January 1, 2019

Why Make Time Online? Financial Independence Retire Early Blog

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As you start reading the beginning of this article you will find yourself wondering what a Financial Independence, Retire Early blog is (FIRE). 


You don't realise it yet, but in a few short moments, you'll begin to feel excited and curious about the future. 

The further on you read, the more you'll understand what the website name "Make Time Online" means to me and why I started this website...


The Importance of Time

Let me tell you a story... A few years ago I saw a post on Facebook asking people "What is the most important thing in your life?"

Everyone had a slightly unique answer, which was obviously personal to them, some of which include:

  • Family
  • Love
  • Happiness
  • Freedom
  • Good health
  • My children
  • Money
  • Passing on a legacy
  • Being "financially free"
  • Travel
  • My religion

At first glance, it looks like everyone had a very different "thing" that was the most important to them. 

Some of the reasons JUMPED out at me. 

Do you notice the ONE thing is needed for all of them?...




Drift back to a happy moment with your family. Chances are you were spending some quality time with them. 

You probably know that people using their time doing things through choice are happier than people who are FORCED to do something. 

If someone wanted more money than Bill Gates or to be financially free, it was because of what the money could buy them...

Time to spend doing what they want!

This was the first time I heard of a Financial Independence, Retire Early blog.


Time is more valuable than money. You can always get more money but you can never get more time.

Jim Rohn


After you read this short article, you will have learned that time is important to EVERYONE:

  • People that are miserable in their job are spending their TIME doing something they are not passionate about. 
  • The happiest people have control of their own schedule
  • Being stuck in traffic is soul destroying because it's eating up your TIME!

So why don't people have time?


Related Articles:


What's Stopping People From Having Time? 

There are only 2 reasons people don't have enough time or do something they don't want to do:

  1. Fear 
  2. Greed


Every single person on the planet has the same time... We all have 24 hours in a day. 

So how comes some people seem to be rushed off their feet the entire time they are awake and others seem to achieve so much and have all the time in the world?

Imagine, for a moment, how these two people would use their time:

  • Elon Musk
  • Homeless man 

Just think about it... This homeless man could have grown up in the exact same town as Elon. He could have had the same opportunities as him and went to the same school.


The only difference is the HABITS they implemented throughout their life. 


You may be thinking that Mr Musk will have to do certain things and will more likely not have as much time to spend how he liked during a day compared to the homeless guy.

Are you beginning to notice that this is a choice?

He has acted on his own passions and he has the option to do ANYTHING he would like on any given day. 

Equally, the homeless guy may be very happy spending time with loved ones and living a "simple life".

But just imagine what it would be like if you were FORCED to live a certain way because you did not have the resources to live the life you'd like.


Ways of Making More Time using the Financial Independence, Retire Early blog 

Now, I can almost hear your mind saying "it would be easy to just quit your job and live like the homeless man."

However, this is not what I mean by making more time. 

I mean making MORE time to spend doing the things you REALLY love. 


Wouldn't it be amazing if you could do this, function in society and help other people?

And the best way to create time for this is to make money. Ideally through passive income. For example:

  • Invest in index funds (read this post)
  • Rental income for a property that you own
  • Affiliate marketing income (connect people with what they are already looking for online)
  • Sell your own courses (information)
  • Sell your own Books
  • Lend an investor money for a better return on your money (check out our property business website here)


Are you beginning to notice that all of these things can be done online or from using the internet?

Do you remember hearing the Internet has changed the rules of the game of money? We're now in the INFORMATION age!


You probably already know this but to create a passive income you will have to put some TIME and EFFORT in up front.

Now, let me ask you this... wouldn't you rather put in time that pays you over and over again rather than having to keep trading your time for money?

This is what you will learn from this Financial Independence, Retire Early blog.


Do REAL People Actually Live Financially Independent and Retire Early? 

Si Amigo... YES!

This is the goal of this Financial Independence, Retire Early blog. 


To help you reach FIRE quicker and easier than you ever thought possible.


Still don't believe me?

Check out Michelle Schroeder-Gardner's 2018 income report of over $1.5 million.


Wouldn't it be amazing if you didn't need to be a genius, workaholic or know stuff about computers to do it?...


But I Would Get Bored Not Working

Mwahahahaha (not sure why it has to be an evil laugh)

That's exactly what I used to think... 

"I'm not even interested in money, after all, it's the root of all evil"... 


Look, let me ask you this...


What would you do if time, money and resources were NO object?


If you are anything like me then you probably haven't given this much thought growing up. 

The fact is when you really understand the answer to that question you will start becoming FIRE...D up (see what I did there)

It's much more than just being "financially free" or "travelling the world" or "spending a week in your pants watching 'The Apprentice' re-runs" (no... just me? OK moving swiftly on...) 


The whole point is to figure out what you WANT your life to look like. 

If you're already living life exactly how you WANT it then stop reading right now and go and enjoy it pumpkin!


OK, but HOW can People Realistically Achieve FIRE? 

Listen, you are not made an "entrepreneur" or an "employee" in the womb. 

The first step is to give yourself permission to do whatever you want. 

Once you've done that you can start thinking about ways to achieve FIRE.

Here are some simple (and FREE) things you can do right now:



There are unlimited ways to become financially free as you will learn in this Financial Independence, Retire Early blog. But the big secret is:

You won't achieve FIRE through a job. You NEED a side hustle.


There are literally hundreds of ways to make money on the internet but here are just a few examples:

  • Take surveys for money
  • Test out apps or games 
  • Sell your stuff on websites like eBay/ Gumtree
  • Translating
  • Teaching English online
  • Freelancing (proofreading, design logos, writing, check emails, book holiday etc.)
  • Affiliate marketing (direct people to what they are looking to buy online)
  • Buy and sell websites/ domain names
  • Sell your own information (Science GCSE revision, How to take amazing pictures on your iPhone, How to buy property without using your own money etc.)
  • Blogging (ads, affiliate marketing, sell own products, sponsorships etc.)
  • Drop shipping
  • Amazon FBA
  • Trade Forex/ Stocks/ spread betting etc.


Pin this post to come back to it later



Make Time Online Summary

After you read this article you will have learned the reasons behind the website name "Make Time Online" and what to expect from this Financial Independence, Retire Early blog.

Do you begin to notice that it's much more than about making more time or money in your life?

It's about giving yourself permission to think about what you would do with your life if you had unlimited resources, time and money. 

As this page ends, imagine what it would be like if you could live the life that you dream of. 


Keep changing for the better,



p.s. If you are interested in making money online to free up your time, have a look at my #1 recommended program here, which I am currently using.




p.p.s. If you have any questions or thoughts please feel free to drop a comment below... or send me a message on WA here

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