced Lead Generation Machine

Owners: Scot Britton

Type: Lead generation course

Price: $89.99

Best for: Anyone who wants to learn lead generation to make good money.

How to Build An Outsourced Lead Generation Machine Pros

  1. Useful
  2. Time saver
  3. Profitable

How to Build An Outsourced Lead Generation Machine Cons

  1. Basic
  2. Bad graphics
  3. Difficult to learn


How to Build An Outsourced Lead Generation Machine is a lead generation course that teaches you how to make money online through effective local lead generation.

Make Time Online Rating: 35 out of 100 

Recommended: No

What is How to Build An Outsourced Lead Generation Machine about?

Building your own company takes diligence.

Lead generation outsourcing means bringing in an external lead generation company to drive leads into your sales team.

Such a company may specialize in one aspect of business development – like cold calling – or be a more generalized marketing agency.

Every company will generate demand for its product or service internally in some way. But a fully mature marketing strategy uses multiple channels and methods – both inbound and outbound – to deliver more leads and make demand generation more resilient to changes and events outside of a company’s control.

While there are risks to outsourcing, especially vital business aspects such as building outsourced lead generation and sales, there are also many benefits that you can gain from it. In this course,you will learn to:

  • Locate, evaluate, and retain dependable outsourcers to perform research and services at a fraction of the cost
  • Choose the best outsourcers for their team and have them begin constructing enormous lead lists at a fraction of the cost.
  • Knowing how to leverage scalable software to reach thousands of prospects in a fraction of the time is essential for generating business chances.

With the right marketing plan, you can make enormous profits and cut down your cost…

But how to do this? How To Build An Outsourced Lead Generation Machine is the answer to this question. 

In digital marketing, the majority of its success depends on lead generation. With the right approach, you can ace your profit by increasing your leads. A team of outsourcers will help you become popular by creating leads.

Check out this 1-minute video to know more about Small Business Lead Generation…

So, who created this Local Lead Generation 101 in the first place?

Who is Scot Britton?

Scott Britton is the man behind How To Build An Outsourced Lead Generation Machine.

He is a seasoned digital entrepreneur who teaches more than 50,000 students about digital marketing. And hey, not the average techy dude that you know about. 

Scott works at Troops.ai as a software entrepreneur.

It’s one of NYC’s top 100 startups in 2016. He also worked at SinglePlatform as a business executive. The company was later acquired for 100 million dollars by Constant Contact.

Scott owns a website followed by 20,000 people called Life-LongLearner. He writes about sales and marketing and publishes them weekly. Quite a man of skills, is he? 

But best of all, he’s dedicated to his passion for teaching people how to enhance personal development, travel, and marketing. As such, he was featured in The Next Web, Lifehacker, and Business Insider as one of the top 25 rising stars in digital marketing.

So, how does the course work?…

Ready to make passive income online?

Hey, I’m Mike.

I created a passive income online within a year. I had no marketing skills or online experience when I started. 

Mike Beatty

How does How to Build An Outsourced Lead Generation Machine Work?

So, you’re an uprising digital entrepreneur and want to earn a high profit.

The best thing that you need to do is work on lead generation and top your sales. But the thing is, you don’t have the time to learn about lead generation. 

Don’t worry. How To Build An Outsourced Lead Generation Machine is the answer to your needs. It works by forming a team of outsourcers whose purpose is to make targeted leads. 

This course teaches you how to build a process and team of people to generate thousands of leads a week for your business at a fraction of the cost.

This course will teach you step by step exactly how to build a lead generation machine leveraging outsourced labor. 

You’ll learn the following:

  • How to define your ideal customer and build a process around finding them that you can pass off to outsourcers
  • How to find, vet, and hire outsourcers to execute your work, including testing systems and characteristics you should look for.
  • A host of different software automation work to take the work given to you by outsourcers and 10x your effort

If you put in the work, this course will pay itself back in spades within one week. Even getting comfortable finding and hiring these people you can use for other tasks is worth its weight in gold. 

You’ll be surprised how much this makes a difference when it comes to increasing your sales. Make an avatar to meet your customers’ demands. Hire a team of researchers who can help you increase your sales. 

The good thing about it is spending less while earning more. Make the best of it by reaching out to thousands of prospects within a snap. That’s how fast your business opportunity multiples by availing this course. 

Your team will do the work in finding potential clients for your business. With other people’s help, create massive lead lists and ace your sales. All you have to do is sit back and relax. 

Inside How to Build An Outsourced Lead Generation Machine

Now that we know a bit of background about How To Build An Outsourced Lead Generation Machine, time to go to its specifics.

This course is made to mark an opportunity of generating thousands of leads. You will learn how to use outsourcers to increase your sales. 

Outsourcing is an effective lead generation strategy that is used by most leading companies. With outsourced labor, this course will guide you in building lead generation on a step-by-step process.

With an outsourced team, you can make various helpful leads for your company. 

What you’ll learn

Engaging with digital marketing can be difficult. But if you know the right means, it’s just a piece of cake. This course helps you identify the best potential clients for your business. With a team of outsourcers, create a list of thousands of individuals that shares a common interest with your business. 

Just imagining a team of people looking for your clients sounds like heaven. But, the question of “how to build your team” comes next. As easy as it may seem, you need the right means to make an outsource team. 

Well, this is where this course fits right in. Everything you need is just around the corner. A team of experts will save you the hassle of looking for a suitable clientele. 

With various software automation, learn how to make your work easier with faster output. It’s like a machine for generating leads!

Guess what, you can earn back your investment within a week by simply applying what you learned. Yes, it’s as easy as that! And the best part, your effort in building a team of outsourcers is worth every dollar. Don’t get yourself outdated, adopt and apply what you’ll learn!

This course is for you

If you want to make a name in digital marketing, this course is for you. By connecting to people inclined with online stuff, your work becomes easier. Fishing for clients is the first step in making a business empire. 

No experience? Don’t get yourself tangled up with this mindset. This course will do most of the work for you!

Check out this 11-minute video to give you a better understanding of Small Business Lead Generation…

And what are the prices?…

How do you join How to Build An Outsourced Lead Generation Machine?

Now here comes the catch. How do you get to be a part of the team? It’s simple. All you have to do is go to Udemy’s website and search for this course.

Once you’ve made up your mind, click “Buy Now” and pay for the registration fee. Wait for the confirmation email then simply follow the instructions. Get ready to get your first pay!

How much does How to Build An Outsourced Lead Generation Machine cost to join?

Let’s go to the most crucial part. How much does this course cost? I guess this is where the rubber meets the road. 

This course costs $84.99.

Not bad for something that gets the job easily done, right? But wait, there’s more. 

This is inclusive of a 2-hour on-demand video, an article, 10 downloadable resources, and a certificate of completion. And the best part is, this is lifetime access on mobile and TV with a 30-day money-back guarantee! 

How to Build An Outsourced Lead Generation Machine monthly cost

So, if I’ll pay the registration fee, are there any other things that I need to cover?

To be blunt, I think none. There’s no mention of any monthly dues in joining this course (which makes it even more enticing). 

All you have to do is pay the registration fee. Once you’re done, you can have lifetime access to their tools and other materials.

So, I guess it’s safe to say that all you need to do is just comply with the registration process. 

However, many people fail to realize there are ongoing costs to this business model such as…

• Weebley hosting and domain: $25 a month per website

• Call tracker i.e. Callrail $45-$145 per month or Callsling – $498 one time fee (needed- but you get one included – note it doesn’t work everywhere in the world)

• Email autoresponder to track leads – $15+ a month

• PO Box (to set up your business address) – $19-$75 for 6 months (needed)

• SpyFu (competitor keyword research) – $33- $199 a month / AHrefs (keyword research) – $99 a month

• PPC ads – $200+ a month (not needed but can help for speed)

• Outsourcing (some people pay others to build a website or do some of the tasks- not needed, but a great way to scale eventually)

How to Build An Outsourced Lead Generation Machine reviews online

For something that offers income-generating material, it’s normal to be skeptical.

However, you should be aware that in every business comes risk. It boils down to the question of how much are you willing to take it. 

Despite some of its negative reviews, there are a lot of positive things about this course.

By simply following the book, you’ll be surprised how much profit you will earn. Thinking about negative things is one of the main reasons why people don’t succeed…

Common positive How to Build An Outsourced Lead Generation Machine reviews

  • Educational
  • Informative
  • Simple to understand

Here are some of the best positive reviews I have found…

“The idea and the way he explains it equals it by far. Thanks for this course.”

“This is the ultimate course for any busy guy looking to optimize their time and streamline their lead gen process. I love this course, thank you Scott for sharing your wisdom with us.

“I don’t have much background in this kind of thing so I really learned a lot. I thought everything was presented well, was relevant and had great ideas and examples that I could get started with right away.

Common negative How to Build An Outsourced Lead Generation Machine reviews

  • Expensive
  • Basic
  • Outdated

“Not that great last few videos do not have sound at all just basic process.

“Poorly presented, rapportive is no longer …one hell of a lot of hot air.

“Very basic info.”

Is How to Build An Outsourced Lead Generation Machine a scam?

If this course can give you a lift with your digital marketing business, will it work?

That sounds too good to be true. Let me tell you one thing. It works. And it’s not a scam. 

Still in doubt? I can’t blame you. Being skeptical is one of the most common reasons why people don’t try to invest. Instead of learning ways how to roll your dollars, the common negative mindset sets in first. 

If you want to succeed, try it. If not, then it’s your choice to make.

But seeing its positive reviews of changed lives, I bet you can’t say no. “How To Build An Outsourced Lead Generation Machine” is not a scam. And many people can back it up. 

Remember, the risk is always a part of the business. But with the right approach, you will become successful.

Tired of expensive crappy Affiliate Marketing courses? Check out how I make money online here!

How to Build An Outsourced Lead Generation Machine pros


Learning this course enables you to bring your digital business to heights. It’s very useful and has the best resources in terms of outsourcing. You don’t have to be an expert to reach your dreams. 

This course is the best tool to do the work for you. Earn cash and use your resources. With the right leverage, everything is made possible. 

This course offers the best resources for building your digital marketing business. It provides you with the needed information on how to make a change in the online world. Be a step ahead of others. 

Time saver

There are many ways to ace your sales in digital marketing. You can make random calls or email random strangers. However, doing these tasks is difficult.

No matter how easy it seems, calling and emailing people takes a lot of time. Let alone sending it to thousands of people. But, with this course, you can delegate these things to your outsourcers. 

They are tasked to look for potential clients that are qualified for your business. Their task makes lead generation much easier, creating more opportunities. By doing so, your sales will increase and result in lots of cash.

Very informative

This course contains everything you need about outsourced lead generation.

If you want to make your task easier, this course is the best for you. Get a team and make the best of lead generation outsourcing.

Worried about being new to digital marketing? Wait and see an interesting fact about this course. It’s like a package deal of all information about outsourced lead generation. 

This way, you won’t need to think about generating leads. By simply applying the course’s concepts, you’ll be able to reach out to potential clients. Earning cash is not just a dream.

How to Build An Outsourced Lead Generation Machine cons


Although outsourced lead generation is one of the new techniques in digital marketing, this course only covers basic information.

As such, you’re just attending a class for newbies. Everything that’s tackled is just the tip of the iceberg of how much you can make. 

If you want to learn more about digital marketing, you need another course module. It’s insufficient in discussing other details about the lead generation process. If your goal is to maximize your business, it’s better to tap with another course.

Bad graphics

At first, the discussions were good.

But in the last few videos, the audio quality started to become bad. Bad audio quality makes it hard to understand the lessons.

This makes learning difficult. Despite the effort of using this course to make an outsourced lead generation, your maximum potential is hindered. With bad graphics, you can’t maximize what it has to offer.

Difficult to learn

The course talks about outsourced lead generation.

And it’s good. But on the other hand, you need to catch up with each lesson. This makes it hard for other people. 

Each person is unique. What others may perceive as easy might be difficult for some. Other people have difficulty understanding the modules.

My opinion – How to Build An Outsourced Lead Generation Machine

Learning outsourced lead generation is essential in digital marketing.

It gives you the best opportunity to maximize your marketing experience. It allows you to look for a team of professionals dedicated to creating leads. 

This Udemy course enables you to use outsourcing to increase sales. While others may not believe that it works, thousands of people can prove that it does. At the end of the day, it’s always your choice to make.

There are also many other better online business opportunities out there that you can try now…

How I make passive income online

In 2018 I had no idea what affiliate marketing was. 

Once I learnt about it, it just seemed like a great business model that can grow over time using the power of the internet. 

So I tried to figure it out by myself… that got me nowhere fast.

Then I fell for some terrible online scams. 

But eventually, I found Wealthy Affiliate. It teaches long-term proven strategies to build an online business with all the tools & support needed. 

And this happened…

Make Time Online Income

Once you learn the process of getting thousands of people to find your website every month (for free) there really is not limit to what you can achieve online. 

I’ve reviewed hundreds of courses or programs that claim to help people make money online. And I’ve spoken to dozens of 6-7 figure online entrepreneurs on my podcast.

This is by far the best place I’ve seen to help beginners get set up on the right foot. You can read my full Wealthy Affiliate review here (including the pros and cons!) 

Or you can watch an insiders video I made that explains exactly how it works here.  

Mike PE teacher to Passive Income Online

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