April 28, 2021

Real Profits Online Review- Easy Money Opportunity or Scam?

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There are affiliate links in this Real Profits Online review, which means if you make a purchase through these links, I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. Read the full disclaimer here.

You probably agree that most people would be delighted to make money online in a couple of minutes and a few clicks of a button.

Real Profits Online suggests you can do exactly this!

As you read every word of this Real Profits Online review you will discover what the system truly is.

And by the time you finish reading this page, you will have learned what you can do to make money online to free up your time.

Real Profits Online Review - The Overview and Rankings

  • Name: Real Profits Online
  • Owners: Mark Douglas (is it though?) 0 out of 100
  • Website URL: realprofitsonline.pw
  • Type: Amazon Job (Affiliate Marketing)
  • Training: 10 out of 100
  • Support: 0 out of 100
  • Success Stories: 0 out of 100
  • Price: $47 signup + $700+ upsells
  • Maketimeonline.com Rating: 2 out of 100

Pros and Cons


  • Learn the basics of affiliate marketing


  • Shady website
  • No real information about what you will actually do before buying
  • Doesn’t deliver its ludicrous claims
  • Teaches "black hat" techniques to you about affiliate marketing
  • Negative reviews

What is Real Profits Online?

Mark Douglas (some guy) offers you a work from home Amazon job that will make you $500 a day!

So you're probably interested to know what this job actually is?

However, from the website, it's harder to work out what it is than explaining quantum physics to a monkey whilst eating a handful of marshmallows.

After the ridiculously long sales video, you can use your detective skills to realise it’s not actually a "work from home Amazon job" at all…

You will learn how to be an affiliate marketer on Amazon.

Mark claims that some other guy called Tim has shown him how to make money online in 2 minutes and a few clicks.

Also note that there are many more similar programs out there just like:

Now I can almost hear your mind saying… “Why is there a 30-minute video explaining this then?”

Well, my amigo… that is the right question!

Is Real Profits Online a Scam?

The short answer is yes.

The long answer is below…

It’s important to mention here that affiliate marketing is not a scam and it is a legitimate way to make money online.

If you provide your readers with awesome value and legitimate, honest recommendations then you will actually be helping other people. You can find out more about “What Affiliate Marketing is and 8 Lucrative Tips for Beginners” here.

However, lying about how easy it is to make money online to get people to put their hand in their pocket and pay you is, in my eyes, a scam and “a black hat” method.

9 Red Flags That Expose This Scam

There are 9 BIG red flags that will show you exactly what to expect from this program.

You can read more about “How to Spot an Online Marketing Scam” to see if you can spot any yourself in the future.

So let’s stop pussy-footing about and get into the main course…

#1 Upsells

So Mr Douglas claims it is completely free to start.

However, when push comes to shove you will actually need to fork out $47 just to start…

This is just the start too. You will end up having three more upsells totalling over $700 just to get the most out of the program.

Now $700 for an online course can be worth its weight in gold. However, not disclaiming the costs up front is a clear warning the program is not all it’s cracked up to be.

The next red flag is probably more concerning…

#2 It Doesn’t Tell You What You Will Learn

It is never OK for an online course to not tell you what you will learn.


Obviously, they can’t give away all the knowledge otherwise the course would be free!

But if you aren’t sure exactly what you will need to do or what the course will cover then how are you supposed to make an informed decision on whether it is a right fit for you?

#3 Too Good to be True…

I bet your Mother taught you this when you were young!

Well, the fact is in the online world… it’s true!

Making money online is not easy. Real Profits Online makes it seem like you just pay a “small fee” then plug in the system and it becomes an online ATM.

It’s simply. Not. Possible.

Remember, if you think it seems too good to be true then it probably is.

#4 Fake Testimonials

So here are some of the incredible stories from some of the “people” that have used Real Profits Online.

Now here are some actors on Fiverr that get paid to read a script/ use their photo.

Recognise anyone here?

Let me ask you this...

If a company is that good why are they paying people to pretend like the system has worked wonders for them? Surely a REAL person who used it would become a raving fan happy to leave a testimonial.

Top Tip- Before purchasing an online course try to reach out to a real person who has used it either on social media or ask the company for their contact details (especially if it’s expensive!)

#5 Old Scam… New Name

Check out this Amazon Cash Websites review...

Don’t you think the websites layout, pictures and text looks spookily familiar?

Hang on, isn't that program also linked to "Money Sucking Websites"?

Why would the same program keep changing it's name if it has nothing to hide?

If this doesn’t set off alarm bells in your head, then I’m not sure what will!

#6 Loads of Terrible Reviews & Complaints

OK, I have a challenge for you…

Find one positive review of Real Profits Online that's not on their website.

Seriously, check out what others are saying about the program…

Trying to find a good review that isn’t on their website is like looking for an honest man in the Whitehouse.

#7 Who is The Owner?

So as it turns out Mark Dalton doesn't really exist. His photo is also some random stock photo that anyone can use.

I normally pride myself on figuring out who the owner is and doing a little bit of research on them (no it’s not just Facebook stalking!)

But whoever the real owner of Real Profits Online is really doesn’t want to be found.

I’ll leave it up to your imagination as to why that is…

#8 Scarcity Tactic

This is a well-known marketing tactic.

If you’ve ever been onto a website to book a hotel you will see “only 5 rooms left” and the likes.

How does this make you feel when you finally find a room that isn’t littered with reviews about the cockroaches and it doesn’t cost more than your monthly salary?

Well, these guys are using this same tactic.

The only thing is… online courses don’t run out! Physical rooms in a hotel do!

So the hotel is using this tactic legitimately and to help you make an informed decision.

Real Profits Online is using it to deceive you and make you hurry into a decision you weren’t sure about (aka “black hat tactic”)

#9 Fake News Articles

The final red flag in this Real Profits Online review is that it uses fake news to sell this “course”.

The news article about Amazon may well be real, but the fact is the program isn’t really a work from home Amazon job at all.

It will show you how to become an affiliate marketer with Amazon, which is a completely different thing.

My Opinion- Real Profits Online Review

You’re smart enough to be able to tell by now that I DO NOT recommend Real Profits Online.

There are far too many red flags that expose this program for what it really is…

A temporary money-making-machine for the owners… and no one else.

I say “temporary” because this is the truth about use “black hat tactics” to make money online. It may give them a quick buck but you can see that this program has already changed its name AT LEAST once!

People are not stupid and they will see through these lousy sales tactics eventually.

That being said, it is possible to make money online by genuinely helping people. You can really add value to them and help them learn about something they are interested in.

For example, this review has hopefully helped you see that this program is not worth it.

I hope that was valuable to you and I hope it has saved you at least $47 and more importantly a heap of time and effort. Read this if you’re interested to know more about “The Best Affiliate Marketing Products to Promote".

If you are interested to learn how to make money online in an honest way with ethics at the forefront, then read on…

Real Profits Online Review: The "MakeTimeOnline" Final Word

So Real Profits Online is not what it’s cracked out to be.

But don’t lose hope amigo.

The online world can provide you with all the things the Real Profits Online lousy sales video promised.

About the Author

Mike Beatty has built a passive income online whilst working as a full-time PE teacher without any marketing or technical experience. Learn more about how he's done it here.

Mike Beatty

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