September 24, 2021

Local Lead Generation 101 Review: Know How to Make Money From This Udemy Course

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Many people are on the lookout for new ways to make money online. This is why there is a growing number of online courses that teach people how to have a secondary stream of income aside from their day jobs.

One of which is Local Lead Generation.

But you might have been a bit skeptical about it, and asked yourself…

Is Local Lead Generation 101 a scam?

No, it is not.

In fact, it is an educational course available in Udemy that teaches you how to earn good money from lead generation and digital marketing as a whole.

This review dives deep into this course including its content, effectiveness, pros, cons, and many more, so you can know if it is a legit way to make money online.

This Local Lead Generation 101 review has been thoroughly researched with information and testimonials that are available online to anyone in the public. Any conclusions drawn by myself are opinions.

Local Lead Generation 101 review: The overview and rankings

Name: Local Lead Generation 101

Owners: Kris Kay

Type: Lead generation course

Price: $12.99

Best for: Anyone who wants to learn digital marketing and make money online through lead generation.

Local Lead Generation 101 Pros

  1. Affordable
  2. High rating
  3. Positive reviews

Local Lead Generation 101 Cons

  1. Basic content
  2. Hidden expenses
  3. No guarantee of success


Local Lead Generation 101 is a lead generation course that teaches you how to make money online through effective local lead generation.

Make Time Online Rating: 50 out of 100 

Recommended: No

What is Local Lead Generation 101 about?

Local Lead Generation 101 is a course that specifically dives into lead generation and how you can build digital assets using your clients.

With the growing number of opportunities in generating money in the digital platform, Kris Kay created the Local Lead Generation 101 course to help cater to the needs of anyone who wants to learn digital marketing and make money online through lead generation. 

With over 22,000 students, Kris Kay is regarded as one of the top-rated creators on the online platform. Kris possesses excellent skills and expertise in Amazon FBA, e-commerce, and lead generation, which has led to substantial profits. 

His initiative in creating Local Lead Generation 101 is to serve as a coach to anyone who wants to generate money online through this course in Udemy, given his notable mastery in the digital world 

Local Lead Generation 101 is a course that focuses on the topic of lead generation and teaches how to create digital assets using your clients. 

Like every other course, enrolling in Local Lead Generation 101 will equip you with the necessary skills that help you boost your income online. You just have to pay the one-time payment of $89.99 and you are already good to go. 

You also learn how to boost your profits using B2B sales while learning all the skills necessary to create a business with new investors.

This course also teaches effective cold emailing so you can learn how to write emails that entice new investors while demanding attention from profitable clients.

So, who created this Local Lead Generation 101 in the first place?

Who is Kris Kay?

Kris Kay is the creator and author of Local Lead Generation 101.

He is one of the most highly-rated creators in the online platform as he has more than 22,000 students.

Exactly speaking, he has 22,827 students as of writing. Kris is knowledgeable and skilled in Amazon FBA and ecommerce as well as raking in massive profits from lead generation.

His mastery in digital marketing also proves that he has what it takes to serve as a coach for anyone who wants to make money online.

So, how does the course work?…

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Mike Beatty

How does Local Lead Generation 101 Work?

Local Lead Generation 101 works by giving access to anyone who has subscribed to the course in Udemy.

In a digital industry filled with massive opportunities, Local Lead Generation 101 will surely guide you in realizing the possibilities in the digital world. The services provided under the Local Lead Generation 101 course start by providing access to the ongoing subscribers of Udemy. 

Local lead generation involves generating leads for local businesses through various digital marketing strategies. Subscribers will be taught tactics and skills such as search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, email marketing, pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, and the like. All of this is within 2 hours’ worth of video tutorials and discussions. 

Downloadable resources are also included in the course, giving full lifetime access to students. 

The course also covers effective cold emailing techniques that provide its students with the skills to write compelling emails that attract new investors and capture the attention of profitable clients.

The goal of the Local Lead Generation 101 course is to attract potential customers to the business and convert them into paying clients. 

This can be a highly effective way to help businesses increase their revenue and grow their customer base. By creating digital assets using clients, businesses can also benefit from ongoing lead generation efforts and build a sustainable source of leads over time.

This online course includes 2 hours’ worth of video tutorials and discussions. There are also two downloadable resources and full lifetime access to students.

Subscribers can also gain access both on mobile and TV. Aside from that, you can also get a certificate of completion once you have finished the course…

The whole local lead generation business model is broken down in this course. This then helps you rank a regular website in Google and generate phone call lead for any kind of business.

It’s more about targeting local clients instead of the broader national scope.

Inside Local Lead Generation 101

Local Lead Generation 101 is an online course that comes with six sections or modules. There is a total f 34 lectures in this course and spans a total length of 1 hour and 50 minutes.

Here are its individual section modules:

Local Lead Generation comes with six (6) modules or sections. It comprises a total of 34 lectures that spans a total length of 1 hour and 50 minutes. 

The sections are (1) Introduction,(2) The 4 Pillars of Finding a Niche, (3) Building our Rental Property, (4) Ranking Our Rental, (5) Prospect – Reach Out – Partner – Profit, and  (6) Sell Me This Pen: Secrets and Tips on Winning Over a Client. All of the sections are constitutive to your overall performance in your way of generating money in the digital world.


This is the first section of the course. It introduces you to what lead generation really is.

It gives you an outline of what you can expect from this business model and how you can prepare all the resources and skills needed to succeed in this new business endeavor you are putting yourself in.

The 4 Pillars of Finding a Niche

This section talks to you about the different niches in lead generation and what you need to do to choose the right and perfect niche for your business. The foundation is laid out here in deep detail.

Building Our Rental Property

Learn the deeper side of local lead generation by diving into a rental property. You can easily choose the right properties to tap into, as well as how you can monetize your assets and your clients so they can become your leverage.

Ranking Our Rental

Know how to rank your site and business in Google by creating a profitable website that entices new clients and investors. Learn more about the art of attracting new clients and boosting your network to a wider audience.

Prospect – Reach Out – Partner – Profit

This dives deeper into the more advanced side of local lead generation.

You learn how to prospect clients, reach out to them, and use them as your partner to reach mutual business goals. You also learn how to profit effectively from your new local lead generation business.

Sell Me This Pen: Secrets and Tips on Winning Over a Client

This is the final module and section of the course. You learn how to win new clients and maintain a healthy business relationship with them.

You can also know more about how you can grow your new local lead generation business.

Check out this 2-minute video to give you a better understanding of Local Lead Generation 101…

And what are the prices?…

How do you join Local Lead Generation 101?

All you have to do to join Local Lead Generation 101 is to first go to their site at Udemy.

You then hover your cursor to the right-most part of the screen and you can see the Buy Now button.

Click that button and follow through the process.

How much does Local Lead Generation 101 cost to join?

The course costs $89.99.

That is already a steal knowing that most lead generation courses cost hundreds or even thousands of dollars…

Local Lead Generation 101 monthly cost

There are no provided monthly costs because you just have to pay the one-time payment of $89.99.

However, many people fail to realize there are ongoing costs to this business model such as…

• Weebley hosting and domain- $25 a month per website (needed)

• Call tracker i.e. Callrail $45-$145 per month or Callsling – $498 one time fee (needed- but you get one included – note it doesn’t work everywhere in the world)

• Email autoresponder to track leads – $15+ a month

• PO Box (to set up your business address) – $19-$75 for 6 months (needed)

• SpyFu (competitor keyword research) – $33- $199 a month / AHrefs (keyword research) – $99 a month

• PPC ads – $200+ a month (not needed but can help for speed)

• Outsourcing (some people pay others to build a website or do some of the tasks- not needed, but a great way to scale eventually)

Local Lead Generation 101 reviews online

Local Lead Generation 101 is an online course that teaches you digital marketing and lead generation and how you can make money from various areas online.

But what you really want to know is if this can really help you earn money online.

To answer this, I’ve checked a number of client testimonials and reviews about his course…

Common positive Local Lead Generation 101 reviews

  • Beginner friendly
  • Informative
  • Helpful

Here are some of the best positive reviews I have found…

“Great course for a total beginner that wants to get an idea about this business model.”

“Great info, fast paced, but plenty of useful information and resources.”

“The course was great man, I have been looking all over trying to get into the space and not really knowing where to start. I’d love to have a conversation sometime. Congrats, this is a great course with an abundance of knowledge on lead gen.”

Common negative Local Lead Generation 101 reviews

  • Basic information
  • Fast speaking
  • Some information are outdated

“You need to get into the discord group which costs $200 for all the tools and information… this course is very lackluster and not very detailed.”

“So fast and no good.”

“Some of the resources are outdated/unavailable but overall a good overview.”

Is Local Lead Generation 101 a scam?

Local Lead Generation 101 is not a scam. 

It offers legit training methods for you to make good money out of your lead generation business.

You basically learn all there is to know about local lead generation so you can attract new clients, leverage their reputation and assets, and create a mutually beneficial working relationship.

The reason why some people call Local Lead Generation 101 a scam is because they did not realize what they were getting into before.

They find out that you really do have to work hard in order for you to make any money and it takes time and effort to generate substantial amounts of profits for your business. 

The rest of this Local Lead Generation 101 review will show you the main pros and cons that I see from the course program…

Tired of expensive crappy Affiliate Marketing courses? Check out how I make money online here!

Local Lead Generation 101 pros


The best thing about Local Lead Generation 101 is that it is very affordable.

It just costs a cheap $89.99.

Although that may still be a substantial amount of money for some, it’s still way cheaper compare to other courses which cost around a few hundred dollars to even a thousand bucks.

High rating

Local Lead Generation 101 has a high rating, including its creator.

This shows that many people are satisfied with the course and that it is educational and very helpful in pursuing a business in local lead generation.

Positive reviews

Check these out…

You can clearly see that its students find this course very informative.

They also have generated good income from this course after they finished it and followed all the things it has taught. This is a very good sign that it’s worth the try.

Local Lead Generation 101 cons

Basic content

The content is simple and beginner-friendly.

That might be nice, but it just doesn’t help that much if you’re the kind of person who already has some experience in lead generation.

It’s for beginners, and that’s all. Yes, it might help some intermediate lads, but it will function more just like a refresher course.

Hidden expenses

You only pay a cheap $89.99 for the one-time subscription fee.

However, there are additional expenses you need to consider so you can make the most out of the course.

Prepare to spend at least an additional $100 monthly because you need to use more tools to rake in higher conversions and acquire more leads.

No guarantee of success

There is no guarantee of success even if you already finished and completed the course.

The effectiveness of this course still depends on your willingness and passion to generate new local leads.

It depends on how you are going to use the learnings and knowledge you have acquired for practical use.

My opinion – Local Lead Generation 101

Local Lead Generation 101 is not a scam.

It is a legit lead generation course that teaches how to generate new local leads and use this as a profitable business model.

It is created by a well-known Udemy course creator named Kris Kay who has high ratings and positive reviews, just like his courses.

It includes informative courses about lead generation and how you can make passive income from your website.

But you get all these in exchange for spending some cash for the course. There is also no guarantee of success and massive profits as soon as you finish their course.

There are a lot of better online business opportunities out there that you can try now…

How I make passive income online

In 2018 I had no idea what affiliate marketing was. 

Once I learnt about it, it just seemed like a great business model that can grow over time using the power of the internet. 

So I tried to figure it out by myself… that got me nowhere fast.

Then I fell for some terrible online scams. 

But eventually, I found Wealthy Affiliate. It teaches long-term proven strategies to build an online business with all the tools & support needed. 

And this happened…

Make Time Online Income

Once you learn the process of getting thousands of people to find your website every month (for free) there really is not limit to what you can achieve online. 

I’ve reviewed hundreds of courses or programs that claim to help people make money online. And I’ve spoken to dozens of 6-7 figure online entrepreneurs on my podcast.

This is by far the best place I’ve seen to help beginners get set up on the right foot. You can read my full Wealthy Affiliate review here (including the pros and cons!) 

Or you can watch an insiders video I made that explains exactly how it works here.  

Mike PE teacher to Passive Income Online

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